His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1)

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His Mission (HIS SERIES Book 1) Page 37


  Brett, Charlie, Micheal and Jeremy.

  All of them had been involved in the gang somehow and we all had one thing in common — we hate Amil. I lock eyes and raised my eyebrow at Tobias, nodding my head towards Jeremy silently to question his loyalty. I barely know the guy. He's best known for his street fighting skills, the guy is built like a tower and could move like a cheetah.

  "He's cool," Tobias nods, reassuring me and I nod slowly, holding my hands up at Jeremy.

  "No offence but I can't take any risks."

  "Don't worry, I understand," he walks towards me and slaps hands with me, bumping into my shoulder gently. I do the same with the others and slap Brett on the back a few times causing him to chuckle quietly.

  "You've seen better days," he says, gesturing towards my cuts and bruises.

  "I got my ass well and truly beaten."

  "So now we're gonna do the same to Amil and I'm going to love every second of it," Tobias chimes in, an evil glint in his eyes. He smirks at everyone and I watch as they all agree silently, nodding their heads.

  "The only difference is he won't be breathing by the end of it." I mutter, my words dripping with hatred and revenge.


  "We'll see you in a few days."

  They nod back at me as a sign of respect before leaving the house and shutting the door behind them gently. I yawned, stretching my arms over my head feeling my eyes grow heavy.

  We plan for hours, talked through every last tiny detail. We talked about the what if's and consider every scenario and outcome. I've given each man a option to drop out at the end if they were having second thoughts and all four of them shake their heads, declining my offer.

  Everything is ready and planned to take Amil down in a few days. I'd have to rest to make sure I'm up to it and ready which means getting enough sleep. I head for the stairs and turn towards Tobias —

  "Night Tobias."

  He turns towards me, his eyes red from lack of sleep. He gives me a small smile in return before replying softly —

  "Night Jake."

  I make my way to the room and shut it behind me, locking the door. My gaze lands on the bed and I remember the night I spent with Emily. I close my eyes and lean against the wall, remembering every last detail.

  I feel myself stir inside my jeans and groan silently, cursing myself for thinking about her. When I'm with her, every kiss she gave me blew my mind, making me lightheaded and hazy. No other girl did that to me, no other girl made me feel the way she did.

  I pull my phone out and glance at the time in the top corner, groaning as I realise it is three AM.

  She's probably was fast asleep right now, her mouth parted slightly as she makes little sounds in her sleep that I find so adorable.

  I take my chance and text her anyway, the empty feeling inside me increasing further and further.

  I miss you.

  I send the text and swallow the lump in my throat, feeling like a part of me is physically missing. My heart aches painfully for her and all I want is to have her back in my arms.

  I instantly regretting sending her the text as I realise how weak I sound, so vulnerable. The grip on my phone tightens as I know it's been sent and I can't take it back. I breathe out deeply, annoyed at how she could make my feelings and emotions go up and down like a crazy roller coaster.

  I pull my shirt over my head and step out of my jeans before walking towards my bed. I feel my phone vibrate in my hands and my eyes widen as I realise she's replied. I hold my breath as I read over the text, my heart doing somersaults over her reply.

  I miss you too.

  I lie down onto my bed, settling back into my soft covers. I write out a reply before deleting it and stare at the blank screen, not knowing what I should reply with. My fingers hover over my keyboard and I bite my lip before typing out a response quickly, forcing myself not to over analyse it.

  I can't stop thinking about you or our night together.

  I send the text and throw my phone down onto the mattress, silently wishing she wouldn't burn me back. If she did, I'd be grateful if she did it gently. There's something about late nights where you feel exhausted that turns you into an emotional mess.

  Moments pass and I feel an uneasy feeling settle in my stomach. She's going to burn me down, she probably just doesn't know how to do it. My phone vibrates suddenly letting me know she's responded and I lung for it, turning it over to read her reply.

  I don't regret it.

