Everflame: The Complete Series

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Everflame: The Complete Series Page 92

by Dylan Lee Peters

  Here stood Densa, the ancient warrior, the son of the Lady Moon and the possessor of power so great, it could give sight to the blind or banish light from the world. He could give life and take it with but a breath, and he possessed a weapon so great, even an equal to his strength could not fell him. The Everlife.

  Hundreds of men fell upon him like ants upon a forgotten feast; they pummeled and pounded his body like the waves of a storm upon a brave captain’s hull. He felt every second of it, he relished every breath of it, he bent under the impossible weight and retreated into the darkness of himself for one moment to reach for the strength that would bring his victory.

  My faith and my promise, he thought. Forever.

  With a burst, Densa rose up and out of the giant mound of metal like the eruption of a geyser. He soared above and beyond the reach of the metal beings whose goal was his destruction, and he looked down upon them with purpose and clarity.

  Long ago, you had a name. I gave it to you. We gave you life and then I gave you a name. I will not stop until I take back that name I gave; until I take back the life I gave.


  Down, like a strike of lightning came Densa. His impact upon the hundreds of metal soldiers was total. Those that did not shatter from his force were thrown so far and so fast that their joints and sockets could not hold them together. A million tiny pieces of scrap went up from the earth like a cloud of ash. The army of metal was no more; disintegrated like a leaf in an inferno. Densa breathed heavily, kneeling upon the ground. His teeth ground as his jaw clenched tight. He had not uttered that name since it was decided that the first man would be destroyed.

  “Gerometus,” he said again. “I am coming for you.”


  Chapter 26: The Truth of a Nation

  They began to arrive as Dendrata was preparing to leave. Animals from around Ephanlarea had made their way to Elderton Forest to meet with the King of the Bears. Eveneye thought that Dendrata seemed all too cavalier about the arrival of thousands of new animals to her forest, but she casually informed Eveneye and Goldenheart that she was leaving to give her help in the war against the Tyrant. She could seemingly care less about the arrivals.

  “We can’t ignore the world we are a part of,” she had said in her departure. “Regardless as to how we strive to be free from it.”

  Eveneye and Goldenheart were shocked to see that some of the animals on pilgrimage were bears. Goldenheart had forgotten that she had sent bears away from Gray Mountain to tell their story to the other animal kingdoms of Ephanlarea. Now they were returning, and she knew it was up to her and her husband to assure them that their efforts had not been in vain. Yes, the mountain had fallen. Yes, they had been forced to search for a new home. Yet, they could not let this defeat them. They could not stand among these animals now, only to relate that the Tyrant had indeed won. Hope could not be lost. Eveneye had to tell them all about Evercloud, and about Stephen Everheart. They would build a new home.

  Eveneye and Goldenheart stood upon a large boulder as the sun filtered through the forest canopy, bathing the thousands of pilgrims in its magical light. The bears looked down upon the foxes, deer, rodents, birds, turtles, boars, and countless others who had gathered to hear from them. Eveneye took a deep breath and began to speak to eager ears.

  “We are glad to see all of you here. We are happy to know that our strength is so many, especially now, in a time that is so sad and difficult for we bears. We have fallen, but we will again rise, for we can see that we have great supporters. We are brothers and sisters, all of us. Though we have differences that are many, we have similarities that are strong, and alliances that are stronger. The kingdoms of Ephanlarea that live apart from man have endured and will continue to endure. Let the Tyrant bring forth his power, we have our own champions, our own saviors to have faith in, our own truth to believe.

  “I will speak to you, firstly, of a man named Steven Everheart, who travels Ephanlarea, enlisting humans to take up our ways and our woes. He helps them to understand us better and he fights for a future where humans may stand among us during times like these. He fights for a day where the Tyrant is no more and all creatures of this land ally with each other.”

