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Coeus? Page 44

by Andur

  “Gideon, I just want to die! Why isn't it coming out.” I complain. Three hours of being in labour. “It feels like our daughter is trying to kill me. I just want to give up.”

  “It'll be fine. Should we cast another healing spell on you?” Gideon places a hand on my forehead and smiles which gives me comfort.

  “You don't have to worry.” The doctor pats my shoulder. “Probably your extraordinary medical circumstances caused a slightly accelerated pregnancy. I never had someone who mutated while being pregnant, so I got the date wrong. It differs for people who already went through the first stages of mutation.” He gestures at his instruments which tell me nothing. “Your daughter is strong and healthy. We won't even need an incubator. And you just have a few problems with the first stages of delivery, but that's nothing extraordinary. There is nothing to worry about.”

  The next contraction starts and I press with all my might, finally feeling something come out of me. At the end I fall back on the slightly elevated bed and the doctor uses a towel to wipe away the sweat.

  “Good. The head is already outside. Just once more on the next contraction.” The nurse's voice informs me.

  I gasp in relief at the prospect of ending this torture. “Maybe I'll have to reconsider the idea of having a second child.”

  Gideon caresses my hand and I smile at him with affection. Halfway through this entire process I got some doubts about him being a father, but having him here at my side, taking care of me, washes all those fears away.

  On my next contraction I once again use all my remaining power and finally feel the huge lump inside me slipping out. My heavy breathing is drowned by the screams of our daughter. “Finally.”

  “Say hello to your daughter.” The nurse places a small body, wrapped in a towel, on my chest and can't help but feel happy about seeing the crumpled face of my baby.

  I support her with my free hand and try to link our minds like the book suggested. It's very important to permanently supervise a techno-mage baby. If the child's mind accelerates accidentally and spends weeks or months alone it can do untold damage to the child's mental health.

  “Hello Aurelia Alvar. What do you think? That name fits you, right?” I cuddle the cheek of the cooing baby which finally stopped crying after feeling the warmth of my chest.

  “You are so lucky to have such a fine man, Cyla. Not many fathers manage to stay the entire time at their wife's side.” The nurse pats my shoulder with an envious expression. “I've seen many who ran away half way through the procedure or simply didn't show up.”

  The doctor holds one of his instruments above me and Aurelia and smiles. “She's perfect. Her lungs are okay, even if she's a little early. All that's left is the afterbirth.” He flips a switch next to the bed and the green shimmer of a regeneration spell envelops us.

  I sigh in relief and try to shift Aurelia towards Gideon. “See, that's your Daddy.”

  But Gideon simply continues caressing my hand which he is holding. Now the smile and lack of reaction make the whole situation a little creepy, so I poke his cheek but get not reaction.

  I curse and access the net to get one of the alien news feeds. A few thoughts are enough to display a certain sport event on the delivery room's holo-screen.

  “... and there the unexpected outsider weaves through the obstacles like nothing, leaving the current champion behind! Whoever built this little ship was a genius! What do you think, Aenf?”

  “Yes, Enrm. Too bad that he didn't officially join the race. Simply barging into the restricted zone wasn't just dangerous, but also against every rule. I don't think that we can reward the pilot, even if it looks like he could've won easily fair and square...”

  I turn my attention to the doctor. “Doc, are you ready to treat a broken bone, or at least a dislocated joint?”

  He blinks. “Always. Why?”

  My hand snakes around the pinkie of Gideon's left hand, which is his favoured one. Then I concentrate on the race to wait for the best moment.

  “... that's the last obstacle field! After this lies just open space for the outsider. He already showed that his speed is unbeatable if he can bring his acceleration to bear! ...”

  In a split second I bend Gideon's pinkie backwards until I hear a satisfying crunching noise.

  “... HE HIT ONE OF THE ASTEROIDS! He could have evaded like earlier, but this time he went straight into it! I doubt that there is anything left to salvage after such a collision!”

  “Well, I think that was to be expected. He simply didn't leave enough space for his evasive manoeuvres. Sooner or later it had to happen...”

  “OW!” Gideon pulls his hand away to hold it protectively to his chest. Finally his attention is where it belongs. “What happened? My finger! That hurts as fuck! Fuck!”

  I smile. “Ah, it's nothing compared to what I had to endure. Maybe you should stop playing games and greet your daughter, Aurelia Alvar.”

  61. ~Baby.~


  And today’s newest development is a new species which is making its way to the Gathering in the galactic center. They apparently have astounding technological capabilities like instant teleportation and ftl-communication, which they are selling to anyone. Of course under the premise of being willing to pay the right amount of money.


  -Galactic news

  Star-91896, Aether


  I cradle Aurelia in my arms while Cyla is sleeping on the sofa. The medics said that they fixed her and that she is back to her prime condition, but giving birth was exhausting nonetheless. So I teleported them back home right away.

  Somehow I like Aurelia's tiny hands, even if her chubby baby-face is ugly at the moment. And I am lucky that she is sleeping right now, otherwise I would probably find her screaming self less cute.

