Desired by the Bear Book 3

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Desired by the Bear Book 3 Page 12

by V. Vaughn

  I glance out at the clearing where Tally taught me how to throw fireballs of magic. I recall how she taunted me, and I remember how powerful she is. The Ouellette clan would be lost without Tally, and my chest tightens with emotions as I imagine how lost I would be without her too.

  When I turn back to my task, I spot the windows of Tally’s kitchen first, and something red catches my eye. A pang of nostalgia hits me when I realize it’s the sea glass Grace gave Tally last spring. When Tally tried to perform an origin spell, she got more than she expected and witnessed the birth of Kelsey and Caitlyn. She learned that Julie stole Caitlyn from Rachel to keep for her own. At the same time Tally discovered this, Kelsey, who had no idea she was Henri’s daughter or a werebear, arrived in Safe Harbor. The sea glass was the catalyst to the events set in motion that have led to Tally’s current predicament.

  I know destroying the sea glass wouldn’t help a thing, but I’m tempted to smash it into tiny shards of red with my foot. My fur prickles at my skin as the urge to shift rises in me. But I take a deep breath and calm my bear, because my anger would help nothing. The reality is the Eradicators were after us long before the sea glass was found, and even if I could change the course of what transpired because of Julie, a different version of danger would have presented itself.

  Once I have the fresh herbs, I let myself into Tally’s kitchen. The air is cool, and a potpourri of magical odors fills the space. Bella is a whiz with details, and paper crinkles as I open up the map she sketched of Tally’s cabinets and drawers. There is an X on the containers I need to open for the ingredients I’m supposed to gather, and I tug on a door to get the first one.

  As I move around the kitchen, I flash back to the mornings I came to get Tally for the gym, and I can almost hear her groans over the morning smoothies I made her drink. When tears fill my eyes, I have to stop the memories and focus on completing my list so I can get on the road to Maine.

  The drive to Bella’s house takes about two hours, and I’ll be bringing two guards with me. Considering the importance of the situation, Jean Luc suggested René and Xavier. Along with Jace and Marcel, who are already at Bella’s, I can’t imagine a better team to protect us from outside threats.

  We set out for Maine after lunch. I’m up front with René as he drives. There isn’t much traffic, and the wheels of my Hummer rumble over the asphalt of the highway. To distract myself from thoughts of losing Tally, I turn back to talk to Xavier about the latest clan gossip. I say, “So, Caitlyn and Lance. What do we think?”

  René says, “Nadia is thrilled because she wants everyone to be as happy as we are.” He shrugs. “And if she thinks it’s a good thing, it likely is.”

  Xavier says, “I’m not so sure about humans who can be changed into a werebear. I’m good with it happening, but now I can’t look at a human without wondering if they could be a potential mate.”

  “Like you need more options.” René shakes his head as he grins.

  “Did you guys hear about Abby?” asks Xavier. I recall the girl who runs the sales department of Ouellette Yachts as he adds, “She’s a definite human hater, but not anymore.” He waggles his eyebrows at us. “Seems she’s all gushy about a rich boy who’s getting a custom yacht.”

  I glance at René to see he’s frowning. While it happens often, it can be dangerous for clan members to get involved with humans, and I know that until this generation of Ouellettes, dating them was something that was done secretly. While the werebear wouldn’t be punished for being involved with a human, it wasn’t widely accepted. There’s an underlying danger of exposure to the wrong people as well as complications that can arise if the werebear falls in love with someone they can never be with. And until their true mate comes along, many young werebear don’t understand the emotion is merely infatuation in comparison.

  If Abby was anti-human until she met this guy, it makes me wonder about the possibility he could be part werebear. I ask, “How prejudiced was she?”

  “Pretty bad,” says Xavier. “She was pissed off when she found out Val and Kelsey were dating. And even after she learned they were true mates, I don’t think she trusted it.”

  “Huh. Where is this guy from?”

  “Connecticut,” says Xavier. “And get this--he’s a triplet with a stepmother. Abby’s telling people she thinks he’s part werebear. Although that could be her trying to explain how she turned into a human lover so quickly.”

  René clears his throat, and I think he’s warning us to stop. I ask, “What’s going on in your love life, Xavier?”

