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Dante Page 7

by KJ Dahlen

  When he pulled out of her, she groaned. “Are you ok?” he asked.

  “Oh good lord, I may never be ok again!” She exclaimed in awe. Turning in his arms, she smiled at him.

  He grabbed her up and pressed her to his body. “It was the same for me and that’s saying something. You may be as addictive as your candy.”

  She giggled. “Oh, I doubt that but to keep you around I am not above tempting you with candy to get you to...stay.”

  He paused. “Why would you ever have to do that?”

  Andi paused now then looked at him again. “I assumed that when this was over, you would just go back to your own life, and I would go back to...mine.”

  Dante shook his head. “I don’t think you will be going far from me.”

  “Well, I did want to thank you anyway.”

  “Thank me?” He was puzzled yet again.

  “I mean...well, I know you must just feel sorry for me or something. But I’m so happy that—”

  Grabbing her upper arms, he sat them both upright on the bed. “Look. Don’t ever say anything like that again. I wanted you because. I. Truly. Wanted. You. I can’t fake an erection like that. It’s preposterous to say that was some kind of pity fuck.” He framed her face with his hands and looked right into her unique grey eyes. “You are beautiful. I saw that the moment you came in behind that counter at your shop. No way was I driven by any other reason but that I wanted you.”

  Tears filled Andi’s eyes.

  “I mean it,” he repeated. “Never... ever, say this again.”

  Andi looked at him with confusion. “You wanted me just for...?”

  Dante felt perplexed at her simple question. “I have said why. I meant every word. I know a good thing when I see it and us together? This is a damn good thing.

  Andi shook her head. “I just...I never felt wanted before.”

  “Well, that just shows you how stupid men really are. Lucky me though. I get you to myself.” He snuggled down with her.

  Andi blinked her eyes in shock. Then after a while, she fell asleep.

  Dante was bothered by what she said. Still. How could she have been brainwashed into thinking she was undesirable? Damn, he wanted her all over again this very minute. It made him sick to think that she had a point though, he’d gone after women that were like what she said. He supposed maybe now that had been on purpose, as he was only half attracted to them. Only partially interested. Yeah, he chose those types of girls on purpose. Comparing them to Andi... he saw who the real woman was. Not those who’d graced his bed before. He felt so protective of her now. Odd, when usually, he was out the door at about this time. Instead, he had her here in his own room. Another first. He hadn’t ever had sex with a woman in his own bed.

  Yeah, this was different on all kinds of levels and it was already moving past a “date” stage. He closed his eyes and sighed, her sweet scent filled his nose. “Chocolate and heaven,” he whispered and fell asleep smiling like a dammed idiot.

  Chapter Seven

  Andi awoke with hands all over her. His fingers were delving into her. She wasn’t used to all this touching and the man seemed insatiable, She had to wonder about how he could keep going and going but her body flushed hot and she began to shake from need as he sucked on her nipples and stroked his fingers inside her.

  Suddenly, he pulled away and she thought she might be dreaming for a moment. “I want you to—” She gulped out with the quivering her body exhibited. “Please finish—I love the way you feel—inside of me.”

  With her pleading, Dante slid his cock inside of her. His expression was one of pure fascination. He swiveled his hips around and ground into her. “I love seeing your face when you come. Damn...”

  Her panting grew louder as she grabbed onto his shoulders. “Oh yes, I love this. It's the best!”

  Dante lifted her higher and tilted her pelvis up. “We will see what the best is yet to come.” His expression looked tenacious and resolute.

  Gasping, Andi stared at the extraordinary but sexy biker who could use his hips better than any man probably should.

  He moved his pelvis back, and then with true force, he plunged high up into her.

  “Ahh!” Andi screamed helplessly while her body shuddered as she came instantly with the powerful precise plunge. His smooth silky tip touched high inside of her. “So deep and so dammed good!” She felt her own cum seep from her and lather his supremely endowed shaft as it still sat deeply inside her, pressed to a tender G-spot that Andi never knew she had.

