Illicit Magic

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Illicit Magic Page 18

by Chafer, Camilla

  I nearly looked at my toes before I realised he was being metaphorical. I gulped. “If you’re asking if Marc and I are together, then no, we are not. I’m a free woman and I can do as I please.” I used the same words Marc had thrown at me, but not for revenge, because it was true. I wanted Evan very, very much. “Am I treading on any toes?”

  “No. There isn’t anyone,” said Evan, his voice still gentle but his fingers caressing my skin, just barely under the gown now. “I don’t want to be a rebound fuck.” I was a little taken aback as he swore.

  “I’m not entirely sure what a rebound fuck is, but I can assure you that that is not why I am here. Besides, I’ve never slept with Marc. Actually, I’ve never slept with anyone.”

  “And you are here because...?”

  He seemed to really want me to spell it out. I looked up at him and held his eyes steady in my own, before I answered, “Because I want you.”

  He smiled at last, a broad, happy smile, and his hand circled the back my neck, keeping my head tilted up as he bent to kiss me at last, his lips warm and sensual against my own.

  A gasp of joy escaped me as his tongue entered my mouth and found mine. As I responded, the kiss intensified and I pressed my body against his, my arms wrapping around him as far as I could reach. I could feel his mounting excitement push against me through my thin gown.

  It was Evan who broke off. “I’ve been wondering what it would be like to kiss you since the day I met you,” he said, his breathing ragged. His hands were tugging at the little knot of my robe and he slid it open, his touch light on my skin. Then his hands slid beneath the silk and travelled from my stomach, running across my breasts until he reached my shoulders. I stood there almost naked in the half light of his room. His gaze was admiring.

  “I am much too tall for you.” He grinned suddenly as he swooped me up and lay me across his bed. “You would get an awful pain in your neck if we stayed like that.”

  I laughed and forgot about being even slightly embarrassed at appearing at his room and being almost entirely unclothed in minutes. Evan lay down next to me and propped his head up on one arm. He used his other hand to trail across my body and I shivered at the pleasure of his touch. We kissed again and I wriggled so that I was on my side too, pressing against him once more. My hands caressed him and I could barely contain my glee at touching his muscular torso. I stayed the temptation to let my hands travel lower. I could feel how much he wanted me but... oh hell. I let my hands drift and slid my palm along his erection.

  Evan groaned and kissed me harder and rolled so that he was on top of me, resting on his elbows either side of me. He was supporting his weight but not so much that I couldn’t feel him press his whole body against me as I pulled him ever closer. We stayed like this for a long time as my legs wrapped around him, the desperation to be part of him taking over, my baser instincts eager to take control.

  “You’ve really never done this before?” he asked, breaking off.

  I locked eyes with him. “Yes, really. Not for lack of wanting to, but for lack of wanting anyone who offered. Not that there was a queue.”

  “I doubt there was any lack of offers,” he groaned, nibbling my ear lobe. “I’m honoured, of course, but I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for and I’m not a one-night-stand kind of guy. I’m more date-and-take-it-slow. Are you sure you want me? Right here? Right now?”

  “Yes, I want you.” My voice was raspy as he peeled himself from me and reached over to the side cabinet to pull open the top drawer, palming a small packet. I may not know the mechanics of sex but I was familiar with good practice in theory.

  He kicked his pants off into a heap on the floor and well, being pressed against me, I had some indication of his size, but now I was truly impressed. I pushed myself up with my elbows and surveyed him in admiration. Clothed, he was every bit impressive and I wasn’t the only girl in the house who had appreciated his strong torso and muscular arms. Unclothed, Evan was quite a revelation. It wasn’t just that part of his anatomy but he was probably the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

  He pulled me up and slid the gown from my shoulders so it pooled at my feet then dipped his head to kiss me, long and deep. Lowering me onto the bed, he slid on top of me and held my eyes steady. He kissed me again and again and the flare inside me reignited hot and urgent. I pushed upwards to him and his hand cupped my breast. He bent to kiss it, landing feather kisses on the way across my neck and collarbone, while his hand moved south, caressing and parting my legs and pushing his finger inside as his thumb rubbed me quite the right way.

