Desired by the Bear Book 3

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Desired by the Bear Book 3 Page 5

by V. Vaughn

  Chapter 9


  I really should be sleeping, but I can’t stop thinking about Jean Luc and the warriors out searching for Kelsey. The brush scratches against the tile floor of the bathroom as I scrub. My bear is hovering close to the surface because I hate being left out, and I’m doing my best to keep the need to shift and chase after the rescue party at bay by cleaning everything in sight.

  “Izzy,” says Grace. She yawns as I glance up at her in the doorway. “It’s no use fighting the shift. Let’s go for a swim.”

  I swipe a loose strand of my hair from my forehead with the back of my hand. “I’m not sure how safe it is to be out there with most of the warriors gone right now.”

  “I’m not sure there’s enough tile left for you to clean. I’ll stay on shore as lookout while you swim.”

  I sigh, because she’s right. I do need to shift if I expect to get any sleep tonight. “Okay.” Water rushes in the sink as I empty my bucket. “I never expected this to be so hard.”

  “Motherhood is full of sacrifices, my dear. But you’re raising the next alpha of our clan, and you’re going to have to find a way to let that be enough.”

  When Jean Luc and I talked about getting pregnant, I never gave much thought to the fact I’d spend less time as a warrior. But now that I’m not on an important mission, I’m acutely aware of my new role, and it terrifies me. I grew up with a bipolar mother who taught me all the ways a mother shouldn’t be, and I’m afraid I don’t know how to do it right. I’m thankful I have my mother-in-law for useful advice, though.

  As Grace and I walk toward the mudroom, I say, “Wondering if I’m going to be a good mother is bothering me more than staying home tonight.”

  “I know.” She faces me as I begin to strip out of my clothes. “I understand you didn’t grow up with loving parents, but you are very capable of love, Izzy. I see it every time you look at my son.”

  Jean Luc’s warm smile floods my mind, and my throat thickens with my emotions that hover near the surface now that I’m pregnant. He taught me how to love someone other than my twin and opened my heart wider than I knew possible. “I’m not afraid I won’t love them. I’m afraid of everything else.”

  Grace smiles at me. “You were born for this, Izzy. Destiny knows more than we do. Besides, none of it is rocket science, and I plan to be here to help you with whatever you need.”

  I frown at her cavalier attitude. She hasn’t seen me lose my temper and has no idea how dangerous I can be. While the days of not having control over my anger are in the past, the fear that they could return is always in my mind. What if the stress of motherhood triggers my rage?

  The door squeaks open, and I step out into the cool night air. Damp grass wets my feet as I make my way to the stairway that leads to the beach. I decide to check in with my husband before hitting the water. I communicate in a low whisper in case he’s asleep. “Any luck finding Kelsey?”

  “Ma cherié, what are you doing up? We haven’t found her yet.”

  “I couldn’t sleep.”

  “How are you and the babies?”

  I press my hands on the round swell of my belly and wonder if they’re missing Kelsey’s scent. Polar bear have a much stronger sense of smell, and I reply, “We’re fine. Are you sure you don’t need me for my nose?”

  “We’re going to use Nadia for that tomorrow.”

  Val stopped by earlier, frantic to know where the warriors were so he could join the search. I managed to calm him down and explain that without any training, he’d be a liability to the team instead of an asset. After a cup of tea and assurance from Henri that Kelsey would be found, Val went home. I say, “Val came by because he wanted to join you, but Henri and I got him to go home.”

  “Good.” Jean Luc sighs. “I’m glad you are there to field these things for me, Izzy.”

  As Prima of the clan, I know it’s my duty to be the liaison between members and my husband when he’s not around. Jean Luc asks, “Have you heard from Tally?”

  I’ve been so concerned about Kelsey’s abduction and my issues with missing out on a search, I hadn’t given my friend much thought. While I’m sure she’s knee-deep in spells to get information on who spelled the protein powder, it’s not like her to forget to call with a report. “No. I’ll contact her and let you know if there’s anything important to share.”

  “Thank you. Now get some sleep. I love you.”

