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Demigods Page 17

by Robert C Ray

For an instant, he completely forgot about what she was asking of him, and all he understood was the kissing part, but then it came back to him.

  "Okay," he said with a stoned smile as he stared down at her, and handed her the joint.

  Without ever unlocking her eyes from his, she accepted it, and then placed her hand behind his head before pulling his lips to her own. It was not a passionate kiss, though slightly prolonged, like one that you would expect from a kissing booth at a charity event, but it would be the highlight of his school year.

  Once again, he uttered that incredibly sophisticated word, which means far more to some people, than it does to the rest of the world.


  "See you around, handsome," she added to the situation, slightly satisfied by the fact that his heart rate was now a slave to her, rather than the drug, and she allowed her hand to slide gently across his cheek as she turned to walk away.

  She did not hear him utter the word again, until she was a good quarter of a mile away. She knew that he had lost sight of her quite some time before that, yet still he stood there, and said it again, before turning away to continuing on the path that he had long forgotten about.

  Suddenly, Viper felt something else that she had never experienced before, and it was guilt. Sure, she had felt it in other ways, but now she felt it about Charlie, because it would have broken his heart had he known that she had kissed another man, even though it was to serve a higher purpose.

  She walked only a short while before determining that she would never kiss another man as long as Charlie still lived, and this brought some contentment to her confused heart.

  He was such a kind sort, and not like the others that were involved in her programming. He was sweet and naive, and although she was not as naive as he was, she could still relate to him.

  The way that she could see his fear and insecurities when he looked at her, made her understand his innocence, and she began to long for him. He was the best man that she had met, and she had met many of them now that she freely roamed about.

  "I do love you, Charlie," she thought to herself, before another man offered to carry her bag.

  "No thank you," Viper replied without ever smiling, or turning her head. "I think I've got it."

  Certainly, she could hear him stop, and look back at her, but it did not flatter her at this moment. Her mind was on her love, and she understood more than anyone, how complicated the situation was.

  Finally she reached her destination, which was a sports bar with a dance floor upstairs, and according to the position of the sun, which she did not need opened eyes to calculate, it was somewhere between thirty-one and thirty-four minutes after four o'clock. This, she had figured, was a perfect time to enter.

  As she had assumed, there were some young, college men there, and although they had not seen her enter, the electromagnetic waves that her brain produced involuntarily, caused many of them to sense her presence unwittingly.

  The bar was at the far end, and the large duffle bag did nothing to lessen her sensual sway as she made her way there. She reached out to touch things as she passed them by, giving many the impression that she might be blind.

  Along the way, all of the men noticed her, as well as a businesswoman with her red hair pulled tightly back, and Viper found her heartbeat and the change in her breathing, to be most intriguing.

  It was not at all like the changes that occur in men when they first see her, like that of Pavlov's dogs. Instead, it was more like Schrodinger's cat, who was always calm, and uncertain of the outcome, while always wishing to live.

  This truly sparked Viper's curiosity, and she wished that she could explore such a phenomenon more intently, yet it did not fit the strategy that was well developed within her calculating mind. It was a young man that she required for everything to happen perfectly as planned.

  She had barely set the bag beside one of the stools, before a man offered to buy her a drink, not even giving her time to sit down. She had heard him approaching the moment that he stood up, but his scent made him an unlikely mark. It told her that he was a man that could handle his alcohol, and she was looking for the exact opposite.

  "Perhaps later," Viper told him with a smile, and then sat down, and looked away.

  She could feel how this disheartened and embarrassed him, both at the same time, and it made her feel bad, but he was not a part of her strategy. He would have to simply get over it, because now was not the right time for her to make him feel better.

  "I'll have a Long Island," she told the barmaid as she approached, and as the woman turned to fix her drink, Viper turned, and blinked her eyes open once more, before turning back away in her bar stool.

  All of the men still stared at her, yet she could sense their fear after watching how she had rejected the first man, but the redhead in the navy blue skirt suit had a sense of hopefulness developing within her.

  Although most of them were college males, the two that sat off to the side seemed the most promising. They had expressions that were a bit more shy than the rest, and they were not drinking whiskey, or beer. Instead, they had colorful drinks in front of them, and the fact that they seemed to be studying more than just her, made it obvious that they were the ones that she was looking for.

  "Here you go," the barmaid told her as she set the drink on the hardwood, but when Viper offered a twenty-dollar bill, the young lady continued.

  "The boss said that this one is on the house," she continued with a smile, but Viper could also detect the disgust within her voice. It made sense, because she could also detect the change in the vitals of a man who had been watching her from the end of the bar, and she determined that he ran the place.

  "That's just fine," she returned as she placed the bill on the bar, "but I assume that tipping is still acceptable."

  At this, Viper instantly found favor within the woman who had found a reason to despise her only a moment ago, and it made both of them feel better.

  Now she had to continue what she had come here for, so she took the drink, and turned in her stool, before grabbing up her bag, and walking over to the two young men that she had targeted. They were both naive according to what she felt from them, yet that was the point.

