A Siren’s Song (Sisterhood of Jade Book 13)

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A Siren’s Song (Sisterhood of Jade Book 13) Page 6

by Billi Jean

  “Well, maybe such things aren’t for you. I’m sure once you see what you’re missing, you’ll change your mind. Women in our realm are pampered, they don’t cook on a fire. They have ovens and mixers and gadgets. They have pedicures and manicures. Shopping days and nights out with the girls.”

  She replaced the brush in the saddle bags near the post tethering their horses and patted Lightning on the head after to stall meeting Stephano’s gaze. The mare blew against her face. The brief comfort helped. Lightning’s dark eyes seemed to say Stephano didn’t understand what was really important in life. Maeve agreed. He didn’t. She dropped her hands and headed back to camp.

  “Don’t rush off so soon. We’ve not even argued.”

  They didn’t argue. She wished she could. Maybe shout at him, explain that he was the worst man she’d ever met, but she couldn’t. And he was. Not because he would leave them if they were attacked. Or sell them to the highest bidder, like some men they had encountered. But because he was more. Or he could be so much more, but wasn’t.

  Riches, material things mean nothing. They were cheap compared to truly caring for another.

  But she couldn’t tell him that. She couldn’t ask him why he was the way he was. All she could do was walk back to the camp, holding all she wanted to say in. Worse, she couldn’t even talk to Brennan about him. If she did, she feared what would happen. Brennan is convinced everything will be fixed with these men and their realm. If he discovers I’m attracted to one of them…

  “Come on, slow down,” Stephano muttered, easily catching up to her.

  She paused under the wide branches of an enormous tree. Every rational part of her mind knew he wasn’t someone for her to touch, and yet…even knowing that, she shivered as he caught her upper arm. Lightly, as if fearing she might race off, he smoothed his hand up to her shoulder and urged her around to face him. His touch was so gentle she wished that he meant such tenderness.

  “What are you, Maeve? Not mortal, eh?”

  The way he asked, as if he hoped she wasn’t one of the few mortals that roamed this land, made her frown. Why does that matter?

  “No, you’re something else. Beautiful, sneaky, a bit of a liar, but with those eyes and lips, you have to be something more… Are you a mermaid perhaps? Out of water.” He touched her nose so quickly she blinked at the contact. “Or maybe a Faye, lost in this world filled with your dark brethren?”

  She shook her head. There were no Faye in this realm, other than the Dark. It was rumored that at one time all Faye were good and roamed the golden seas in search of adventure and knowledge. But the king lost his queen, and ever since that tragic day the Faye were as dark as their king’s heart.

  “No, I suppose not.” He wrapped her hair in his hand, slowly winding it higher and higher. As he did, he drew her closer and closer. For some reason, she couldn’t bring herself to move away. “You won’t say, mmm?”

  He bent closer, so close she could see the bits of brown in his light eyes. Her heart began to beat faster. I should move. I should stop him. But his lashes were so thick and dark, his expression so sincere, she couldn’t. He’s not. He’s not to be trusted. She knew this, knew it, but like before, couldn’t move.

  His hold tightened. Against her will she reached up and laid her hands on his chest. The contact made her body burn. She trembled and he felt it. His expression grew intense in that way she knew she needed to step back or he would kiss her.

  Stephano made the decision for them. Bending closer, he brushed his lips ever so lightly along hers. “Don’t move.” Then going very slow, giving her time to move if she choice, he brought his mouth down on hers.

  The kiss dissolved every bit of her worry along with rational thought. His taste was spicy, mint, she realized, part of her wondering why, the other intent on tasting more. With that goal in mind, she slid her hands up his shoulders to grip him tighter. The hard contours of his body rose and fell rapidly under her palms intriguing her even more than his delicious kiss. Heat burned along her front but she moved closer, needing more. Her arms slid easily around his neck as she tiptoed to press along him. Yes, oh gods, yes. Shivers traveled down to her core, heating her body for the hard column of flesh shoved hard to her stomach. The kiss grew wilder. She learned quickly his rhythm and felt him harden further.

