Visionary Investigator

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Visionary Investigator Page 25

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "He's ignoring me." Jaxson huffed, rubbing at his eyes.

  "What time is it?" He questioned.

  "Time for your ass to get out of bed and shower cause the boys will be here in five minutes." I encouraged. He gave me a playful smirk, but pulled the sheets off; my eyes roamed his naked body, landing on his cock.

  So, distracting.

  "You know that confidence of yours is a blessing and a curse." I mumbled, fighting the urge to suck on his length.

  His hand reached out, holding my chin in place before he leaned inward to kiss me firmly on the lips. I moaned into his mouth; my body already wanted to do more.

  The phone began to ring; the sound caused us both to part. He bit his lip; hunger in his eyes.

  "Guess I'll take a rain check, Baby."

  "I guess so." I giggled. He gave me a quick kiss before making his way out of bed, heading straight to the bathroom.

  "Aren't you going to answer that?"

  He opened the washroom door, walking back out with a towel around his waist, making me frown. Damn you phone.

  He chuckled, shaking his head at my visible disappointment.

  "I am but don't want to distract my apprentice."

  I huffed.

  "Apprentice huh. Your whole damn body is a fucking distraction." I mumbled, causing him to laugh loudly. He grabbed his phone.

  "You’re one to talk." He replied, licking his lips as he looked at my appearance; that predatory look of his turned me on.

  He slid his finger across the screen.

  "Michael what –"


  I frowned, noticing Jaxson's light smile morph into a stern frown as he listened to what Michael was explaining.


  He gave me a look, a glint of worry in his eyes. This doesn't sound good.

  "On it. Don't. I'll take my car and bring Scarlet. Have the police cleared out? Okay. The moment you get there start investigating. Tell the cops to speed up that autopsy. We need to know what killed her."

  He sighed, ruffling his hair.

  "Be there, ASAP. Got it. Double the agents on the other girl and notify Kendrick. Alright. Bye."

  He hung up, sighing as he placed his phone back on the nightstand.

  "What happened?"

  "Remember how Xerxes is looking for the Elemental?"


  "We narrowed it down to five people. Adelia was the fifth, Naomi Watson, was the fourth and was murdered in an accident. Michael just informed me the third, Amelia Ray's body was found in a cottage far out east."

  I frowned, crossing my arms.


  "Most likely."

  "That means there's only two more left."

  He nodded, making his way to the bathroom, stopping in front of me.

  "Yes. I told Michael to double security around the other girl."

  I raised my eyebrow, looking up at him.

  "How about the other girl?"

  "We'll be watching her twenty-four, seven.” He replied.

  "Um. I think you're failing at that, seeing as you’re here and the others are on the way to the crime scene. How you going to keep your eyes on her. Who is she?" I complained.

  He kissed me on the forehead; the act different than his usual behavior

  "I'm looking at her, and I won't let Xerxes have you."

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  "Scarlet come with me for five seconds."

  I groaned, mumbling under my breath but allowed Michael to lead me to the corner of the gigantic mansion before us.

  I leaned against the white, brick wall, happy to be out of the intense sunlight and scorching heat plaguing us today.

  "Stop being so cranky. You’re acting like a child." Aurora grumbled in my head.

  "She is allowed to be angry. The boys should have mentioned we were a target."

  I let out a frustrated sigh, crossing my arms and closing my eyes, needing a moment with the two voices in my head. I wondered what they looked like, but I decided to use my imagination – Serenity was the little angel in my head, and Aurora was the devil.

  "I'm not a devil."

  I didn't say that or think that.

  "We know what you're imagining too silly. We're in your head."

  I let out a huff. What happened to privacy?

  "Stop moping. Take a moment to calm down and get into your kick-ass agent mode. Xerxes needs to be tracked down and stopped. If he's after us, it’s time to turn the tables and hunt his ass down." Aurora declared, confidently.

  I nodded, opening my eyes.

