Visionary Investigator

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Visionary Investigator Page 14

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I wanted to reply – to say something to such a strong expression of love, but I was rendered speechless by his words.

  He means every single word. I let the soft, song-like voice soothe me. I smiled.

  "I guess, I'm single now. Woohoo." My voice cracked with the mock cheer.

  Jaxson’s arms opened wide as he stood in place.

  "Scar, come here." He whispered.

  My feet moved before I realized; his arms slowly encircled me. His touch was soft at first as if to see if I would flinch like before. When he realized I was okay, he tightened his hold on me, pulling me into his chest.

  I allowed the tears to fall. We sank to the floor; his arms cradled me as I cried into his chest for what seemed like hours, just letting the tears stain his black shirt. Eventually, I calmed, and the tears ceased to flow; Moonlight sat next to our feet, purring softly.

  He knew his purring always helped me calm down in some aspect.

  "Scar? Jaxson? Where are you guys?"

  I tensed up; Michael’s voice echoed outside in the hall. I didn't want to face anyone.

  Jaxson rubbed my back soothingly.

  "Scar, they won't judge you. Don't be so afraid." He whispered.

  "How do you know?" I replied.

  "I've known these guys for six years. Trust me. They won't judge you, just as I would never judge you, Scarlet."

  "Just a few more minutes." I whispered in his chest.

  "Okay." He whispered; his lips pressed lightly against my forehead. He shuffled for his phone; the little sounds of him typing a text message were the only sounds I heard besides his beating heart and our exhaling breath.

  I wanted to sleep; my eyelids felt so heavy, but I was afraid – worried that this was merely a dream.


  "Don't leave. When we talk to the others...can you stay? I know you’re busy. Just for a bit." I whispered, looking up to him.

  "Baby don't give me that look. I'll stay as long as you need me to, alright? We’ll figure out the case stuff later. I'll stay okay?" He reassured me. I nodded, needing another minute with him before I was ready to see the others.

  Jaxson helped me up. Moonlight sat at my feet as Jaxson opened the door, gently pulling me forward.

  We walked to the living room – Michael and Junho stood in the middle of the room. They both glanced our way; their eyes landed on my face. Junho frowned, while Michael had a blank expression. He took a step forward, but I flinched – the movement enough to make him freeze in place.

  "Sorry. Just give me a moment." I whispered. I watched Michael look at Jaxson before he frowned.

  "It's okay Scarlet. Just let me know when you're ready." He reassured me.

  "We'll stay with you as long as you need us, Scarlet. Don't worry, alright."

  I nodded while I took slow, deep breaths. I despised this feeling – to be left in a situation where you felt helpless. I always felt this way when I broke down. As if it was a reminder that I couldn’t run away from this – whatever this was. "It's not like...I don't want your help. This always happens…when I lose control. I tried. I really did try to calm down. I know what happens when I get upset. Weird things happen, and people can get hurt. But, I didn’t mean to...don't think I hate you, either. I just need a moment to convince myself I won't...I won't hurt any of you…” I trailed off, unable to continue.

  “I get it, Scarlet. Don't worry. We understand. Take one step at a time." Michael reassured me.

  The door opened; my eyes lifted to lock onto Christian. His eyes focused onto my face before he frowned. I felt my eyes begin to sting – the same increase in pressure from before resurfaced as I looked at him.

  I looked away for a moment, blinking my eyes rapidly to clear up my vision. I returned my gaze to be surprised by the new appearance – Christian’s amethyst eyes were now a light silver, his hair now a dark purple. The most eye-catching feature were the large red horns on his head – the same ones I saw on Cece's the previous time my eyes went haywire.

  I must be hallucinating.

  "Red horns?" I questioned, blinking.

  Jaxson shifted slightly to look down at me; the others turned to gaze at me with wide eyes.

  "What Scarlet?"

  " horns." I whispered, continuing to stare at the dark red, ivory looking horns; their smooth texture was apparent as they twisted upward. As scary as it was to look at, it didn't make him look bad at all. In fact, it complimented him, as if he was born that way.