  Icy water from a wave covers my feet as I wade into the ocean and begin my shift. “I love you too.”

  I’m in bear form within seconds, and the cold I would feel on my skin isn’t present as my polar fur insulates me from the chill. I dive under and swim with powerful strokes with my enormous limbs. Exercise has always been an elixir for me, and I revel in my strength and stamina as I remain below the surface as long as I can. The tension in my shoulders and back lessens as I move, and by the time I come up for air, my stress has begun to fade.

  I think about my role as the alpha’s wife. Grace has been performing most of the tasks for years, and I’ve mostly let her continue since I would rather be a warrior. But now I think it’s time to take on the duties she’s hinted at wanting to let go.

  I ride a wave in toward shore, and salty water fills my mouth with its briny taste before I spit it out. For most of my life I dealt with life’s difficulties using physical strength, and when I met Jean Luc and learned I could be loved, I began to see the importance of using more than my muscles. Transitioning into a position of power using my intellect will be an adjustment, but it’s one I’m uniquely equipped to handle as the alpha’s true mate. Grace is right. I was born to do this. It’s time for me to accept it and move on.

  I shake off my fur when I’m out of the water and then shift back to human form. Grace smiles at me and shakes her head. “I love watching you swim. You’re magnificent, and I’m reminded of my childhood.” Grace is half polar bear, and I know it brought strength to the brown bear clan that was passed down to Jean Luc. Now with my full blood, the next alpha will be mostly polar bear. It makes me wonder if perhaps the peaceful times for the Ouellette clan are coming to an end, and a shiver runs through me as I realize that might be sooner than any of us would like to think.

  “Would you like to swim too?” I ask.

  “No. I got a run in this morning.” Grace starts walking toward the stairs that lead up to the house. “Are you feeling better now?”

  “Much. Thank you.”

  When we get back inside, I head to the kitchen to find my phone so I can text Tally to call me in the morning. Grace excuses herself to go to bed as I type, “The warriors haven’t found Kelsey yet. What have you found out?”

  The bright light from the fridge makes me blink as I pull out orange juice, and once I’ve poured a glass, I gaze out the window at the ocean. The moon is reflected on the water in waving ribbons of white, and I begin to daydream about what my children will be like. My phone dinging startles me, and I glance at it to find Tally replied. “This is Bella. Can I call you?”

  I pick up my cell and hit Call as my heartbeat quickens while I wonder if something’s wrong with Tally.


  “Izzy.” Bella takes a deep breath as if she’s preparing for a long-winded speech. “Here’s what we know. There is a coven of outcast witches behind the portals. They’re working with the hunters to take down all werebear.”

  “Wow. Where’s Tally?”

  Bella sighs. “We have a problem. Tally provided her magic as the life force behind the spirit we called up for information.”

  While I only learned about my powers in the last year, I know how dangerous giving up your magic is, and I can’t decide if I’m angry or shocked when I ask, “She did what?”

  “It was a snap decision in the middle of spell, but we really needed the information.”

  Tally’s smart, and while I don’t trust her judgment on this, I say, “I understand. Can I talk to her?”

  “She’s aslee
p, and I hate to wake her in this state. She’s very weak but okay.”

  I flash to when I used my powers to save Annie De Rozier. I bled myself dry of magic and could barely move. I can’t imagine what it would be like to be pushing that hard for hours. “Fine. So what’s the problem?”

  “The spirit is Victor Veilleux, and he was supposed to be back about four hours ago.”

  “Oh my god.” The vision of his bloody body the day he died flashes in my mind.

  “We really need to find Victor and get him back where he belongs, though, because if we don’t... she’ll die.”

  Anger licks at my temper, and a low growl comes from me, but I tamp it down to say, “What’s your plan?”

  “Tori Veilleux is on this. I’ll let you know as soon as we find him.”

  I almost laugh at Bella, because there’s no way I’m going to sit back and let Tori determine the fate of my best friend, and the Ouellette clan’s medicine woman. “Thank you for letting me know.” My first instinct is to shift and race to Maine to talk to Tori, but that isn’t what a Prima does. The need to dive into my new role has come sooner than I expected, and I think I’m about to learn the fine art of negotiation. I hope my mother-in-law doesn’t mind the loss of sleep.

