Gotrek & Felix- the Fourth Omnibus - Nathan Long

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Gotrek & Felix- the Fourth Omnibus - Nathan Long Page 118

by Warhammer

One of the many cults that proliferated in Nuln during the reign of Karl Franz. Their rallying cry veered between overthrowing the old order by violence, and burning away corruption with fire. Followers identified themselves with yellow masks and tabards, decorated with a crude symbol of a flame. The cult has its base in the Broken Crown, a multi-level tenement in the roughest part of Nuln.

  Bugman’s Best

  A renowned dwarf beer.

  ‘It was cool and clean and crisp, with a taste that brought to mind wheat fields and mild autumn days, and it went down his throat like golden light. It was possibly the best beer Felix had ever drunk.’

  – From Slayer’s Honour, by Nathan Long.

  Bunk and Binnacle, The

  An especially unpleasant inn in Marienburg. It is small, smelly and damp, and looks as if it might fall down at any moment.



  A gnoblar in the service of the ogre Gutsnorter.


  A little yellow coloured finch from the Southlands. They will cheep madly if taken anywhere near gold, which makes them a valuable accessory for treasure hunters. It is claimed that these birds will keel over at the slightest hint of gas, but this is plainly ridiculous.

  Captain Ahabsson

  Captain of the Storm Hammer. He has a hook to replace his lost hand, and a Letter of Marque from Barak Varr.

  Captain Doucette

  Bretonnian captain of the Reine Celeste.

  Captain Rion

  Leader of Aethenir’s elf bodyguard.

  Carn Mallog

  A settlement of brochts on a ridge top and home to Bran Mac Kerog’s mountain men. They are massive structures designed to resist siege and are engraved with runes similar to the tattoo patterns which adorn the faces of the warriors.

  Castle Reikguard

  Ancestral seat of the Reikland princes, this large castle guards the eastern border of the Reikland. It is of great strategic and symbolic importance to the defence of the Empire, and cannot be allowed to fall. Located on the banks of the River Reik, it has its own docks area.

  Caspian Rodor

  Former grandmaster of the Order of the Black Bear. When he died, Rodor had his body sealed up in a cask of Wynters XVI. On the anniversary of his death, it became the tradition for every man in the order to take a ceremonial drink from his grave-cask.

  Cauldron Lake

  A lake in the southern end of the Grey Mountains, near the dwarf hold of Karak Hirn.

  Cauldron of a Thousand Poxes

  A hideously powerful artefact for brewing diseases. Reputedly stolen from a temple of the Plague God, Nurgle and reconsecrated to the service of the Horned Rat.

  Chang Squik

  Of Clan Eshin, the assassins. Trained for years in the delivery of silent death. Third Degree adept in the way of the Crimson Talon and black belt in the Path of the Deadly Paw. Pupil of the infamous skaven assassin, Deathmaster Snikch.

  Chaos Wastes

  A hellish land to the far north beyond Kislev and Blackblood Pass. The armies of the four ruinous powers of Chaos reside there.


  A fantastic beast with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and a serpent’s tail. They are sometimes captured and used as mounts, or to fight as beasts of war.

  Claudia Pallenberger

  A journeyman of the Celestial College. When Felix first meets her, she is about twenty years old, very slim and beautiful, with long fair hair and deep blue eyes. Claudia’s special talent is her ability to see into the future, and her visions of the Empire’s cities being destroyed lead to her and the wizard Max Schreiber being sent to the northern parts of the Empire, to investigate the source of the disturbance.

  Despite her magical talents, at the time of this expedition she is not emotionally mature, and becomes infatuated with the good-looking poet, Felix Jaeger.

  Count Andriev

  Ulrika’s distant cousin, a collector of antiques and curiosities. He hires the Slayer and his companions to protect his collection and in particular, the Eye of Khemri.

  Countess Gabriella of Nachthafen

  A beautiful woman of indeterminate age. Sister-in-law to Rudgar. She also appears to have a mysterious connection to Krieger. Latterly, she has taken up residence in Nuln, where she runs a prestigious ‘boarding house’ for young ladies, and has established herself as a sort of mother figure for Ulrika, both of whose parents have been lost.

  Count Hrothgar

  Nobleman and member of the Order. He wants the Children of Ulric dead.