  She opened her eyes as she approached them, understanding that the scene, in no way, would give away her location, which had only made them an even more perfect mark. It tickled her the way that they had become nervous, yet unable to look away as she neared them.

  One had light brown hair that was styled in a way that made it obvious that he did not know how to style it, with its medium length. The other had dark hair, cut in a way that was simply simple. Both of them were clueless.

  She had also heard one of them speak to the other when she had first entered, and knew that his name was Greg, but despite this, she would approach as though knowing nothing at all.

  They both sat next to each other, while slightly apart, studying as they had been flipping through papers that they had spread out across the table. It made her smile as she watched them stack them up neatly when they noticed her coming their way.

  Placing the bag beneath the table, she sat down across from them, and uttered words that they would have normally heard only in their dreams.

  "If you party with me," Viper said with great charm and a slight tilt of her head as she smiled, "I will let you take me somewhere afterward."

  "Yes, ma'am," Greg managed to reply, while the other had something to say as well.

  "She was talking to me," he told his friend, as he playfully socked him in the arm.

  "I was talking to both of you," she explained as she removed the sunglasses, while looking past them both, to continue the ruse that she was blind. "I am new here, and I just want to have a good time."

  At this, the two young men just about did what was unthinkable, though it was not entirely their own fault. She was completely in control of their hormones, and they had no defense against it. To say the least, they both felt it deepl
y within their most instinctual parts.

  "Will you party with me then?" she continued as she placed the sunglasses back upon her face, and closed her eyes once more.

  "Yeah," they both said immediately, before slugging each other in the arm, but before either of them could speak again, she had something else to add.

  "You have to drink at my pace," Viper explained with a devil's expression, "or I'll just find someone else."

  Two young men sat there confused by the reality that they found themselves in, while each of them thought that they were the lucky one.

  "Okay," one of them finally said, finding courage as he bottomed up his daiquiri.

  Turning to motion for the waitress, Viper then turned back, and placed all of her money on the table. The two young gentlemen, however, would have nothing to do with that, and they both insisted upon paying.

  It took them both by surprise when she ordered five shots of Southern Comfort for each of them, yet they both still wanted to impress her.

  "Don't be afraid now," she teased, which only made them more complacent.

  "I'm not afraid," Greg managed to reply as he sat up in his chair, believing that he actually had a chance, considering the fact that she appeared to be disabled.

  "And what is your name, handsome?" she then asked of his friend, which seemed to totally break Greg's heart.

  "Andrew," he replied with a smile, feeling that he might be the one that she desired, while neither of them realized that she was playing them both.

  Soon, the waitress began to set the shots upon the table, without ever placing them in front of anyone in particular. She would leave that up to the patrons, while Viper showed her gratitude by slipping a twenty into her apron.

  The redhead, however, was still watching, and Viper knew this. She had determined that she was not a threat, but it was a distraction nonetheless, so she sought a way to include her within the strategy that she had calculated.

  "Bottom's up," she declared as she drank the first shot, and they both followed her lead, but neither of them did so gracefully.

  "One more time," she said with a smile before tipping the second shot, and like lost puppies, they did the same.

  As if this was not enough, she tempted them in a way that is both kind and cruel to any man.

  "When you finish the rest," she told them in a teasing tone, "I'll kiss a girl."

  They quickly began to down the shots, yet she kept a pace ahead of them, for her body worked too efficiently to ever feel the effects of the alcohol, and she had given them more than enough to get the ball rolling.

  "Finished," Greg found the strength to say as his head began to sway, having finished his share, while his friend was still struggling with the last one.

  "I'm finished too," he managed with a belch in-between, but Viper had already stood up, and began to feel her way over to the beautiful redhead that had been watching her.

  "I bet those guys over there that they couldn't finish all of those shots," she explained to her as she sat down, and removed the shades, "and I lost, so now I have to kiss a girl."

  She did not look directly at the woman, but stared off in the distance, selling well the idea that she could not see. She needed to make it seem natural that she would be wearing the sunglasses in such an environment, and everyone in the sports bar was beginning to believe it as well.

  "Oh, yeah?" the lady replied as a smile grew large upon her face, while she stared deeply into her pale green eyes. "How can I help you with that?"

  "Can I kiss you?" Viper asked before licking her lips in a way that seemed natural, rather than suggestive, but the woman found it to be seductive nonetheless.

  "I suppose that it would be fun to see the looks on their faces," she replied before realizing what she had just said.

  "I’m so sorry," the redhead told her as she placed her hand soothingly on Viper’s leg, believing that she was actually unable to see. "I didn't mean to say that."

  "Don't think twice about it," Viper returned as she smiled, and placed the sunglasses back on her face.

  "You can tell me all about their reaction," she smirked with a childish grin.

  At this, the redhead released her large bundle of hair, and it fell to the middle of her back. She then ran her fingers beneath Viper's own, blonde hair, and placed her hand gently upon the back of her neck, and they both leaned forward to lock lips in a most sensual fashion.

