Visionary Investigator

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Visionary Investigator Page 33

by Yumoyori Wilson

  All I knew, was I was the Elemental and I’d use my gift to track down Xerxes and avenge all the souls lost by his blood-soaked hands.

  I had survived his plans to terminate me, I’d taken my rightful position in this world, and I now had a purpose – one larger than I’d ever predicted.

  I was ready to face him on whatever battlefield was chosen, with my comrades standing beside me.

  My name is Scarlet Sinclair, and I vow to solve every case in that file cabinet until my very last breath.

  To Be Continued...

  Want to see what happens when Scarlet meets Makoto?


  Read on for a sneak peek of Dark Wish…

  Dark Wish


  Lunar Rotation- XI, Cycle 5018

  I took a deep breath, trying to calm my beating heart, thumping rapidly against my chest. Waiting for the signal, the anxiety and anticipation builds as the seconds tick by. This was my chance to finally obtain freedom. I glanced to my left, looking up at my best friend – Lily. Lily was like family to me.

  When I first arrived at the facility, it was difficult to adjust. All I could remember was my stuffed, teddy bear in one hand and my new Owner’s hand in the other, as we walked towards the glass rotating doors. I had just woken up, the sky above me was pitch black, my surroundings covered in a dark mist. I could barely see my feet stepping into the mushy dirt as we walked. The only rays of light came from the structure before me. My Owner said the outside was dangerous, but we’re safe within the facility.

  I trusted him. I didn’t understand why, but I had a feeling I’d known him for awhile. I simply couldn’t put the pieces together as to why. He explained I had fallen and hit my head while I had been playing, so I could be experiencing some memory loss. Such a predicament must have contributed to me not remembering him as my guardian. Regardless, I had no fear as we entered.

  Standing in the middle of the wide entrance was a girl. Her bright, orange hair and shiny, amber eyes lit the room, making her the center of attention. She was skinny, wearing a simple red dress that complimented her pale white skin. She didn’t show any emotion; her eyes were blank, and she scared me. I hid against my Owner’s leg, trying to hide myself from her. He chuckled at my apprehensiveness.

  “Makoto, this is Lily. She lives here too. Say hello.” He introduced, his hand gesturing to the girl standing before us.

  I peeked my head out to stare at her. My eyes grew wide as I watched the most serene smile form on her face, brightening her appearance even more. She raised her hand up towards me.

  “Hello, my name is Lily Milton. Let’s be friends.” She gestured.

  I took a quick glance up at my Owner, his striking, red eyes pierced mine as he smiled.

  “Go along.” He encouraged. At his command, I walked towards her, cuddling my teddy bear to my chest.

  “Mako…” I whispered, placing my hand in hers.

  She was my first friend here, and I could never ask for anyone else. Now we stood here, side by side, waiting for the rebellion to begin. Having her next to me at this very moment helped me stay in control. What we were about to do would change everything.

  Lily noticed my stare, returning it with a smile. Her amber eyes reflected her unease but also showed a glimpse of her determination. Her warm hand grasped mine, squeezing lightly.

  “We’re going to be just fine. Lark promised. They already scouted the tunnel twice. We’ll be safe soon enough. The adults will take care of it.” She explained. I nodded in response.

  Lily was mature for ten-cycles and had participated in the planning of this mission. Being the only phoenix shifter, wielding the element of fire at her fingertips, she was an important asset in case trouble occurred. I simply had to trust her judgement.

  But that didn’t mean I wasn’t capable of things either. I was currently the strongest in our category, stronger than even Lily. I was eight-cycles, carrying both a demon and angel spirit, which made me an extraordinary case.

  The Starlight gods, our divine protectors, blessed us shifters with a spirit at birth, some stronger than others. If you were given two shifter spirits, you were beyond blessed. An individual carrying three spirits was extremely rare. There was yet to be anyone on record with more than three spirits.

  Researchers concluded that an individual able to carry four spirits or more would either have been driven mad with power or have various mental issues.