  Chapter 10


  A rough finger tickles my cheek as someone strokes my face, and the vision of Marcel dances in my favorite kind of dream. But the sensation persists, and I shake myself from it to realize I’m not imagining the touch. When I open my eyes, I look into the teal-blue gaze of Marcel for real. I let out a small sigh as warmth fills my heart. “Hi.”

  “Tally.” His brows knit with concern. “You’re so pale.”

  I nod. “I’m fueling a big bad werebear right now.”

  He smoothes the hair from my face, and I lean into his hand as he says, “I know, and it kills me to see you like this. Can I do anything?”

  I smile and ignore the fact that Victor, who is sucking out my life force, is still missing, which makes the possibility I’ll die great. “No. It leaves the person vulnerable. Every witch in this area needs to be on their guard now that Victor is on the loose.”

  “I know it’s not much, but--I don’t need mine.” He grins. “I’ll take the opportunity to kiss you anyway.”

  Desire tingles in me, and I let out a weak chuckle. “You don’t have to kiss me to give it away.”

  Marcel’s eyes deepen in color when he smells my sexual attraction, and his voice lowers. “I think I do. Now tell me how it works.”

  Marcel has seer abilities, but they’re weak. What he can give me won’t even be enough energy to return to normal, but I’m not going to pass up the chance to kiss him. “Imagine a stream of golden power flowing from you toward me.”

  He leans in close, and his breath is hot on my neck as he says, “I’ll picture giving you my love, Tally.” His lips meet mine in a gentle kiss that heats up quickly as an electric current zings through me. He opens up his mind easily, and I drink in his power. It gives me enough strength to reach up and clutch at his shoulder. I hang on tight to the combination of the magic rejuvenating me and the man I love.

  When Marcel breaks away, he says, “That was more amazing than last time.”

  Considering our first and only kiss dragged me through a portal, that’s saying something. But I know what he means. I’ve never felt that kind of electricity with an exchange of magic before. “That’s because we’re in love.”

  He shakes his head. “I think it’s more. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you have werebear in you and we’re true mates.”

  If only that could be true. My heart twinges with the thought of eventually losing Marcel to his real true mate, because the reality is I’m as human as they come. “I wish for that too.” I place my hand on his chest, and his heart beats steadily under my palm as I imagine how wonderful it would be if we were connected for life. “Thank you. I feel better.” But it’s not because his magic is still fueling me--that’s gone already--it’s because we do have a connection I can’t explain. So for right now I’ll let it be enough.

  It occurs to me that Marcel shouldn’t be here with me since he’s one of the top warriors for our clan. “Aren’t you supposed to be on the rescue mission?”

  “When Jean Luc told me what happened, I knew I needed to see you, Tally. I had to know you were okay.”

  “I’m fine. You can’t do anything for me, and Jean Luc needs you more than I do. You should probably go.”

  “I know.” He glances over at Jace, who is sitting across the room, guarding me. “Don’t be a hero, Tally. If you need help in any way, let Jace know.”

  “Of course. Now go and find Kelsey.”

  Marcel says, “One more kiss.” He leans in, and our lips connect with a magnetism that makes me want to pull him into my very being. The same electricity we had before hums in me, and I wonder if maybe he has more magic than I thought. But when he’s done, I haven’t got any more energy and determine it must be what loving a werebear does.

  “I’ll be back to check on you tomorrow,” Marcel says, and he stands to leave.

  I can barely keep my eyes open and whisper, “I love you. Be safe.”

  “I will. I love you too, Tally.”

  I fall asleep wrapped in the warm blanket of Marcel’s love.

  When I wake, the morning sun filters in through the blinds to form stripes on the carpet of Bella’s living room, and I hear Leanne and Lucian bickering in the kitchen. Leanne says, “You can’t do this without me, and I’m not convinced it’s safe.”