  With a low groan, Stephano released her hair and began to tenderly caress her back from shoulder to hip with his big hands. Pleasure erupted in a warm wave up and down her spine at his caress. She arched her bottom for attention and was rewarded with a hard squeeze of each cheek and firm press of his body to hers. It was perfect.

  Nearly perfect. He didn’t shove between her thighs, didn’t align their bodies so she could ride him, something she suddenly had to have. She sought his thick thigh, but he released his grip on her bottom and stroked his hand down her stomach. With startling results, he cupped her between her thighs. Yes! Oh, gods, yes!

  Before she could beg for more, he moved his hand and found a spot that sent a jolt of pleasure, followed by ripples of more intense sensations through her. An orgasm hovered, coming closer and closer with each second. She felt the two of them click into place. This is what she needed, what she wanted. Even as she thought it she knew he was never someone she could have. The pleasure dipped, as a chill surfaced.

  “Maeve!” Brennan’s shout startled her so badly she fell from Stephano’s arms. She stumbled backwards, but this time without biting Stephano. This time his gaze was locked on hers with the knowledge of what they’d shared. She knew she had done something terrible. As soon as she registered that, the tingles still throbbing along her sex, dimmed further.

  Stephano delivered a loaded frown toward the trees, then stepped farther away from her, shocking her even more. She ran a hand down her hair and tucked it behind her ears, feeling as if the world had tilted. I kissed Stephano. I let him touch me. Wanted him…again.

  Brennan came into view, spotting her immediately and grinned, but the expression faded as he noticed Stephano. “Ah, there you are. All done with the horses?”

  She steadied her breathing, nervous at the intensity of her brother’s gaze.

  “Narc,” he muttered, giving Stephano barely a glance. “Ajax needs to speak to you back at camp.”

  Stephano didn’t move, but Brennan said, “Maeve, I want to discuss the next few days.”

  “Right,” Stephano muttered, giving her a loaded glance she could only assume meant the next time he got her alone, he wouldn’t let this be forgotten. “Try not to go off without anyone, it’s not safe,” he added, surprising her again.

  Is that why he comes after me? Not because he wants to sneakily try to get me into his bed but because he is guarding me? Then why kiss me?

  As soon as he was gone Brennan frowned heavily. “Why is he always with you?”

  “He is not always with me.” She felt the blood rush to her face at his continued stare. The urge to wipe at her mouth was unbearable. She was certain there had to be a visible change in her. She felt completely different. His hand, the warmth of it still heated her sex, making her ache for what he’d almost given her. “He still believes I can speak.” A rush of heat flushed her cheeks. She went on quickly to avoid more questions. “He teases me about it, that’s all.”

  Instead of reassuring him, he sighed wearily and ran his hand over his short hair. “Does he feel—?”

  “What did you wish to discuss?” She wasn’t sharing anything with Brennan. He had never understood her. It was one reason she never shared her thoughts with him. If he learns I willingly kissed Stephano, wanted more, he’ll be so angry.

  Brennan anchored his hands on his hips.

  She knew the pose, but this time, she felt no urge to give him anything at all. “Well? I told you all I know. The rest would be speculation. What is it?”

  “There might be trouble. Behind us,” he added. “Until I know for sure, I want you in the camp. No more going off alone.”

  She felt fear drive a pa
inful knot up from her stomach. If they were followed by someone after her… What if they find us? What if these brave men are hurt because of me? “We have to tell the men! What if we—?”

  “I’m not sure yet.” He gazed off into the forest as if he could see whoever it was he sensed. Her heart thudded painfully. Brennan focused back on her. Scanning her face quickly, he shook his head. “Don’t be afraid. We’re many now. No one can get through all of us, ‘Aeve. Come on, it’s time to start supper. The men are hungry. Let me worry over who it is. But…don’t go off alone any longer.”

  Nodding, she followed him back to the camp, praying that for once her brother’s sense of danger was wrong. What if they all are harmed, killed, because of me?

