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Coeus? Page 33

by Andur

  I furrow my forehead. “It's not like I would complain about it, but what do you want to do instead? I know that we have more than enough money, but doing nothing is boring.”

  He shrugs. “I am always doing research and programming as a side job for StarDrive and my own company. It's not like I wouldn't get bored but... maybe I should return to school for a while. I heard that there is a test for finding the ideal job. Maybe I'll try it.”

  “That's the normal way to get a job. You get yourself tested and the system gives you the job offers which are suitable and free. Don't tell me you didn't know that.” That's Gideon for me. If it wasn't for his talents he would be completely helpless.

  “Then I'll try that. It may be fun to see what they have available.” He runs his hand through my hair and starts petting my head.

  Sol, Aether


  Freedom! I never thought about it, but being inside a military organisation is very stressful. I wonder why the soldiers on Earth aren't rebelling. Their routine down there is even stricter than ours and practically denies them their own life. I would have rebelled without Cyla at my side.

  Especially being at home is wonderful, though Cyla's new interest in building up her own business causes her to be away for work entirely too long. I really need something to do besides searching bugs in Paul's programs.

  I venture down into our mansion's living room where I find Galia slurping down a milkshake while watching the news channel. I greet her and sit down next to her.

  The news are talking about events on Earth and how good the new government is. “So they are really going for a unified government?” I take the milkshake from Galia's hand to have a sip.

  She raises an eyebrow. “Is that so surprising? A certain someone offered Rob to remove his political opponents. I am still amazed that he really took the offer. And even more that you really went and did it!”

  “Those were collateral damage. I interrogated each of them and I harmed nobody who didn't deserve it. Maybe Rob simply found out that being a nice guy in the real world takes more than being a saint.” I raise my finger to my lips. “Why are you even here and not on Earth?”

  “I was on Earth, but I returned to take a few days off before the normals visit Aether.” She answers.

  I almost choke on the milkshake. “The normals will do what!?”

  “The elders decided to allow a few normal ambassadors to visit our colonies. Just to show them what we achieved and how pointless a fight would be.” Galia explains.

  “So they decided to follow a tactic of intimidation instead?” I ask.

  “If you want to interpret it that way. From my point of view they are simply offering Earth's government a hand. We have official observers down on Earth, so they are allowed to have official observers up here.” Galia tilts her head. “And Earth's exploration program is currently leaping forward in big steps. If they continue like that for a few more years we'll have to reveal ourselves anyway. Just to tell them that they are settling on someone else’s property and have to pay rent.”

  “So they'll make everything public?” I ask.

  Galia tilts her head left and right while thinking. “I don't think that it'll go that fast. A few more years until Earth's government is firmly established. Then they can think about going public. Until then they'll have to operate like nothing happened.”

  I lean back. “Still. I don't get how we can benefit from that. It would be easier to fry their computers to send them back to the dark ages.”

  She takes back her milkshake. “Maybe we can, maybe we can't. We are still unsure how the whole business with the aliens might turn out. Having Earth as a pool of workforce or as a backup for military ground forces may turn out to be worthwhile. They may also evolve into providers for new technologies once their various factions stop interfering with each other.”

  I snort. “For that they would have to change their political system. How much do you want to bet that Rob's successor will be a complete idiot who shatters all his work?”

  “I hope not?” Galia answers disturbed. “Look at what he achieved within a few months.”

  “That's how democracy works. For every politician who does a good job and makes things better you get ten others who are either puppets like Rob or just interested in using their power or are complete morons. Rob wouldn't be a good politician either if we hadn't cut his strings. Just take a look at the resource wars. Would have never happened if they had done the reasonable thing and worked economical.” I explain. “Maybe purging all radical religions should have been done sooner. There are still a lot of radical groups down there.”

  “I feel depressed when I have to listen to your point of view. Didn't you want to go to school and take that test?” Galia gestures for the door. “When you get political it shows that you don't have enough to do. Maybe you should follow Cyla around and play to be her new assistant.”

  “Ah, yes. You are completely right! Thanks for reminding me.” I get up and leave the house.

  On my way to the school I get a call from someone whom I hoped to be dead. I growl, but decide to take the call anyway. Audio only! Anything else would spoil my mood. “Hi, Sadina.”

  My mother's voice answers. “Gideon, why didn't you answer for so long? It has been months since we talked about your future.”

  “I've been busy and you were not my top priority.” I answer chipped.

  “I understand. I just wanted to congratulate you to your girlfriend. She is such a wilful child and full of energy. She even managed to make me consider my own relationship with you.” Sadina chirps in delight.

  Cyla mentioned my mother's call, but unfortunately I don't know the exact details. “You don't have anything against her?”

  “Why would I? I am just trying to help and develop you. Though you are growing a little faster than anticipated. I admit that. Say, what are your plans for the future? Don't you want to take a little advice from your counsellor?”

  “And what's that advice of yours?” I ask.

  “Take it easy for a few years.” She disconnects without further ado.

