Mister Distraction (Distraction #2)

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Mister Distraction (Distraction #2) Page 13

by Stephanie Jean

  “I am not leaving your dog in the Jeep. I wouldn’t be his favorite anymore.” Oh hell, the smile that followed made me want to club her over the head and drag her home. I grabbed her bags and followed her to the front of the complex. I didn’t want to run into her neighbor Chelsea. I knew she would only cause problems. I led her up the stairs and waited patiently until she opened her door. Bo was in first, and he ran room-to-room, searching the place while Katarina went to the kitchen, getting water for both of us. I was so proud of my protective dog. We all ended up in the kitchen, and my mind was going a million miles a minute. I wanted to check the place out for myself. I debated about just doing it, but I wanted her to want me there, and I felt like I was somehow impinging on her privacy.

  “Can I have a tour of your place?” I was putting the ball in her court to shut me down. That was something I never did. She didn’t miss a beat and just answered like she couldn’t care less if I saw it or not.

  She pointed as she talked, “That’s Heather’s room,” she looked to the opposite side of the apartment and pointed, “and that’s mine. In the center is the living space, and the bathroom is straight ahead.”

  I moved immediately to her bedroom and opened the door, stepping inside. The room was very clean, immaculate. Everything was put away, and there were no signs of dirty clothes or dusty dressers. I sat on her bed briefly. It was soft, like it had a pillow top. I pictured myself wrapped around her, hugging her all night. I shook my head at that thought. What the hell? I moved to her closet, noticing the door was removed and completely missing. I stepped inside, running the pads of my fingers over her clothes. It was neat and tidy, with the dresses on one side, and shirts and pants on the other. Most of the clothes still had the tags on them. The shoes were placed in a rack on the floor. I walked to the dresser next to the closet and opened the top drawer. I saw thin, lacy material folded into neat sections. It gave me an instant hard-on. I closed the drawer, attempting to control my rapid breathing. I examined the window next. It was across from her bed, and it had a small lock in the center that was easily breakable. I felt my temper rising at her lack of safety. I moved to the door to check the locks there and noticed the same, one lock on the handle, which was not nearly enough to deter someone from entering, or a selfish bastard from breaking in and holding her down in the middle of the night. One thing was for sure—she was not safe here.

  I left her room, ready to confront the fact that she blatantly lied to me. “You said you had locks, three to be exact, on your door, and two on your window.” She looked unaffected by my words and the anger in my voice.

  “I did say that, but I could have been a little off.” I was put off by her words. It didn’t matter to her. She had a death wish, and there was nothing I could do about it. I had no control over what she did.

  “Would you like to sit with me on the couch?” she asked as she gave me one of her sweet smiles, and I watched her eyes flutter a little. She was flirting with me. Holy hell. She was out-right flirting.

  I followed her to the couch, letting her take the lead. She sat, and I took a seat next to her, close enough to breathe her air. Bo did the same at her feet. I wanted to demand her to come home with me, tell her it was for her own good, but looking at her this closely did things to me. She liked me. I could tell. She wanted me to stay, and offered to fix me dinner. She grabbed my hand in the most innocent gesture and began running her tiny finger over it, tracing the palm with her index finger. It was sexy as hell, and she had no clue what she was doing to me. I suggested that she come back to my house, but she was just as insistent about staying here. She tried to convince me that her place was safe, but I knew better. When a man wants something, he will do just about anything to get it. I was guilty of that. A man’s brain was a dark place, and she was clueless.

  “I think of you as an innocent princess, and I have this overwhelming need to protect you. I can’t describe it; I just feel better when I am with you. You do and…uh…say things that drive me crazy, but I can control it.” I gave her a look that told her I was serious about what I was saying. I felt tiny bumps on her skin, and then her face blushed. It gave me the illusion that I was in control.

  “What do you mean…control?” she said slowly as she glanced at my lips, licking hers as she did.