  René chuckles, and Xavier says, “Eh, you know. Not much.”

  “Right,” says René. “Tell that to the three women who vie for your attention.”

  “Hey.” Xavier lifts his arm up to flex his bicep. “They all want some of this. What am I supposed to do?”

  I say, “Understandable. Who wouldn’t want a hot clan warrior?”

  René winks at me as he says, “It’s always a sad day for women when one of us finds their true mate.”

  The truck is slowing down, and I think we’re at the US border. So I roll my eyes at him. My passport is slick in my fingers as I hand it to René. While the patrol checks our IDs, I think about Abby mating with a human male who she’d likely change. The rules of the clan are evolving, and while I think it’s good to bring in new members, it can also be tumultuous for those who don’t embrace change.

  I think Jean Luc and I are in for some challenging times ahead, and we’re going to need Tally’s magic guidance more than ever. I communicate with Jean Luc. “We’re at the border.” My heart stops for a moment as the weight of what’s about to happen nearly crushes me. “We have to win this one. While I personally don’t want to lose my best friend, I’m also afraid of our clan losing her.”

  “I know, ma cherié. Believe me. I know.”

  Chapter 25


  I’m so weak now that I spend most of my time in a dreamlike state. I can hear voices around me, and I know everyone is worried I’m going to die before we can break the bond between Victor and me. In the last few hours, my grandmother’s spirit has been with me, and she brought with her a sense of peace. I’m not sure if I’m accepting my death or if she’s here to let me know everything is going to be okay. I’m leaning toward the latter, because the presence of Marcel is strong in my mind as well.

  A paper bag rustles near me, and I open my eyes to Izzy’s smiling face. “I brought jelly donuts.” She reaches in and pulls one out to hold it to my mouth. The sugar hits my tongue when I take a small bite, and I manage to let out a sigh of appreciation for the flavor. Izzy says, “Don’t talk. I just wanted you to know there’s a lot of things you need to live for.” She grins. “Like sugar.”

  My dear friend is doing a good job of hiding her fear, and I let my emotions of love for her radiate through my mind. When she places her hand on her chest and sighs, I know she’s read my mind. I imagine Marcel and me standing at an altar for a wedding ceremony so she’ll see I have no intention of giving up, because she’s right. The fact I can be mated with Marcel even though I’m human is definitely worth living for.

  “Oh, Tally,” says Izzy. “I’m going to be right there beside you when it happens. I promise. Any interest in a couple ring bearers and a flower girl?”

  To answer her, I picture three tiny blond children racing down an aisle toward Izzy’s and Jean Luc’s outstretched arms as onlookers laugh. My wonderful thoughts are interrupted by Lucian. “Carly is here, and we’re almost ready.”

  I gaze into Carly’s vibrant blue eyes as she sits on the edge of the couch. “Hey, Tally. Let’s get you back into action.”

  I’m sure Carly’s worried sick over her clan’s missing medicine woman, and I whisper, “Kimi?”

  “We’ll get her back too.” A low growl rumbles from Carly, and her alpha power along with her magic nearly sparks with electricity. She’s managed to call it to the surface, where it hovers ready like a loaded gun, and I wa
nt to tell her Kimi trained her well. But I don’t have the energy.

  When she gets up, Marcel takes her place and is careful not to touch me and lend his magic. I’m glad, because the idea of Victor having it makes my blood boil.

  Lucian is performing the spell tonight, and while he’s not more powerful than Kimi or me, he’s very capable. He’s bolstered by confidence and the chance to show off his abilities, and I think his ego will serve us all well.

  Bella says, “The circle is ready. Carly and Izzy, you two are the anchors, and your job is to keep Lucian, Leanne, and me here. I want you to imagine holding three ropes that are tethered to us.”

  Izzy asks, “Don’t we get one for Tally too?”

  “No,” says Lucian. “She’s attached to Victor, and until we get her free, we don’t want both of them anchored in the real world.”

  “Got it,” says Carly.

  Marcel leans down and says, “Jace is going to carry you to the circle. I’ll be there the whole time, Tally.”

