Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series)

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Keeley's Fight (The Protectors Series) Page 3

by Donn, KL

  Sitting quietly, watching him from underneath her lashes, she tensed as he leaned toward her menacingly, with a look of intense hatred and rage in his black soulless eyes. Unprepared for his quick movement, she almost wasn’t in time to duck when he threw his empty bottle of vodka at her head, missing her by just centimeters. She felt it swoosh by her hair. “Go to your fucking room and don’t come back out!” He screamed at her.

  Flying to her room in fear, she shut the door quietly. Grabbing the small desk chair she had and wedging it under the door handle, gave her hope it would keep him out should he decide to try to attack her at any point during the day or night.

  Laying on her bed cradling her knees to her chest, she prayed for a miracle. That by the grace of God, she would make it out of her house and maybe one day, have a new life.

  A better life.


  After another night spent tossing and turning, thinking about the situation Keeley was in, Nate got up around dawn feeling restless. Going through his morning routine of showering, he went downstairs to find Ty already in the kitchen. He had the morning news on the small TV they had above the refrigerator, turned down low, while drinking a cup of coffee.

  Grabbing a mug from the cupboard, he poured himself some coffee as well, before sitting down beside Ty at the breakfast bar. Thinking about her and how vulnerable she seemed last night, left Nate with a bad taste in his mouth. He didn’t want to leave her, but knew she wasn’t ready for the way he wanted to take over. To make sure she feared nothing again.

  Being a Marine he was used to protecting people, making sure that they were safe. Realizing he couldn’t do that with her, just yet left him cold inside. He had done three tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan over the years, and while he liked to think it didn’t change him he knew that it had. After coming home, like many soldiers, he suffered from PTSD and nightmares from the things he’d done and seen. He wasn’t too proud to admit that he needed help either, which thinking back on it was probably going to be his saving grace in regards to Keeley.

  If he hadn’t gotten the counseling he needed, he probably wouldn’t recognize her for what she was, a chance at a fulfilling and loving future.


  Sitting next to Nate, Ty was lost in thoughts about the past. He knew that in order for them to convince Keeley to give them a chance they would have to present a united front, show her that they were for real.

  They thought they’d had a future once, with a woman they had meet after they got home from their first tour in the Marines. She was nice, sweet, caring, and had been open to a ménage relationship, too. They thought she’d been it for them, until they really got to know her. On the outside she was what they wanted, but on the inside she was cold. Calculating. She tried to play them against each other, make the other jealous about who she spent the most time with. It might have worked, but Ty knew that their hearts hadn’t been engaged. So when they came home after their second tour and found out she’d been cheating while they were gone, neither was saddened by it. More annoyed than anything.

  Ty had been relieved. He hadn’t realized at the time that he wasn’t happy with her, until she was gone. She tried to play Nate into thinking that she was lonely and needed someone, that it was somehow their fault she was a cheater. Thankfully, he had been less engaged with her than Ty had, so he just walked away without a backward glance.

  Once they’d retired and decided to put their skills to use, they both realized how much happier they were and decided to try looking for a woman to complete them. They always knew they’d have the same type of relationship as their parents. It was a relief to know that if something ever happened to either of them, the other would be there to take care of their wife and children.


  Getting up the next morning, stiff from not moving all night and in fear that her father would hear her and come pounding on the door, Keeley looked at the time and realized it was later than she thought. With only a few hours to get ready before her lunch date with Nathaniel and Tyler, she got up slowly to get showered and changed into something that wasn’t four sizes too big and didn’t have holes, like the clothes she’s usually worn. Hopefully it won’t be raining like the forecast had been predicting either.

  Making her way quietly out of her room, Keeley darted into the bathroom across the hall to get ready for the day. Undressing, she noticed her arm was bruised from her fall the day before, but nothing major, and the fingerprints were much more noticeable on her neck, too. With tears welling up in her eyes, she hopped into the lukewarm shower and washed up quickly. Getting dressed in something presentable was a little harder than she suspected, her clothes were old hand me downs. Nothing fit properly and it was all worn and holey. Finding a pair of jeans that hung off her hips just a little, and only had holes in the knees, then grabbing a sweater and tossing it on, she figured it would have to be good enough for now. Towel drying her hair was all she was able to do before putting it up in a ponytail.