  After a full minute of her attempting to get her breath back, Andi decided it was her time to shine.

  Dante looked startled as she wrapped her thighs around him again, and breathlessly pulled him closer. “Now, it's your turn...” Determined to give him the same pleasure, she repeatedly moved her pelvis up and forward in a rapid sensual motion. Using her body to purposefully stroke that sumptuous length of him, she squeezed his ass cheeks and slid her wet core with calculated precision over that hard shaft of his with a great amount of ecstatic delight. It all just came natural to her. Now that she had let go of her fears and anxiety. She wanted to get sexier with him, show him she could please him too. The man had given her such pleasure in so little time.

  Appearing to be even more stunned, he began to pant with her. “If you aren't the damndest surprise of my life!” He gasped loudly as his body stiffened with a seemingly unanticipated jolting climax.

  At the flow of coming warmth was flooding her and her body was still throbbing from her own powerful orgasm, the fulfilling blaze of it topped off the best sexual experience she might ever have in her lifetime. “Oh, yes,” she whispered to his ear with a wondering sigh. Her body pulsed and shuddered helplessly and her amazement grew.

  “You’re some kind of hot woman, as well as being beautiful.”

  Andi laughed. She finally believed him. Finally.

  When dawn finally rolled around, Dante and Andi were fast asleep. They’d come together two more times during the night and each time they touched the heavens. Dante opened his eyes to stare at a woman in his arms and for once... regret wasn’t the first thing he felt.

  He saw her lying next to him and smiled. He may have only gotten a few hours of sleep but he felt great. He paused for a moment but didn’t feel the hollow emptiness he usually woke up with.

  He looked down in awe at the woman beside him and found her looking back at him. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her good morning. She kissed him back. When the kiss broke, he whispered, “Good morning.”

  “Good morning to you too,” she murmured. Looking over at the window in his room, she groaned. “Well, it’s barely morning.”

  Dante chuckled and said, “Yeah, it’s dammed early but I’m so used to getting up at the crack ass of dawn I don’t even need an alarm clock anymore.”

  “I hear ya there.” She groaned. “I guess it’s time to make some chocolate.”

  “Ommm, darling...” Dante nuzzled her neck. Last night he’d found her spot and he couldn’t help himself.

  “What?” she moaned as she felt his lips and teeth on her neck.

  “You won’t be making any chocolates today, remember?”

  Andi paused then remembered the events of the night before. She pushed him away from her and stared at him in dismay. “Oh my god, how could I forget that?” she whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks. Then she looked around the room. Everywhere but at him. “Oh my god, what have I done?” She pushed the covers off her and began looking for her clothes, scrambling to cover her body, so instead she wrapped the sheet around her and fled the room.

  Dante just sat there in a stupor. If he didn’t know any better he’d have thought she was ashamed of what she did last night. If he didn’t know any better, but he did.

  Dante shoved what was left of the bedding off him. Standing up as was his fashion when he awoke. His head was still a little sore this morning but the rest of his body felt great. Despite everything that happened in the last
twenty four hours and what was to come, this moment right now, was his best.

  He didn’t know why but he had a feeling this moment belonged to Andi. She was the reason he could smile this morning. She was the reason he didn’t wake up in agony, the reason this day was going to be his best day yet.

  He quickly showered and pulled on some clothes. He even whistled on his way down to the kitchen. He paused as he stopped just inside the door. Everyone sitting at the table was staring at him as if he’d committed a crime.

  “What?” He turned to face his brothers and the others.

  Bass sat there and glared at him with rage in his eyes.

  “You’re in a good mood this morning,” Mountain commented.

  “Yes, I am,” Dante admitted. He paused then asked, “Did anything else happen last night?”