  I give him a nod, and Jace’s strong arms are firm under my body as he lifts me off the couch. The chirping of cicadas is a loud hum in my ears as I’m taken to the spell circle. Jace places me down gently on a blanket. Candles are set just inside the salt perimeter, and from my prone position on my back, I can see Carly and Izzy on the inner edge near my feet. Marcel is behind them and out of the circle. Bella is off to my right, while Leanne is on my left. I assume Lucian is at my head since he’s running the spell, and his voice confirms it.

  He begins to chant loudly, and I picture him throwing his head back like an evangelical minister for the dramatic effect since the volume of his words makes no difference in the spell. While the others join Lucian, I close my eyes and open myself to the spell. I focus on the buzzing of energy that builds around me, and when I sense the intrusion of Lucian, I resist the instinct to push him away.

  It’s an odd sensation to welcome another witch into my body, let alone three. I’m comfortable with Bella, but Leanne and Lucian make me feel as if I should have cleaned up first. Fortunately, they’re so focused on reaching Victor and cutting our tie, I doubt they’re checking out my mental cobwebs.

  The plan is for the three witches to use the bond to Victor to enter his body and sever the threads of our connection. With Carly and Izzy holding them, when the tie breaks, they’ll be able to retreat back through me. Lucian leads the way, and I feel him leave me first. I automatically tense up with fear, and Bella’s voice is soft in my mind. “Don’t worry, I’m taking you with me.”

  This is not what was discussed, but Bella knows I’ll struggle to remain calm if I don’t know what’s going on, and since they need me to be relaxed to allow them access to my powers, I think her decision is a good one. Cool fingers grasp mine, and it’s as if I’m now walking beside my friend while we move down a tunnel swirling with the fiery purple, red, and gold colors of my magic fueled with the power of others. As we progress, the shades deepen in color and become almost black the closer we get to Victor. A cold sense of dread fills my heart, and I shudder as Bella says, “We’ll be fast. I don’t like it here either.”

  At the point where all color is gone, Lucian stops. He throws his hands out, and shots of bright-white magic pummel the black. Leanne and Bella flank him to do the same, and a strong sulfur-like odor fills my nose as gray swirls of smoke arise in the blackness. I experience a lightening of my body, as if weight is being lifted off my shoulders, and I know it’s my energy returning as the bond weakens. I’m tempted to use my new strength to help, but suddenly Lucian yells, “Tally! Pull back!”

  All of our emotions are tied, and I sense his panic. When it spikes in Leanne too, I know something has gone wrong. Bella yells, “Run, Tally!”

  I turn to retreat back down the tunnel, but I only get a few steps before I feel myself being sucked backward as if I’m in a vacuum tube. “No!” I can still move forward, but it’s painstakingly slow steps, and I fear I’m never going to make it. I scream and grasp at the threads of magic in an attempt to hold on. They’re pulsing with power that doesn’t make sense, and when I manage to grab one, it sears my hand like a hot skillet. I let out a cry of pain as I reflexively let go. Now I am moving backward, and Marcel flashes in my mind. I latch onto the vision as if it can keep me safe. His voice is almost real when I imagine him saying, “Hold on to me and never let go.” Even though I’m aware of the agony I’ll experience, I reach for the curling threads of magic once more. I see a green one that I instinctively know is connected to Marcel and grab it.


  I glance down the tunnel to Marcel’s voice and see him running toward me. I shake my head as I try to clear my imagination. There’s no way Marcel could be here, and I wonder if this is what people mean when they say you see your life flash before your eyes before you die. I sink to my knees as the scent of my flesh burning fills my nostrils. My vision is clouding with shooting stars, and I think I’m about to pass out. My imaginary Marcel reaches me and scoops me up as he growls, “You’ll have to go through me first, Veilleux!”

  He leans down and kisses me, but it’s not sexual. He seems to be breathing in my magic, because I feel what little I regained leave me again, and when I grasp at Marcel’s T-shirt, the cotton is soft enough in my fingers that this may be real. My stomach lurches as the two of us are lifted up in the air and begin to swirl around like a crazy carnival ride. I lean into Marcel and inhale his scent for comfort. I’m sure I’m about to die, but happy to hold on to my true love as I go.