  “Do you think I’d risk losing my magic?” Lucian chuckles. “Stop being so selfish and consider the options. More than Tally is at stake here.”

  Whoa. I’m not sure, but I think they might be talking about doing something to break my bond with Victor. I pull myself up to sit, with the intention of going into the kitchen, but once I raise my head, I get dizzy and let out a moan.

  Jace is at my feet in a flash. “Hey. Are you okay?”

  I nod. “I sat up too fast.”

  He hands me a glass of water, and cool liquid slides down my throat when I drink. “Thank you.” I gaze into his concerned face. “Any chance you know what the twins are talking about?”

  Jace glances toward the kitchen and whispers, “Lucian wants to give you some of their power to save your life. But it’s risky, and Leanne’s afraid they won’t be able to stop all of it going to you with the Victor connection.”

  The trouble with black magic is because it’s taboo, witches don’t share results, and we can’t predict outcomes easily. While giving magic to me can be controlled easily by the twins, my black-magic bond with Victor is volatile. Leanne is right to be concerned.

  I speak loudly. “I can hear you two. You might as well come have the discussion with me.”

  When Leanne faces me, she says, “I’m sorry. It’s not that I don’t love you, Tally.”

  I hold up my hand. “I know. You’re smart to question this idea. We don’t know that it’s safe. Besides, giving me this power will make both of you weak.”

  Lucian says, “Not really. Our combined power is magnified, so Leanne and I would only have to give you a small portion of our magic to get you back on your feet.”

  “Okay. I stand corrected on that point.” What feels like a bolt of lightning searing through me makes me gasp, and I imagine a big piece of my life force is yanked out of my body when I struggle to breathe, as if the wind was knocked out of me.

  “Tally?” asks Leanne.

  Oxygen rushes into my lungs when I’m finally able to inhale, and I hold up my hand. “I’m fine.” I wrap my arms around myself as a chill of fear runs down my spine. I glance at the concerned faces of my friends staring at me. “How do you know Victor can’t suck power out of you too with enough force you can’t stop him?”

  “We don’t,” says Leanne. Her complexion is pale, and her voice shakes when she says, “And we also don’t know if he could take it forever.”
  “I do know I can stop him,” says Lucian as he scowls at us. “What we need are magical werebear to be the anchors.”

  “Werebear?” I wince at the sharp pain I experience in my chest by trying to breathe too deeply. “Why?”

  “Because that’s what Victor is,” says Lucian. “If we could get an alpha, that would be best.”

  Kimi’s clan is led by a husband-and-wife alpha team, and the female has magic. I say, “So you want Carly Le Roux to come help?”

  “Yes. And we need the power of your Prima, Isabelle, too. Between the four of us, we can control Victor.”

  Izzy is one of the most powerful werebear with magic I’ve ever encountered, but I’d hate to jeopardize it, considering she may need it to protect herself. She has the ability to create a dome that can’t be penetrated, which could come in useful if she were ever under attack from hunters. “I don’t know. That’s a lot of magic you’re suggesting we risk.”

  Lucian’s eyes narrow. “If we don’t find Victor soon, then you’re the one we’re risking. You’ll die, Tally, and you know it.”

  I glare as anger simmers in me, and I lock my gaze with him. “One life versus four powerful sources of magic going to a man like Victor.” While a glimmer of good had shone in Victor when he sacrificed himself to save a Le Roux he’d wronged, I bet he has a long list of people he’d like dead, and Kimi is at the top. “Think of all the lives he would take as revenge. It seems like an easy decision to me.”

  Bella’s gasp comes from behind me as she comes down the stairs. “You are not going to die, Tallulah. I won’t let it happen.”

  I fill her in on Lucian’s plan, and Bella says, “I trust Lucian, but we should ask Kimi for her opinion.”

  “If we can get her to answer her phone,” mumbles Lucian.

  I suspect he’s mad that we won’t take his word on this, but his ego is not my concern at the moment.

  I notice Jace stiffen as I say, “Call Kimi,” and a moment later, there’s a knock on the door followed by Izzy letting herself into Bella’s house. I smile at her as she approaches me.


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