Bound to Them

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Bound to Them Page 7

by Lorna Jean Roberts

  Before she could come up with a reply befitting that statement, Nash—ever the gentleman—had her door open.

  Crista took a deep breath as he reached across to undo her seat belt, her nipples instantly peaking as his arm brushed against her breasts.

  “I’m capable of undoing my own belt.” She needed to get away from them. Now. Nash raised a brow but stepped back. As she turned to get out, Quinn landed a heavy slap on her butt cheeks.

  As she walked toward her motel room, she could feel them behind her, their gazes burning as they watched her. Three doors down from her room, she stopped and turned, squaring her shoulders.

  “Thank you for helping me and for the ride home, but I don’t need you two following me.”

  They stood, staring down at her, and she gulped at the sight they presented. Tall, gorgeous Nash with his blond hair in disarray, his eyes caring and hot. Then Quinn with his wide shoulders and strong features, his gaze stern and piercing. She quivered, her body one giant mass of sensation. Cream coated her folds as nerves danced through her stomach. It was only a matter of time before she threw caution to the wind and jumped them.

  Jesus, she had to get away from them.

  “Give me your key, darlin’.” Nash spoke quietly. “You’re still trembling. We’re not leaving you in this state.”

  She let out a bark of laughter before smashing her palm over her mouth. If only they knew her exact state. Would they offer to cure her? She placed her other hand over the one covering her mouth, knowing how stupid she looked but not wanting to give way to hysterics.

  Quinn eyed her. “Wonder what that’s all about,” he said to Nash as though she weren’t standing right there, looking idiotic, hands over her mouth in case she stupidly asked them to come in and fuck her into oblivion.

  Nash looked at her in concern. “She’s overwrought from working too hard. I’ve got a good mind to put her to bed and make her stay there until morning.”

  Are you offering to stay with me?

  Quinn’s lips twitched. “She might if she had an incentive to stay there.”

  She gazed at him in shock, her hands dropping. “What?” she gasped.

  “Quit it,” Nash commanded. “She needs some TLC, not you pushing yourself on her.”

  Crista met Quinn’s gaze, unable to look away.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Quinn said wickedly. “I don’t think I’d have to push at all.”

  Nash let out an exasperated breath. “Keys,” he barked, making her jump.

  Quinn sent Nash a look of disgust. “I thought I was the insensitive brute and you were the smooth one,” he muttered as Crista handed over the motel room key.

  Nash shook his head. “Which room?”

  “Two oh seven,” she replied.

  Nash skirted around her as Quinn placed his hand on her lower back and guided her along behind Nash.

  “What the fuck?” Nash swore, pausing outside her door.

  He held his hand out, ordering them silently to stop. Crista ignored him and stepped to the side. Quinn reached out and pulled her behind his large body.

  “What are you doing? What’s wrong?”

  Quinn kept hold of her.

  “Quinn, what are you doing? I want to get past.” She really needed a long bath and an even longer sleep. Exhaustion swamped her, making it hard to keep her head up.

  “Stay where you are,” he ordered her. “What’s wrong, Nash?”

  “Crista?” Nash called. “Did you remember to lock your door this morning?”

  At Nash’s words, Crista paused in the process of shoving Quinn’s arm out of her way.

  “Crista,” Quinn growled. “Say that you were a good girl and locked your door this morning.” His voice dared her to tell him otherwise. She shivered in reaction, glad she could tell him the truth. Lying had never come easily to her.

  “Yes, I locked the damn door,” she snapped.

  “Wait here with her,” Nash told Quinn. “I’m going to check things out.”

  Quinn shook his head. “You stay. I’m going in.”

  “No,” Nash said harshly. “Stay here and protect her.”

  “Someone broke into my motel room?” Crista asked as Nash prodded her door open and stepped inside.

  Please don’t let it be Andrew, please.

  “Whoever was in there will be long gone. Especially after all the noise we made.” Quinn sighed impatiently. “What’s taking him so long?” he muttered a minute later. “Damn, I can’t stand it. Come on, let’s go.”