  My joy is quickly replaced with pain that radiates through my spine as I thud to the ground with my huge werebear on top of me. He scrambles off of me in a flash, and as I sit up I realize I’m in a spell circle. But it’s not the one in Bella’s backyard. I discover Lucian, Leanne, and Bella are limp bodies on the ground in the circle, and I gasp when I see Victor Veilleux standing tall, full of life. His teeth gleam in the candlelight as he grins. His voice is taunting when he says, “A Ouellette warrior thinks he can beat me.” He motions with his hands for Marcel to approach him. “Bring it, little boy.”

  No! Energy that comes from nowhere makes me jump to my feet, but pain radiates through my chest as I’m struck with a fireball that knocks me back down. A female laugh rings in my head, and I glance over at the source to see a woman with red curls cascading down to her waist. Cassandra.

  Chapter 26


  Val is going to give me my first fighting lesson, and I was grateful when he suggested we find a place in the woods instead of going to the gym. The sun has just set, and the sky darkens with night as we walk. Val says, “I wanted to do this in the evening so you can get used to your bear vision.”

  I have grown accustomed to my new super-senses, and noise no longer threatens to deafen me. The dampness of ocean air is cool on my face, and I imagine what it must be like to see in the dark. “That could come in handy.”

  “Definitely. And I think you might like fighting as a bear too.”

  I recall the strength of my animal limbs when I run and the way my bear side is fearless. I smile because I think Val might be on to something. I’m bound to be a better fighter if I’m not afraid.

  I notice a cabin up ahead and hear a television playing. “Who lives there?”

  “I’m not sure,” says Val. He stops when a well-built man with auburn hair steps out from the tree line. “Hey, Jurgen.”

  “Val. Whatcha up to?”

  “I’m taking my mate, Kelsey, to the clearing to practice fighting.”

  The man nods, and I overhear familiar female voices talking. I think it’s Caitlyn, and I recognize Linda’s accent. I think about how nice the woman was to me, and I say to Val, “They rescued Linda, and she’s in there with Caitlyn. I’d really like to thank her.”

  I realize Jurgen must be guarding the women, and I ask, “Can I talk to Linda for a minute?”

  The warrior takes a moment to stare at me as if he can read my mind and determine if I’m a
threat before he answers. “Sure.”

  I walk over to the door, and my knuckles rap lightly when I knock. Caitlyn answers and steps back as she scans me with her gaze. “Kelsey.”

  “Hi.” Her cold demeanor makes me nervous, and I speak quickly. “I couldn’t help overhearing Linda. You know, with my new ears and all. And I wanted to speak to her. If I could.”

  Without a word, Caitlyn steps aside, and I see Linda standing by the couch. The TV has been muted, and she smiles at me, so I move toward her. “I wanted to thank you for being so kind to me. I’m so glad to see you’re here and safe now.” I recall how she wasn’t a fan of werebear and wonder is she’s not happy to be here. “It’s okay I asked them to get you, right?”

  “Yeah.” She glances at Caitlyn. “It’s weird, but I’m getting used to it.”

  I let out a breath in relief. “Oh good.” I glance around quickly and notice there are snacks on the coffee table along with two beers. “I didn’t mean to interrupt anything. I just wanted to thank you.” I begin to back away. “If you need anything, just ask. Okay?”

  Linda says, “I will.” Caitlyn grabs the remote and restores sound.

  I walk toward the door, and when I get there, Linda asks, “Kelsey?” I turn to her, and she says, “Thanks.”

  I can’t help the huge grin that covers my face. “You’re welcome.”

  When I get outside, Val’s hand is warm on my arm as he rubs it. “Happy?”

  I nod. “I’m glad she’s away from the abuse. She deserves so much better.”

  “I’m sure Jean Luc is going to help her find a better life.”

  Trees close in on us as we make our way down a narrow path, and branches scratch at my skin until we come to the clearing. I walk to the middle and twirl around slowly to take in the scenery. The moon is full tonight, and it’s already high enough in the sky to make things brighter than usual. There’s a steep cliff on my right, and since I can hear the ocean off to my left, I bet the high peak would offer a great view of the sea. “Hey, can we go up there first? I bet the moon is pretty on the water right now.”


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