Tidal Falls (Wounded Hearts Book 1)

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Tidal Falls (Wounded Hearts Book 1) Page 16

by Biggar, Jacquie

  As she moved toward him, almost seeming to float among the sun’s rays, Nick wanted her with a fierceness he was beyond hiding. There had to be a way to convince her he hadn’t withheld from her to purposely deceive her. She arrived at the table, and after glancing for a long moment at the empty spot beside him, chose to instead slide in beside Jared. Ouch.

  “Good morning, beautiful, where’ve you been all my life?” He slung an arm over her shoulders and gave a squeeze, and swear-to-God, Nick was going to punch his nose in if he kept that crap up for long.

  “Morning yourself, sounds as if you got plenty of sleep last night. That’s good, because after today I think we’re all going to be running on nerves. In case I forget to say it, thank-you again for agreeing to come and help me with this, I can never repay you enough.”

  “Don’t even think about it, we’re happy to help. I needed to get Jared out of Vegas for a while anyway, before he wrecked the whole damn city.” Frank clapped his friend over the shoulder, causing a hard grunt as Jared bore the impact.

  Jared raised an eyebrow, “I wouldn’t have shut down the entire strip, just the places that pissed me off.”

  Nick wasn’t sure if he was kidding or not, the boy was seriously wacko. But then they say that’s the flipside of being a genius.

  Sue stopped by to refill cups and get Sara’s order. “Just coffee for me thanks, I’ve had breakfast already.”

  “Sure honey, no worries. Jared, your momma says to tell you it’s coming right up. We got hit with a bit of a rush so she’s backed up in there for a few.”

  “Tell her to leave us for last, Susan. We’re good, especially since a sweet server I know is keeping us happy with plenty of strong black coffee.”

  Sue giggled like a fifteen-year-old as she moved on to the next table, fluffing her hair up with her pen as she gazed adoringly at Jared.

  “Another conquest for your little black book?” Nick said, and ducked the creamer missile hurled at his head.

  Sara stared at Jared, “Your Mom? Is Grace really your mother, Jared?”

  “Well, you don’t have to sound quite so shocked about it. Is it so hard to believe she might have raised a hooligan like me?” Jared only half jested.

  “Of course not, it just caught me by surprise. Wow, talk about a small world. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Her and Tess have done so much to make Jessica and I feel at home here. I count her as a very dear friend.” Sara smiled warmly at him and even though Nick knew it was platonic, he still had to clench his hands in his lap, because he wanted those smiles.

  He needed to put an end to this whole Sheridan business so maybe Sara and he could finally talk. Right now, with it hanging over their heads reminding her of what she thought he’d done, there was no chance.

  “If you two are done with the mutual admiration party, think we can get down to business? I want to make sure we’re prepared for anything before we bring Sheridan anywhere near here.” he growled.

  Sara regarded him as if he had a screw loose before replying to the table in general, “He’s expecting Nick to take me back today, so I think the first thing we have to do is call him, let him know there’s a change of plans. He thinks Nick’s working for him, so why don’t we continue to let him think that?”

  At his immediate move to object, Sara turned those lasers on him, the hurt and betrayal he could see swimming in their beautiful depths, cutting him to the bone. “You owe me this, you know I’m right. The only way he’s going to give us the time we need to get the DEA here is if he believes you’ll be watching me.”

  Turning back to Frank, Sara asked, “How much time do you think it will take them to come? We have to hurry; I’m scared of what he might do to Fiona.”

  “I agree, time is of the essence. Which is why I phoned Agent Holt as soon as I woke this morning. They’re on a plane headed this way even as we speak.”

  “That’s perfect then, we can all coordinate together.”

  “Their plane is scheduled to land in Seattle at one, so Jared and I will leave from here to go pick them up. You two can head back to the house…Sara’s?” At her nod. “We’ll meet up there around three, then you can make your call. I need you to make a list and keep to it. Do not let him change anything. You have to be the one in charge. Nick can help you get prepared. If Sheridan senses for one moment that something isn’t right we’ll lose him, so your preparation for this is critical, you get me?” He gave Nick a hard stare over Sara’s down-bent head.

