His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1) Page 33


  My head reels with all the problems the gang's club raid could bring. I shake my head, my teeth clenching tightly at how stupid Jake has been. On the other hand, Amil did have a way of brainwashing everyone who was in the gang.

  I'm all too familiar with it...

  Three years ago, Amil and I were like brothers. Every gang fight, every raid, every drug deal, I was by his side. We made an amazing team and soon enough, the gang was rising in power throughout the city. That's when I started to notice the change in him. We made a pact when I first started that no innocent civilians would be hurt or killed.

  That was my one rule, my only rule.

  I joined the gang because I hated people with power inflicting pain on the poor and innocent. That and the fact the money was unbelievable. To this day, I'm still living off the amount I'd earned and I know how much Jake would have collected during his time there. He joined shortly after me and built his way up, now becoming Amil's right hand man.

  In other words, his bitch.

  I left the gang because I despised the way Amil started to abuse his power. He wouldn't hesitate to put several bullets through someone's head within a matter of seconds just because they happened to be a 'witness'.

  That one night that I finally made my decision to leave, haunted me to this very day.

  It was October and we'd just raided the home of our rivals gang leader. We found thousands of pounds in cash, a stash of drugs and firearms we could sell on. His wife and two kids were both tied up in the basement and I was the one watching over them.

  "We'll let you go once were done," I mumble at the two children who were crying and shaking in fear. I sigh and tuck my gun away out of their sight. The youngest boy pleads at me with big eyes, sounds muffled by the tape on his mouth. I avoid his gaze yet I can feel his large pleading eyes stare at me. I was thankful that night when Amil came in to relieve me —

  "Shoot them," he says bluntly before turning around to walk out. My eyes widened in shock at his command —

  "Amil, no! Since when do we shoot innocent people, especially children?" I hiss and Amil froze with his back to me before he turns slowly, his eyes burning with fire. He storms towards me, slamming me backwards into furniture until I was on the floor. He loomed over me, grabbing my gun from the floor.

  "NO!" I yelled, watching as he pointed the gun at the woman, shooting her. Her head flew back and her two children screamed, thrashing around in fear from watching their mother die in front of their eyes. I charged for Amil but he turned round and punched me back to the floor before turning and shooting the older child. I barely had a second to look up before another gunshot filled the basement and the little boy with the large pleading eyes slumped over in his chair. My face turned and I gagged, flinching as Amil threw my gun back down onto the floor next to me.

  "Next time, do as I fucking say. No questions asked," he spat, storming out up the basement stairs. Lying there with three dead innocent bodies was the moment I eventually decided to leave the gang, for good.

  I remembered fighting with myself over the way I would tell him. We were family, connected by our tattoo's and leaving the gang just wasn't possible. If only I knew then the torture I would go through to finally walk free. It was the best and scariest decision I'd ever make in my whole life, yet still to this day I was haunted by those three gunshots.

  Those innocent pleading eyes. . .

  I shut my eyes tightly, breathing deeply before pushing our back door open and heading inside the kitchen. I look around and I'm relieved to see everything is dark, no-one's around. It would be kind of hard to explain what I'm doing at three am with an unconscious Emily in my arms.

  The whole way here she hadn't moved once, showed no signs of waking up. I head for the stairs and debate on where to put her.

  In her own bed, Jake's bed or my bed?

  I need to keep an eye on her. I don't know how hurt she was and from the fact she was still unconscious wasn't a good sign. Her knees are bleeding and I know she'll need watching over. I sigh heavily before pushing the door open to my room and heading towards my bed.

  The last time Jake's girlfriend was in this bed was the biggest mistake of my life. Now I was trying to solve that mistake by putting his current girlfriend in the same bed. . . It's so messed up.

  I place her down gently and pull the covers over her top half before opening my bedside drawer and getting out everything I need. I start working on her knees, clearing up the blood and bandaging them. She must have fell on a shard of glass as the cut she had on her leg isn't just a small graze.