  Michael watched me; his hands in his pocket; his black Ray Bans sunglasses on his face.

  "Scarlet, talk to me."

  "There's nothing to talk about." I retorted.

  He took a step forward, only inches away from me. I swallowed; my body already reacted to his closeness. He pulled off his sunglasses then placed them to rest on top of his head.

  "Scarlet. My gift can go both ways. I can manipulate emotions and feel them. And you've been giving anxious vibes since you and Jaxson arrived. What's wrong?"

  I looked up into his eyes – his usual gold eyes hidden by the brown contacts he wore – the dull color made me frown.

  "I hate those contacts. Brown is an ugly colour on you." I looked away, wanting to distract myself from having this conversation.

  I wasn't used to telling anyone how I felt, aside from Cece. Now to have these men who noticed my mood changes, especially Mr. Emotion, made me anxious which wasn't going to help me get into agent mode.

  He took another step forward; his body pressed me against the wall, placing his hands on the wall, boxing me in. I turned to gaze at him – giving him a defiant look.

  "You don't intimidate me."

  "I'm not trying to." He replied.



  We stood there, motionless – staring into one another's eyes, waiting for the other to give up. He sighed.

  "You're stubborn like Jaxson. Scar baby, please. I can't let you walk into this feeling like that. I can't concentrate." He confessed.

  I let my tense shoulders relax, feeling bad.

  "When someone’s upset or anxious does it affect you?"

  "Yes. Especially if it's someone close to me. I don't care about strangers. Doesn't mean walking in a crowd of people with multiple feelings bashing into me doesn't affect me. It does, but I can tune it out. But Ethan’s and your feelings seem to have a stronger effect on me compared to the others. I can't focus if you guys are worried about something."

  "Do you hate crowds?"

  "With a passion." He replied.

  "I'm...scared." I whispered, biting my lip as I lowered my head.

  "Why love?" His hands caressed my cheek, lifting my head up to gaze into his worried eyes.

  "Michael. I've never been put into this situation. Put me in a car chase, no problem. Want me to gun down twenty men with one handgun, I'll do it. Everything regarding cases and being a good investigator, I've been prepped for thanks to Kendrick. He taught me every possible scenario that could happen and how to survive it. But, I'm walking into this blind. I have no understanding about this world; the shifters and spirits, and I don't even know my own powers. How am I going to protect any of you, if I don't even know what to do? Not to mention I'm on Xerxes' most wanted list, topped with some other shifter and the remaining three are all dead. If what Ethan said in the car about them having double and triple the agents and still managed to be killed, I'm not gonna survive this. I...I also don't want any of you to get hurt...because of me." I confessed.

  Michael pulled me into a hug, allowing my trembling hands to squeeze him tight, as I buried my head against his black shirt.

  "Scarlet. Listen to me. We've been a part of PINC for years. We’re far more experienced than those agents. We know how to handle Xerxes and have had past interactions with him. He won't get close to you. Even if by chance one of us slips, we trust in you that you can hold off an
yone long enough for us to arrive."

  He rubbed my back, allowing me to relax in his arms – enjoying the soft, rich scent of his cologne.

  "We will be fine. Everything from here on out is going to be fast and your life can be on the line if we don't get into the right mindset. I promise after this is done we'll have plenty of time to catch up. Junho's friend, Marcus Hunt, will be coming down from Heila, and he can explain things about the other Realms in far more detail than us. Can you have faith in us to keep you safe till then?"

  He looked me straight in the eye; not a glimpse of fear in his eyes. He was confident in his team. I just had to trust him.

  I entered this field knowing the path wouldn't always be straight. There would be twists, turns, and dead ends. I just had to go with my gut and that instinct deep within was telling me that everything he'd just said was nothing but the truth.

  I took a deep breath, pulling out of his embrace before I looked up with determined eyes – the remnants of fear and anxiety faded from my mind.