  Suddenly, half of the bar erupted with cheers, yet neither of them seemed to notice, as they embraced the moment until they reluctantly withdrew. Pressing their foreheads together, they both smile at each other, delighted by both the kiss, and the response of the crowd.

  "I should really get back over there," Viper told her new friend before standing, and gently grabbing her hand. "Would you like to join us?"

  "Certainly," she replied as she stood, and walked hand in hand, back to the other table, while Viper was delighted to see that she could actually affect the heartbeat of this mysterious woman.

  It was not that the redhead was mysterious in general, but that she was so because Viper could see that she did not respond like the men did, and she was compelled to understand why. Viper had sensed her watching her from the beginning, but the redheaded woman’s body reacted differently, which was more than enough to arouse her curiosity. In the end, she determined that she liked it a lot.

  Releasing her hand before she sat down, Viper introduced them.

  "This is Greg and Andrew," she told her before turning to the young men who sat there speechless, "and this is my new friend..."

  "Amber," she stated with a smile as she reached out to shake their trembling hands.

  They sat there with their mouths wide open, as Amber leaned over to whisper into Viper's ear.

  "I think we made idiots of the little geniuses," she said, which caused them both to giggle, while the men fell deeper into a trance.

  "I feel like dancing," Viper declared as she reached across the table, and touched both of their hands before grabbing her duffle bag, and standing to swing it gently over her shoulder.

  To everyone there, including her current company, it seemed rather light, as though to carry nothing more than clothing, though the truth was more ominous. It actually held everything that she needed, which she had taken from the delta unit, along with some bedding, and other items designed to make it silent.

  "Don't forget your car keys, Andrew," Viper told him, and he quickly grabbed them up, while both of them left their papers upon the table.

  Taking Amber's arm, Viper allowed her to lead her upstairs to the dance room, while the two young men were quick to follow, still salivating like Pavlov's dogs.

  "Would you find us a table?" she asked of the redhead as she smiled up at her, before releasing her hold, and heading to the restroom on the second floor. "And could you find something for me on the jukebox? Whatever you like would be fine."

  "Certainly," Amber replied, more than happy to comply.

  "Come with me, gentlemen," Amber told the two, quite capable of handling men in her own way, but they were both disheartened by the fact that the two beauties had separated.

  When they had sat down, the lovely redhead removed her suit coat, and draped it over one of the chairs, before turning to walk over to the jukebox. Along the way, she unbuttoned her shirt, and tied it into a knot, feeling more in the mood to party now, than she had when she had first entered the sports bar.

  Rolling up her sleeves, Amber began to go over the selection of music, and wondered what she should play. The young, blonde beauty had said that she felt like dancing, so Amber searched for a song that she would most likely enjoy watching her dance to.

  Finally, she found the one that seemed to fit the bill, and it was Kid Rock's, "All summer long." Longingly she pressed the buttons, and Viper did not make her wait too long at all.

  Stepping from the bathroom as the song began, with her shades in her left hand, and her eyes closed, she slid the duffle bag across the r
oom, and it stopped perfectly beneath the table where the two young men sat. What was different however, was that she was now wearing the sensuous, red dress.

  Without hesitation, she pranced to the beat, onto the dance floor, and placed both hands beneath her hair, and behind her head, as she began to sweep her hips in a circle, while slowly and gracefully turning about.

  Before the Lyrics had begun, she had only spun a full circle twice, but when they did, she moved her right hand to her lower back, and began to sway her hips from side to side, as she gently tossed her hair, always in the opposite direction, to the beat of the music, while never looking up from the floor.

  Then she put her hands back behind her head, and began to gyrate her hips, as she seemed to allow the music to seduce her. The melody consumed her, and though Viper’s intent was to charm them, she also became charmed by the music.

  The two young men sat there with their mouths wide open once more, while Amber looked on longingly, watching her dance like an innocent country girl. With her eyes closed, it seemed as though she was consumed by the melody, although the three of them were seduced by the nature of her motion.

  Without warning, or even opening her eyes, Viper motioned for the lovely redhead to join her, and Amber was more than willing, as she, herself, began to feel that young again.

  Neither Andrew nor Greg even knew how to dance, so they were perfectly content with watching the display, as they clenched their legs together as if to hide their excitement. The two women, however, were lost within each other.

  "You haven't told me your name, yet," Amber softly spoke, and was taken aback by the way that Viper wrapped her arms around her navy blue skirt, and pulled her closer, as she forced her to sway with her to the beat.

  Then the guitar solo began, and viper released her, to dance in front of her again.

  "My name is Kitty Hall," she replied as she opened her eyes to allow her new friend to fall in love with them even more, while smiling up at her, "but my friends just call me Kitten."

  Amber continued to dance with her gracefully, yet she was truly stunned, and speechless.

  "I've been told that I am playful, but always up to no good," Viper said as she closed her eyes, and continued to dance with a smile that made Amber still feel helpless.


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