  I finally wrap the last bandage before securing it with tape and my fingers linger on her soft skin before I hastily removed them, my heart clenching tightly.

  She's not yours Tobias.

  I remind myself of the same thing every single day. The question I keep asking myself is whether she'll still be Jake's once she wakes up?

  I know everyone has a limit.

  Tonight, Jake had pushed past Emily’s.

  Chapter Fifty Five - The consequence.

  Jake’s POV -


  I groan as he lays into me harder, his fists colliding hard with my face and stomach. He shakes his fist from the force of his punch, bouncing backwards on his heel, his adrenaline blowing through the roof.

  My swollen face looks up into Amil's, seeing the anger vibrating off him. I can barely see out of my right eye and the longer I go without putting ice on it, the smaller it got.

  "You fucked up Jake!" He yells for the millionth time in the past hour. My head turns to the right and I sneer at Amil's brother. He owns the house I escaped to, instantly ringing Amil to fill him in on what was going on. He was a coward and sat back whilst Amil bought in the money for his greedy, power fuelled family.

  Amil's brother gulped at me, the fear clear in his eyes no matter how much he tried to mask it. I know fear, I can smell fear. Amil was the one who taught me that.

  "Son of a bitch!" He yells, punching me once more in the side of my head. My face automatically swings to the other side, the muscles in my neck throbbing from the sudden quick blow. I clench my jaw tightly and force myself to stay silent. This is all my own fault, this is what happens when you mess up in the gang.

  "You almost got us caught!" He rants, throwing his arms up in the air whilst pacing the room. I keep my eyes trained on the floor, my head spinning from the battering he'd given me. I can feel myself shutting down slowly but I know he wouldn't kill me, I'm too valuable to him.

  My temples throb painfully and blood trickles down my bruised face from my skull where he'd smashed my head open.

  "Why Jake? Why?!" He shouts, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look him in the eyes. His eyes are dark, full of danger and power. I look back at him emotionless, my eyes empty. I've often stood watching as he did this to other gang members, the only difference is that I'm on the receiving end of his violence.

  "Why?!" He hisses at me loudly, his spit landing on my cheek and sliding down. I clench my jaw tighter and Amil's eyes turns from angry to amused knowing he's winding me up. If I could hit him back, I would have but considering I'm tied to the wall with thick ropes, I don't really have much of a choice.

  "Speak!" He commands me, slapping my face, the sting pulsing through my cheeks. His brother tuts from the other side of the room, shaking his head and I fight to hold back the growl I so badly want to let go.

  I watch Amil's chest rise and fall heavily, his breathing finally settling back to normal. I blow out an imaginary sigh of relief, knowing he's calming down. He pulls something out from his jacket and I immediately snap my attention to it, narrowing my eyes so I can see it clearer. My vision is blurred therefore completely failing me.

  He walks up to me, grabbing my face and pointing the barrel of his pistol into my cheek, twisting it hard. So that's what he's holding. . .

  I'm no stranger to having a gun pointed at me however when it's your deranged gang leader holding the pistol, fear immediat
ely settles into your stomach.

  "Amil, please." I whisper quietly, the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. I turn my mouth and spit a huge amount of blood onto the floor.

  "You bastard, don't spit on my floors!" His brother pipes up from behind Amil. I clench my jaw tighter before turning my head and spitting again, the clump of blood landing next to the previous one. I turn, smirking at him as his eyes widen in disbelief.

  Amil shakes his head, chuckling dangerously quietly. His shoulders tense up and I freeze, feeling the bile rise to the back of my throat.

  "I think you've forgotten what I'm capable of Melvin..." He drifts off, his eyes shining with sick humour. I watch helplessly as he lifts his gun at my head before aiming.

  "Amil, don't do this," I beg him, the blood forming back up into my mouth. I need to spit or else I'll choke on my own blood.

  "Please" I gurgle, feeling my eyes roll to the back of my head. Emily's face flashes through my head and I whimper, letting my head hang low. I'd seen the fear in her eyes tonight, she was scared of me, of what I am.