  "Scarlet.” Jaxson called out, but I felt so tired suddenly; black spots appeared in my vision as they began to cover my image of Christian and the others. My eyes rolled back as my knees buckled. I let out a strained moan as I felt all my energy be swept away from me; my consciousness faded so fast, I didn't have time to process anything else.

  I wanted the darkness to take me away – just let me escape reality, even if it was only for a moment.

  With that last thought, I was consumed by the darkness.

  Chapter Twelve


  I could already sense the tension leaking out from the door that faced me – Scarlet's home. I knew something was going on when the weather did a 180-degree turn – the sun that shone brightly in the sky with no clouds in sight suddenly clouded with winds picking up to tornado levels.

  Thank goodness I was nearby. Cece ordered me to go check on Scarlet. If it wasn't for the fact she and Vinzent were investigating the whereabouts of that gorilla shifter she'd be at Scarlet's side in a heartbeat – literally.

  I opened the door.

  Four pairs of eyes greeting me. My initial response was to look for Scarlet; my eyes searched to spot her neon orange hair and bluish green irises. My eyes landed on her face; immediately noticing the large bruise on her cheek.

  I frowned, anger burst to life. Who the fuck hurt her?

  I could feel my spirit press against my mind – already prepared to torture and destroy the culprit.

  Scarlet looked like a mess – her eyes were red; the tear stains still fresh and apparent on her flushed cheeks. The bruise was a sickly purple on her skin, which looked a lot paler than normal. She wasn't wearing her glasses; her black, fingerless gloves gripped the back of Jaxson's shirt.

  She didn't look like the happy, confident Scarlet I met running out of this condo the other day. Or the serious, fierce Scarlet who walked into the investigation site. No, she looked fucking broken, and now, my spirit and I needed a name.

  Before I could open my mouth, I saw confusion morph on her face as she blinked

  "Red horns?" She questioned, blinking.

  I watched Jaxson turn slightly to stare down at her; the remaining two already looking at her. I bet they had the same wide-eyed expression as me.

  "What Scarlet?" I questioned, not moving.

  How the hell does she see my horns? I'm not in my demon form.

  " horns." She whispered; her eyes gazed up to my head with interest.

  I thought I'd see fear within her eyes, but it was only confusion.

  I struggled not to raise my hand and touch the usual spot where my horns resided. She shouldn't be able to see them.

  Now I was taking a closer look at her eyes, they weren't their normal bluish green. No, they were lime green with a hint of gold streaks – magic flowed through them.

  What the—

  My eyes widened like saucers as hers rolled back; her knees buckled as she let out a weak moan.

  "Scarlet!" Jaxson called out, catching her before she hit the ground. Michael and Junho were already by her side on the ground; Michael’s eyes emitted his usual glow.

  "Can you lay her on the sofa? I need to work on her for a bit. Her vitals are all over the place." Michael revealed.

  Jaxson nodded, picking Scarlet up with ease and walking over to the sofa. Junho grabbed a blanket, laying it on the couch which looked a tad dirty for Scarlet's taste.

  Jaxson lowered her onto the blanket, pulling back to l
et Michael work. His arms stretched out as he closed his eyes; the markings on his arms surged to life as he focused.

  I walked into the room, closing the door behind me before making my way over to the other two. I swallowed the lump in my throat, fighting the urge to lose my shit and go on a little hunt to locate the bastard who hurt Scarlet.

  I'd been attached to her from the moment my eyes locked onto her that day – which for a demon shifter like myself, was a hard thing to accomplish.

  "What happened?" Junho questioned, taking a quick glance at Jaxson who was on my left. He gave me a look, frowning at my expression. I bet my eyes are flickering.

  "Boyfriend…or should I say, ex-boyfriend. Scarlet said she was going to break up with him. I was outside waiting for her to finish, when the weather did a hundred and fucking eighty degree turn and started hailing with winds increasing to ninety miles an hour. I came up the stairs and heard what I believe was Scar’s boyfriend. The mother fucker was yelling he wasn't gonna die and he shoved past me. When I arrived, Scarlet locked herself in the washroom, screaming and crying. It took me awhile, and I think her cat, to convince her to open the door." Jaxson explained, looking back at Scarlet. He continued.