  Crista followed him inside.

  Nash looked around Crista’s motel room, angry beyond words. Pure, unadulterated fury surged through his veins.

  “Jesus. This isn’t what I expected,” Quinn said.

  He knew what Quinn meant. Nash thought he’d find the room trashed, burgled. But not this.

  “Oh no, not again.”

  Both men turned to look at Crista, who stood in the doorway, staring at the room in dismay.

  “Who is he, Crista? A boyfriend? A lover?” Quinn asked harshly. Crista looked at him in shock. Even Nash was surprised by the jealousy in the other man’s voice. Not that Nash didn’t feel it himself.

  Nash stared in disgust at the rose petals strewn throughout the room. A bottle of champagne sat beside a heart-shaped box of chocolates on the small dining table.

  “Where is he?” Nash snarled.

  “Long gone I hope.” Crista looked at him, her eyes glazed with…fear? But that didn’t make sense, did it?

  “What do you mean?” he asked.

  Quinn glanced around, looking everywhere but at Crista. “You need to tell him to lock up after himself. Anyone could have walked in here.” He turned away.

  Nash grabbed his arm. Quinn glared at him, but he just shook his head and nodded over at Crista.

  Quinn finally glanced at her.

  Crista didn’t look at all happy. In fact, she looked damned terrified. Her face was pale, her eyes wide, full of fear. Her breath was coming fast, in small, scared pants.

  “You think I wanted this to happen?” she cried, her arms hugging her body.

  “Darlin’?” Nash asked, softening his voice. “Do you know who did this?”

  She nodded and took a shuddering breath. Nash stepped slowly closer. Now that he’d pushed the jealousy aside, he could see the way she trembled, how she stood poised to flee.

  “Who did this, Crista?” Nash asked.

  “Andrew O’Ryan.”

  “And who is he, baby? How do you know him?” he asked.

  “He’s my ex-boyfriend. How did he find me? How did he get in here?”

  Her terror had his stomach tied up in knots. “I don’t know,” he said soothingly. “But Quinn and I are going to find out, okay? Has this happened before?”

  She nodded. “This is the third time. I’m terrified that one day he’ll be here, waiting for me. What am I going to do?”

  He caught her against him as she sagged. “Right now, you’re not going to do anything. Let us handle this. I’m going to take you to my room while Quinn calls the police.”

  “There’s no point,” she said woodenly. “They won’t take me seriously. They’ll just laugh and say that most women would love to get flowers and chocolates.”

  Nash stiffened. He flicked a glance over at Quinn, saw the fury flare in his lover’s eyes.

  “The police here said that?” Quinn whispered coldly.

  She shook her head. “The first time this happened we were in Geraldine. Small town, small-minded, ignorant deputy.”

  “Don’t worry, Crista.” Quinn stepped up to her and clasped her chin. Leaning down, he kissed her. Nash’s already hard cock stiffened more as he watched the intimate moment between them. Quinn leaned back. “They’ll take this very seriously. I promise.”

  “Why won’t he leave me alone?” she whispered, her voice almost lost. Nash tightened his hold on her.

  “He won’t get near you, I promise,” Nash told her, meaning every word. “Com
e on, you’re shivering.” Picking her up, he carried her out the door as Quinn reached for his cell phone.

  * * * * *

  Crista lay back against the bath and tried to relax. Yet every time she closed her eyes, she saw Andrew’s face before her, twisted in hatred, his hand coming toward her.

  She shuddered in fear. Her breath came quickly, her body ready to run. Taking a deep breath, she attempted to calm herself. Crista bit her lip, holding back her urge to cry. Crying didn’t help. She had to think. Tired, she rubbed her forehead, a headache throbbing at her temples.

  She couldn’t run. No, she would not let him have that power over her. Besides, where would she run to? Home wasn’t safe. He could obviously find her anywhere.

  And why should she run, dammit? Why should she give up her life because he was psycho? This would never end unless she stopped him, unless she finally took a stand instead of hiding as if she were a child afraid of the dark.