  “No, it didn’t,” Mountain replied. “Trevor from the diner called this morning. He said he turned the security tapes over to the police. They clearly show the attack and who did it. He sent us a copy as well, you know just in case the original somehow gets lost in the vastness of the internet.” He air quoted the last part of his statement. “I shared it with Zipper to make sure we didn’t miss something.”

  Dante shrugged. “I trust what Andi told us.”

  “So do the rest of us but this is the first step in gathering evidence, the police need to set the stage for court,” Bowie reminded him.

  “Where is Andi anyway?” Bass asked.

  “Getting dressed, I’m sure.”

  “I’m here.” Her voice came from behind him. He and everyone else turned to see her walk into the room. She was dressed now and her hair was pulled back into a neat braid. She wouldn’t look at him and that was something her grandpa took note of.

  Mountain noticed as well and he hoped his brother wasn’t as dumb as he thought he was. He looked over at Bass and saw the narrowing of his eyes and lips.

  “So what are the plans for the day?” Dante wanted to know. “Same as usual or what?”

  Mountain shook his head. “Not today. Today, we check out the damage to the candy shop and check out the house. Deke is meeting us there to check out the damage for himself.”

  Andi sat down hard on a chair and hung her head. “I still can’t believe all of this.”

  Bass reached out and took her hand.

  She looked up at him and asked, “Why? What did I ever do to her or anyone else to have this happen to me? Nobody has ever cared about what I did before, why would one date be so destructive?”

  “Because the date was with him, that’s why.” Bass growled.

  Dante stiffened as did one or two of his brothers.

  Mountain’s fingers tightened around his cup but he didn’t say anything, instead he just glared at the old man.

  “Grandpa, stop it,” she admonished him. “This isn’t Dante or his brother’s fault. I have a feeling there’s something more going on here. We just have to figure it out.”

  “Andi,” Bass grumbled but held his tongue when she held up her hand to stop him.

  “No grandpa, don’t you say another word.” Tears filled her eyes but she refused to let them fall. “Life has never been easy after mom died for either of us, but when they moved here eleven years ago, Abby zeroed in on me and from day one, she’s bullied me. I never said anything but she was a bitch to me for years. She gathered the worst girls and they ran as a pack in high school. They made life so unbearable I couldn’t even go there anymore. You set me up to homeschooling so I could finish and get my degree, don’t you remember?”

  Bass nodded.

  “What you don’t know and I never told you was what she used to call me. I never said anything cuz it never made sense to me but she called me her daddy’s dirty little secret. I never knew what she was talking about since I had both a mother and a father of my own, but she always called me her dad’s bastard. I told her time after time she was wrong about me but she wouldn’t listen. Every time I denied it, she got worse with the bullying. Then she started in with catching me alone. It would be me and her and a couple of her friends.” She shook her head. “I came home with more than one bruise on those days.”

  Bass’s face lost color and he began to look uncomfortable.

  Mountain noticed it and looked around the room at his brothers. “Is there any truth to what she’s saying?” he finally asked.

  Bass slumped. “There could be.”

  Andi gasped and got to her feet slowly. Staring at her grandpa in horror she asked, “What does that mean?”

  “You have to understand all of this happened a long time ago,” Bass began telling his story. “My daughter Mary Ellen was a good girl. She was smart as a whip and she often worked right along beside me in the garage I had back then. We lost her mother when she was seven so I was all she had growing up. She’s been coming out to the track with me since she was fourteen and nothing ever happened. Then when she was seventeen, she ran across Liam Stroker. Oh, she was young and a beautiful girl. Stroker was high from a win and things happened. He convinced her to take a chance on him and she did.” He shook his head. “I guess I was so used to her being a tomboy I never realized she was a woman full grown. Three months later, she came to me in tears and told me she was pregnant. I asked about the father but she never told me his name. She told me they were only together one time and he ignored her ever since then but...” He shrugged. “In the end, it didn’t really matter. She had the baby and that baby changed both our lives. My Mary Ellen worked her fingers to the bone to provide for her daughter and I watched over them both. Liam Stroker never came around, nor did he lay claim to Andi but I’d see him watching her from time to time.”

