Mister Distraction (Distraction #2)

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Mister Distraction (Distraction #2) Page 17

by Stephanie Jean

  “What did you do to her, Jason?” The question made me chuckle. There were so many open jokes left for me to jump into. So I chose the most obvious.

  “Well, my large…” She put her hands over her ears to block out the rest, chanting, “Lalalalalala.”

  When she stopped and was silent again, she slowly eased her cautious hands away. I couldn’t resist saying, “Vagina.” I laughed again, and she gave me a death stare.

  “Do you not want to talk about it? Are you avoiding?” That’s right. Call me out on it; don’t be shy.

  “It was just really intense. I don’t know. My heart felt like it was going to explode after.” I lifted my shoulders, not knowing the right words to describe what I felt, and the strength of emotions that surged after. “Probably from beating so hard, you know, from all the activity,” I joked with a wink, and was immediately disgusted by it.

  “Jason, you like this girl. Is it possible that you love her? Maybe you have never been with someone you love. This is how people feel, well, from my experience anyway.”

  “Great,” I said with a sigh, but then smiled because the idea of being in love with Katarina somehow made sense. “What else do you have?” My paranoia was somewhat relieved. Yesterday, I was so sure of myself, but today I felt like the one taking orders, the sub. If love is what I felt, then she had more control in this than I did, which was frightening.

  “I hate to say this, Brother, but you love her.” Her voice was squeaky, and her eyes began fluttering.

  “Why do you say you hate to say it, when clearly, saying it brings you so much pleasure?”

  She bumped my arm with her shoulder, and her smile brightened.

  “What should I do? If I do, you know, L-word her?” I found her high school attitude about love entertaining. She was twirling her hair and grinning like a fool, head tilted to the side, and she was peeking at me out of the corner of her almond shaped eyes.

  “Well, it sounds like you want my expert advice.” I glanced at the door and observed Jasmine opening it, now wearing braids. Jessica paused and swept her up.

  “Who did your pretty hair, sweetheart?” Jessica’s voice started to fade as I entered the house, padding quietly toward the front rooms.

  I heard Katarina’s voice, but couldn’t see her. My legs moved towards the front door, and I watched her kneeling to talk with my nephew. She had her keys and phone in her hands. She was on her way out. I stopped, feeling like I hit a brick wall, and just stared. You know the whole saying, ‘If you love something, set it free’? I think this was that kind of moment. Jack was happy with whatever she was saying, but all I could think about was how she would be with our kids. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to clear that thought. Jack took off running, and Katarina stood up and glanced right at me. The broken look in her eyes when she saw me was when I knew, I knew the saying was bullshit. How could I let her go? Why would I set her free?

  I crossed my arms over my chest, holding my dominant pose, the pose that silently instructed her to bow before me. “Are you going somewhere?” It didn’t work. She planted her hand on her hip and stuck her chin up defiantly.

  “Oh, I guess I should have said ‘thank you’ before I left.” She spat her words out. She was angry with me. What the heck? Was she regretting everything we did? Did I hurt her? “I thought I could sneak out so you could spend some time with your kids.” My eyes followed her flailing hands towards the door where my sister stood with my niece and nephew, all watching the show between us. I still didn’t understand why she would leave. Did she not like the thought of me having children with someone else?

  “You think they are my kids?” Her beautiful head nodded. “You thought she was mine and you braided her hair?” I struggled with the need to stalk over to her and hold her tiny body to mine. She explained that the little girl looked just like me, and Jack liked to play with his truck, insinuating that his truck was equivalent to my penis, which I found both cute and funny. Then she ousted herself for wanting to leave without being noticed, and I felt physically ill.

  “Is that what you’re doing? Are you ashamed of what we did?” My world was crumbling again. I believed I could read women extremely well, and I wholeheartedly thought she was into me. How could I have been so far off? How could I have felt what I felt for her, while she felt nothing?