  I breathe out the huge breath I'm holding and smile at the screen, feeling hopeful for the future.

  Maybe it can happen again one day?

  I send the text and realise once it's sent how suggestive it sounds. I slap a hand over my head and groan loudly. Now she'd think I'm only interested in her for sex, a booty call. I grab my phone and quickly type out another text, sending it within seconds.

  I don't mean just for sex, I mean our relationship. I miss the relationship.

  I panick and literally feel myself sweating as I wait for her reply, shaking my head impatiently. That's it Jake, you are never texting another girl after one AM ever again.

  My phone buzzes and my eyes dart across the screen as I read her reply.

  I miss you too, and maybe it can happen again one day... Both things.

  I inhale deeply as I absorb her words, her suggestive words. She isn't exactly helping with my frustrating situation right now with texts like that. My heart skips a few beats as I know I haven't completely lost her, she misses me and she's also hopeful for the future. I make a promise to myself in that moment that I would try day and night to win her back. Once Amil was gone, I would do everything in my power to get her back where she belongs. With me. She's mine and I'm not prepared to let her go, ever.

  My fingers hovers over the screen as I think about my response.

  I liked both of them... A lot.

  A small smile plays on my lips as I send the text, hoping she wouldn't take it the wrong way. Knowing Emily as much as I do, I doubt she would. A massive smile breaks out on my face as she replies within seconds —

  Emily - Are you thinking about us Jake?

  Jake - Hell yeah.

  Emily - Good.

  Jake - Don't ask me things like that when you're not here to deal with it.

  I replied sending the text quickly, smirking at my screen.

  Emily - Deal with what?

  Jake - Ask Jake junior.

  Emily - Do it yourself Melvin.

  Jake - It's no fun without you baby.

  Emily - You're honestly so cheeky.

  Jake - That's why you love me, right?

  I hold my breath as I wait for her to reply. Does she still love me? Surely she couldn't have fallen out of love with me so quickly.

  My phone vibrates and I read her words, a warm tingling sensation running through my heart.

  Yes it is. Goodnight Jake.

  Goodnight Muffin, sleep tight.

  I respond to her and feel my own eyelids grow heavy as I place my phone down. Sleep washes over me immediately, my body turning heavy. I oddly feel calm and relaxed, so different than my sleepless nights previously. I allow myself to drift off into a deep much needed sleep.

  That night, I dream of her.

  Every single sleeping minute, I dream of her beautiful face.

  Chapter Sixty Three - Magnets.

  Emily's POV -

  Goodnight Muffin, sleep tight x

  My heart warms at his affectionate goodnight text. I was lying here wide awake with a snoring Ivory on the floor willing myself to close my eyes and sleep. My eyes stung, my head ached and all I wanted was to sleep for a decade.

  I was more than surprised when my phone pinged letting me know I had received a text from Jake. I literally didn't breathe properly the whole time we were texting, my heart doing little palpitations.

  I smile fondly at how cheeky he is, feeling more relaxed and content with every text he sent me. Eventually my eyes grew too heavy for me to keep
open and I turned my phone off, his words still floating through my mind. I know there's hope for us and I snuggle further into my blanket, closing my eyes and letting my body relax, once and for all.

  I wake up the next morning, feeling instantly refreshed. I stretch and reach for my phone to read over the texts Jake and I had sent to each other the night before. Would he suggest we meet up and sort things out? Or would he leave me and give me the space I need?

  An instant toothy smile flashes across my face as I notice he's sent me a text that was unread. I open it and my eyes scan over the screen —

  -Morning, sleep well?

  I grin, biting on my lower lip as I re-read his text over and over again. He'd fallen asleep after texting me and was now texting me the next morning.

  -Very well, you?

  I send the text and pull back the covers, looking over to the spot on the floor where Ivory had slept. Her blow up mattress is empty and I frown, wondering where she'd disappeared to. Usually she's too lazy to get out of bed and would spend most of her morning underneath the covers.