  Andi lowered her head and cried as he went on.

  “When Andi was seven, Mary Ellen was in an accident. A hit and run accident. They never found the car that hit her but then it didn’t matter. She was still gone and nothing could bring her back. I raised her baby girl the best I knew how.” He looked over at Andi. “I swear I never knew your father’s name but it could have been Liam Stroker. I never knew what happened when she told him about you but she told me he would never be in your life that he refused to acknowledge you, as he was already a married man who wasn’t interested in leaving his wife. She told me all of that but she never told me his name. She tried to deny that it was him, but deep in my gut, I knew.”

  Andi sat there stunned as she raised her tear stained face. She never knew any of this before. He’d always told her that her father died before she was born. She looked at the man who raised her. “My mother was a good woman. She was the best mom a girl could ever have. She gave me everything she had and it was enough. After she died, I had you and again that was enough. I never had a father but I didn’t miss having one either. He turned his back on me long before I was born but that’s on him not me. Now the truth doesn’t matter. He doesn’t matter. He took his sin to his grave.”

  Dante walked over to her and pulled her into his arms. Wrapping his arms around her body, he whispered in her ear, “You got me and my family now. We won’t walk away from you.”

  Andi wrapped her arms around his waist and for a moment reveled in his embrace. Then she took a step back. She smiled as she broke away from him. “Thank you for saying that but I can’t hold you to it. I have to stand on my own two feet here. I’ve never depended on anyone to be there for me. Life is just too damn short. Please don’t make promises you might not be able to keep.”

  Dante opened his mouth to tell her he meant it.

  Andi didn’t give him the chance, she turned to Bass and said, “Come on grandpa, we got work to do.”

  Bass got to his feet and followed her to the door.

  Mountain got to his feet and came to stand in front of Dante. “You let her walk away and I might just have to beat you.”

  Bowie, Chance and Byron stood up as well. “And we’ll help.”

  “She isn’t going anywhere without me,” Dante spit out. “She’s mine now and I protect what’s mine
. She might not like it but she’ll have to get used to it. I’m not giving her back.” He stomped toward the door.

  When they got outside, they all saw that Bass’s truck was gone.

  Dante walked over to his bike and swung his leg over the engine.

  A few minutes later, five bikes left the parking lot. They roared through town and came up behind Bass Reed’s old truck. It was parked in front of the shop. But when they shut down their bikes the only thing they could hear was silence.

  Dante looked at his brothers and frowned. They were looking back with the same expression on their faces. They walked slowly to the back of the shop where most of the damage happened. Nothing looked disturbed but when they turned toward the house, they found the front door wide open. There was still no sound coming from the house but something told Dante things weren’t right here.

  Dante started toward the house. When he entered the building, the silence told its own story. He went from room to room and finally found what he was looking for. Bass was laid out on the kitchen floor. Blood pooled around his head and he could see a wound. There was a flashlight next to his body and it was stained with the old man’s blood. “Mountain, get in here! Somebody call the fucking cops. Man down,” Dante shouted out. He reached down to see if Bass had a pulse. He closed his eyes in thankfulness when he found one. It wasn’t very strong but it was there.

  He looked around hoping to spot Andi but she wasn’t there. There were signs of a struggle but no signs of his woman. As soon as his brothers showed up, Dante took off searching the rest of the house for Andi. Moments later, he joined them again as the first of three police cars showed up.

  “Did you find her?” Mountain asked.

  “No, I didn’t. Whoever took her had a fight on his hands. Everything is a mess and I found blood at two different places.” He looked down at Bass. “How is he doing?”

  “Not good brother, not good. Whoever hit him meant to do some damage,” Bowie told them as he backed off for the EMT’s to do their work. “What the everloving fuck is going on here?”


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