  "I trust all of you. I will do what I can, so we can solve this case and bring justice to Adelia, Naomi, Amelia and anyone else who's suffered thanks to Xerxes."

  "That's what I like to see, Agent Sinclair." He praised, leaning down to kiss me lightly on the lips.

  "You can't call her Agent and then kiss her. That totally ruins the professional look."

  I laughed; Michael mumbled something as we turned to face Christian who was leaning against the wall six steps away, a smirk on his lips.

  "Or, you can stop being a fucking stalker and let me have my fucking moment." Michael moved away, walking towards Christian who still relaxed against the wall.

  "You and your brother suck at being angel shifters. Why the fuck are you swearing?" Christian argued, pushing off the wall to meet Michael.

  "I'm not obligated to those standards. That's just a human and spirit thing."

  "That makes no sense." He combated, reaching out to ruffle Michael’s long strands. He groaned.

  "Fuck off."

  "Stop being a dick. C'mon we gotta start." He pulled Michael into a headlock before turning around.

  "Let's go Agent Sinclair. We’ve got evidence to gather."

  I smiled, watching Christian tug Michael, who attempted to get out of the headlock but failed miserably. I speed-walked forward, catching up to them as they argued back and forth.

  "I'll fucking make you cry like a baby."

  "Try it. I'll make sure you mysteriously fall out of the car the next time we have a car chase."

  "I hate you."

  "That's not what you said when we went bar hopping last time. I have the voice recording."

  Michael grumbled something in a different language, and Christian let him go.

  "Don't use your angel voodoo on me." He mumbled.

  "Hmph. Ruined my hair." Michael mumbled back.

  I laughed.

  "You two are like brothers. Can you hold off until after?" I announced, stopping on the third step as the boys readied their attire.

  They turned to face me.

  "Fine. Only because we need to get this shit done. Just keep a watchful eye on everything." Michael warned. Christian’s eyes lowered to my hands.

  "Scarlet, gloves."

  I blinked, looking at my bare hands. Jeez, I've been forgetful these last couple of days.

  I pulled out the gloves Jaxson had given me out of my back pocket, sliding them on. I wiggled my gloved hands.

  "Ready to not pass out." I joked. They chuckled, shaking their heads.

  "Let's do this."

  "There has to be something leading to him. How can he possibly make this place fingerprint clean! There's not even a drop of blood!" Ethan yelled.

  "Ethan has a point. This place is fucking huge and we've spent seven hours and nothing. Completely clean. No traces of Xerxes or his lackeys yet we have a fucking dead body being investigated and no leads."

  "She'll just end up being another file in the unsolved section." Junho whispered.

  "We shouldn't give up. There has to be something. Anything." Christian let out a frustrated breath.

  I silently looked around the large backyard of the mansion.

  We'd spent the last seven hours checking the place from top to bottom, finding nothing. Not even a strand of hair could be found. It was as if the mansion was wiped clean from any human life.

  Amelia was supposedly house shopping; her boyfriend left her alone in the home after being called in early for his afternoon shift.

  The realtors had returned to her dead body lying perfectly in the middle of the room – the only indication she’d been strangled was the discoloration around her neck.

  The time frame from being left alone and her body being discovered was an hour max, suggesting that her death was quick. But with literally no evidence discovered by the police and their human investigators, PINC was called in to do their own investigation; when they realization that this murder was both paranormal and connected to our current investigation regarding the Elemental.

  If this case was anything like the other two, Xerxes must have taken the opportunity to do the dirty work – ensuring perfection. All we needed was another blood sample matching the one from Saikikku’s place and we'd have some type of lead.

  I knew this meant I could be next, as my name was one of the five listed as the potential Elemental. One half of me wanted to cringe in fear, but the other half knew that if we solved this case, we could stop Xerxes from his goal. I just needed a distraction for now; this case being the perfect coping mechanism for me to not freak out.

  Cece and Vinzent had arrived three hours ago, Jaxson called them for assistance. Even with all eight of us we still had no leads; the sun began to descend in the sky.