  Grabbing her bag, she went out to the kitchen to grab a drink and something quick to eat, before making the long walk to the restaurant. Stopping short when she saw her father looking in the fridge, she was torn about running out the door and staying there. Her indecision cost her.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?” He barked at her.

  “Nothing,” she replied meekly.

  Seeing the anger in his face and etched in every line of his body, Keeley started to shake in fear. “What are you shaking for, girl?” He snarled. “You scared? You should be,” he said while advancing on her.

  Taking a step back for every step forward he took, she hit the wall at her back. “Please don’t,” she pleaded.

  Slamming his fists on the wall on either side of her head he had her boxed in, scaring her even more. “I’m thinking you’re holding out on me with your money, huh. Time for you start making more.”

  “I’m not, I swear,” she whispered, afraid to speak too loudly, in case she angered him more by thinking she was talking back.

  “Liar!” He yelled at her making her wince. “Ya know…,” he started thoughtfully, “your mama used to make good money when she was whoring herself out. Got even more when she was pregnant while doing it. Seems some men like it.” Smirking at the horrified look on her face, he walked away.

  In that moment, Keeley knew she had to leave and she couldn’t come back, or he’d force her to become what her mother was. Resolved that it was time to leave, and with nowhere to go, she went to her room to grab her coat. Taking one last look around the dingy room, eyeing the ratty bed, stained shag carpets, and peeling wall paper, she couldn’t help but feel such despair; she could hardly breathe her chest was so tight. But she did what she always did, picked up her stuff and left without a backward glance.

  It was freeing and terrifying, all at the same time. She started walking towards Joy’s Restaurant, and Nathaniel and Tyler.

  Chapter 5

  Getting up earlier than usual the next morning, Ty was filled with excitement for their date with Keeley that afternoon. Grabbing a bottle of water, he went downstairs to their home gym for his daily workout. He stopped short when he saw that Nate was already there, then he laughed, because even though they weren’t twins, they often had the same thoughts and actions.

  “Morning,” he said to his brother as he jumped on the treadmill to warm up, while Nate was working the leg machine. Giving him a chin lift in greeting, he kept on working out. After a few minutes of silence Ty finally asked, “Do you think she’ll show?”

  Stopping what he was doing, Nate looked at him thoughtfully before saying, “Ya, I do. I think she’s been hurt Ty, not gonna lie about it, but I think she’s tougher than she looks.” Dwelling on that he got back to his workout, before he started thinking about what their parents had been up to. He knew they were obviously trying to set the both of them up with her.

  After an exhausting and long session, Ty had a quick shower before deciding it wa
s time to give their mother a call, to see exactly what her meddling self was up to. Smiling at the thought, he dialed and waited for her to pick up…

  “…Ok Ma, we get that but you could have just told us she was the reason you wanted us to go there. How did you come across such a shitty place anyways? I know the dads never would have let you go there willingly.” Ty spoke to their mother, Amber, while Nate sat there chuckling at the conversation he was having.

  “Well dear, actually it was Jackson’s idea to go there. You see, when we came back from that trip we took last month to New Orleans, we saw the young woman walking into Fred and Eleanor’s Diner. As she went in, this big fat ugly beast of a man was coming out and dammit boys, he grabbed her. Hard.” Amber paused to take a breath and stifle back the tears that were threatening to come, as she remembered that night. “You know neither of your fathers would stand for that, nor would I.”

  “That was Fred that did that to her. He tried to again, last night,” Nate told her clenching and unclenching his fists in anger.

  “Well, I hope you boys stopped him. Keeley is such a sweet girl, it’s a shame she’s always got new bruises on her, though. She tries so hard to cover them up, but I still see them.”