  A disturbance was occurring within the crowd of animals, enough to halt Eveneye in his speech and force him to take notice. He strained his eyes to see what was happening, but all he could see were animals clearing a path so that someone could come forward. As the movement of the crowd came closer and closer to the boulder, it seemed to the bears that nobody was moving forward at all. It looked as if a path were being cleared for a ghost. Eveneye was confused. However, his confusion lasted only a moment before four rats scurried up the side of the boulder and addressed him directly. Their voices were not loud enough for the crowds to hear, so Eveneye listened to them and then related their news to everyone.

  “It would seem that we continue to be laden will ill news, my brothers and sisters. These good rats come to join us from Nefas, and they bring news that Steven Everheart has fallen in his quest to help us.” Whispers and murmurs moved like a wave through the crowd, Eveneye felt lost for a moment but knew that he had to continue. If he stopped now, this news could destroy what he had hoped to build. His heart ached for the young man that had once been called Catch. “Hope is not lost, my friends. This is sad news and I will grieve the passing of Steven Everheart in my own time, but hope is not lost. I assume you have all heard the stories of my son, Evercloud. He quests on and gains power as we speak. I had hoped to have two humans that would champion us, but Evercloud will never be defeated. He will succeed where others have failed. The Ancients have given him powers. My wife has seen these with her own eyes.”

  The crowd was hushed as Goldenheart stepped forward. The past days had been very hard on her. Grieving the loss of Autumn had been quite difficult for her to manage, but like her husband, Goldie understood the importance of strength in this moment. She knew the animal kingdoms were looking to her and Eveneye for strength, assurance and hope. She meant to give it to them.

  “My son, Evercloud, has been given great strength by the Ancients. Upon Gray Mountain, vile and evil creatures had assaulted us. These black giants had no fear and no purpose, other than to bring death to us. No one of us could stand against them; none of our weapons could destroy them. Yet, Evercloud could, and did.”

  “We have seen these black beasts,” shouted a badger.

  “As have we,” uttered a fat, old pigeon.

  “Evercloud has the power to defeat these evil things,” continued Goldenheart, “and he will defeat the Tyrant. We still have hope as long as he lives and breathes. That is truth.”

  “And what of Riverpaw?” came a booming voice from the back of the crowd.

  Before Eveneye and Goldenheart knew what had happened, a large beast from the back of the crowd had climbed a tree and began leaping from branch to branch as if he were light as a bird and twice as quick. In what seemed like a flash, the giant creature stood beside Eveneye and Goldenheart upon the great boulder, looking down upon them with familiar eyes.

  “Who are you?” asked Eveneye. As Eveneye looked at the form of this creature, he told himself he had never seen it before. Eveneye wasn’t really sure he knew what sort of beast he gazed upon, but the voice was familiar, and as he looked into the creature’s eyes, it became all too clear.

  “I know how different I look, but you have spoken with me before, Eveneye.”

  I don’t believe it, thought the bear king. “Tenturo?”

  The name carried through the crowd like a sacred oath and then disappeared, leaving only reverence and silence in its wake.

  “Yes, Eveneye, it is I. I know how different I must look. Much has happened to me since we last met.”

  Eveneye was struck silent. Yet, Goldenheart broke that silence with a question.

  “You speak of Riverpaw? You have news of him?”

  “No, I ask of Riverpaw,” responded
Tenturo. “You name Evercloud as your only hope against the evils of this world and I wonder why. Here you stand as a group, a massive entity, yet you name no animal as hope. What of Riverpaw, and for that matter, what of you? What of all of you?”

  “We have not the power to defeat the Great Tyrant,” said Eveneye.

  “How soon we forget the follies of the past,” muttered Tenturo and then turned to address all of the animals that had gathered in Elderton Forest. “When the Tyrant first swayed the minds of men, it was through the false idea that they could not have faith in themselves. The Tyrant preyed upon each individual’s fear that they did not have enough power to control their own fate. Now you stand here, with full knowledge in the history of that lie, and you perpetuate it further. Why would you believe that Evercloud is your only hope? Every one of you has the ability to exact change within your own lives. You would tear down one Tyrant, just to create another in his place?”

  “We have no power,” called one of the animals. “What would you have us do?”