  "Fuck. What Cece said was right. She’s still lingering on the idea it was her fault that her mom was murdered. And her father..." He trailed off, the anger apparent in his eyes.

  "Michael and I found her file." Junho disclosed.

  We both turned to face him, confused.

  "Her file?" I questioned.

  "Kendrick said that they have files on all five girls who they think might be the Elemental – Scarlet being one of them. It has everything; when her visions began, when her mom took her to multiple mental health clinics for treatments. She finally took her to Saikikku and that's when she pulled Scarlet out of all the therapy, claiming Scar had psychic abilities." Junho explained.

  "Mental clinics? Don't tell me she –" Jaxson began, but was cut off by Junho.

  "She was hearing voices in her head. I read through it and confirmed two. It wasn't that she was afraid of them. The report said it would be as if she switched personalities entirely. They thought she was bipolar or dealing with dissociative identity disorder. They never finished their report because her Mother pulled her out. I gather Scarlet’s a shifter. I bet her Mother was too, but didn’t want to reveal it to Scarlet.” He concluded.

  “You think Scarlet’s mother simply took her to all those institutes just to hide the truth they were shifters? It would make sense if her mother wanted her to attend a human school, but it’s a hassle. Not to mention the trauma it could have inflicted on Scarlet.” Michael said, pausing. He continued.

  “I sensed something.”

  We all turned to the door – Ethan closed it before walking towards us. Fuck, when did he get here without us hearing him?

  "When Scarlet had her vision back at the site, I could sense magic. But it was hella small. It's as if it's caged or enclosed in something and only a fraction is leaking out. There's no way she can have strong visions and be a human. We know even Saikkiku isn't human and her visions aren't by touch. Something happened between when the voices began and the incident which resulted in the tornado disaster eight years ago." Ethan explained. He pulled off his glasses; the spectacles he only wore when he was in serious mode.

  "I can sense something too."

  We turned to face Michael again who knelt next to Scarlet; his hand on her forehead. She looked a lot better than before. The bruise gone, and her regular complexion returned. She still appeared worn out.

  "When we first met her, I could barely sense it. Maybe a little pinch of magic from time to time. But now I can...I sense a presence in her head. It's faint and the signal goes in and out, but Scarlet isn't human. She's definitely a shifter, and if what Junho and I discovered in the reports is true, one of them is definitely an angel. I can’t determine if she has more than the two voices reported in the file."

  We stood there in silence; our eyes all on Scarlet.

  "You have three seconds to tell me why Scarlet is unconscious and looks like she ran a fucking marathon." Aww shit.

  We all turned; Ethan jumped at hearing Cece who was behind him.

  "How the fuck do you do that? Did you even use the fucking door?" He yelled.

  "Answer my question." She ordered. Her eyes weren't her normal color – they were as red as blood. Cassandra.

  "Boyfriend. He hit her, and Scarlet lost it. I calmed her down before the others arrived, but she could see Christian’s horns and passed out." Jaxson looked completely calm, even with Cassandra's appearance.

  She took another glance at Scarlet; her eyes narrowed for a moment as they began to glow.

  "The seal is breaking."

  "What?" We asked in unison, confused.

  "Make sure she rests and if anything happens, tell Cece." She ordered turning around and heading to the door.

  "Wait, where are you going?" Ethan asked.

  "Christian, Junho. Follow." Cassandra ordered. We looked at each other but nodded, making our way to the door. You never questioned Cassandra. You wouldn't get an answer unless you wanted a glare so strong it could probably give you frostbite.

  "To catch a rat." She gave a sinister smile before walking out the door.

  R.I.P. to Scarlet's ex-boyfriend.

  "Please! Spare me. I did what was ordered of me! Why the fuck am I being punished?"

  I was left speechless at the events before me. I side glanced to Junho who looked just as surprised.

  We were in a dark alleyway; Scar's ex-boyfriend, Jake, now cowered against the wall with his ankles in chains and his hands up begging the tall, blonde vixen before us – Cassandra Alexandra Rose, Cece's spirit.