  Spirits took shelter within one’s mind and had their own personalities to match. They may not be privileged to take full control of their host, but they had enough jurisdiction to have control over those they shared their space with. A person with three or more spirits would have to conduct vigorous training and meditation to teach their spirits to coexist in harmony.

  I was also learning alchemy and summoning magic thanks to Elaine, our Owner’s girlfriend. She was an extremely strong Mage from some far away land. Our Owner had told me I was too special to go to waste, and he wanted to make sure I learned many things. It would benefit him and make him happy, at least that’s what he told me.

  A howl tore through the air, echoing against the dungeon walls. I nearly jumped at the hollow cry.

  “This must be the signal.” I whispered, watching the shifters raise their weapons in the air, rushing forward. I almost tripped as Lily pulled me forward, briskly walking towards the left corridor, followed the other shifters who ran ahead, weapons ready for confrontation.

  It took ten minutes and nine flights of stairs to reach the top floor of the facility.

  The structure consisted of ten floors. I only had the privilege to explore three of them; the experimental testing center on the seventh floor, the general sleeping quarters on the sixth and my room which was on the same floor as our Owner’s, the eighth floor. He had once explained that he wanted his living corridors, office and meeting room close to the main level to make his business flow better, though I had no idea what he did for a living.

  I watched as the older shifters rushed through the door, sprinting towards the final checkout point. We dashed through the doorway, seconds away from the door that led to the entrance. My feet glued to the ground as I took a moment to stare at the blue metal door.

  “Makoto? Let’s go, we don’t have time.” Lily stressed, tugging at my arm. I had every intention of escaping, but my body was frozen in place.

  Lily turned around to look at me directly, her expression alternating between annoyed and confused. I didn’t blame her. I probably looked like a deer in headlights, staring at the door leading to my long-awaited freedom.

  “I…Um…it’s just…” I heard my voice tremble with fear as I tried to figure out a way to explain the sudden gut wrenching feeling of trepidation. It couldn’t be so simple…so easy? Out of everyone, I knew the Owner best. I got to see his heartwarming side as well as his dark merciless side. There was no way he would sit back and watch all of us escape.

  “Lily, I think…maybe this is a trap?” I whispered, reaching my other hand to hold hers.

  “I just feel….my spirit’s too…something is not right. It’s too quiet.” I suggested, staring at the cement floor.

  When I didn’t hear a reply, I looked back up to see Lily’s eyes glowing a bright orange, as she checked our surroundings. She frowned as her eyes returned to normal. She walked towards the door, leaving me to stand alone in the middle of the room.

  “There is nothing to be afraid of. My phoenix and I don’t sense anything. How about I go in first? I’ll come back out and get you. Stay right here, understood?” She ordered.

  I simply nodded in reply. I had a bad feeling about this, but if Lily said it was safe, I wouldn’t interfere any longer. As the Owner always said; “Do what you’re told and nothing bad will happen to you.”

  Lily pulled the blue, metal door, quickly slipping through the little space before it slammed shut. The only view I had of what waited beyond the door was of th
e room’s center, which looked empty. I had once gotten the privilege to go with our Owner to the entrance of the facility to greet some guests a cycle ago. It looked the same, with a change of the carpet from its previous maroon colour to a creamy pink. I felt my fingers begin to shake as I attempted to remain still.

  It had been five minutes and still no Lily. Something must be wrong. Lily wouldn’t abandon me.

  I took a deep breath as I raced towards the door. I could feel my demon and angel spirits at the edge of my mind, waiting to take over if necessary. I struggled to pull the heavy, door open, made enough space for my small frame to slip through, the door slammed behind me.

  I felt my body jolt, as the sudden wave of sounds bounced off the walls. I quickly placed my hands over my ears as I dropped to my knees and cringed. Screams of all different variations echoed throughout the room, clashing metal and the sound of bones breaking. My heightened hearing was a curse, the intensified sounds pierced my eardrums. I turned my head to see what I walked into, only to be shocked by the scene developing before me.