  Chapter Six

  Trouble was close. Stephano’s shoulder blades had been tingling for hours. The night before they’d even had their first cold camp. Maeve, everyone’s favorite, hadn’t made them a meal. Instead, she’d handed out the dried, salted meat of some unknown animal and a hard biscuit. Travel rations had never tasted so good. The men were once again being babied by a woman he wanted but couldn’t lay a hand on.

  Except he had. He’d done more than lay a hand on her.

  That kiss. He rubbed his hand over his mouth recalling the sweet taste. Why do I never kiss women? He wanted to pull her to the side and devour her. Kissing Maeve was…addictive. The way she’d clung to him did odd things to his technique. He always prepared women. First light touching. Then a bit of playful roughness, if they indicated they liked that. Then he’d start the heated caresses meant to tease them into accepting his considerable size and appetite for pleasure. He made sure they were taken care of, but he also made sure they were hot and willing to give him anything he wanted.

  That hadn’t been the deal with Maeve. The little snip of a woman had him salivating even now thinking about how hot it was to kiss her. He’d been putty in her hands. He’d done everything she’d wanted. The way she’d made little whimpers when he’d stroked her pussy… He’d nearly gone off. A grown man, coming in his breeches? And from barely touching a woman’s pussy—through her dress? Baffled didn’t even begin to describe how he felt about that.

  But he wanted more. Gods, did he want more. And if he was one thing, he was a judge of when a woman was ready. Maeve practically glowed with unfulfilled passion.

  Not that he’d had a moment alone with her to ease that heat.

  Her brother, not a stupid man, had started to sit across from him at meals. Brennan’s gaze had lingered on Stephano much longer than before. No longer was she allowed to wander. A good thing in his opinion. Until it also made being alone with her impossible.

  The need to fuck her was only second to the need to feel her climax in his arms. It’s the time without sex. I want her to be so hot she’ll allow me to take her the way a man really wants a woman—hard and deep—showing her I can give her pleasure, right from the first deep thrust. The mere idea of Maeve weak with pleasure and submissive to his every fantasy had him pulsing. She was already at that point. With a kiss. But so was I. Why was that? Her kiss? Her body glued to mine?

  The unanswered questions made his frustration level, already high from not having her, so high Ajax had stopped speaking to him. Even Garret, the little bastard, wouldn’t sit near him. Maeve hit him too many times by mistake with her pots, or a spoon, or a cup to make it accidental. Especially since it was usually on the back of his head. The sneak did it when no one seemed to notice. Or if they did, they chose to pretend they didn’t.

  “It’s a band of slavers.” Brennan’s announcement stopped them all in their tracks.

  Startled at the idea, Stephano moved his mount closer to Maeve. “Slavers? Where do they sell the slaves?” Maeve was playing with her reins and kept her eyes on her brother. He was forced to do the same.

  Brennan shrugged. “Back in the north. This area is ripe for them. They attack the small clans, mostly independent families, little more than tent people. They’re easy targets. So are the farmers. Anyone isolated, alone is a target. They won’t attack a group our size,” Brennan finished, sounding more confident than Stephano liked.

  “Are we talking Dark Faye?” Ajax pulled his short sword.

  Stephano agreed and pulled his longer blade, wishing he had a blade to give Maeve. I should have taught her some self-defense instead of trying to bed her.

  Maeve glanced at him, her pretty face filled with worry. No, she’s too small. She stays with me. I’ll have to make sure she’s not harmed. He frowned at the idea. He’d never guarded a woman before, or anyone, for that matter. He fought in battles. The idea of having to fight one with her there made his gut clench. Any chance blade, any fucking chance anything and she’d be… She’ll be fine. I can damn well make sure of it.

  “No. If it were them, we’d have no warning,” Brennan assured them.

  Ajax didn’t appear to buy that any more than he did. He’d felt the dark magic of the Faye. It had soured his gut, making him feel ill. There was no such sensation now. But how close do they have to be to feel it?

  “Best be prepared,” Stephano advised.

  “Garret,” Alrick muttered the one word with a tilt of his chin and Garret loped off back the way they’d come, through the sparse trees.

