Everflame: The Complete Series

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Everflame: The Complete Series Page 94

by Dylan Lee Peters

  “You have a good heart,” said Andor the Eagle. “Even filled with sadness and fear, it is strong and true.”

  Tiber nodded but took no pleasure in the compliment. He understood his decision would mean little in the end. They would all die, save the spirits, every one of them.

  Time passed and the Farsiders ceased in their battery of the barrier. They could somehow sense the spirit women growing weaker. They knew it was just a matter of time. They hovered, flapping their leathered and bony wings, staring with their blood-red eyes. The men upon the ship began to mutter prayers as the barrier sputtered and then it fell. The spirit women fell with it, to the deck of the ship, exhausted and unable to continue.

  Tomas rushed to Dendrata and threw himself over her.

  “I love you,” he said, his face pressed tightly to hers as the Farsiders began shrieking in excitement.

  Yet above their shrieks came a mighty roar only men in Felaqua had heard before. Ben and Tiber raised their unbelieving eyes to the sky and saw, beyond the fire of the Farsiders, one man, one bear and one shimmering golden weapon.

  With great speed and strength, Evercloud cut through three Farsiders like a comet, hurtling down from the heavens. The Farsiders’ shrieks of pleasure soon transformed into the howls of agony. Riverpaw barreled into one of the monsters, and fell with it into the sea. Moments later, he rose from the salt and foam with the neck of the beast in his maw. The bear flew high and wrenched the creature’s head away from its body with a roar of victory.

  Everyone upon the ships cheered. Epiphany had washed over them in one glorious wave. They were saved. Tiber reached a fist into the air and screamed, “ATTACK!!”

  One hundred archers took aim at their tormentors and bolts flew through the air toward the Farsiders. They were not enough to harm the beasts, but they were enough of a diversion to give Evercloud and Riverpaw more time to break the hold of the nightmare. Riverpaw threw himself at the largest of the winged demons so violently, the beast burst from the contact. Evercloud continued his flight, like a blade spinning through the air. He slashed at wings and heads and necks, felling a Farsider with each passing second.

  The cheering from the decks below continued and Tomas helped Dendrata to her feet. Others came to the aide of the other spirits and helped them to their feet as well. The Felaquan men showered the women with praise and thanks, as realization spread that they were all saved. Evercloud and Riverpaw continued their assault and the mighty bear gave another shattering roar.

  “Riverpaw!” shouted Ben with a fist to the sky.

  “RIVERPAW!” echoed a thousand Felaquan soldiers.

  Cheers of every name began to come from all around as the warriors from Gray Mountain finished their work. Nivalia, Harena, Allahnder, Evercloud and more. Everyone knew there were many hands in this victory. The arrows continued to fly, the cheering and chanting continued, and with one final flight of fury, Evercloud and Riverpaw came together to slay the final, fiery Farsider. With a roar and a yell, the man and the bear tore the wings and the head from the beast and it fell to the sea in pieces.

  They landed upon the deck of The Breaker’s Crest and found themselves hoisted by a hundred strong hands. The battle had been won, the day had been saved, and Tiber Allahnder moved through his men and waited for them to set Evercloud and Riverpaw back upon the deck.

  “Felaqua owes you both the greatest debt. Every single person upon these vessels owes you their lives. Thank you.”

  “What happened here?” asked Riverpaw.

  “We don’t really know,” answered Ben. “We all received word that there was a war in Nefas. We’ve all come here to help bring peace, but when we arrived, Farsiders attacked us. Is this the work of Densa?”

  “No,” replied Evercloud. “It couldn’t be.”

  “Where is he?” asked Annie.

  “We don’t know. He’s left,” said Riverpaw.

  “What do you mean?” asked Annie. “What happened?”

  “It’s a long story,” said Evercloud. “But we don’t have the time to find him.”

  “Yes we do,” said Annie. “We have the Eversense. I’ve given it to Nivalia.”

  Nivalia stepped forward, walking like a sore, old woman. “I should have enough energy left to find him.”