  Blood was everywhere. From the top of the walls to the floors. I stared at the creamy pink carpet that was now soaked in blood and body parts. I could feel the bile in my throat, trying to escape. It took some effort to hold it in, using my hand to cover my mouth as I suppressed a gag.

  Lily! Where is she?

  My head darted back and forth; my eyes searched for my best friend. Within seconds, I caught the sight of her red hair behind a wolf shifter who was viciously ripping off one of the guard’s head.

  As if she had sensed my thoughts, Lily’s head whipped around, her eyes – those amber orbs – widened in fear.

  “Makoto! Get out of here!” She yelled.

  I watched as she summoned a wave of fire, the rich flames encircled her arms before flowing out into a mass of guards coming from the side entrance on her right. Their agonizing screams echoed, bouncing off the walls, as they soon became ash.

  I pushed myself up, standing, my hands clenched into fists. I wasn’t going to leave Lily in this madness. I was about to let my demon take over when a menacing laugh filled the air.

  Everyone froze. I knew that laugh. Everyone knew that fear inducing sound. Clapping filled the now silent room. I heard the door behind me shut, the clapping much louder as it echoed around the enclosed room. I looked over my shoulder to see the Owner and Jeffrey.

  The Owner was wearing a perfect white suit, a burgundy undershirt with a matching silk tie. He was five-eleven, with dark red eyes. His short, red hair was styled in a slicked back undercut, his left gold earring on display. He had a commanding demeanor. His appearance, carried with it the weight of a ruler, like a King standing before his servants. His obsession with perfection and cleanliness was represented by his white wardrobe, adding red for a flash of colour. In my two cycles of being here, I’d yet to see him wear anything else. I was clueless as to what spirit he possessed, but it was powerful. His knowledge of magic surpassed even the eldest shifter, so much so, I questioned how old our Owner was. No one knew, and we were all too afraid to ask. No matter, the power that flooded the room as he entered, was enough to make your skin prickle, inducing shivers to surge through you in fear.

  Jeffrey, his second in command, was six feet, wearing a typical black suit, his arms behind his back. His long, silver hair was tied up in a neat pony tail. He wore black pointed shoes and his white tie was tucked neatly within his vest. His violet eyes looked dull and haunting. He was a mystery to me, always appearing just as our Owner required his aid. I would describe him as a butler, but such a term didn’t quite fit his qualifications. A loyal partnership would better describe it. I knew for certain, Jeffrey wasn’t obligated to be by his side. He stood beside the Owner with his own convictions, which frightened me. Who would want to help someone like the Owner? He wasn’t the man I knew two cycles ago, the man before Elaine.

  I watched as the Owner finished his applause, taking a moment to view the scene.

  “I leave to have a relaxing evening and return to this lovely entertainment. Boy oh boy, isn’t this surprising? I never would have guessed you lot would take the opportunity to run away. I take care of you all, don’t I? I think this is so heartbreaking to watch, isn’t that right Jeffrey?” The sarcasm dripped off each word, like a thick molasses.

  “Yes Sir. Should I dispose of them?” He asked, his arms falling to his sides. He wore creamy white gloves, his right hand rising to his left, ready to remove the silk material when the Owner lifted his hand, signalling him to stop.

  “No, no Jeffrey. Why don’t we play Hide and Seek? I think that would be marvelous.” He replied, clapping his hands together.

  Upon his command, the entrance gates came crashing down, blocking the exit. The Owner then glanced my way, clearly assessing my clean appearance, a wide smile forming on his chapped lips.

  “Why am I not surprised? The only person out of you lot to not fight is my beloved Makoto. Of course, she would never betray me.” He announced.

  His hand landed on my shoulder causing me to shiver as I straightened my posture. A wave of power hit me, causing me to waiver on my feet. How could they have been so blind to think they would be successful in escaping from someone as powerful as him?

  I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain to cripple me. However, nothing happened. I opened my eyes and glanced up at him. He was smiling down at me. I swear, I saw a hint of relief in those red eyes, maybe even kindness? It was a mere second before he lifted his gaze back to the crowd before him.