  “Yes Ma, we did. Nate here made it clear that she was ours,” Ty said to her with a slight chuckle.

  “Well, good, I think she needs some good in her life. I suspect she’s had a rough one. Well, I’ve got to go now. Almost time for bridge club. Have fun on your date boys!” Amber told them, cheerfully.

  “Wait a sec, you said she always has bruises? How often?” Nate asked their mother.

  “Often enough that I know she’s suffering at home, too. She had broken ribs when we first met her; said she fell down the stairs.” Their mother sighed at that. “I just knew that wasn’t the case, though. Take care of her and I’ll talk to you soon. Love you both.”

  “Love you too, Ma,” they said simultaneously, ending the call.

  “SHIT!” Ty was so mad he just couldn’t contain it. Someone was hurting their girl. “Do you think she has a boyfriend?”

  “I don’t know but we’ll find out at lunch. Let’s go. We’re already going to be late and I don’t want her thinking we aren’t coming.” Nate started rushing Ty.


  Heading out in the rain, Nate couldn’t help how angry he was, on behalf of Keeley. She was too young, too beautiful to be a victim of such abuse. All those bruises, broken ribs, and who knows what else, she’s suffered in her short life. He was going to find out all of it, though. It was what he did. He worked intelligence in the Marines before he retired. Digging up information was what he did best. Not many people knew he was such a computer geek, but he was their resident tech guru in Maxwell Secures, their security firm, as well.

  Driving through the streets of Austin with Ty beside him, and clenching the steering wheel, he thought about her and how she acted early yesterday morning, and he could see the signs. She was shy; only making eye contact when necessary. Skittish too; not drawing attention to herself by wearing those old ugly ass baggy clothes. He knew underneath all of it, she had a smoking hot body. His cock got hard just thinking about what she’d look like naked.

  Turning onto Main Street, he was looking for a parking spot in front of Joy’s Restaurant, when Ty practically sprung forward in his seat yelling, “Fuck!” Looking at what Ty was so pissed about, he noticed a small bundle of bags and what looked like a person sitting on the sidewalk just at the opening of the alley in front of Joy’s, and realization dawned on him that it was Keeley.

  Slamming on the brakes and throwing the truck in park, not caring that he wasn’t parked legally, Nate and Ty both jumped out running for her, slowing down as they got closer to her so as not to scare the day lights out of her. Her head popped up when they were about a foot away from her, and she just looked so scared and sad. Very sad.

  Crouching down beside her Ty asked, “Darlin’, what are you doing out here, and what’s all this stuff with you?”

  Horns started blaring behind them because of the way the truck was parked, but their only concern right now was Keeley. Looking between the two of them she finally responded. “My dad kicked me out and then he made me stay, then he told me I didn’t make enough money and I didn’t know what to do, and I can’t go back, I just can’t.” She said this in such a rush that Nate almost didn’t catch all of it. “I didn’t go inside because I just came to cancel lunch,” she said this softly and with such a tone of despair that all Nate could do was sit down beside her and pull her in his lap.

  “Now why would you want to cancel, Butterfly?” Knowing the subject with her dad might take her a bit to feel comfortable talking to them about.

  “Well… It just didn’t seem right, I don’t think?” She said this like a question. Like whether she had somewhere to live or not would affect how they felt about her. Boy was she wrong.

  “Come on Butterfly, why don’t you give Ty your bags and he’ll go park the truck, while we get a back table. I’m starving!” Surprisingly she laughed at that. A small laugh, but a laugh none the less, and it was lovely. As Nate stood up with her in his arms, he heard her suck in a sharp breath and looked down to see a pinched expression on her face. “You’re in pain. What hurts?” Nate inquired.

  “Nothing, I’m fine,” she denied.

  Nate just let her be until they got to their table. Walking into the restaurant he smiled, loving the calming atmosphere of Joy’s. “Hey Nate, how are you?” Asked the hostess, Heather. She had worked there for as long as it had been open.

  “I’m good Heather, a table in the back if you don’t mind, please. And bring me a first aid kit, too. Ty will be in soon.”