  Cute. Funny that I've those feelings about a baby. But she is my baby. On an inspiration I stand up and place her in her cradle, then I carry her to the bedroom and get two worn but freshly washed plush toys from the drawer. Aaah, how long has it been. Since I have Cyla I never touched those things for comfort. It's much more fun to fondle my woman instead of plush toys.

  Then I place them next to Aurelia inside the cradle. “Here you have Bunny and Cat. I pass them on to you. They already saved my life once.” With dread I remember my jump out of the window when I was a child and had to escape an assassin. I lift Aurelia and carry her to the stairway. “Just to make this clear. Cyla is mine to grope. You can have Cat and Bunny.”

  I don't even get to take five steps out of the living area when I am intercepted and swarmed by Melan and Rhiannon. “You are back! Where is Cyla. Is that your baby? Let us see!”

  Without proper reason I clench the cradle to my chest. “Cyla is sleeping on the sofa. She is tired. Maybe you can go and take a look at her.”

  Grandma's and Rhiannon's faces turn weird as if they just sensed a weakness. “Gideon, such a surprise. Who would have thought that you turn into an overprotective father figure as soon as your child is born.”

  I think about Rhiannon's words and realize that she may be right. “My emotional side was leaking through, wasn't it?” I ask.

  “It was totally all over your face. This is mine, go and get your own.” Melan smirks.

  With a sigh I give up the cradle for Melan and Rhiannon to inspect the new family member. It doesn't take long and they have Hedeon, Arend and me assembled in the living room with an expensive liquor to celebrate.

  Arend interrupts me while I gloomily watch the women spoiling Aurelia. “So why didn't you make it to the finish line? I've spent a lot of effort in hacking the Coalition's guard satellites for you.”

  “Yes! I bet on you winning it! I barely managed to sell it off as a win to my friends.” Grandfather also complains.

  “I am sorry, but after designing the unmanned fighter and spitting it out from one of my ship's IM-lines I had a hard time in flying it properly. Despite my best efforts the remote controls turned out
to be a little sluggish and right when I was about to go for the finish Cyla found out.” I rub my finger which she broke to make a statement. She never got violent before, but at least this particular event taught me that matters like having a baby and family have to be taken seriously with her.

  “Oh, that's too bad. I was all up for your little project.” Arend strokes his beard, considering something. “Maybe we should join the next race for real. I kind of wonder why we mages don't have an event like this. The idea intrigues me.”

  Hedeon snorts. “Are you joking? Nobody except techno-mages would join. We would fly everyone else to the walls.”

  Arend raises a finger. “But everyone else has their fighting tournaments which act as advertisement for their traits. It's all about public opinion. Who says that we techno-mages can't show off in our own way? And we are surely able to make this a little more interesting than the Coalition. Maybe it would help to present our traits in a better light.”

  “Hmmm.” Hedeon nods slowly. “We could surely host a similar event back at home. The only problem I see lies in acquiring enough money to start the operation.”

  “That's the least of our problems.” Arend's eyes wander to me. “We've someone on our side who doesn't even know what to do with his money and is hoarding it like a squirrel.”

  I grumble. “I don't see a problem with having a good financial cushion. And if I take a mage's lifetime into consideration it's not wrong to have a lot of money.”

  Hedeon nods slowly. “But you surely don't need that much?”

  “Fine. Send me a complete project description and I might consider it.” I roll with my eyes and flee the two oldsters who are starting to plan a race organisation for space races.

  It's been an hour since I left Cyla on the couch, so I decide to rescue Aurelia from Melan's and Rhiannon's clutches and head back to my private area.

  Upon approaching them my rescue attempt turns out to be easier than I thought. Melan hands me the cradle with the baby right away. “You should wake up Cyla. The child is hungry.”

  I raise an inquisitive eyebrow. “How do you know that she is hungry?”

  Melan scowls at me. “Seriously? It's vital for techno-mages to link with her children. Just share minds with her, she lets you in on instinct.”

  “It's not like she can tell me that she is hungry.” She isn't capable of speech, yet.

  “Of course you have to share feelings!” Melan shoos me towards the door and I hurry to flee the scene. Of course I knew that I can share minds with her, but isn't doing this with a baby going a little too far? I am not entirely entitled to believe every word of that stupid book about educating children.

  Like the point about being careful with punishment and being kind. I am of the opinion that while punishment can be misplaced if the individual doesn't recognize the reason for being punished, it's necessary to punish someone who can comprehend and knows that he did something wrong. Otherwise the individual might come to the conclusion that he or she can get away with anything.

  On my way up the stairway Aurelia starts complaining, so I decide that a little mental contact to shut her up can't be that bad. The contact with my daughter ends up in getting hungry myself, but I manage to suppress her feeling of hunger a little by projecting my own feelings onto her.

  Back on my own floor I find Cyla still on the couch. She is truly out cold and her sleeping face looks like she really needs to rest. So I decide to pick her up and carry her to our bed to lay her down. The rough handling isn't enough to wake her up, so I decide that solving the problem doesn't require interrupting her sleep.

  With Aurelia on my arm I lay bare Cyla's left chest and roll my wife onto her side. Then I plug the baby to the milk provider and the child instinctively starts sucking.