  “Makoto will be first to escape this room. Anyone else who is able to survive the following events and reach my office will be spared. Those are my rules. Reach my office, you win. You can guess what happens if you don’t.” He explained. I felt his hand leave my shoulder and he gently pushed me towards the door, Jeffrey held it open.

  “Now go, my little fox.” He whispered.

  I took a glance at Lily. She did a quick nod, reassuring me she would catch-up. I didn’t need any other reassurance. I darted straight out the door.

  “LET THE GAMES BEGIN!” The Owner’s voice echoed behind me as the sounds of screams and clashing weapons followed.

  I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me. The halls were now pitch black, with only the emergency alarm flashing red rays of light. A voice blared across the speakers, alerting everyone that a lockdown had commenced. No one gets in or out. We all knew the protocol.

  I felt someone close behind me. I glanced over my shoulder to see Lily not too far behind. I smiled, as a sense of relief washed over me. I was so glad she was safe. We both turned right at the end of the corridor, rushing towards the dinning room.

  Within a minute, we had reached the Owner’s private office. I knew what the Owner had planned.

  The Owner had two offices; his regular office and his private one. The bastard knew only a small portion of us were aware of him having a private office, let alone knowing where it was. I silently prayed to the Starlight gods that the one’s that didn’t make it would not experience much pain before their deaths.

  Lily quickly opened the door, ushering me in. Once I entered, she closed the door shut before we both made it to the middle of the room, collapsing on the ground. I needed a moment to catch my breath, placing my hand over my chest. I could feel my heart rapidly pounding inside my chest, as the adrenaline continued to spike. It couldn’t be over. There was always a catch when the Owner plays his games.

  “Lily!” I cried, hugging her. She returned my embrace, brushing my hair soothingly, as she continued to cradle me.

  “It's fine, shh. We’re going to be okay. We may receive a little punishment, but everything will work out, okay?” She reassured me, pulling out of the embrace to look down at me.

  I took a deep breath and nodded, rubbing my tear stained face. I couldn’t break down now. I had to be strong for Lily. I wouldn’t allow the shifters who lost their lives to have done so in vain. We would survive this and somehow find anothe
r way out. For them. For all of us.

  Fifteen minutes later, myself, Lily, Raphael and four other shifters stood in the big office. We all lined up side by side, myself in the middle, Lily on my right, and Raphael on my left.

  “I’m sorry.” Raphael whispered, his head hung low in defeat. I watched as he shook his head over and over, cursing under his breath. He must have truly believed we would all escape, unharmed.

  I could hear the other shifters chattering teeth and heavy breathing. The shifter on the far left was bleeding all over the sleek white, tiled floor.

  The whole office was themed white and red; from the white corner sofa to the ivory white book shelf on our left. The desk in front of me was pure white marble, holding a replica of our facility and a few folders which were neatly piled to one side and on the other side a small red lamp. The chair was a velvet red, matching the curtains that hung on a crystal rod.

  I heard the door open, my body straightened as anxiety surged through me. Lily’s hand grasped mine, squeezing it tightly. This was it, at least not all of us died. Out of one-hundred shifters, only seven remained. I guess that’s better than none.

  “Congratulations, well done.” The Owner laughed, clapping his hands. I watched him stroll to his desk, taking a seat in his velvet chair, sighing. I noticed the blood stains on his no longer perfectly white suit.

  “Honestly, I didn’t think you would realize which office I had meant. You should have seen the others’ faces when the other office locked, and snakes began pouring out of the hidden openings in the walls. It was brilliant hahaha. As we speak, they’re all chained and being tortured, slowly.”

  I glanced to each side to see the remaining shifters pale complexions as reality sunk in. Though life had sometimes been a living hell here, we were all a family. Now, our family was dying. Tortured because of one mistake, trying to obtain freedom. I guess it's true what they say; Free plus dumb equals FREEDOM.


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