  “No, I thought you were. You said ‘thank you’ and left. You just left. I thought you had conquered me and I was dismissed.” I grew up with two sisters and a mom, but I had never witnessed firsthand actually being being the asshole. The asshole, according to my sisters, was clueless, a complete jackass who took them for granted, and said selfish things for no other reason than they were male and caught up in their own needs. Of course, women were pissed at me on a daily basis, but I was truly a dick to those girls. It didn’t matter if they hated me. I shook my head, clearing all thoughts except for why she was hurt and how I could fix it.

  I said ‘thank you’, and that’s what broke her spirit. I treaded slowly towards her, not wanting to scare her, but when I was within her scent-range, I pulled her into me to get a better smell. Her scent was calming, but had my heart pounding rapidly. I kissed the top of her head. Why didn’t she know how I felt about her? I leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I’m sorry for that.” I inhaled her again and kissed her head. “You thought these were my kids, and you were nice to them?” I knew she didn’t want children, but she was a natural around them.

  “Yes,” she whispered into my chest. “I think you’d make beautiful babies. Of course, I would love them.” It was in that moment that my heart was officially hers for the taking. I held her tight, wanting to actually be under her skin, just like she was under mine. “Thank you for this beauty,” I whispered to any spiritual being that was listening. I took one more breath before stepping back to introduce my sister.

  “These are my sister’s kids; the little girl is Jasmine, and the truck player is Jack. This is my sister Jessica.” Jessica threw me a wink and a half-smile before placing her hand in front of Katarina. I observed the two women. Katarina blushed slightly, and a shy smile played on her face. Jessica’s face held a goofy grin, like she was anxious to share my love secret. Jack reached up, snatching Katarina’s hand and pulling her down to the floor again.

  I tugged on Jessie’s hair, and she smiled and winked at me. I held my index finger to my lips, trying to signal her to be quiet, but she just shrugged. It irritated me when girls shrugged. Why do they do it? They might as well punch me in the stomach. It made me mad just the same.

  Katarina stood up and exchanged words with Jessie. I stepped out of the room when my cell phone started to ring. I watched them whispering to each other, and I hoped my sister wouldn’t say something that would have Katarina sprinting for the door.

  “Hey, Jason. Basketball. One hour. Be there, or be square.”

  “What? Who talks like that? Listen, you rat bastard, I can’t make it today.”

  “Whoever it is, you pledged your loyalty to me first, and I really need a game. There is shit going on at work, and I need something to take my mind off it. So blow off what’s-her-face and meet me in an hour.”

  “Sorry, Dave, I can’t. Maybe Monday after work.”

  “All right, I’ll beg. Please, I am on my hands and knees.”

  “I’ve got to go. I’ll call you later.” I hung up and quietly made my way back to the entry. I overheard Katarina telling Jessie that we just started talking two days ago. What the fuck? It was approximately 95 days ago, and longer if you counted her not knowing I was stalking her years ago. Also, a blowjob, three orgasms, and what was the best, slowest, most adoring sex of my life, and that’s not to mention all of the kissing. We were not walking backwards. How could we? I left my trace in her twice.

  “You downplay what is between us a lot. I have seen you for three months. Some mornings, you were the only reason I got out of bed. I told both my sisters about you a long time ago.” The look of wonderment in her eyes made m
e grin.

  “Oh, so you want me to stay?” Holy shit, did I want her to stay? I laughed because I knew she was joking; she had to be. She wanted encouragement, and I would gladly give it to her.

  “Please, it would make me very happy if you stayed.” I wanted to drop to my knee right then and show her what a frickin’ pussy she made me, and ask her to torture me forever. I wanted to ask her to be mine, and wear a ring and my last name to prove to the world that she would always be mine. I settled for resting my forehead against hers, and then, because I was truly sorry for any pain I caused her, I apologized again for just saying ‘thank you’. I brushed my cheek against hers, and couldn’t resist leaving a piece of me on her soft cheek, so I kissed her with moist lips and she didn’t wipe it away. That was a good sign, right?

  “Who was on the phone?” She was diverting the attention. I was embarrassing her. Damn, that was hot.

  “It was Dave. He wants to get a basketball game going today.”

  “You should go play basketball with you friend. I’ll take Bo for a walk and then start dinner, depending on how long you’re gone.” I was momentarily stunned. Was she trying to get rid of me?