  Stephano shared a look with Ajax. If the pup didn’t return, Stephano would go after him. They’d barely gotten the little bastard back. He glanced at Darren and saw the wolf’s brother stared hard at the spot where Garret had disappeared.

  “He’s the quietest hunter I’ve ever met. He’ll find out what the problem is, then find us,” Alrick assured them.

  “We’ll know who it is before too long, either way. They can’t hide out here,” Brennan explained, nodding at the surrounding hills littered with small, bent and twisted trees. “But this terrain can make it difficult to see clearly.”

  “We keep on?” Stephano asked.

  Brennan dipped his chin in what could have been a nod and moved his horse up the trail.

  Not happy, Stephano started to pick a path along the rocky stream bed.

  The forest had become lean, but the land was choppy with low hills. The countryside they’d left was riddled with rabbit holes, too, both of which would slow pursuit. His mount stumbled more than once in the hidden burrows. Ahead the trees appeared darker and smaller, but there were huge rock slides on either side of their trail and an enormous bramble patch. The sky was a gray mash of water-heavy clouds that hung there, holding in the downpour so the air felt heavy. If it rained it would provide more cover for them. It would also make it harder for Maeve. She was too small and fragile to be on this trek. For the hundredth time he wondered what it was about her that captivated him.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear, avoiding looking at any of them. She did that, kept to herself. More than not being able to talk, he thought she liked quiet and often sought it. Of course, that gave him time to find her alone, but she wasn’t safe by herself.

  At a whispered word from her brother that Stephano didn’t catch, she pulled open her satchel and withdrew a long, coarsely woven piece of material. She wrapped it around her head, hiding her bright hair and most of her pretty face and gown. It reminded him of a burqa.

  He studied the new look, then jerked his chin at Ajax. If they were trying to hide her, then they needed her in the center. They both moved to cover her on both sides.

  “What’s with the cloak and shawl?” he asked her brother.

  Brennan hesitated then shrugged. “This signifies she has something. They will think she is an untouchable.”

  She was untouchable, at least for now. As soon as he got them to a quiet, isolated room, he was going to touch—wait. “What does that mean? Something?”

  Brennan tossed him a frown. “It means they won’t come close.”

  Stephano wasn’t satisfied with that, but from up ahead, Darren gave a low whistle, stopping them. The horses stamped and shook their heads. They’d have to stop soon, or walk and give the be
asts a break.

  “We move to higher ground?” Darren called. “Or through the pass?”

  “We stay low.” Brennan gestured to the hills rising in front of them. “Between those. The path we need goes through this pass. It leads us to a bridge over the Yellow River. We need to go across it, get supplies, and head north from there if we hope to get to the gate.”

  Maeve was trying to get her brother’s attention by plucking at his sleeve. Brennan didn’t shift his gaze, ignoring her to the point of making Ajax and Alrick frown. He knew he was scowling. Maeve didn’t interrupt her brother, and she never put her ideas forward—well, she couldn’t speak, but still, she never showed a sign of disagreeing.

  “What is it, Maeve?” Ajax asked before he could.

  She shifted in her saddle then shook her head, ducking it the way she had when avoiding answering.

  Ajax studied how nervous Brennan worried his reins. “What is it?” His horse pawed the ground. Stephano reined it in. It tried to nip at Maeve’s mare.

  Brennan avoided everyone’s eye. “The slavers can be dangerous.”

  “And? Will they attack? What are their numbers?” Stephano demanded. “We need facts, man.”

  “They move in groups, usually no more than ten, but none as well-armed as we are. They don’t take on a fight,” he muttered, but the glance he gave his sister was filled with worry. “Not the ones from this region, at least.”

  “From this region… So you believe they aren’t from here? Or with your sister here, they might attack?” Brennan grimaced with a shrug that ignited Stephano’s temper. “Either way, we can’t chance it,” Stephano snarled. “We need up high, out of these woods and not in there”—he gestured to the canyon—“where anyone above us has the advantage.”


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