  I had her right where I wanted her. She wanted me to kiss her, and I was in charge. I gave her my winning smile. “Control the predator in me that wants to devour you.” And I wanted to devour her more than anything else. I mapped out her body, where I would go first, and how long I would take at each part. We both sat in silence as I let my own dark thinking take over. I thought about her own experience, or lack of, trying to plan my strategy to get her to come home with me.

  “So, last night at dinner, Heather mentioned you had some men that wanted to date you.” I was trying to be gentle with the questioning, not wanting to bring up any bad memories. “Have you or did you date anyone…after what happened with Red?” She turned her whole body away from me, and I immediately felt guilty. I made her feel awkward and had no idea how to take it back. I didn’t move to touch her and tell her she was okay, because chances were, she would never recover from that. She turned back to me after a long moment of silence.

  “I have kissed men, but no, I have not dated anyone.” I was not a kisser, and never had been, but in that moment, there was nothing I wanted to do more than remove all her previous memories of kissing anyone other than me. I was so focused on what she just said that it finally clicked: she was still a virgin. She might have been raped, her hymen taken away from her, but she was still a virgin in the sense that she had never consensually had sex with a partner for pleasure. I clued in to what she was saying, trying to calm my fire and anxiety at this one single moment.

  “…I prefer to be alone.” I studied her for a second, trying to determine if the statement was attention seeking or honesty. It was daunting to know that this beautiful creature felt the same way I did about being alone.

  We were interrupted by her roommate, Heather, dressed for business like she was returning from work. Her demeanor was immediately aggressive, and she looked a little green from jealousy. It was clear to me that Heather was the one who normally got all the attention. The look on her face had me both gloating and defensive, which was a weird mixture of feelings, even for me. I wasn’t really paying attention to what she was saying, but she didn’t get too far before Katarina stood her ground, telling her to get lost, but in her own words. My little princess was on fire. She defended Bo like her life depended on it. Then I heard her defend me, and my heart began to hurt in my chest. I wondered if this was what it felt like when your heart breaks, or maybe just the ice around it as it’s being chipped away. It all happened so fast that the next thing I knew, she was leaving my side, and I immediately felt the loss. I stood and watched her at the door of her bedroom.

  “I will get my things and we can go to your house, if that’s still ok?” I only heard victory in her voice, my victory. “Let me know if I can help,” I said, my day getting better by the minute. She closed her door, and I sat back down. I was sure I held the smug, confident smile that would irritate any loser.

  “I am sure you’re happy now.” Her roommate looked at me as her teeth gritted. She had no idea how happy I was.

  “Heather,” I said as I gave her my win-her-over smile, and her anger lightened, “I like your friend, and I promise to take great care of her. I respect Katarina, and I am going to do everything in my power to convince her to stay with me.” Her face flashed confusion. I was hitting too close to something, something she didn’t want me to know.

  “Red has told me things about you, things that make me want to hate you.”

  “I wasn’t always a good man. My last girlfriend and I had an open relationship. I am not proud of the things I did, but I am different now. That’s all I can say. Katarina trusts me, and Heather, that’s all that matters. I know some things about Red as well, but the past is the past.�
�� I knew I was speaking complete bullshit, but I knew the key phases to comfort a disgruntled woman. I threw in ‘I am different…trust me’… and I also let her know Red wasn’t perfect, and she was buying it. She gave me a naughty smile, and I could see in her eyes she was formulating a plan, but I played along. I was feeling generous, and if giving her an ego boost was what she needed in the place of her best friend, I would comply…for Katarina. Heather asked me to help her with hanging a picture in her room. My eyes analyzed her as she move toward her bedroom. Her nose tilted toward the ceiling, giving the impression that it was directing her way, and her hip swayed to the music of her heels on the tile floor. I got the strange feeling her plan involved me being seduced by her. I rolled my eyes and glanced over my shoulder towards Katarina’s room. Why is she even friends with her? I’d have to shelve that question for a later day. I wasn’t convinced that Heather was all that loyal. Everything about her seemed a little over done; her bleached blonde hair, her fake nails, the designer purse with matching heels. She reminded me of the women at Strikers, a selfish spoiled little rich girl.