  Crannog Mere

  A strange floating village built in the middle of a lake. The somewhat primitive houses appear to be either on stilts or situated atop small artificial islands and are linked by causeways of mud and logs. The only way of getting out to them is by way of a narrow, winding causeway, cunningly concealed just below the waterline so that it can only be seen from close at hand.


  Litter-brother of Siskritt the skaven.

  Crimson Ones

  Elite palace guard in the employ of the corrupt caliph of Ras Karim. They are not entirely human.


  A massive and extremely well muscled Albion tribesman who challenges Gotrek to an arm wrestling competition. He is related to Murdo MacBaldoch in some way and married to Klara.

  Cult of Slayers

  Dwarf cult which has its spiritual home in Karak Kadrin, where the Shrine of Grimnir is located.


  Darkstone Ring

  Stone circle lying between Blutroch and the Standing Stones Inn, to the north of the Bögenhafen road.


  A scrappy human settlement that has sprung up in the valley below Karak Azgal. It is here that adventurers and treasure hunters gather prior to their descent into the lost dwarf hold. Traders and tavern keepers do their best to fleece visitors before they head to the hold, as the likelihood is that they will never return anyway.

  Detlef Sierck

  Greatest playwright in the Empire, and known associate of the vampire Genevieve.

  Dider Reidle

  An ale merchant that Gotrek and Felix help on their way to Fort Stangenschloss.


  A stern, grey-haired man, who looks after the von Diehl entourage. He employs Gotrek and Felix as mercenaries.

  Dog and Donkey, The

  A tavern in Guntersbad, and the scene of Gotrek and Snorri’s epic drinking contest.

  Dominic Reiklander

  A young Empire lord, son of Graf Reikland.

  Dragon Crag

  Another name for Karak Azgal.

  Dragon Mountain

  Under this peak, in an extensive cave system, is where the dragon Skjalandir has made his home.

  Dragon Vale

  The valley leading to the Dragon Mountain, which has been devastated by Skjalandir since it has made its home there.

  Drakenhof Castle

  A huge castle in Sylvania, it is said to be built on a particularly ill-omened site, a nexus of terrible dark energies, and is a sacred place to the Arisen.

  Drexler, Doktor

  A physician and scholar in Nuln. He studied medicine in Kah Sabar, Araby. Felix is referred to him by his brother when he starts displaying what could be possible symptoms of the Plague.

  Druric Bodrigsson

  Dwarf ranger of Blackfire Pass who joins the expedition to liberate Karak Hirn from the greenskins.

  Duk Grung Mine

  A dwarf mine in the mountains near Karak Hirn. A secret passage leads from here into a treasure vault in Karak Hirn.



  A witch hunter Thanquol locks horns with when his mind is temporarily trapped in Boneripper’s body.


  Barmaid at the Blind Pig in Nuln and Felix’s love interest for a while.

  Emperor’s Griffon

  Tavern in the Human quarter of Karak Kadrin.

  Emil von Kotzebue

  A baron of the Empi

  Engineer Migrunsson

  A dwarf engineer who Gotrek & Felix meet when they take part in an expedition to clear the greenskins out of Karak Azgal. He is a cheerful, no-nonsense sort, with a leather apron and a tightly braided beard.

  Enrik Kozinski

  The Duke of Praag. A middle-aged man with greying hair, his tendency to see the works of Chaos around him has led to rumours that he shares his father’s insanity. His curt manner and fiery temperament belie a gentle and caring manner.

  Eye of Khemri

  A small, oval-shaped pendant carved from obsidian with a central eye surrounded by odd pictograms of animal-headed people. The stone itself is gripped in a silver hand setting with pointed talons. Found in the rubble of Khemri and also known as the Eye of Nagash.

  Eye of the Lord

  A magical artefact, kept by Kelmain and Lhoigor. A gigantic crystal orb encased in metal, it is used to predict the future.


  Father Rustskull

  Rodi Balkinsson’s affectionate name for Snorri, after the Slayer loses his memory.

  Falhedar il Toorissi

  The tyrannical caliph of Ras Karim. He controls his unruly subjects through use of the Serpent Crown, a magic artefact that allows him to subdue the wills of other men.