  "Ivory?" I call out, no reply. I stand up, grabbing my bath robe before pulling it over me, grateful for the warmth. The morning air is chilly as winter creeps around the corner, December approaching fast.

  Silence greets me and I open my bedroom door, glancing out into the hallway. I frown and head for the stairs, making my way downstairs. I push open the door to the kitchen and notice her stood by the cooker, her back to me. Her hair is stood up in every direction and she was wrapped up in a pink fluffy bath robe.

  "Hey, good morning," I call out softly, rubbing sleep away from my eyes. She turns at the sound of my voice, holding a spatula in her hand.

  "Morning, do you want some breakfast?" She asks me, giving me a warm smile.

  "Yes please, that smells amazing," I nod towards the eggs she's frying and she grins at me, motioning for me to sit down. I take a seat on the dining table, wrapping my robe around me tighter.

  "Did you sleep well?" I ask and she nods enthusiastically —

  "I slept like a baby," she chuckles and I grin at her, grateful that she'd settled in well at Pops.

  "You were up late last night. I woke up for a second and saw you on your phone," Ivory states playfully, suggestive humour in her voice. I feel my cheeks immediately flame up, turning a dark shade of red.

  "I was texting Jake," I mumble, nibbling on my bottom lip. She beams back at me, her eyes twinkling.

  "Aha! I knew it!" She cries out, waving the spatula in the air.

  "Calm down before you knock someone out with that thing!" I giggle and she grins widely before tossing some eggs onto a plate. I stand up and grab some bread, putting it into the toaster.

  "Are you two working things out?" She asks me eagerly and I shrug, grabbing my toast from the toaster to butter it.

  "We're not back together, we've just sent a few texts to each other. No big deal." I respond, feeling my stomach somersault as I know it's a big deal.

  It's definitely a big deal.

  It's a massive deal.

  "Okay, whatever you say,",Ivory responds, her eyes shining brightly. I grin at her over my shoulder and take a bite from my freshly buttered toast, moaning as it fills my mouth.

  "Food is so good," I say, swallowing the buttery carby goodness. Ivory rolls her eyes at me playfully before lunging for my other piece. She grabs it and takes a large bite of it.

  "Hey! Make your own toast!" I exclaim, pouting childishly.

  "I'm cooking you eggs, surely you can handle making some toast," Ivory responds, giving me a playful shove. I make my way towards the table and pull my phone out, glancing at the screen. My heart skips a few beats as I realise Jake had replied to me.

  -I would have slept better if you were next to me.

  I nibble on my toast, registering his words. I know eventually we'd have to talk things through properly but right now I'm more than happy to hear from him through the phone. It's better than being left in the dark, not knowing how he's feeling or what he's thinking.

  -I don't know what to say Jake.

  I quickly text him back truthfully, sending it and swallowing the lump in my throat. My phone vibrates back instantly and I scan over his words, my stomach tightening in knots.

  -Spend tonight with me... No strings attached? We don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to. I miss sleeping next to you.

  My eyes widen at his suggestion and I stare blankly at the screen, his words eventually blurring up.


  I don't realise how blunt my text sounds until I've sent it but in that moment that's the only reply I could think of. How could he possibly want to sleep next to me when I'd left him, left our relationship? Wouldn't that ruin things for us, ruin the space we both need? I don't want to ruin things any further than they already are.

  -forget about it.

  His reply is equally as blunt and I instantly feel my heart drop knowing I'd hurt him by shooting him down so horribly. My fingers hover over my screen as I fight hard to think about my response. My mind remains blank and so I turn my phone off, sighing deeply.

  Everything is so unstable right now.


  Jake's POV -

  I reach for the box of tablets, downing a few and groaning from the aching pain I feel in my body. Even with strong painkillers, my body is constantly in pain. I walk over to close over my curtains as darkness falls outside, the air cold and misty.