  Heather’s room was messy and disorganized, with dirty, expensive clothes laid over a sofa chair in the corner of the room by her closet. The bed in her room had grey satin sheets hanging from it she didn’t even bother to pick them up when she walked past. She turned on music from a small player on her dresser and then bent over and picked up a picture off the floor, and then shot me a glance over her shoulder. Ugh… My brain actually hurt from all the disorganized clutter.

  “Where is the nail and hammer?” She moved around me, retrieving the things I needed. She talked constantly about the picture and where she got it. Her voice rattled on and on, and I was developing a headache right in the temple. I hung the picture and left as soon as I did it. She was still trying to make it straight. I was no handyman, and her attempt to get me into her room was a desperate one.

  I knocked on Katarina’s door and heard her voice on the other side. I opened it slowly, and laughed at the sight of Bo blocking my way. He must have seen the locks too.

  “Outta my way, mutt.” I pushed my way in and took a moment to drink in my beautiful princess. Her dress was shiny and blue, and looked way too little to be a dress. I attempted a compliment, but fell short. I would have to work on that. I glanced at the bed, pulling my eyes from her sexy body, and spotted two small bags on the bed. I needed more time with her. I helped her pack more clothes in a bigger suitcase. I got everything, actually, even the hangers. I kept thinking I was running out of time. She just watched me and made her sassy comments about my high hopes. Of course, I had high hopes. I was in her space and she was completely relaxed. In my house, I could have the control I needed to be completely relaxed.

  I left her apartment with the big suitcase in my hand and walked down the stairs. I let Katarina say goodbye to her friend, hopefully for forever. Bo stayed with her just to freak Heather out, which made me laugh as I reached my Jeep. I loaded her suitcase in and took a seat, waiting for her to come out.

  I was stunned at this girl’s trust in me. Over and over she came to me, trusted in me, and I wanted to be that person she ran to. She deserved the best. I knew I had a dark side that craved certain things, but for her I could change; I could be normal. She exited the gate with Bo at her side. I hopped out, and like a diabetic drawn to sugar, I couldn’t get to her fast enough, taking the bags from her hands. I gave Bo some ‘that a boys’ and a treat to show him my appreciation. She called me on it, and I thought quickly about how to show her the same kind of appreciation. I made a speedy maneuver around her car as she clicked the button for the trunk to open, and I dropped her bags inside. Then stalked slowly, trying to ease the rush that I was in. I made it to the driver’s side door, contemplating my next move. She’s sweet and tender, I reminded myself. She needed a kind and gentle touch. I took a deep breath. I knew what I needed to do, but I was stalling. Kissing—for me—held emotion. It wasn’t about getting off, or getting someone else off; it was a romantic gesture, and the joining of bodies for no other reason than comfort and affection. She grew impatient with waiting and moved to open the door, but I wouldn’t budge. I liked the fact that she never pressured me to be someone I wasn’t. She didn’t expect me to hold her hand and kiss her, but part of me wanted that connection with her.

  I pressed her against the car, knowing I had to make a move quickly before I changed my mind. I watched her with my rough movements, trying to gauge her reaction. She had none. She just looked at me without expectation with the most beautiful blue eyes. I watched her lips for a brief moment, then slid my hand up her arm to move the hair away from her face. I gazed in her hopeful eyes again, and she readied herself by lifting her chin and closing her eyes. I wanted to praise her for her patience, her willingness to let me take my time. This is going to be tender, I reminded myself, and gentle. I slid my hand to her cheek, and then to the back of her hair to hold her mouth to mine. I brushed my lips slowly against hers, breathing her in, my tongue dying to get a taste of her. I couldn’t wait any longer; my tongue slowly slid out and pushed against her lips. She moaned when I entered her mouth, and it was the most erotic sound I’d ever heard. She let me take control of the kiss, never rushing me or forcing more. She ran her innocent fingers up my arms and around my neck. It felt like a soft caress everywhere she touched me. Something broke in her, and her patience was gone. She pushed her tongue into my mouth, and although we had been kissing for minutes, the second she did it, the kiss turned from hot to blazing in that one second. She wanted me. Her hot tongue was extremely wet, and she tasted of cinnamon. She definitely knew how to kiss. I pulled away at that thought. I wanted her to only have the experiences I gave her, and the thought that she was this good at kissing was driving me crazy with jealously, which was insane, but true.