  Falken Reiklander

  Graf of Castle Reikland. Having been badly wounded in a Chaos invasion, the castle is currently under the control of General Nordling.


  A senile dwarf prospector who Gotrek and Felix bump into in the Border Princes.


  An enslaved dwarf Gotrek & Felix meet when they are captives aboard a dark elf black ark. Being captured as a child, he has never known any other life than that of a slave.

  Fedrich Gerlach

  Innkeep at the Skewered Dragon, Middenheim.

  Felix Jaeger

  Born the younger son of a wealthy Altdorf merchant, Gustav Jaeger and his wife Renata, Felix Jaeger always had dreams of becoming a famous poet and scholar. Unfortunately, his promising career was cut short when he found himself expelled from University after accidentally killing a fellow student in a duel. He then became involved in the infamous Window Tax Riots where he met Gotrek Gurnisson under somewhat fortuitous circumstances, when the Slayer pulled him out from under the hooves of one of the mounted cavalry officers sent in to break up the fray. Unfortunately, the Slayer then took exception to nearly being trampled himself, so set about breaking a few heads. Unsurprisingly, both soon found themselves wanted by the authorities.

  Later that evening in the Axe and Hammer tavern, Felix heard of the Slayer’s quest to find a worthy doom, and being slightly worse for wear at the time, swore a blood oath to follow the dwarf and record his demise in a suitably epic poem, never dreaming just what this would entail.

  The duo’s adventures have seen them journey extensively throughout the Empire, battling the forces of Chaos wherever they find them. Felix acquired the mystical dragon-hilted blade, Karaghul, in a troll’s treasure hoard under Karak Eight Peaks and has used it to great effect against the numerous enemies he has fought since, particularly the dragon Skjalandir. Since teaming up with the Slayer, he has also thwarted a skaven invasion, an assassination plot and a great Chaos incursion, and battled true Terror in the lost dwarf city of Karag Dum. He has also found time to meet and fall in love with Ulrika Magdova Straghov, though the affair has been a bitter-sweet experience.

  Tall, broad-shouldered and blond, probably the most notable thing about Felix’s handsome features is the long, thin scar which mars his cheek, a legacy of his student duelling days. He wears a tattered, red Sudenland wool cloak and though his clothes are of good quality, they have all seen better days; much like the poet himself, in fact.


  A dwarf maiden of Karak Hirn; the beloved of Prince Hamnir.


  A dwarf guildmaster, and representative of the Dwarf Black Powder Guild. When black powder bound for Middenheim is stolen from the docks in Nuln, Gotrek and Felix become involved in the search to recover it.

  Flanders Draahl

  A knight of the Order of the Black Bear. A trained duellist, he carries a rapier rather than a longsword, and wears a hauberk of leather and ringmail rather than plate armour.

  Forbidden Garden, The

  A house of ill-repute in the port of Ras Karim.

  Forgast Gaptooth

  A Slayer acquaintance of Snorri who killed a troll in a most unusual way.

  Fort von Diehl

  Settlement founded by the von Diehl family and their retainers, following their exile from the Empire.

  Frau Winter

  Sorceress, part of the von Diehl entourage, and mistress to Kirsten.

  Fredric Gerlach

  Owner and barkeep of the Skewered Dragon.


  Town in Averland, near Blackfire Pass.

  Fritz von Halstadt

  Head of Nuln’s secret police and a chief magistrate. A tall, gaunt man, von Halstadt is a deadly swordsman and obsessed with the Elector Countess he serves.


  Garg Gorgul

  Huge ogre encountered by Gotrek and Felix below Karag Eight Peaks.

  Gargorath the God-touched

  A beastman champion. He wears armour of steel and bronze over his black fur, and carries an enormous single-bladed axe that magically drains the life from its foes. Though the nominal leader of a massive beastman army, the brains behind the enterprise are Urslak Cripplehorn’s.

  Galin Olifsson

  A dwarf engineer who accompanies Gotrek and Felix on their expedition to retake Karak Hirn.

  Gam’s Spire

  The top of the Zhufgrim Scarp.


  ‘Night of Mystery’, considered extremely unlucky by citizens of the Empire. Both moons are full on this night.

  Giselbert von Volgen

  A lord of the Talabecland. He is young, beardless, and wears fluted plate armour.