  “Please,” offered Tiber. “Let’s relax in my cabin. It is quiet and there are cushioned chairs. It may be easier for you.”

  “Thank you,” smiled Nivalia. Evercloud was frightened at seeing the woman so docile and affable, his memory of her was far more lively and abrasive. As he followed Tiber, Nivalia, Annie, Tomas, Ben and Riverpaw below deck, he worried about where the Farsiders had come from.

  Could they have been from Densa? he wondered. No. I’m being foolish. He would never go back to the darkness… would he?

  Once in Tiber’s cabin, Nivalia laid herself upon a cot and began to rub her temples with her fingers. The others sat around the small room and remained silent. Ben and Tomas looked at each other with worry, and Annie never let her gaze wander from the spirit woman deep in meditation. Minutes passed and nothing happened. Evercloud began to wring his hands, Tiber began to suck his teeth and Riverpaw couldn’t take the quiet any longer.

  “We’re up against great power,” he said to no one in particular. “Every one of us needs to be as strong as possible. We’re dealing with things so far beyond us that it’s unbelievable. We’ve got the Tyrant to fight… the Farsiders… and maybe Densa as well.”

  “Riverpaw,” chided Evercloud.

  “Don’t tell me it wasn’t the first thing you thought of, Evercloud. He wasn’t happy with the plan. He wasn’t at the beach when we went back for him. You know that the only reason he’s on our side is because of Iolana. And now, Farsiders…”

  “The Farsiders are serving the Tyrant,” pointed out Evercloud.

  “What if they’re not?” asked Riverpaw. “I’m just saying that it’s probably best to prepare for the worst. We need as many hands as we can get.”

  “So, what exactly are you suggesting?” asked Tomas.

  “We recently clashed with the Tyrant and he stole the powers that the Ancients gave Evercloud.”

  “What?!” exclaimed Ben.

  “It’s all right,” cautioned Evercloud. “He didn’t take the Everflame. As you saw outside, I’m still quite capable.”

  “I still have powers given to me by Tenturo and Densa, as well as the Evermight,” continued Riverpaw. “Tomas, you have the vision Tenturo gave you.” Tomas nodded. “And Annie–”

  “I have Andor,” said the young woman.

  “Exactly,” said Riverpaw. “But I’m the only one with multiple powers.” Riverpaw turned to Ben. “I need to give you the Evermight, Ben. We need as many strong hands as we can get.”

  Suddenly, Nivalia bolted upright with a gasp. Everyone turned to see the woman staring straight ahead, eyes wide.

  “Densa,” said Nivalia with a whisper. “He’s here.”

  Chapter 29: Love, Darkness and the Electric Hum

  Densa flew among the clouds, high above the great wall of Nefas. The kingdom seemed so small from this height, as if he were looking at a painting or an old map. It seemed as if he stared at the remnants of a kingdom or the ghost of a civilization forgotten. For some reason, his mind brought forth memories of the bright moon that hung high over he and Iolana as they entered the ruins of a kingdom they had both been a part of long ago. He remembered his own awkward feelings and the fear that had gripped Iolana as she had tried to dry herself from their plunge into the black pool. Densa turned his gaze to the side and again the vision of his love was with him.

  “This is where I will find Gerometus?”

  “It is,” replied Iolana.

  Densa nodded slowly, it was difficult for him to admit that he feared this encounter. The last time he had faced the Tyrant, he was not powerful enough, and he had lost a great friend. He knew that he had learned so much about himself since that time, and that he had gained so much more
power, but doubt still lingered in his mind.

  “What if my darkness takes over and I can’t control it? What if I make more trouble than good? What if–”

  “What if you succeed, Densa? What if you believe in my love for you and let it keep you strong? What if you realize that you understand yourself, understand what and who you are? What if you admit that you now know your purpose?”

  “So long have I lived, believing that I was evil because of the darkness within me. It is difficult to come to terms with the fact that it is only evil if that is what I use it for. This inferno that I feel within me… it has not always been my friend.”