  Maybe I'm better off dead.

  Maybe she would be better off with me dead. Safe. She doesn't deserve to be mixed in with a world like this, she's too innocent. Too pure.

  "Just do it." I spit out, feeling relieved to be able to breathe once more, even if it was only for a few more mere seconds. I stare him down with the only eye that I can force open and Amil lowers his gun, his chest heaving with his deep breaths.

  "Fuck up once more and you're dead," he spits out, chucking his gun to the floor before walking out. His brother stands from his chair and takes slow steps in front of me until he's inches away.

  "You deserve to be dead," he sneers and I growl loudly like an animal, causing him to jump backwards. I gather as much blood as I can and spat it at him, aiming for his face. It lands on his chest and drips down onto his clothes. He looks down disgusted before his nostrils flare with anger and he storms out, leaving me tied to the wall with a smirk on my face, barely conscious.


  Tobias' POV -

  The front door opens and I hear a groan followed by a loud thump. I frown and grab the knife I keep under my bed before heading for the stairs. I walk across the landing, carefully making sure I don't expose myself to whoever it is downstairs.

  The sight that greets me is a living nightmare.

  What looked so little like Jake lay by the door, his clothes ripped in several places. Blood pours from his mouth and his face is black and bruised, one eye completely swollen and shut closed. He leans against the wall, using one arm to prop himself up before groaning loudly, hissing in pain.

  I shoot down the stairs, taking them two at a time and jump down the last few.

  "Jake!" I yell, kneeling down beside him. I gently lift his face and examine his cuts. He groans from the movement and I clench my jaw tightly, reaching for his hands. They're completely fine, no bruises or cuts. That meant Jake never fought back.

  He always fought back unless it was Amil.

  My body stiffens as I realise he'd been beaten up for what happened earlier tonight. I punch the floor next to me letting some anger out, my eyes widening in fear for Jake.

  "Do you need to go to the hospital?" I ask uneasily, knowing if he did, he wouldn't be able to explain this to them. He gingerly shakes his head before closing his one good eye, resting back into the wall.

  "Emily," he mutters, blood dripping from his mouth and down his chin. He's a bloody mess. . . Literally.

  "She's okay, don't speak."

  "Ivory! Get down here!" I yell, knowing I need her help. I don't want her to see this but I can't do it alone. She appears at the top of the stairs within seconds, rubbing sleep from her eyes. Once she see's me with a bloody Jake, she screams, slapping her hand over her mouth.

  "Ivory darling, this isn't the time. He needs our help." I tell her firmly, motioning for her to come downstairs and help me. She quickly trots down the stairs and kneels in front of Jake, tears forming in her eyes. She's seen Jake messed up before but not this badly.

  He's barely alive right now.

  She lets out a loud sob, placing a hand on Jake's cheek and I bite the inside of my cheek forcing myself to stay calm.

  "Ivory, grab his other arm. On the count of three."

  I pick up his left arm, throwing it over my shoulders and Ivory does the same on his other side. My other hand settles on his lower back —

  "One, two, three" I say before heaving him up off the floor. He groans loudly, his knees buckling underneath his weight. I grit my teeth tighter as I struggle to carry most of his weight. He's a heavy bastard.

  "You okay Ivory?" I ask and I hear her mumbling in agreement, her voice thick with emotion.

  "Up the stairs," I instruct and we both shuffle him forwards slowly towards the staircase, leaving a trail of blood behind us.

  The second I lie him down on the bed, he closes his eyes and his body becomes heavy with sleep. I check over his pulse and reach for my phone from my pocket. I'm unable to help him this time, he needs professional help.

  I scroll through my contacts landing on an old one before ringing. He immediately answers and I fill him in briefly on Jake's condition before ending the call and waiting impatiently for him to arrive, my leg shaking up and down.

  Within twenty minutes, there's a soft knock on the front door, getting my attention. I run down the stairs and swung it open, motioning for him to come in.

  "It's good to see you Doctor," I say grimly, leading him up the stairs and to Jake's room.