  What was that call for? Talking to the crazy bitch feels so random. Maybe I should rejoin the SDF and fly off to a godforsaken place just to be far, far away?

  No, that may be exactly what she wants. Her hacking skills are first class. She surely already found out that Cyla and I joined the SDF's reserve. And if she didn't hack the SDF, she surely found out about Cyla's new business activities. She knows that we are practically settling down right now. So telling me to do exactly what I am doing right now could be reverse psychology?

  I shake my head and realize that I am already on Aether's campus. There should be no problem in taking the test. I can always say no. Right?

  My path leads me across the campus to the test room. While walking I connect to the network and file a request. I really love the fact that this society doesn't place any restrictions on education. That's also a major problem of the humans down on Earth. They are doing their best to keep the population stupid by placing high taxes on books and information. In addition, they ensure with their laws, that changing your job is as hard as possible.

  No. I've got to stop thinking about it. If I follow this train of though I might end up throwing a few asteroids on that planet.

  I enter the area with the examination rooms and head directly for room number 4. After typing the registration code into the door's lock I step inside. The white, empty rooms became very familiar during my time here.

  Since I don't want to waste any time with this business I approach the copper coloured globe which is hovering in the middle of the room. It has the size of a tennis ball and is my examiner.

  I greet it. “Hi, I want to take the test to search for a job.”

  “Hello, I am the examination sprite 'Exo-4'. Just call me Exo. Please state your name.” The globe answers, repeating a very old ritual.

  “Exo-4! Long time no see. Don't you remember me? Gideon
Alvar. You took my test when I entered the school.

  “Gideon Alvar, twenty-three, scheduled for a full magical and mental examination.” Exo answers and falls silent again. After a few moments the copper globe shoots towards the door, but I reach out in time to grab the sprite. “Hey, where do you think you are going.”

  “Mercy! Mercy! I don't want my CPU fried again! Why are you even here!? I thought the school had finally become a safe place again. At least for a few years!” Exo squeals in horror.

  “Calm down and don't waste my time. I just want to take that stupid test and then I am gone.” I reply.

  “You won't fry me again?” He asks.

  “If you waste any more of my time I'll have to go even faster to get it back!” I reply.

  Finally the sprite returns to it's spot. “Are there any jobs you are particularly interested in? There is a new course in quantum physics and computing. I am sure that you know enough to get the qualification by taking the test.”

  I wave my hand to dismiss the idea. “Just let me take the test and sign me up for the job I am best suited for. I need something to do.”

  46. ~A new calling.~


  The first established long term colony flourished on the dark side of the moon, though it became clear that a permanent settlement there needed more protection. So the entire colony had been moved under ground long before Neil Armstrong first stepped onto the moon's surface.


  -The true history of space flight

  Sol, Aether


  I yawn as I walk down the street to my family's mansion. Exo and I took our time with testing my abilities and my knowledge. I even had to take a psychological test. Exo insisted that it's necessary to be sure to get me the right job. He wanted to avoid at all costs that I get bored and come back right away. The sprite informed me that it will take some time to judge the test and that I'll be informed at once as soon as a psychologist manages to take a look at the answers.

  Unfortunately psychology isn't an exact science. So simply going with a yes or no Q&A-test would be pretty much pointless. Taking tests for pure knowledge appeals much more to me. You go in and as soon as you are done you get the results.

  Having to wait feels ominous. I don't like it even if I am very sure that I did well on the part regarding sciences.

  I scratch my cheek where the beginnings of a beard are starting to form and turn around the corner. What I find in front of my mansion is Cyla with two guys and one of them is just giving her a kiss on the cheek.

  A strange knot forms in my chest and I have the sudden urge to skewer him with something pointy, then rain lightning down on him and his friend until they are both well done and just sizzling remains which can hardly be identified as corpses.

  The street lantern to their left seems just right for the job and I already think about an appropriate spell to cut it to size when Cyla sees me.

  She waves her hand and calls out to me. “Gideon, my brothers came to visit!”

  Her brothers? I eye both men in a new light and smile, hugging Cyla to greet her once I am close enough. “You should have informed us that we are getting visitors.”

  “It was just a visit of opportunity. We aren't intending to stay. I am Brenton Estene.” The older one of the two brothers replies. He looks like he is in his thirties and strongly reminds me of Gregor, Cyla's father. Brenton's hair is short and of a lighter colour than Cyla's while his whole physique screams that he must be doing daily strength training.

  He offers me a hand and I take it. “Gideon Alvar.”

  The younger brother at his side looks more like Cyla's relative. He seems to be in his twenties, but he is definitely older than me. His black hair is slightly too long to be called manly. There are some strange fashions in mage society and men with shoulder long hair are something I'll never get used to. His eyes look like he got them directly from Cyla's mother.

  “My name is Martin Estene. I was hoping to find out which type of guy my younger sister fell for. Now that I've met you I am not too impressed.” He introduces himself.