  I groaned and kissed him harder until he moved his finger in a determined pulsing rhythm that had me biting my lip in excitement. Evan murmured, “Ready?” not quite waiting for my answer before he slid inside me, not too deeply at first but rocking until the initial piercing pain had gone and I had enveloped him completely. His voice was as ragged as mine when a wave of pleasure rippled through me and I rocked against Evan. Finding our rhythm and letting myself be swept away by the joy of being so intensely entwined with him, I luxuriated in being so close to him, part of him, as his body rippled above me.

  Heat spiralled from my centre and I cried out as I came, my mouth fixed on Evan’s shoulder, not quite biting, not yet, so that I wouldn’t yell out loud. My hands ran across his back and I barely registered the ridges and edges of his vertebrae and the working muscles, taught and hard, under my fingertips. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wondered at his strange topography as his back flexed and undulated under my hands; then his mouth sought mine. He kissed me deeply as he came to his own shuddering conclusion, thrusting ever deeper until at last we untangled our limbs and lay side by side, panting, and my thoughts were all stars and fireworks.

  We lay quietly for a while, alongside each other, until I turned and kissed him. Evan responded enthusiastically and pulled me closer to him, until our bodies were fully pressed against each other, his hands exploring mine in long, smooth strokes.

  “I don’t normally make a habit of this, you know,” I said, wondering what Evan thought of me now. Part of me wanted to shriek “he really likes me!” but I stuffed that away. I traced my fingers across his cheek, cupping his chin in the palm of my hand. His irises had darkened to purple-black, so vibrant as they shone against the whites of his eyes.

  “Habit of what? Turning up at men’s rooms practically naked?” Evan was amused.

  “Hmm, yes, most definitely not in the habit of doing that.”

  “I could get used to it.” Evan kissed me again and when I opened my eyes, his were back to their normal deep brown.

  “I don’t want you to think I’m something that I’m not. I want you to know that I don’t wander around the halls, looking for...” I didn’t want Evan to think my purpose was to offer up sex to men here, there and everywhere as the fancy took me. Well, obviously, even if I had, I’d never been taken up on it. Until now...

  “I never thought you did, but should you get into the habit, I will happily leave my door open so you don’t have to go far.”

  I laughed and laid my head on his chest. I could feel his heart beating and it was reassuring. His hand rested on my hip. We couldn’t have been more familiar and easy in each other’s company than right now.

  “I’m not massively experienced in these sort of things. I don’t think I’d be the type to sleep around. I’ve never wanted to.” That probably sounded strange after what had just happened.

  “I wouldn’t have assumed that you did.”

  I don’t know why I felt compelled to tell him, but I did. “I’ve never even had a boyfriend before.”

  “Me neither,” Evan replied, but curious all the same.

  “Um, no,” I admitted and he shifted next to me. I could tell the truth had dawned on him. It wasn’t just a roll in the sheets for me; he was the only person I had ever wanted so strongly and I had given him part of myself that I could never offer out again. Sure, I could have had a fumble with a spott
y youth during school but I didn’t want to cast away something so important on someone so insignificant. This was a memory I wanted to keep.

  “I’m the first person you’ve slept with and I am absolutely touched that you would want me that much,” Evan said softly but without ego.

  I shrugged. I was still a little surprised that I had found someone I wanted enough. I found myself kissing his chest, my finger massaging his nipple until it was hard. Evan groaned and pulled me up to kiss him again. When he released me, he kept me pulled to his side.

  “I don’t understand though, I thought you and Marc were having some kind of thing?”

  “I thought we might,” I admitted. “But it never felt right. We kissed once a few weeks ago when I first got here, and it was nice but there was never any,” I struggled for the right word while I thought about what I wanted to say and settled on “‘progression.’ The one time we kissed, it was nice, but it was a bit like snogging a friend. There was nothing there.”