  “Do you think that you are the only one who has struggled to come to terms with what they are? You are not so unique, Densa. I laugh when I think that these humans I helped make have taught me more than I have ever taught them. It was through them that I learned my purpose. Even though it was something I didn’t understand or recognize for a long time, it was very much like your darkness, it was always there. I wondered at times if it wasn’t the worst of me, just as you have wondered if your darkness is the worst of you.

  “You see, Densa, your darkness is only a word. What we really speak of when we refer to it is your passion, your drive, the burning fire within. We all have it. Both you and I have known what our own passion was long ago, but it was only recently that we each learned how to use our passion toward our purpose. I learned sooner than you, but not by much.”

  “I don’t know that you’ve told me of your passion and purpose, Iolana.”

  “I have. Maybe not so directly, but I have. And I would be surprised if it isn’t as plain as your darkness. My passion is in my love. Or you might even say love is my passion, it is one and the same. It was long ago that Charles Nesbitt taught me of his theory of a masterpiece; how people could devote themselves to the love of just one other and create the most artful and poignant relationship possible. I’ve though on it many, many hours. What I never really understood, until recently, was the power that love possesses.

  “Just as your darkness can be used to bring about great change in the world, for both good and evil, so can my love. That is my purpose, Densa, to use my love to create a masterpiece. You are my masterpiece. It is my purpose to use my love to build you up, and in doing so, build myself up as well. The masterpiece of love cannot exist alone, as it is, by its very nature, a dance for two. I use my love to help you unlock your own power. Our love, our darkness, our victory.”

  Densa reached a hand out to touch Iolana’s porcelain cheek and inhaled sharply with pain when he made contact with nothing. Still just a vision in this world, he thought and his heart ached.

  “We will have our victory, my love. I promise you with my every breath.”

  “Then go, Densa. Finish this story, so that you can return to me.”

  “I will.”

  • • •

  Callderwallder spat upon the floor and pounded a large, metal fist against the wall of the tower as he looked out the southern window. The Farsiders had wreaked havoc and dealt a massive blow to the Felaquan fleet, but in the end, the Farsiders had failed and Felaqua was victorious.

  “No matter,” said Callderwallder aloud. “The Farsiders within the walls of Nefas will make quick work of them, and if they don’t, they’ll have me to contend with.”

  “Another king with a corrupt heart,” came a voice from behind the cripple as he stood in his suit of metal. “Why am I not surprised?”

  Callderwallder spun away from the window and raised his arm, preparing for attack. He didn’t recognize the man who stood before him; he seemed unarmed and adorned in tattered clothes. Callderwallder looked around as if searching for someone else, then sneered as he lowered his weapon, deciding that the man was merely a fool who had wandered into the tower.

  “It would seem I’m not alone after all,” said Callderwallder, pausing oddly. “As for you, whoever you are, I shall enjoy tossing you out of one of these windows and watching your body break as it falls to the streets below. However, I wouldn’t want it said that I was an unfair leader,” Callderwallder laughed. “You may choose which window I toss you out of.”

  “Thank you for making this easy for me,” said Densa. “Had you merely been a fool who had been cajoled by the Tyrant, I might have felt bad for you. But I can see that you’re rotten inside from power. He merely chose you because he could see you were as ugly as he was.”

  Callderwallder’s face turned into a scowl. Densa’s words stung and shocked him.

  “Who are you? What do you know of me?”

  “As for who I am, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you. As for what I know of you, I know that someone told you those creatures were called Farsiders, I know that someone gave you the power to command them, and I know that you fight for evil purposes.”

  “I know who you are now,” said Callderwallder derisively. “He told me I might see you. You are the evil one. You are the misguided one. You are the one who would defy a god.”

  “A god?” Densa shook his head. “And what has he done to make you hold him in such high esteem, please tell me? For all I have ever seen him levy is destruction.”

  “He has given me more than anyone else could have possibly given to me. You know nothing. You think that I came from power? You think that he craves the power I already have? I was no king before him. I was muck under my own family’s shoes. He gave me power.”