  “You okay in there?” Nash called.

  Crista quickly glanced at the door. She’d locked it, right? Maybe she’d forgotten. She’d been in such a daze when he’d carried her into the bathroom.

  “I’m fine.”

  “There’s a robe on the back of the door when you want to get out, all right? I’ll let you know when the police get here. You just stay there and rest.”

  “Thanks,” she called back, warmth infusing her at the caring in his voice. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had taken care of her.

  Tempted to fall into Nash’s arms and let him take care of everything, she sighed. If only she could. But that wouldn’t be fair to him. No way did he want to inherit her problems.

  Groaning, she rose and reached for a towel, trying to force her mind on to something more pleasant. Like Nash kissing her. Quinn sucking her nipples… Urgh. She was in for a sleepless night. No matter what her dreams consisted of.

  And that’s all they would be—dreams. Quinn and Nash had barely even glanced her way since they’d driven her home from the bar the other night. Probably hoping she hadn’t heard them say they wanted her. Probably regretting such a colossal mistake.

  A knock sounded. Grabbing the robe, she pulled the soft terrycloth around her and tied the belt. “Yes?”

  “Police are here, sugar,” Nash told her. “Come out when you’re ready.”

  Crista checked her reflection. She pushed a few strands of hair off her damp face. She didn’t have time to fix it. It would have to do. Pinching her cheeks for color, she took a deep breath to steady her nerves and stepped out of the bathroom.

  Nash strode back to the living area. “So, what are you going to do to find this fucker?” he asked. Grabbing his beer, he gestured at Quinn, silently asking if he wanted one. The other man shook his head.

  “Well, after I talk to Miss Grayson, I’ll go talk to Anita, she works at the front desk. Then I’ll talk to the guests in the neighboring rooms.”

  “Most of them are part of our crew,” Nash said, frustrated. “It’s unlikely they were even around.”

  “Her door doesn’t show signs of a forced break-in,” Quinn said quietly, his face intense. Nash paced as Quinn and the deputy sat. “Someone gave him a key.”

  “Why would they do that?”

  Nash stilled at Crista’s words. Damn, he hadn’t even heard her walk up. Striding over to her, he took her arm gently and guided her to the sofa. Sitting beside her, he grabbed her hand.

  “We don’t know, ma’am. I’m Officer Reginald Mason, but just call me Reggie.”

  Crista remained tense. Obviously she didn’t trust the deputy one bit. Nash didn’t blame her. He pulled her under his arm as Quinn moved, sitting on her other side, surrounding her in their protection.

  “Have you given your key to anyone, Miss Grayson?”

  “No,” she said shortly.

  “He’s not accusing you of anything, Crista,” Quinn kept his voice quiet so only the three of them could hear. “Calm down, sweetheart.”

  “Take a deep breath,” Nash whispered. “Just breathe, darlin’.” Shit, he wanted to wrap her up in his arms and never let her go. He hated seeing her like this. She deserved to be happy, safe, protected. And he wanted to be the one to ensure those things.

  She took a shuddering breath as the deputy questioned her.

  “Mr. Sinclair told me this has happened before. Can you tell me where?”

  She gave him the details.

  “When was this?”

  “Umm, the first time was about nine weeks ago, then there was another incident three weeks later. I’d hoped he had given up.”

  “All right. And what makes you think it’s Andrew O’Ryan doing this?”

  She shuddered. “Because the way he sets the room up each time is the same way he set up our fifth date. I think he believes it was a good night and he’s recreating it.”

  Nash didn’t like how pale she’d grown. She squeezed his hand tightly.

  “But it wasn’t a good night?” the deputy asked.

  “Not for me. I broke up with him the next day. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He kept calling me and visiting.”

  “You didn’t report this?”