  Evan was a quiet for a bit then he repeated softly, “I’m honoured.”

  I hadn’t expected that so I rolled onto my front and looked at him quizzically.

  “Well,” he said, choosing his words carefully. ‘You’re twenty-four and you’re hot. Seriously hot. You could have been with who knows how many guys. I’m honoured, however, that you didn’t and that you chose me, and, well, that feels special.”

  I smiled at his carefulness not to insult me, or my lack of experience, and that he viewed our intimacy as an honour. He kissed me and I responded with a great deal of enthusiasm which led to a very nice repeat of other things.

  “I can’t lie though, I’ve wanted you from the moment I laid eyes on you.” Evan kissed me again, long and lingering, his hands caressing my torso with reverence. He stretched an arm to draw up the covers and pulled me close. “Stay here tonight?” It seemed more of a question than a suggestion so I nodded and said I’d like to, but I didn’t add that it was because I couldn’t bear to leave him now. Evan snuggled up next to me and we were still before I grinned and sat up, pulling the covers up to my chest, suddenly bashful. “Watch this.”

  I focused carefully, emptying my mind of everything but the task at hand. I ignored Evan watching me and after a moment, he followed the direction of my eyes. I concentrated and visualised what I would do. Slowly, the key turned in the lock with a little snap.

  I turned to look at Evan and realised I’d been holding my breath. He grinned at me and I could tell he was at once impressed and amused that when I’d finally gotten my telekinesis under control to use at will, I used it to lock us into his bedroom. While I could admit that was funny, privately, it gave me hope that I’d learn to shimmer as I pleased, just like Étoile, or summon an object like Evan could.

  Evan pulled me back under the covers, laughter rippling from him, and kissed me deeply, his arms wrapped around me as I sank into him.

  I fell asleep in his arms, his body curled around mine as though this was the way it was meant to be. I wished with all my strength that nothing would change. If only wishing had the power to make it so.


  Dawn crept through the slit in the curtains. I blinked through sleepy eyes and saw, not my wallpaper with the delicate pink roses and pale yellow stripes, but grey walls. Evan’s arm was still around me and I didn’t want to move, except to wriggle a little so that I was pressed into him, absorbing the warmth from his lissom body. After a few minutes of stillness, he hugged me and I climbed over him so that we were face to face. He kissed me gently and the little knot of anxiety that had formed in my stomach eased. Sleeping with someone else was actually pretty nice. I could get used to it.

  “Hey,” he murmured, his voice still thick with sleep.

  “Hey yourself.”

  “You are a very welcome sight.”

  I couldn’t help it, I smiled. How nice to get a compliment first thing in the morning. From my teacher... whose bed I was in. Hmm. I would have to have a proper think about the ramifications of that when I was alone.

  Evan twisted his head to look at the clock on his nightstand. “There’s a good half an hour before we have to get up. Do you need to conserve your energy or do you need a wake-up call?”

  As far as lines went, at least it was a funny one. I pressed my lips to his and murmured that I would happily take a morning wake-up call which led to something rather eye-opening, indeed. When we finished, I lay back on the pillows, feeling a little dazed and breathless.

  Evan traced a line down my torso. “We have a very busy day ahead of us; we should get up.”

  “Are you telling me to push off?” I wasn’t offended; I just didn’t want to get up.

  Evan gripped my hips and pulled me so that I straddled him. My hair fell about my shoulders and I had the fleeting thought that I desperately hoped it didn’t look like a knotty witch’s mess. Ironic, really, seeing as my hair would still be witch’s hair whether it was combed or uncombed.

  “I think you’re in the position of power here.”

  “Now isn’t that a nice change?” I kissed him and resisted the urge to flatten myself against him before slipping off the bed and stooping to gather up the robe I’d discarded the night before. I pulled it around me and tied the ribbon securely. I turned back to Evan who was gazing at me, hands folded behind his head, like I was a full English breakfast. “Now, I have to get ready because I have a teacher who gets very grumpy when I’m late.”