  “I would not have you bow uselessly at the foot of Evercloud like some pathetic thing. I want all of you to look at me, well and good. I was a great griffin. It was the Tyrant who attempted to break me by destroying what I once was, but it was I who did not give in. It was I who rebuilt what I am. I may no longer be a griffin, but I am no less great.

  “I understand that there are those of us who have more talents than others, or who are more intelligent or who are stronger. But I would not have you bow to those people and hand them your fates. Do not concentrate on what you can’t do, but instead, focus on what you can do. Use others to help you grow and in turn, help others grow as well. Let the strong show you the way to strength, let the intelligent show you the way to knowledge and wisdom. I can’t believe that all of you plan to sit here and wish your lives away, simply hoping that Evercloud will bring you salvation. Let your model be Riverpaw if you must have one. If there is a truth you will believe, then it should be him. Go forth, do what you can to fight the Tyrant, however small your part in the war may be. Celebrate and be inspired by the best of us. Do not bow to them and grovel at their feet. Does Riverpaw grovel beneath Evercloud? No, he fights by his side, gaining from him and giving to him whatever he can.”

  The animals of Ephanlarea were left speechless.

  “We came to Elderton to build a new home, Tenturo.” Eveneye looked down solemnly. “We strive to rebuild ourselves as you say, as you did.”

  “No, Eveneye. You strive to hide yourselves away. I know my words are harsh, but it must be said. Gray Mountain was as fortified a home as ever was built by any creature of the earth. Yet the Tyrant destroyed it in less than a day. What will you tell future generations who are still running away from the Tyrant? Will you tell them that they are rebuilding themselves? Will you lie to them and tell them they are strong? There is no future if you do not live in the present. Hear me now, Ephanlareans. You must act now. We must act now! We must fight the Tyrant!”

  The crowd roared in approval of Tenturo’s words. The noise was so loud that leaves fell from the trees. Eveneye nodded sternly as he looked out upon all the animals in the forest, he looked back at his wife and her eyes revealed the same emotion.

  Who are we, thought Eveneye, the ones that have extinguished the Everflame? No… we shall be the ones to reignite it.

  “Tenturo’s words are undeniable,” Eveneye shouted to the crowd. “We are lucky to have him among us. I am lucky to have him remind me. I’m sure that all of you have heard of the sacred flame that once sat atop Gray Mountain. The Everflame stood for all we bears hoped to be, and all we hoped to give to our world. The Everflame is our symbol of an oath. It is our symbol of a promise to each other and to ourselves that we will do what is needed in times of uncertainty, and that we will make the hard decision to save what is good and right. But this symbol is not ours to keep from the world. This symbol belongs to everyone; this power belongs to everyone. The Everflame burns in your hearts, just as it burns in mine. It has been there your whole lives, can’t you feel it?”

  “YES!” roared the animals in the forest.

  “Can’t you feel it pushing you forward, tearing at your insides as it compels you to do what you know you can?”

  “YES!” roared the animals even louder.

  “The Tyrant can send my world crumbling down around me, but before I die, he will feel my fire and know when I call it out by name!”


  The chants went on and on like thunder rolling over the plains. Tenturo had ignited a flame and Eveneye had stoked a wildfire. As night fell in the forest, the light of thousands of hearts burned brighter than the sun, and calls for war warmed the souls of a nation.

  Chapter 27: The Welcome in Nefas

  When the Great Tyrant arrived in Nefas, it was with great shock and annoyance. The grand war he had hoped for had not materialized how he had envisioned it. However, the Tyrant refused to allow his displeasure to show. He knew that he could turn these events to his benefit and he knew exactly how he would do it. His plans would not be destroyed, merely modified.

  “You continue to pass test after test, Callderwallder. I am very impressed and I know that I have chosen correctly in regard to you.”

  “Thank you, my Holy,” groveled the man in his giant, metal suit. “I do all in your name.”