  “Ah, so this little beauty belongs to you, huh? I asked her if she wanted to come inside, but she said she was waiting on someone. Good to know it’s a good someone. That arm of hers looks mighty painful. I’ll get the first aid kit and pass it off to Joy, when I let her know you’re here.”

  They followed Heather through the dining area and into the back, where they had tables reserved for private parties. It was elegantly decorated with maroon colored walls and landscape pictures of different trees from around the world hanging on them. Each picture was taken by Joy herself while she was traveling, before settling down close to her family and starting this restaurant. “I’ll go grab some coffee for everyone while you wait,” Heather said, leaving them alone until Ty arrived. Sitting Keeley down on a chair, Nate sat to her right and gently helped her with getting her coat off.

  “Jesus sweetheart, you’re soaked to the bone. Do you have anything dry in your bags?” Nate asked her as he hung her coat on the back of an empty chair. Turning around he noticed the hand print on her neck. Anger coursed through his veins knowing it had to have been her father. Running his fingers along her neck, he looked into her eyes and saw the pleading look for him to let it go.

  “P…Probably not,” she answered with chattering teeth and a sigh of relief that he didn’t push her for answers.

  “Can I see your arm? I need to know how bad the damage is please,” he pleaded.

  She looked at him with those gorgeous crystal blue eyes of hers searching his, for what he wasn’t sure, but he hoped she found what she needed. Seemingly pleased with her assessment, she held out her left arm and he sucked in a breath. It was bruising from her wrist all the way up her arm to the sleeve of her t-shirt, where it met the elbow.

  “Butterfly, what happened?” Nate asked shocked that she was still moving it without screaming in pain. He didn’t think it was broken, but he still wanted Ty to take a look at it to be sure. He had been the medic on their missions overseas.

  “I was walking home and slipped in a puddle and fell, the bruising is just from hitting the ground so hard. It doesn’t hurts so much anymore Nathaniel.” She cried so softly that if he wasn’t watching, he wouldn’t have known that she was.

  “It’ll be ok Butterfly, we’ll get you all fixed up in no time,” h
e promised her. Nate loved that she called him Nathaniel. It came out so naturally making his cock go steel hard again. He was so screwed. This tiny waif of a woman had gotten him wrapped around her little finger so fast his head should be spinning, but he found that he quite enjoyed it. Smiling, he turned when he heard the door to the room open and in walked Ty and their Aunt Joy.

  “Oh dear God in heavens girl, look at that arm! Let my Ty here check it out, and you’ll be good in no time at all. He was a medic in the Marines you know. One of the best there was, too!” Aunt Joy boasted proudly.

  “Aunty… She doesn’t need to hear my life story just yet,” Ty told her with a slight blush tingeing his tanned cheeks.

  Keeley had jumped when his aunt had first started talking, but she seemed to calm down once she saw that Ty was with her. It gave Nate hope. They might have only known her for a very short time, but he was glad she was starting to grow more comfortable with them.

  “It’s ok Tyler, I don’t mind,” she told them as she gave the world’s smallest smile, but man alive did it ever transform her entire face. She had a slight blush on her cheeks, matching Ty’s, and there was a little twinkle in her eyes like she enjoyed how proud their aunt was of their accomplishments as she bragged about them.

  “Can I see your arm sweet thing, it looks like it hurts something fierce. What happened?” Ty asked her as he knelt down in front of her.


  Keeley held out her arm for Tyler to look at, trying to hide the pain she felt but knew she failed miserably when she saw their Aunt Joy’s face, and the tears the nice woman was trying not to let fall on her behalf. It was weird for her, she’d never had anyone so upset over her injuries that they wanted to cry for her. “Keeley?” Tyler asked softly.

  Getting back to the moment, she finally remembered he’d asked her a question. “Oh, I hurt it falling on the walk home this morning; tripped in a puddle. I landed on it when I hit the pavement, but the bruising’s not so bad.” She whispered that last part to herself more than anything.


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