  “Are you sure? Would you stay?” I hated leaving, but Dave needed me.

  “I won’t leave. I’ll hang out with Bo, and maybe take a nap.” Her eyes darted to my sister, and I wanted Katarina to know how different she was to me than any other girl, so I leaned over and gently placed my mouth on hers, giving her a very sensual kiss—one of my best.

  “All right, I am going to leave, if you’re okay with that?” I stared at her, secretly wanting her to plead for me to stay, wanting her to rip off her clothes and seduce me to stay with her. She didn’t.

  Chapter Fifteen

  I walked into the gym, headed straight for the courts. Dave was already there and he was alone. I guess no teams were playing today, just a friendly one-on-one. He greeted me with his lame fist pump.

  “Hey, man.” He knew I hated the goofy fist pump, but he did it to break my focus. It wasn’t going to work; nothing would keep me from kicking his ass on the court. I removed my sweatshirt, tossed it to the side, and he chucked the ball at me, another attempt to distract me. I caught it, but it was a cheap shot, and he’d pay for that.

  “Hey, easy now.” I gave him my best ‘what the fuck was that?’ face before I started dribbling. He didn’t move and just stood there smirking. When I sunk the first of many baskets, I turned around to look at him, but he was busy laughing: really laughing, head down, slapping his leg laughing.

  “What the hell?” His attitude started to piss me off. He slowly rose, still holding his stomach.

  “You got laid.” Well, it wasn’t that funny. “Tell me, how was it?”

  “I am not talking about my sex life with you…one hit wonder.”

  “Dude, you have a bite mark on your shoulder, and claw marks down your back. You have to give me some deets.”

  Dave loved to hip-talk. He threw his arms around like a real-life, genuine rapper. It was awkward to see a white guy with bright red hair throwing his lengthy arms around.

  I threw the basketball, hitting him directly in the forehead, and caught it when it bounced back.

  He immediately started rubbing his forehead. “What the heck was that for?”

  “Don’t talk like that. You sound like a pansy, and I really want to kick your ass.”

  “Geeeez that hurt.” I laughed at the dramatic way he spoke. “So… you’re not going to tell me anything?”

  I shook my head. “Nope.”

  “Listen, don’t get all butt-hurt, I just want to know about your new hottie.” I arched my brow when he said ‘butt-hurt’; it also made me smile. “How about you describe her like a car. Was she hard to ride? Was she a smooth ride, but you lost her a little on the turns? When the top was down, were the headlights way too small? Did she run out of gas right before you reached your destination?” He was waving his arms again, and I felt my eye twitch at my pretend-ghetto friend.

  “Real nice, Dave. My last girlfriend died in a car. Why did you have to go and bring that up?” I was playing the asshole card, I know, but I wasn’t going to talk about my sex with Katarina, and I knew he wouldn’t give up. He narrowed his eyes at me, appearing to be pissed. “Can we just play ball?” I tossed him the ball and he nodded.

  "Ah shit. I am sorry man.”

  I nodded back, saying, “Yes, you are, and I am going to show you what a sorry ass you are.” With that said, we played ball. I placed my hand over her bite mark. I liked it there. I considered not even wearing my sweatshirt home. I thought about just walking around and showing off my perfect mark.

  When we finished, we walked out to our cars together. He was strutting, proud of his victory.

  “You’re going out tonight with us, right? We’re meeting at the sports bar to watch the fights.”

  “I’m not sure. Katarina is very quiet, and I know she doesn’t like to be around people.”

  “Bring her. She’ll love Sofia; everyone loves Sofia. Besides, you have avoided going out with me for way too long. Come and leave, that’s all I am asking.”

  “I’ll try.” I shook my head at the words that I let slip. I didn’t try to do anything; I did what I set out to do. I controlled my own destiny. She would do whatever I asked her to do. It was all about trust. My pep-talk lasted all the way to my Jeep. I waved at Dave, and he did a goofy dance before spiking the basketball, which made me laugh.

