The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12)

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The Sheikh's Enemy Lover (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 12) Page 12

by Cara Albany

  Belle's heart started thudding, her pulse racing, her breath suddenly harder to take. "Khalid, it's not that," she started to say, but he interrupted her.

  "It is yours now, Belle," he stated, his voice suddenly insistent, even commanding. "By accepting it, you merely bring me happiness. Even more than you have already brought into my life," he said.

  Belle drew in a deep breath and glanced down at the beautiful precious stone. Then she felt his fingertips beneath her chin and he lifted her face to him, his gaze filled with emotion, a need she knew she couldn't deny.

  Khalid leaned forward and kissed Belle. Sensation swept through her, combined with the confusion of her emotions. She savored the tenderness of his kiss, the sweet taste of his lips. But she also felt as if she was being pulled in two different directions. The desire to make him happy battled violently with the need to understand what she should do next.

  Their lips parted and he gazed into her eyes. "You will accept it, won't you?" he asked.

  Belle paused and then smiled, nodding slightly. "I will, Khalid. Thank you. It's such an incredible thing for you to do. I don't have the words to express how I feel."

  Khalid lifted a brow. "You don't have to say anything. I want to make you happy. That's all."

  He kissed her once again, this time with a hint of greater passion. In spite of her reservations, she gave herself over the need that his kiss had ignited in her.

  She closed her eyes, aware that she was kissing her beloved sheikh, here, in this sacred place. A place in which so much history had passed. What would the people have thought back then, if they could have seen them kissing like this? It would have scandalized them, of course. But, as she let her body soften against his, enjoying every single moment of being the center of his world, she banished any thought of the past.

  There was only the moment, the here and now, with Khalid. And that was more than enough.


  They arrived back at the encampment just as the sun was sinking below the distant desert horizon. They'd remained in the ruined palace for as long as possible until Khalid had decided it was time to leave. Belle had been filled with a crazy combination of emotions during the entire trip back to the camp. She was glad she had come with Khalid; pleased that he was so happy with her presence there.

  He had been right. Visiting the place had given her a new insight into his life, even into him as a man. There was so much pride in this sheikh; pride about his past; pride in what had made him. She understood him better now, she told herself.

  They rode into the camp and were greeted by the tribesmen. Dismounting, Belle assumed they would go immediately to the helicopter, but she was wrong about that.

  Khalid wrapped his arm around her. "We're staying overnight, " he said.

  She looked at him wide-eyed. "Really?"

  Khalid nodded. "It's too late to go back. I won't have the pilot take a chance flying in the dark. Not across the desert."

  She wanted to believe that was true. That he genuinely wanted to make sure they were all safe. But, it was also convenient that she would be staying with him in the camp overnight. Was that really such a bad idea? There was only one drawback. They wouldn't have the solitude they'd enjoyed the previous night. Not with so many tribesmen around, in neighboring tents.

  "Is that okay?" he asked.

  "If you say so," she replied, realizing she sounded hesitant.

  Khalid's eyes narrowed and he smiled mischievously. "You mean you don't want to stay over with me?" He gazed around the encampment. "In this amazing place?"

  "I didn't mean that," she replied slowly.

  "I could always give you a separate tent of your own," he suggested.

  Belle glanced at the three large tents. "I don't think that would go down too well. Might cause a bit overcrowding for the other men," she said with a smile.

  "They'd do it if I asked them to," he said.

  "I'm sure they would. But I can't impose on them like that." She tapped him playfully on the arm. "In any case, I don't think I've got too much to worry about if I have to share a tent with you." She squinted at him. "Or do I?" she drawled.

  "That depends," he growled, leaning closer.

  Belle felt her cheeks flush. She looked across at the oasis and saw the tribesmen there, none of whom were even looking at her and Khalid. It seemed that the sheikh was to be left alone to do as he pleased.