  “I know, Callderwallder. This is why I have decided to reward you. I wish for you to command these Farsiders and wreak vengeance upon the Kingdom of Chreos. They brought an evil most grotesque to Nefas’ doorstep. Chreos must be punished for their infidelity. Field an army, Callderwallder, and march upon Chreos.”

  “Yes, my Holy. I will do this.”

  The Great Tyrant walked to the north window of the tower room that sat high atop the Royal Palace of Nefas. He looked down to the streets of Nefas and saw citizens running for their lives, trying to hide and escape the nightmare creatures that were the Farsiders. The sound of screaming men and women reached the tower and the Tyrant reveled in the sound. A thin smile crept across his face as he watched the pitiful humans being run down in the streets by the Farsiders. The streets of Nefas were stained in the blood of its citizens. The kingdom shuddered in silence and prayed to a god that despised them, a god that was nothing more that a lie and a monster.

  The Great Tyrant turned back to the groveling Callderwallder and noticed something out the southern window as he looked over Callderwallder’s shoulder. In giant strides, the Tyrant had crossed the length of the tower room and stood, gazing upon a fleet of fifty ships from Felaqua, speeding their way to the Ephanlarean shoreline.

  “More intruders?” asked Callderwallder as he joined the Tyrant at the southern window.

  “It would seem so,” said the Tyrant, enjoying each new development as it occurred. “I want you to use the Farsiders, Callderwallder. Use them to destroy these enemies of ours. It would seem that word has reached other kingdoms of your prowess and your piety. You must crush them. Their heresy cannot be tolerated. This is to be your greatest test, Callderwallder. Defeat this attack that comes from the sea and then march on Chreos. Reclaim Ephanlarea in my name and then you will take your place within me forever. You will take your place in perfect and complete service.”

  Callderwallder’s sweaty and pockmarked face beamed with joy and his milky eye bulged as if it might pop from its socket. He reached out for the Farsiders in the same way he had with his metal army and he could feel them. Their presence overwhelmed him momentarily, like noxious fumes or a cloying elixir, but he mastered himself and imposed his will. This was to be the beginning of his end. This would be how he earned his place in eternity.

  • • •

  Salty water sloshed the sides of The Breaker’s Crest and a refreshing spray swept itself across Tomas’ face. The daughters of the Earth and Sun had recently placed fifty Felaquan ships back into the water, having cut days off of the trip. Dendrata sat with Tomas as he enjoyed the ocean air a
nd she smiled, enjoying his pleasure. The sun was bright, but the sea breeze kept everyone aboard the ships cool and rejuvenated. The crews of the ships knew that swords and shields would soon be in play, but they hoped at least for a welcome in Nefas. Tomas looked away from the horizon and let his eyes rest upon Dendrata.

  “I assume you and your sisters will be leaving soon. Now that you’ve helped us across the waters.”

  “I don’t believe we will, Tomas. When we decided to help you, it wasn’t just to be in one specific task. We have come to the conclusion that the one you call the Great Tyrant must be stopped. We have come to the agreement that we must aide you and others who wish to bring about his end. Earth is our mother, Tomas. Her lands are our homes. We cannot continue to act as though we are not a part of this, or that we could care less about the activities of humans. Even those who are powerful are not immune to what affects the earth.”

  Tomas smiled and looked back toward the horizon, but his smile changed quickly and he jumped to his feet.

  “Land. Nefas. I can see it. I have to tell Ben.”

  Tomas ran off to find his brother. Their talks had been long and exhausting while the spirits had guided the ships through the air. Many things had transpired while they were away from each other, things unbelievable, sad, catastrophic and profound. But the one thing Tomas was finding most difficult to reconcile was that the man with the long, black hair, Tiber Allahnder, was now an ally. To help himself deal with this, Tomas avoided contact with the man at all costs, even though he and Ben seemed to have become great friends. Tomas knew that it was Tiber he should report sight of land to, being that he was Commander of the Felaquan fleet, but Tomas only felt it necessary to find Ben and tell him. To Tomas’ dismay, he found his brother with Tiber Allahnder in the Commander’s quarters, below deck.


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