  After using the plush toys to support Aurelia's position I realize that the baby somehow managed to get the toys and Cyla from me. I sigh while looking down on them. “And I thought we had a deal.”

  Aurelia doesn't get what I mean and all I get is a feeling of satisfaction from her.

  With nothing better to do I lie down myself and close my eyes.

  Star-91896, Aether


  Aurelia's silent cooing wakes me up and I open my eyes. “Hi. How are you doing?” I reach for the cradle next to my bed and place my hand on my daughter's head.

  It has been a few days since her birth and I think I am finally back to my previous weight. Having a baby is really tiring, but it's worth the effort. And Gideon turned out to be a really charming and caring father, even if he would never openly admit it. He really cares for me and Aurelia.

  I turn around and find him sleeping next to me. When my eyes wander to the tent further down the bedsheets I remember a certain plan of mine. After being left to himself for a while he must be quite loaded.

  I take Aurelia with her cradle and hurry to the kitchen where I find Melan eating breakfast. A few meaningful words are enough to place the baby in her care. It won't take long. Just a few minutes, or maybe an hour? I could also take the whole day while I am at it.

  Back in our bedroom I strip my pyjamas and pull the bedsheets from Gideon, who still hasn't woken up. With great care I pull away his trousers and grin at releasing his glorious cock. Then I start licking his tip while keeping an eye on my man's expressions. After massaging him for a while with my hand I start pleasing myself between my legs. When it looks like he is going to wake up I sheathe his entire throbbing tip inside my mouth and press down on his length.

  “By the heavens! Cyla! What are you doing to me?” Finally he opens his eyes, but I pull out to deny him his release and run my tongue around his tip.

  “Just waking you up. What did you expect?” I smile and let go of him.

  “Don't stop now! Are you serious to leave me hanging like that!?” He begs.

  “But I want to feel it too.” I turn my rear to him, waving my ass in the air. Upon looking back I find him running his hands through his hair with a needing expression on his face.

  Finally his urges win over his reason and he grabs my hips to sink his entire length into me. I call out in delight and in the next moment he is all over me, hugging me from behind with his arms to deny my escape.

  I drift in the feeling of him filling me up and remember what I missed out on since a few days. He takes me hard and in his own rhythm, but after the recent months I don't care in the slightest and gloat in his feelings by using our connection. His heavy breaths are right next to my ear and suddenly he clamps down on me with all his power while I force my rear against him. Several waves of hot, pulsating convulsions wander through my lower region while he releases his seed into me with heavy gasps and rocking motions.

  After a while we calm down and I find my mind start working once more. Gideon is still clinging to my back, reluctant to let go. “Cyla. What did I do to deserve you? I missed being woken up like this. Can you do this every day from now on?”

  I purr in delight and circle my butt against him. “I might consider it. The doctor said that the regeneration spell will enable my cycle again after a week. So when I woke up and saw that splendid erection of yours I decided that wasting it while being fertile is a shame.”

  Gideon freezes up, which results in me being the only one who gloats in the pleasure. So I move myself against him in hopes to coax him into a second round. “What's wrong? I thought you would be delighted about taking up the normal schedule again.”

  Suddenly he starts chuckling and a set of plush handcuffs appears in my field of vision. “Wha-” Before I can protest he has me cuffed to the bed and presses me down into the mattress with his full weight.

  Then he whispers into my ear. “Do you remember our little promise? Now you got me far enough that I intend on using it to its fullest. And there is no going back.”

  “What promise?” I try to free myself, but the handcuffs are really sturdy. Enchanted?

  “Don't you remember? When I approved of your family plans I wanted to
get some little extras!” From somewhere he got a blindfold and places it above my eyes with an evil chuckle.

  That promise! “You said you won't do anything which I don't like.”

  “Oh, don't worry. You'll love it!” He shares his mind with me and I get a glimpse at what he is intending to do. “Let's start with the feather.”


  62. ~Hospitality.~


  What's a poor man? A nice and righteous guy, but too stupid for his own good.

  What's a criminal? Someone who isn't nice.

  What's a rich man? A guy who isn't nice and learned how the world works. Take what you can get!

  What's a politician? All of the above.


  -What every mage knows...

  Galactic Centre, Aether


  “They were really busy in this system.” I lean back in my seat and watch the display which is showing us what can be called the capital city of the milky way. Why are they calling it milky way? Sounds kind of stupid now that I think about it.

  My attention snaps back to the tightly packed solar system which is filled to the brim with habitats and countless ships. “Is it always like this?” The population of this star must count in the billions.

  “Always.” Ed nods. He is sitting on the left side of my office table, next to the commander of the SDF-Forces. To my right is Paul who has the responsibility for the dockyards.

  “I've worked myself through all the information which we got from Ayo and Illin. You shouldn't take the sight too seriously. According to my understanding most species entertain a permanent colony in this system.” Ed pauses for a moment to think. “They don't have instant communication and if you are located far away from the core you have to deal with very long travel times to come to this place. That's why many species set up a permanent colony with loyal individuals. The display out there is by no means a unified community.”


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