  And just what would that be? Obviously it would involve Belle. But any intimacy between them would have to be curtailed. At least until darkness fell and everyone had retired to sleep. That was okay as far as she was concerned. For the moment.

  His close proximity was affecting her, in spite of her best efforts. It had been a long day, and she had felt closer to him than ever before. She'd enjoyed almost every moment in his company. They were good together. In that special way that only true lovers could be.

  And today had confirmed so much for her, as well as confused her to some degree. Was that how it would always be with her and Khalid? One step forward, then two steps backward?

  She followed Khalid to the largest of the tents. He held the flap entrance open for her and she stepped inside. She gasped. The place had already been prepared. The scent of candles filled the air; the deep carpet triggered an impulse to flip off her flat shoes and walk barefoot.

  There was a long sofa and rattan table on one side. Off to the left she saw an alcove, and inside it a bed covered with ornately patterned blankets. Her throat tightened as traitorous thoughts filled her mind, part memory of last night, part anticipation of the night to come.

  Khalid dumped their packs near the entrance. "Do you want to wash?" he asked her.

  She narrowed her eyes. "Where? Not out there in the oasis," she replied.

  Khalid shook his head and pointed to the water pitchers laid out by the entrance to the alcove. "You can use those."

  Belle looked at the basic setup and nodded. "It's not a bath, but it'll do." She squirmed a little. "I suppose you know this already, but the sand sure gets into the most awkward places."

  Khalid laughed. "I know." He turned and headed back toward the door. "I'll be outside. We can eat with the tribesmen. I think we need to show them some appreciation of their hospitality. If we don't, they might not be too happy."

  Belle understood that kind of thing would be important out here. "The last thing I want to do is be ungrateful."

  Khalid's eyes narrowed and his gaze ran up and down the length of her body. "I already know how you show gratitude," he mocked with a sly, wolfish grin.

  Belle squinted at him. "That's a low blow," she retorted. "I should throw you out of this tent. You know that, don't you?"

  Khalid laughed. "Then what would they think?"

  Belle strode toward him, trying to control the impulse to laugh. "Then they'd know you can't control a woman," she teased.

  Khalid lifted a brow. "We can't have that, can we?"

  He came to her and took her in his arms and kissed her. She pretended to push him away, but the truth was she could have stayed in his arms forever, savoring that kiss.

  Their lips parted and he moved back to the entrance and turned to her. "Whenever you're ready. I'll stand guard," he said. "Make sure you don't get any surprise visitors."

  "How noble of you," she said wryly.

  He smiled and then, with those words, he ducked out through the door. She was alone inside the tent.

  She loosened her robe and stepped out of it. The pendant hung at her neck. She looked at it for a moment, recalling how he had surprised her. She smiled and removed it carefully, and placed it next to her robe.

  She moved into the protective space of the alcove and slipped out of her underwear. She arranged the pitchers of water and large empty bowl and proceeded to wash herself, feeling tremendous relief at the cool, cleansing water. Her hair had sand in it, so she did her best to shake as much of it out as she could.

  A bottle of scented water had been left by the bedsi
de. She inhaled it before trying, found it pleasing and placed a few drops on her body.

  Moving back into the main tent area, she dressed again in the white robe, but not before shaking it clean of sand. There was no mirror to check her appearance, but she fixed her hair as best she could. It would have to do, she told herself.

  Life out here was lived according to different rules. They were rules that Khalid surely understood well; ways of living that were ingrained in him. It felt alien and strange to her, but she realized that she'd felt a curious excitement throughout the day. It was as if she'd discovered a new world, almost a new way of being.

  Was she really changing that much? Had her time with Khalid caused her to become a different person? She knew it was the case with him. She'd witnessed the changes in him, even during the short time she'd known him.

  And, amazingly, it had only been a brief time. Barely a few weeks. Could someone fall for someone that quickly? She had already seen the way her two sisters had found love with two wonderful men, both powerful sheikhs in their own right. Was she going to be the third Summers sister to find love in Qazhar?