  She shook her head. “I’ve known Andrew for a long time, we went to school together. I never would’ve thought him capable of this. I live in a small town. Everyone knows everyone else’s business. They were all so thrilled that Andrew and I had gotten together. He’s the golden boy. Everyone knew we’d been dating. I know they’d have thought he was sweet, that he was simply trying to win me back. The only person who knows the truth is my friend Trudy. She lives next door to me. She saw the real Andrew.” She swallowed hard. Nash got up and got her a glass of water. She sent him a grateful smile.

  “We’d been dating for nearly two months when I started to grow wary of him. He had these mood swings. One moment he’d be sweet and lovely, the next he’d be angry, yelling, just nasty. I was getting really scared that he would hurt me, and I decided to end things with him. About two weeks after I broke things off, I came home to find him waiting outside.

  “I attempted to ignore him and walk past. But when I tried to shut the door in his face, he pushed his way inside. He’s not a big guy, but he’s larger than me and he sort of slammed me against the wall. By the time I caught my breath, he was inside and the door was locked. I screamed at him to get out.” She shuddered and both Nash and Quinn moved closer to her.

  Nash glanced over Crista at Quinn; tension was evident in every hard line of his body, his gaze murderous. Good. They were in agreement. O’Ryan would pay.

  “He grabbed my hair and punched me, then he— Then he tried to pull me along to my bedroom. I thought he was going to rape me. I was screaming, fighting him. Trudy heard. She’s a real badass. Black belt karate. She came racing through the back door and pulled him off me. Soon as he saw her, he ran.” Tears rolled down her cheeks silently.

  “It’s over now, baby, he won’t ever hurt you again,” Quinn promised.

  “And you reported this?” the officer asked, his gaze kind.

  Crista shook her head.

  “Why the hell not?” Quinn asked. “They couldn’t ignore your injuries. What kind of sheriff do you have there?”

  “He’s not so bad,” she said tiredly. “But he’s a bit blind when it comes to his son.”

  “Shit,” Nash said.

  Crista looked up at him and nodded, realizing now that he understood.

  “I made Trudy swear not to tell anyone. She agreed, but only if I stayed with her or Doug. I didn’t want to put her in danger so I went to Doug’s. Three days later we left for a job in Riverside and I haven’t returned home in five months.”

  Nash heard the longing in her voice and wanted to smash O’Ryan’s head in for terrifying her, for running her out of her home, for denying her the sense of safety she deserved. No wonder she always looked so tired and worn-out. He bet she barely slept.

  “Well, I don’t know this guy, so you can tell me anything
that goes on, you hear?” the deputy said sternly. Crista nodded.

  “Do you have a photo of him?”

  “Umm, no. But he has a photo on his website. He’s a real estate agent. I can write the web address down if you like.”

  He nodded. “That would be great.” Crista rose to get some paper and a pen, but Nash placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “I’ll get them.”

  She nodded. “Thanks.”

  “Who knows you’re staying here, miss?”

  “Call me Crista. Umm, everyone on our crew knows. And my next-door neighbor Trudy is watching my house.”

  “Okay, so it’s possible someone told him where you were. Especially if they didn’t know your history. My advice is to tell everyone to keep an eye out for him. It’ll make it harder for him to sneak around. Everyone will know what he’s doing and that you don’t want his attentions. Someone might be trying to play matchmaker. I’d also advise you to move motels.”

  Crista shook her head. “No, the other motels are too expensive or dirty. We’re getting a good rate here. Besides, it wouldn’t be too hard for him to find me. I’m sick of running from him. I want this over.”

  She balled her hands into fists. Pride surged through Nash. She might be terrified, but she didn’t intend to lie down and let this asshole get the best of her. Not that he intended to let her fight this guy alone.

  “It’s all right, deputy. We’ll watch over her,” Quinn said. “You’ll keep us apprised of the situation.”

  The deputy nodded. “I’ll go talk to Anita now, see if she knows how anyone got a key. Then I’ll ask around in case anyone saw him. Call me if you see him or if anything else happens, okay?”

  Crista nodded and Quinn walked him out.

  Chapter Five

  Nash ran his hand over Crista’s hair, holding her against his chest, rocking her.


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