  Cyla's leg shoots out and hits his shin, leaving him jumping on one foot. “Didn't I tell you to be nice?”

  I find my eyes wandering back to the street light, but better judgement tells me that turning my lover's brother into a skewer is socially wrong and would get me into trouble with her.

  “Hahahaha. Let him, little Sis. A time will come when he is rude to the wrong person.” Brenton pats my back. “I think you found the right one for you. I had to listen twice to the story about his introduction to our parents. Man, I wished I would've been there. You certainly managed to make Dad look like a fool.”

  “Why don't you come in?” I ask, trying to be nice.

  Brenton waves his hand. “No, it was really just a short visit of opportunity since we didn't get to see little Sis since a few months. But she seems to be doing well. We have a tight schedule, maybe next week?”

  “Sure, just see to it to tell us in time.” Cyla hugs her brothers once more and the two of them leave after saying goodbye to me.

  I put my hand around Cyla's hips while we watch them making their exit. “Too bad that I didn't get to know them better. We've to invite them properly the next time.”

  “Yes. They were really taking their time after having stopped by.” She takes a look at her wristwatch. “Half an hour ago they already stated that they had to go and they kept finding reasons to delay their departure. But after seeing your face they had no problem with leaving fast.”

  “My face?” I ask. Did my expression betray me again? “How did I look?”

  “When you came up the alleyway you looked like you just caught me with another man. It was as clear as daylight that you were intending to use the street light to do something to them, so I called out to you to clear up the misunderstanding.” Cyla pats my chest and leans against me.

  “I see.” I wipe over my own face and pull on my cheek. “I really have to work on this.”

  Cyla nods. “Yes. And when Martin was rude it looked like you were reconsidering whatever you were planning to do to him. But don't worry. I am not mad about you being that jealous.”

  “Jealous?” Maybe I am a very jealous person. “But why should you be mad about it.”

  She sighs. “Gideon, some girls don't like it when you are really possessive about them. But I like that side of yours. It feels like you are really caring about me.” Her voice returns to a more serious tone. “Though please don't try to kill people because they gave me a little more attention than normal.”

  “I... I will try.” Though I can't promise anything. That feeling back then felt out of my control. Better to avoid the issue. “Let's go inside.”

  I lead Cyla into the house and to the living room where we find an almost complete gathering of my family.

  Melan, Rhiannon, Arend and Galia are all sitting on the couch and watching a news report. Hedeon is sitting a little further away on his chair and reading a book. Only Saden isn't present, but that's nothing to be worried about. By now she is practically living with Paul, so I don't get to see her that often any more.

  “What's so interesting about the news?” I ask, approaching them from the side so that I don't block the view at the projection on the wall. “More information about Earth?”

  “No!” Grandmother calls out. “It's the five year redistribution of the seat for Aether's governor! What did I do wrong for you being so disinterested in politics.”

  I furrow my forehead. The really high jobs in government are reissued every five years to ensure that the current public servants don't become lazy. If they bomb their test or someone with far higher qualifications applies for the job they simply get dismissed without further ado.

  That's nothing to be worried about. Not many officials manage to stay in their office for their entire life and if they actually get booted out, they are still highly sought after.

  Someone who manages to get into
a government office just once is assured to be noted down as highly capable for the rest of his life. The redistribution simply ensures that the officials don't get bored or compliant, which is bound to happen to everyone after a few years. It also stops favouritism to a certain degree.

  Another point is that being a mage means having to deal with a long lifetime. Which smart person with that much time on his hands wants to do the same job forever?

  I turn back to eye my family. Somehow it's interesting to watch them next to each other. If a normal would see them he wouldn't believe that there are three generations sitting right next to each other.

  The only family member who allows himself to look a little older than thirty is Grandpa. His hair is actually turning a little grey at his temples. Grandmother though looks not a day older than thirty.

  Will I ever sit next to my grandchildren who look like they are almost my age? The thought is freaking me out for some reason.

  Hedeon scratches his ear. “Don't worry, Dear. I am sure that I'll be once again the governor, like the fifty-five years before. We'll simply make sixty out of it and then probably seventy. And maybe a hundred.”

  Grandma glares at Grandfather. “I swear to you, if you ever bomb that test...” She doesn't finish her sentence because the news reporter starts announcing the changes in the smaller government offices of Aether.

  Grandmother is always proud to be the right hand of Grandfather. So if he loses his job as the governor she'll probably quit hers too. The two of them are like a pair of good, old shoes. Once you lose one the other is worthless.

  She may be a little power hungry too, but to me she is still the greatest person in the world. There is nothing wrong with being proud of having responsibility. And reputation. A high government office is also a job of prestige.

  I wonder what they'll do if they really have to give Aether's government to someone else? Will Grandpa fly ships again?

  Finally the news reporter gets to the important part. “... and after fifty-five years we finally have a new governor!”

  Hedeon drops his book with an open mouth, shock apparent on his face. Grandmother jumps up, runs over to Hedeon and starts strangling him.


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