  That thought made her hesitate before leaving the tent. What did Khalid think of all this? Really, Belle? She chided herself. You really need to ask that? She already knew what Khalid thought; what Khalid wanted. It was simple, really.

  He wanted Belle in his life. Forever, it seemed. He hadn't said that in so many words, but she knew it to be the case. She'd felt it last night when they'd made love. She'd sensed it up at the palace when he'd hung the jewel around her neck. She'd heard it in his every word; seen it in his every glance.

  Belle drew in a deep breath. Maybe tonight, they could clear things up. Or perhaps it would be better to leave it until they returned to his palace in Qazhar.

  Her stomach rumbled and she clutched at it. She was hungry. There was no denying that.

  She opened the tent flap and stepped outside. Khalid was there, a few feet away, standing guard, just as he'd said he would. Darkness had fallen and a campfire had been lit. Men squatted around it and she could smell something cooking.

  Khalid smiled. "Freshened up?" he teased.

  "Yup" she said walking toward him. "Is that dinner over there?" she asked glancing toward the campfire.

  "I think you'll like it. I don't know about you, but all that riding has made me starving," he said.

  She giggled and he squinted at her. "What?" he asked sharply.

  "Nothing," she said waving at him. She hooked her arm in his. "Let's go and eat."

  He looked down at her arm, and she felt him ease it against his side. She looked up at him, and thought she'd never seen a man who was so darkly attractive, so dangerously sensual. The light from the nearby campfire reflected in his eyes. She felt a familiar need come to life within her. He seemed to sense the change in her, because she felt him lean closer, taking a firmer hold of her arm. She was more than happy for him to do that. His body felt warm beneath the white robes. The promise of more of what they'd enjoyed hovered in the front of her mind.

  "What are you thinking about?" he murmured.

  "Nothing," she retorted, probably too quickly to be convincing.

  "Are you sure?" he growled. "I could have sworn I saw a glint in those eyes," he said and grinned.

  He knew the effect he had on her. Of that she was in no doubt.

  "Are you saying you can read my mind?"

  He shrugged. "Maybe."

  Belle shook her head. "Food," she stated bluntly.

  Then he led her toward the campfire and the promise of a shared meal in the desert night beneath the dark, star-filled sky.


  Later, after the meal, she went with Khalid to the edge of the encampment, to the top of a high dune and looked out across the moonlit desert.

  She leaned in close to Khalid as he wrapped his arm around her waist, drawing her to him. She gazed out across the landscape, lit by the silvery light from the full moon that hung in the starry sky.

  Belle had been in the desert often enough at night before on various trips, not to be overwhelmed by the beauty of what she could see. But, somehow, sharing this experience with Khalid made the whole thing feel different, more intense.

  Being both dressed in matching white traditional robes, she thought they must look like a vision out of the past as they stood together on the top of the dune.

  Behind them, she heard the sounds of the camp being cleared, the busy men preparing to retire to bed for the night.

  Belle had enjoyed the conversation, or at least as much as she had understood. Khalid had involved her as much as possible in the exchanges with the tribesmen. She had laughed many times and watched how the tribesmen addressed Khalid as if he was the one man at the makeshift table who had real authority.

  She could tell that Khalid had the kind of respect here which he could only dream of back amongst Qazhar society. He deserved that much, she told herself repeatedly during the meal, as she watched the deference and honor he was accorded by all the men. When they returned to his palace, she knew she would do all she could to help him gain the same esteem and high regard he had here, amongst honorable men who understood the value of tradition.

  At least for as long as she remained in Qazhar. Thoughts of leaving hovered treacherously in her mind. How could she even think of leaving him? Especially after what had happened between them. Surely it was unthinkable.

  Belle sighed and leaned against Khalid's shoulder. For now, it felt good to be held by him, to feel his warmth, the strength in his arms, his heady scent. The sense of belonging was intense and unlike anything she'd experienced before. She felt the soft caress of the night desert breeze against her face.