  Gotrek and Felix cross paths with this skaven grey seer while hunting the liche Pragarti under the streets of Kutzenholz.


  These malicious little greenskins are related to goblins, and indeed rather resemble them. They can be mostly found living alongside ogres, where they serve as servants, soldiers and (more often than they would like) food.

  Golden Brotherhood

  A secret order devoted to seeking Chaos and destroying it. Max Schreiber is a member.

  Golden Gull

  Katja Murillo’s ship, sunk by Uragh Goldtusk while she was searching for Redhand’s treasure.

  Golden Hammer, The

  An upmarket restaurant in Nuln which Otto Jaeger takes Felix to, and where Felix sees and recognises Fritz von Halstadt.

  Gospodar Muster

  A force of 5,000 mounted warriors, led by the Ice Queen herself, that go to aid Praag in its fight against the forces of Arek Daemonclaw.

  Gotrek Gurnisson

  Gotrek, son of Gurni was born and raised in the corridors of Karaz-a-Karak and like all citizens of the King’s Council, did his military service in the depths below the Everpeak as a youth. Details of the intervening years between then and his meeting with Felix Jaeger are vague, though it is known that he was part of the first ill-fated attempt to find the lost city of Karag Dum. One of only three survivors to return from the Chaos Wastes, when he did so, he was carrying the awesome star-metal rune axe which never leaves his side.

  After swearing blood kinship with Felix Jaeger and making him his rememberer, the pair set out on their travels, the Slayer actively seeking his doom, the man simply there to record it. Losing his eye in an epic battle against some greenskins at Fort von Diehl has been perhaps the most noticeable injury the Slayer has sustained and though there have been a few close calls, much to his chagrin, Gotrek inevitably lives on to fight another day.

  A typical Slayer, Gotrek sports the bright orange crest
and numerous tattoos which mark him as such. He is huge by dwarf standards and though he only comes up to his companion’s chest, he outweighs him by a substantial margin, all of it muscle. A gold chain runs from nostril to ear and a leather patch covers his ruined eye. He can drink almost as well as he can fight, which is saying something indeed, and he hates trees, boats and elves with a vengeance.

  ‘...there was no denying that the Trollslayer presented a formidable appearance. Although Gotrek only came up to Felix’s chest, and a great deal of that height was made up of the huge dyed crest of red hair atop his shaved and tattooed skull, he was broader at the shoulders than a blacksmith. In one massive paw, he held a rune-covered axe that most men would have struggled to lift with both hands. When he shifted his massive head, the gold chain that ran from his nose to his ear jingled.’

  From Trollslayer, by William King

  Gottfried von Diehl

  Baron of the Vennland Marches, exiled after a conflict with their Sigmarite neighbours. He leads his people on a doomed expedition out of the Empire south into the Border Princes.

  Grail, The

  A tavern in the settlement of Deadgate. It is decorated in imitation Bretonnian courtly style, an oddity that can surely be traced back to the nationality of its owner, one Louis Lanquin.

  Green Man, The

  A fortified inn on the road to Drakenhof.

  Greypaw Hollow

  A small skaven settlement located under a forest.

  Griffon, The

  An inn in Latdorf where Gotrek and Felix stay for a couple of months recuperating after the crash of the Spirit of Grungni.

  Grim Hogan

  A Kislevite knight of the Order of the Black Bear.


  A dwarf Slayer, first encountered by Felix in the Shrine of Grimnir. He speaks very little, seeming to be too overwhelmed by some personal grief to allow any kind of connection with others. He is one of the seven Slayers who go to beard the dragon in its den.

  Grudi Halfhand

  Dwarf Slayer, son of Olgep Wynters, Master Brewer. He lost his left hand in an unnamed battle, and has a hook in its place. Grudi and Snorri join up with the knights of the Black Bear on their expedition to reclaim the Wynters Brewery.

  Gulf of Araby

  Expanse of water lying between the southern coast of Araby and the Southlands.

  Grume of the Night Fang

  A massive and foul-smelling Khorne warlord who is in league with the Tzeentch sorcerers, Kelmain and Lhoigor. He wants to kill Gotrek and claim his axe for his own, and carries the fearsome Skull Mace of Malarak to help him achieve his goal.


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