  I walked down the stairs; my eyes focused on every detail.

  If I was Xerxes what could I do to kill someone silently? Strangling was obvious, but she would have struggled and that should have been loud enough to alert the real estate agent outside. How...

  My eyes landed on the pool before me – the crystal-clear water in the large, Florida shaped, 18'x36' pool, gently moved back and forth. He wouldn't...

  I slipped my left glove off, placing the sketchbook that was under my arm on the brown, cement floor, pulling out the thin felt pen from my pocket and placing it on top.

  I bit my lip, hesitating as I sat down, crossing my legs as I sat parallel from the pool's edge.

  My visions or foresight did not do well with water. It wasn't due to the fact it wouldn't work. It was due to the reality that the suicide rates – death due to drowning the highest. This reality made the effect of my gift stronger due to the multiple deaths would all hit me at once if I wasn't careful.

  This was a residential pool and if my assumption was right it would only reveal to me the death of Amelia. That's what I hoped anyway.

  I took a deep breath, looking over my shoulder, noticing the boys and Vinzent were still in deep conversation, yet to notice my disappearance.

  I returned my eyes to the pool, pulling my glasses off before leaning over to see my reflection; my blue-green eyes now a vibrant blue. As much as wanted to question the change in eye color I couldn't ignore the pull coming from the water – its essence called out to me, wanting to reveal its deepest secrets to someone who could perceive them.

  Words flowed into my mind, leaving my lips before I registered what I was about to do.

  "Water; oh, sacred guardian of purity and calamity. Hear my plea. Reveal the unknown, grant me your eyes, to witness what occurred yesterday to Amelia Ray. Let me see who removed her light from this world to join the stars above. Show me."

  I dipped my hand in the water, watching as it emitted a light glow – markings appeared up my fingers and around my wrist. I looked up to see the world shift – phasing out quickly from the sunset to daylight – the sun high in the sky.

  Amelia stood at the edge of the pool; her blonde, curly locks flowed in the wind as her bright
, green eyes stared out into the view. The pool was crystal clear, sparkling in the sun's rays as she stood in an elegant white, strapless dress. She belonged in the outdoors, those emerald eyes filled with happiness.

  My eyes grew wide – the large man with red eyes, Xerxes, approached her quietly. He walked so lightly on the cement floor; the woman would have never heard him coming.

  He held something in his hand. A needle?

  It was quick; the needle went straight into her neck. His hand quickly covered her mouth when she tried to make a sound.

  "MHM!! MMMMMMM!!!"

  "Shh, little one. Don't make me work harder than what's necessary. This Nephilim poison should kick in very soon." He soothed; his inauspicious voice enough to send fear trickling down my spine as I watched with horror.

  She kicked him in the balls; the action enough to make him curse under his breath, pulling away. Her eyes glowed bright emerald; her hand outstretched to attack when her eyes went wide. Her body trembled as she began to choke – the noises so low; no one would be able to hear her cry for help if she tried.

  He smiled wickedly before stalking forward. He grabbed her by the neck forcing her to her knees.

  She struggled to breathe; her hands clawed at his arm that held her securely, but she barely left an indent in his tanned skin.

  "The paralytics should be kicking in now. How I love Nephilim poison. I really should thank my contact for this stuff. Makes this so much easier. Farewell, Elemental candidate."

  He pushed her head into the water; her body convulsed as she began to drown, unable to fight.

  I was frozen in shock, watching her body convulse till the last remnants of bubbles resurfaced before she stilled. Not even a speck of blood in the water; her blonde strands floated atop as he allowed her head to stay beneath the water as extra assurance – her death imminent.

  He pulled her out – her emerald eyes wide – now dull without life.

  "Three down...two more to go."

  "Scarlet, BREATHE!"

  I took a deep breath, the environment shifted back to normal – Cece's widened eyes stared at me in fear; the blue and green orbs now a dark grey.


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