  I'd pledged to assist her whenever she needed my services. She was a leader of a den of abandoned demon shifters; taking them in and assisting them with whatever they needed till they got back on their feet. It was my safe haven; the place I woke up in when I was discovered by Cece on the brink of death. I owed her my life and vowed to always stand by her side through thick and thin.

  But I couldn't believe it what my ears heard.

  "The last four years I’ve watched in the shadows as you treated Scarlet like garbage. Four FUCKING YEARS! Each time you did something stupid I merely watched, giving you a chance to realize your wrongdoings but nope. You just continued to add to the list, one after another. You think I was ignoring you?" She spat; power leaked off of her body.

  She began to shift; her blonde, curly locks turned to silver. Jake shivered in place as he stared up at her wide-eyed.

  "Please...Cassandra. I'll change my ways. I'll go apologize." He begged.

  "Apologize? The seal is fucking cracked! What did I tell you five years ago? You said you were in love with her and would do anything to be by her side and protect her! Did you forget who she is? Do you know who I fucking serve? Or did you somehow lose your memory in that thick head of yours?!" She roared; her fists clenched.

  I watched; speechless at what had just been revealed. Wait, Scar’s boyfriend was supposed to protect and love her? Now the seal is cracked. Is that the reason why Scarlet’s able to see our spirit forms?

  "You said I should keep her stress free and love her." He replied.

  "Yes, and five years later, here we are. The fucking seal Saikikku placed is cracking and I can't fucking locate her because she’s hiding thanks to Xerxes threatening to kill her. I guess your little fling with Rebecca is more important than your fucking duty that I, your Queen, assigned you!"

  I looked at Junho – his eyes were wide with fear and confusion. Great, Rebecca’s involved.

  " did you–"

  "How did I know? I know fucking everything, especially when it concerns Scarlet. I vowed along with my host to protect her. My life is at stake if Scarlet gets in Xerxes path without fucking training. She can't defend herself at all. You're putting this whole fucking galaxy at risk! Don't you get it?" She screamed; her cl
enched fist hit the wall next to her – the impact vibrated against the stone as it cracked.

  "I'll fix it." He pleaded.

  "You won't do anything. I'm done with you." She announced before turning around; her blood red eyes locked onto me.

  "No evidence left behind. I need to see Vinzent and help him with some things. When you're done here you can return to your regular activities." She ordered, turning to face Junho.

  "Stay with Scarlet tonight. She has nightmares, especially when she gets upset to this extent. Make sure she's as calm as possible. When she wakes up, try to distract her with the case. Lizard breath should show up sooner or later and you guys need to catch him. We need more information on Xerxes’ whereabouts. If anything happens, call me. After that, we need to sit her down and tell her." She concluded, before turning to leave.

  We both nodded, knowing that hunting down Lizard breath would be one of our priorities. His blood matched the smear on the garbage can at Saikkiku’s place. We needed an opportunity to catch him. If we caught him, we’d be one step closer to arresting Xerxes for his multiple crimes.

  "Wait Queen, please." Jake called out.

  She stopped in her tracks, turning to face me and Junho.

  "One more thing. Adelia was one of the five. It just came to my attention another of the five, Naomi's, remains were found. There are only three girls left. Tell the others. Don't let Scarlet out of your sight. Understood?"

  We both nodded.

  She turned and walked away; a rift appeared out of nowhere, and she entered the portal, disappearing from sight.

  Junho groaned.

  "Fuck. This got a lot more serious. Go tell the others. I'll clean up." I encouraged. He glanced at Jake, glaring at him before returning to face me.

  "Fine. Don't feel like wasting my energy on him, anyways. I'll follow Cece's uh..."

  "Cassandra. That's Cece's demon spirit." I disclosed.

  "Ah. Makes sense. I get why she appears out of nowhere now. I'll stay with Scarlet tonight. I'm going to tell Jaxson and the others to meet with Kendrick and find the whereabouts of Lizard breath and the names of the remaining two potentials." Junho put his hands in his pocket as he frowned.


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