  My breathing was labored, but I wanted her to know how much I appreciated what she did. “Thank you for sticking up for me inside. It did things to me…I can’t explain.” I was generally not the person people stuck up for, and it was nice for a change to have someone so special want to protect me.

  We went to the grocery store after we left her apartment, and she talked with a gay guy-friend that worked at her grandfather’s charity as I shopped. She told me she had him reserve a table for my family at an upcoming charity event that she would be attending, which caused the familiar pain in my chest, another piece of ice chipping away.

  Chapter Twelve

  When we arrived at my house her car trailing mine down the long driveway, she helped me carry the groceries into the kitchen. After putting most of the cold food away, I noticed she was gone. I moved double-time to the front of the house, thoughts of her already fleeing me bombarding my brain. She was to the right of my front door sitting in the country porch swing. I observed her for a moment, not sure if I should approach her, or give her space. My body moved on its own, I couldn’t stand it. I was drawn to her.

  I took a seat next to her as casually as I could. “Are you tired?” I slipped my arm over her shoulders around her neck, and she leaned into me. The movement felt like the most natural thing. I was doing okay with it until she leaned her head back, and I looked right down her dress, seeing her very shapely breasts. I was instantly in pain. I needed relief or I wasn’t going to make it another minute. I moved to get up, and she sat straight up and quickly turned swinging her thigh around me to straddle my legs. I almost came undone at that swift movement. She immediately rested her head on my chest. She was comforting me and it felt great. My heart swelled, followed by a slight dull pain throughout my entire body. At first, I was awkward with this kind of contact, not sure what to do with my hands, and the more she settled in, the more I let my hands fall, touching her hair first. The silky strands fell between my fingers, and then I lowered them further down her body, the tight material of the dress spreading heat to my hand as I traced lazy circles on her back. I let her hold on to me, so she could feel my heat in my arms and chest, even as the str
ong ache between my legs grew to a throbbing, uncomfortable beat. I did okay until I heard her heavy breathing. She fell asleep on me, and again, my heart hurt. How can she be so intoxicating just sleeping in my arms? I whispered a thank you into her ear for the trust she gave me. It was the final spark, the one that made me content and extremely uncomfortable all at once. I moved her off of me and she stirred, waking up with a dreamy smile. I moved stiffly, trying to act like I wasn’t the horniest man on the planet. I rolled my head on my shoulders, taming the beast inside and repeated, “Gentle and kind.”

  “Did I hurt you?” Her eyebrows drew together, and she sounded so concerned. The only way she could hurt me is if she left.

  “Not intentionally.” I gave her my best smile, trying to ease her mind, but I knew it was a pitiful one. I moved to get around her, and unzipped my pants before walking upstairs.

  I started the shower and shed my clothes, getting the first signs of relief. I stepped inside and grabbed the soap. My hand slid over my cock very gently. I saw her face everywhere when I closed my eyes, her eyes so focused on me. I steadied those eyes in my mind, my head buried in the shower’s stream, and I stroked myself slowly. My mind flashed to the dress that she was wearing, the vision of her perfect, untouched breasts, and I began stroking faster. It didn’t take long before I heard my foreign voice screaming curse words, and my final release took over. I finished my shower thinking I should probably masturbate one more time, knowing I might not get the chance for a while.


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