  "It's beautiful," she murmured gazing up at the dark, star-filled sky.

  His gaze followed hers. "Wondrous. Amazing," he said and then looked down into her eyes. "Nothing compared to you, though."

  She felt her cheeks flush with the compliment, because she knew it was spoken with absolute sincerity. He'd meant what he'd said. She saw the the intense longing in his gaze.

  Belle smiled up at him. "Thank you," she whispered.

  Then he turned to face her, his hands at her waist, his gaze full of dark desire. His head dipped and his lips eased down upon hers, the kiss triggering instant need in her. She pressed her body against his, seeking more, wanting as much as he was willing to give. And she knew this was only a fraction of what he felt for her.

  She realized he probably felt restrained by the presence of the tribesmen. They were far enough away from them that she was sure they couldn't been seen kissing like this. But, right now, she felt so good, every nerve tingling with pleasure, that she didn't care what anyone thought. She was in Khalid's arms, and that was all that mattered. His lips were inflaming her with desire, and she wasn't going to deny this pleasure.

  When their lips finally parted, he gasped quietly and she did too. His eyes were bright with desire as he gazed at her. She smiled at him. "This is what a starry sky does to you?" she joked.

  He grinned, but she could see the fierce desire lurking behind the deep, dark pools beneath his furrowed brow. She could almost sense the tautness of his body, the barely contained need trapped inside every one of his muscles.

  Khalid glanced away. She saw him swallow and he drew in a deep breath which was probably a vain attempt to calm himself, control the emotion the kiss had ignited.

  Then he looked back at her and wrapped his arms around her. She felt the firmness of his need pressing through the robes. His nostrils flared and his brow furrowed into a serious ridge. "Let's go back to the tent," he murmured.

  Belle's eyes widened. "Now?" she asked although she knew that she wanted to even as she said the word.

  Khalid nodded and said nothing more. He didn't have to say another word as far as she was concerned. There was no need.

  Belle nodded and he curved his arm around her waist and they both started to walk down the side of the dune. Wit
hin moments, they were inside the tent and Khalid was securing the flap across the entrance, ensuring total privacy for them.

  He turned and gazed at Belle as she stood in the center of the softly lit space. Khalid tilted his head, slipped off his flat shoes with an arrogant swiftness, and started to loosen his robes as he moved, panther-like and barefoot, toward her.

  Belle felt her throat tighten and butterflies tumbled in her belly. Her heart pounded furiously as she watched him shift the robe from around his torso, revealing his broad muscled chest. Every step he took made her nerves tingle with anticipation. She gripped the loose fabric of her robe with a tight fist.

  Khalid was only a few feet from her now. He slipped off the robe, easing it away from his body, revealing his nakedness beneath. Belle sucked in a breath which did nothing to calm herself. If anything, the sensation in her lungs merely made her longing even more intense.

  Khalid tossed the robe aside with a hurried insolence, as if he was relieved to be utterly exposed to her. He paused inches away from Belle and reached out, taking hold of her robe. Her heart raced even faster as he started to peel away the robe with an expert touch, slowly shifting the fabric off her body.

  Belle was transfixed, her gaze locked on him. He glanced at her from time to time as he proceeded to disrobe her. She could feel every nerve in her body flame into life as the robe was removed.

  Finally, after removing everything else, including, carefully, the amulet, she was naked before him. He shifted forward, sweeping her into his arms, pressing his need against her, drawing her back to where she knew she belonged.

  Belle's breath halted for a second, so intense was the sensation of Khalid's naked body pressed against hers. His flesh felt hot, his muscles taut, his skin rough in places, the dark hair of his chest pressing against her breasts.

  She lifted her head and he claimed another kiss. This time there was none of the restraint she'd sensed up on the dune. This time there was raw hunger, primal need in the way he held her, the way he ran his hands down her back.


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