  “So you fight for him, because he gave you power?”

  “He has given me kindness no one else has ever shown me,” said Callderwallder.

  “I see,” mocked Densa. “And he does this and asks for nothing in return, I suppose.”

  “I give him my service.”

  “I see.”

  “It is a trifling price for what he has given me, what he will give me. I shall be a part of him forever. All those who stand in his way will be cast aside.”

  “I am sorry for you,” said Densa to the man with true sincerity. “A gift is not given with the need of something in return. Do you ever stop to think of why you fight for him? Do you? You fight for him because you are afraid of him. You are afraid of what might happen to you if you do not fight for him.”

  “That is not true!” shouted the cripple. “You have an evil tongue. You are a devil!”

  “No… I’m sorry, but I am not. I know your story because, once, it was mine. That suit helps you, doesn’t it? You have not a fraction of the strength without it, do you? But he came to you because you were faithful. He came to you because you were special. He gave you things that made you powerful in ways you had only dreamt of and all he asked for in return was your service and your unquestioned faith. He made you do evil things, but what is evil when it can be justified with power? What is abuse of power when it can be justified with combating evil? I have been you. It is all a lie.”

  “NO!! You are the liar. You wish to leave me weakened. You only wish to make yourself a god in his place.”

  “You are wrong again. Yes, he and I, we both fight. But he fights for power. He wishes to control and belittle everything that ever looked down upon him. He wants to be above all. I fight to be rid of all. I fight to be free. I don’t want to control you. I want nothing to do with you. I give nothing to you, and I ask nothing of you… but if you cause evil in my midst…”

  “Densa!” came the call of a familiar voice. Callderwallder and Densa turned to see Evercloud, Riverpaw and Ben fly through the southern window and land harshly upon the floor of the tower room. “Densa,” repeated Evercloud. “The Tyrant, we have to–”

  “He’s here. That’s why I’ve come.”

  “The prophecy. You have to leave, Densa. The Tyrant is much more powerful, and the Skyfather… We have to meet with Earth again. We need another plan.”

  “This ends now, Evercloud. Forget the prophecy. Forget the Skyfather. I’m ending the Tyrant now.”

  “Is that so?” came a booming and buzzing voice that shook the large, tower room. />
  Everyone turned to see where the voice had come from as they reached their arms out, steadying themselves while the tower shook with reverberation. Then suddenly, in the center of the room, a giant, glowing specter began to materialize, and soon there could be no doubt where the voice had come from. Standing as high as the twenty-foot ceiling was the Great Tyrant in all his malevolence. He gave Densa a hollow and menacing glare, his massive arms and legs pulsing and writhing like giant serpents built of destruction. All except Densa backed themselves against the wall of the tower room and Callderwallder began to laugh with high-pitched cackles.

  “There’s no escaping now,” Callderwallder yelled over the electric hum. “You’re all going to DIE!”

  Chapter 30: Battle in the Streets of Nefas

  The Northern Gate to the Kingdom of Nefas was mangled and broken, and the wind flew freely past the great wall. The animals of Ephanlarea were unsettled by how silent the kingdom seemed. Even though they stood two hundred yards away, they thought they should still be able to hear the sounds of a bustling kingdom in the midday. What confronted them was unusual in a way that seemed impossible, yet it was there, for all to see. Mangled iron, splintered wood, and the unguarded and silent entrance to a great kingdom of humans.

  Those who were close to them, turned to look at Eveneye, Goldenheart and Tenturo for guidance, but they were all met with perplexed expressions and more silence. The talk had been of war, the reports had been of war, they had marched across their land to find war, and yet they found nothing; they found a hollow.

  Tenturo scanned the ground between the great mass of Ephanlareans and the wall of Nefas and he shook his head and sighed. He had seen these signs too many times. These marks upon the soft ground had been in his nightmares for longer than he cared to admit.

  “Farsiders,” he whispered to no one.

  Eveneye and Goldenheart turned to the Ancient with terrified gazes.


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