  I tug my shirt over my head, shivering a little from the icy temperature in the room. I dive underneath my covers, feeling extremely exhausted from the day. I'd done nothing beside annoy Tobias and watch boring television but my mind and body is shattered.

  I instantly relax, sinking down into the warm mattress and pull the covers over underneath my chin. My thoughts turn to Emily and the last text she'd sent me. My jaw tightens as I realise how much of a fool I'd been suggesting she should sleep with me tonight. I know our relationship isn't fixed but I miss her, I miss having her in this bed. I barely got a decent nights sleep without having her warmth press against my body.

  I sigh heavily as I realise how much I've changed. Its crazy how the right girl could change you completely, turn you into someone you would never even dream of becoming. I have to admit she'd softened my hard interior, making me experience new feelings and emotions.

  I close my eyes and think of her as sleep slowly washes over my body, healing my injuries.

  My mattress dips and I feel someone stir beside me. I open my eyes immediately and groan, annoyed from being woken from my sleep. My eyes meet large brown ones and I frown in the dark, reaching out to see if she's actually here or if my imagination is playing tricks on me. My hand touches her cheek gently and I feel her warm skin brush against my rough fingers causing my stomach to tighten in knots.

  "Emily?" I whisper in the dark, my voice quiet and vulnerable. I watch her nod and she shushes me, leaning further down into the covers.

  "I'm so sorry," she chokes out, her arms pulling me towards her chest. I immediately relax against her warm presence and my own arms reach around her small frame, pulling her close to me. I place a gentle kiss on her neck and feel her take a sharp intake of breath in, her body stilling.

  "Don't be, you'll always be mine," I whisper in the dark, seeing her eyes wide and innocent staring back at me. She whimpers against my body and my arms tightens around her protectively. I ignore the painful aches in my body and focus on how good she feels against me instead.

  "God, I've missed you." I breathe out against her cheek and she presses her forehead against mine, her warm breaths mingling with mine. I feel a tear fall down her cheek as she cries softly, sounding completely broken apart.

  My body tenses tightly from her cries as I realise how much she's hurting right now. . . Due to my poor choices.

  I place her down gently onto the bed and position myself over her, my thumb wiping the tears away from her eyes. She breathes in deeply, her soft cries fil
ling the silence in the room.

  "Jake," she whispers. I place my thumb over her lips, tracing over her bottom one.

  "Shh. Let me make it right." I whisper into the dark, positioning myself over her. I feel her freeze underneath me, battling with herself over the decision she's about to make. Moments pass and the only sound in the room is of our shallow breathing mingling together.

  "Make it right," she eventually responds, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Chapter Sixty Four - The morning after.

  Jake's POV-

  The cold morning air greets me and birds chirp their morning song outside my window. I stir inside my bed, slowly opening my eyes and turning. My body hits something warm behind me and I freeze, only turning my head to see who it is.


  The events of last night come flooding back to me and I groan quietly, running a hand over my face. Did we?. . .

  I lift the covers and discover we're both in fact naked. I bite my lip, feeling an uneasy feeling settle in my stomach and I turn to study her sleeping. Her long soft hair is sprawled over my pillow and her eyes are fluttered shut, completed by long dark lashes. Her plump lips are slightly parted and her chest rises heavily up and down as she sleeps peacefully.

  I don't even remember how she ended up in my bed. . .

  My painkillers are strong stuff. Considering it was halfway through the night and I was off my head on medicine didn't exactly help my state of mind. I didn't know what I was doing but was that just an excuse I was using to excuse my actions?

  I slowly slide out of bed, careful not to make any sound. My body instantly flares up with pain and I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from groaning out loud.

  Does Emily know what she was doing?

  Does she want us back together?

  I've never asked so much questions in my entire lifetime when it came to girls.

  No strings attached my text read.

  Maybe she was following my suggestion from early on and this means nothing to her. Maybe she'd wake silently and leave me once again. I grit my teeth harder at the thought of her walking away for the second time. Surely she would speak to me, explain how she's feeling.


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