  “Shall I have words with him?”

  “You might mention that I fully appreciate his talents.” I couldn’t help but giggle at my cheesy line.

  Evan swung his long legs out of bed and stood in front of me quite deliciously naked. Oh boy, I was one lucky girl. There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his body and he was muscular in a way that said well-toned, but not crazy body builder. He was a stunning man and knew it, in a very modest sort of way. His whole torso rippled as he moved to pick up a dressing gown thrown over a chair and shrugged it on, but not before I noticed white lines crossing his back in a painful pattern.

  “I have to make it down the hall without being seen,” I grumbled, wondering if I should mention his scars. Getting back to my room would be no easy feat in a morning when students and teachers would be tumbling out of bed (together? A fleeting thought about Seren and David looking cosy crossed my mind... maybe we weren’t the only ones getting lucky last night) and heading down to the morning room for breakfast.

  “You don’t necessarily have to walk,” Evan suggested in all seriousness.

  I shook my head knowing what he was suggesting. “I’ve only moved myself that far a couple of times before and there weren’t any walls in between.”

  “Try it and see.”

  Truth be told, I was a little worried that I might shimmer and reappear in the middle of the wall or, even worse, with an arm and leg either side of one. That would be so not fun to explain, not to mention the excruciating splinters.

  “You’re more in control of yourself now, something’s changed in you. Try and see.”

  I shut my eyes and exhaled. I visualised the roses, the big iron bed, even the cream lamp and little silver clock on my nightstand. I panned the room in my head and watched it slowly unfold. I visualised myself in the room and held myself still, the concentration setting a vein in my temple throbbing, as the air fizzled and crackled around me.

  When I opened my eyes, I was in my room. I let out a triumphant squeal and punched the air. My first successful shimmer! I jumped up and down like an over-excited toddler and dashed to my door, where I stuck my head out. Evan was waiting at his door, the linen pants back on (shame) underneath his robe, concern etched on his face. I mouthed “Not. In. A. Wall!” and his face broke into the most glorious smile that made my heart ding with happiness.

  Voices drifted to me from downstairs and I pulled my head inside just as a door on our floor creaked open. The clock’s hands pointed to eight a.m. so breakfast must already be underway. I took a quick shower,
brushed my teeth and pulled on denim shorts, cut to the knee, a white blouse and flat shoes. I drew my hair back into a ponytail, added little pearl studs to my ears and slipped my watch on my wrist, before scampering downstairs, the smell of bacon and eggs leading me like a moth to a flame.

  The morning room was two thirds full. Seren and Étoile sat at one end of the table, their plates half eaten. David was reading the paper and munching toast. Meg stood at the stove, frying bacon and eggs. She put a friendly arm around me as I approached and gave me a little squeeze. Despite the warmth of the morning, she was still cold as ice. Perhaps she was ailing or something, I thought. Her body temp never seemed to get anywhere near warm.

  Looking over at the table, I couldn’t help thinking Meg was the grandmother, or favourite aunt, I never had. In a flash daydream, I could picture them all as sisters, brothers, cousins, people I never had in my life. My heart ached for the perfection of that moment.

  “How would you like your eggs?” Meg asked me, letting me go so she could reach a plate from the cupboard.

  “Let me get that.” I was a little taller so it was fairer that I did the reaching. “And, over easy?” I hoped I got my order right – who knew there were so many ways eggs could be cooked over here? and asked for my eggs runny, not that I would complain however they turned up. I was ready to eat Meg out of house and home.

  “Coming right up. Did you have a good day yesterday, honey?”

  “Yes, it was lovely.”

  “I am glad. It was a real nice day and so good to see all you young people having fun.” Meg’s voice was so quiet I almost missed her adding, “Without the weight of this strange world on your shoulders.”


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