  My whole ride back to the house, I convinced myself I was the leader in this relationship, and she was the follower. She was going to play by my rules, and I was the one in charge and in control. That only lasted until I walked into the house and found her lying with Bo in his bed asleep. My heart started to hurt again, and I felt weak all over, like I was coming down with the flu. I paced around Bo’s bed, wondering if I should pick her up and carry her upstairs to mine.

  I ended up in the kitchen getting dinner ready. She approached the counter when I was putting the lasagna in the oven. I turned to face her, and advanced toward her cautiously. I counted seven seconds until she noticed her mark, and then two more until her face was completely red. I need to be in her again. Once wasn’t enough. I think one more time would bring on the coveted ‘magnet theory’.

  “I can’t believe you went out with that on your shoulder.” Believe it. I’d also stopped by the store and the post office. I’d almost gone by my parents’ house, but ran out of time. I stuck my chest out, prideful of my mark.

  “What, this? I like it. I think I might even get it tattooed here.” Her mouth fell open, and I pictured shoving my cock in that perfect mouth.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t cover it up. Your friends are going to think I’m an animal.” Who cares what they think? I know you’re an animal—my animal. I laughed at the joyful thought.

  I played with her for a while, but stopped when I knew she was truly embarrassed and threatened to never bite me again.

  “I thought maybe we could go out tonight, and you could meet my friends.” I rounded the counter and slid my arm around her back. She was still embarrassed because of her mark on me, but I was smarter than that. I knew her phobia of letting people get close to her, and that was her real reason for not wanting to venture out tonight.

  “We’ll eat here, and then go out and have some drinks.” It wasn’t a plea, more like a soft command. I was working on my finesse with her.

  “Jason, drinks and people really aren’t my thing. You go. I’ll stay with Bo.” Hell no. That wasn’t an option. I’d spend no more time without her.

  “No, I am not leaving you again. I haven’t been out in months, haven’t actually wanted to, but I think it would be fun. We can stay ten minutes and then leave.” There was no more to say about that. “Dinner will be ready in a little while. Come take a shower with me.” I tugged her arm, yanked her off the stool, weaved my fingers through hers and took the stairs two at a time. I was surprised she wasn’t stumbling t
o keep up. Katarina was fast, and very agile.

  We reached the bathroom and I turned the shower nozzles until the correct water temperature was spraying, not yet releasing her. I debated on testing her trust in me, and ultimately went for it. I locked eyes with her, attempting to read her thoughts, but the only thing I saw was insecurity. My fingers traced her arm muscles down to her fingertips. I waited for the change in her eyes. I wanted to see the heat, the sensual haze, but nothing appeared. Her eyebrows were still knotted together, and her big blue eyes filled with doubt. I stepped back, releasing her, then I fully undressed her, and began undressing myself. Her eyes darted to the door and back to me, but I could tell she wasn’t scared. She wasn’t shaking or fidgety. She just calmly stood there, taking turns watching me, and then the door. I could tell she was processing things, and I tried very hard not to spook her. I gently laced my fingers with hers, feeling her soft fingers in-between all of mine. I had never been so turned on by simply hand-holding, but there was something about her frickin’ tiny, light, tentative hands as they caressed my large, rough, sure ones that sent sparks flying as soon as they tangled together.

  I slowly padded into the shower, leading her to the dry end. I let go of her hand, spending too long looking down as our junction disappeared. Everything she did was for me. She let me touch her and hold her hand. She trusted me, but when I let go of her hand, she freed me as well. I wasn’t sure why that action fascinated me so much. I already knew she wasn’t clingy, but her stature as I stepped away into the water was tall and proud, and that was something I had never witnessed. The combination of insecure eyes and strong, confident posture was intoxicating, and just the visual without a single touch was a powerful aphrodisiac. She must have read the torment in my eyes because she crossed her arms over her chest. She was getting just as turned on as me, but she didn’t understand it yet. All these feeling were so new for her. She was uncomfortable in her own skin right now. Her eyes dropped from mine, and I followed them with my hands. When they reached my throbbing cock, I stroked it, slowly tempting her. It was working. Her dark blue eyes snapped to mine and I gave her a ‘hey, look who’s up’ smile. Her body language switched immediately, and I saw her sassy, confident spark before she spoke.


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