  "Likewise Tobias, where is he?"

  I push open the door and point at Jake, the lump in my throat lodged firmly in place. It's painful to see the state he's in, I love him like a brother and he doesn't deserve this. I watch the doctor shake his head in shock before he rushes to Jake's side, checking his pulse. He pulls open the rucksack he bought with him and begins pulling out the medical equipment he needs.

  I watch silently as he cleans, stitches and bandages him for the next two hours, occasionally taking a break for a cup of strongly brewed tea.

  Chapter Fifty Six - Tragedy strikes twice.

  Emily's POV -

  I've lost count on how many times I wake in the night breaking out in cold sweats. Every dream always ends with Jake standing in front of me, his hand clutching a gun before he raises it and pulls the trigger. My eyes snap open and I struggle to breathe as I glance at my surroundings, feeling out of place. The door opens and I instantly bury myself back against the wall, pulling the covers over me.


  I hear footsteps and the covers are pulled down, exposing my shaking form. I lie with my hands over my head protectively, whimpering and quivering in the dark room. I feel strong arms wrap around me and pull me close towards a warm chest.

  "Shh, it's okay." He murmurs down my ear.

  "Jake, I'm so scared." I cry out, my throat dry. I feel his body stiffen up and his hands move away from me abruptly.

  "Go to sleep, Em."

  My head rests against the pillow and my eyes grow heavy once again with sleep.

  "Will you lie with me?" I ask sleepily and I hear him sigh deeply before the mattress dips and he lies next to me, wrapping me up in his arms.

  "Sleep." He whispers in my ear and I finally close my eyes, drifting off into a much more relaxed sleep.


  Tobias POV -

  I feel wrong lying here with her in my arms.

  She'd woken up countless times in the night screaming out for someone to help her. She's in no fit state to know what she's doing or saying so when she mistook me for Jake, I should have brushed it off.

  So why is it painful knowing it's only Jake who can comfort her?

  She eventually fell into a deep sleep once she had my arms around her and I loosen them slowly, pulling back away from her. I can't be near her, it isn't right.

  I slowly stand off my bed and walk towards the bedroom door, yawning from the lack of slee
p. I glance at her one more time sleeping peacefully before I close the door over softly.

  "Tobias, you need to sleep." Ivory says quietly walking up to me and placing her hand on my arm. Her eyes are red raw from crying and I pull her into a tight bear hug, feeling her cuddle into my chest. I press a gentle kiss onto the top of her head and she sniffles before pulling back —

  "Is Jake going to be okay?" She asks, her voice trembling. I nod confidently at her —

  "Of course he is, he's Jake."

  She gives me a weak smile and I let go of her, allowing her to go back to her room. I head for Jake's room and push the door back to check on him. He's sleeping soundly, his chest rising and falling steadily. The doctor left a couple of hours ago, leaving behind strong painkillers for when Jake woke up.

  I make my way to his wardrobe, sliding it open and grabbing a spare blanket and pillow. I pull my t-shirt over my head and step out of my jeans before throwing down the pillow and blanket.

  I lie on the floor, pulling the blanket over me before closing my eyes and finally letting my body relax, my mind whirling constantly with a thousand and one thoughts. The one thing I'm certain on is that Amil will pay for what he's done.

  It's time for him to go down.

  I jolt awake, hearing an ear piercing scream come from the other room. Immediately I'm up on my feet, stumbling a little before I fling open Jake's door and run to my room. She's crawled into the far end of my bed in the corner, tears streaming down her face.

  "Emily, it's okay!" I shout, holding my hand out towards her.

  "I need to leave!"

  "What do you mean?" I ask, my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

  "I need to leave, I need to get away from Jake." She cries out, jumping off the bed and scrambling around wildly.

  "This isn't even my room." Emily whimpers as she comes to grips with her surroundings. She throws a hand over her mouth before she runs past me. My hand shoots out and I grab her waist, pulling her close to me. She struggles against me, tears rolling down her face.


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