  Oh yeah, Nick got the message, loud and clear. Keep the personal issues out until they had this thing wrapped up. He could do that, he didn’t have to like it, but he would do it. It was far more crucial right now to keep the focus on the case, he knew that. The most important thing was to keep Jessica and Sara safe, the rest could come later. But it didn’t stop him from wanting to take her in his arms so bad it hurt. She had to be freaking out at the thought of both the phone call and then ultimately Sheridan arriving here in a few short days. It must be messing with her head. It sure as hell was messing with his.

  Grace came bustling out of the kitchen, big platters of piping hot food held in her capable hands. “There you are, Sara. Have you met my boy? Look at him, isn’t he the most handsome man you ever set eyes on? He’s single…you are single, aren’t you?” Jared looked slightly dazed as he nodded dutifully. “He’s a good man, my baby. He would make a great father.”

  “Mama, settle down, I only just arrived. I’m not looking to hook up…Ouch!” as both Grace and Frank clobbered him. “Sorry, I’m not looking to date right now. Besides, she’s with Nick.”

  Sara seemed entertained by his friend’s antics and took no offence, a smile breaking across her gorgeous face as she watched the byplay before catching his gaze, eyes sparkling with mirth. He loved her. He sat back in his seat, the sounds of the busy restaurant, the continued bantering between mother and son, the ring of the till amid John Denver’s “Take me Home” blaring from the old jukebox. It all faded, leaving him staring at her and her staring at him, her smile slowly evaporating as she finally…finally acknowledged him.


  Sara had avoided looking at Nick ever since she’d arrived at the coffee shop. When she’d first walked in her senses had known where to find him almost before her head. They were like opposing magnets, drawn together by the sheer force of their attraction for each other, even over the dictates of her mind. Corny, maybe, but true.

  He looked handsome, lounging in the big booth near the kitchen. The busy sounds of the morning breakfast crowd, the sizzle of smoky bacon cooking on the grill, and the splat-dribble-dribble of the nearby coffee machine starting its third pot to try to keep up to the boisterous crowd, all muted the moment she saw him.

  He’d been waiting for her to arrive, she could tell because he’d looked up as soon as the door opened and hadn’t taken his eyes off her since. Even though she was a hot mess inside, she pulled her shoulders back and slowed her hurried stride to more of a hip-rolling walk, as if she were performing a mating dance. Crazy.

  It looked as if he’d had about as much sleep as her last night. His eyelids at half-mast over those deep pools of blue, and his jaw sporting a five-o’clock shadow, drew her right back into her bedroom. Her thighs clenched imagining those bristles against her tender flesh. And his lips—she gulped—the visceral pull of his full sensual lips tugged hard at her belly. She wished things were different. She’d thought they had a chance before…yeah, before everything went to hell in a hand basket.

  The timely reminder shadowed her to the table, and though an obvious seat was left open beside him, Sara chose to sit with Jared. She gave a quick hello around the table, ignoring the sardonic look darkening Nick’s face. Space, that’s all they needed. With time she could probably forget the kindness he exhibited to her daughter. She could even forget his gentleness with Jake. In a while the laughter and warmth would fade. The safety and security she felt in his presence would be replaced by steel and locks
once more. But the essence of him…the woodsy scent, the leathery skin, the tenor of his voice whispering in her ear…those would take far longer. Space.

  She couldn’t believe Grace was Jared’s mother, though even when she first met him something had seemed familiar about him. Now it was glaringly obvious, they shared the same Caribbean blue eyes, and the smile was a dead giveaway. No wonder she’d felt at ease around him right from the start—flirting aside.

  Frank sat to her right. His solid presence made her a little uncomfortable. He could squash her like a bug if he wanted to and she wouldn’t be able to do a thing to stop him. The others seemed sure of him, but Sara sensed a lot of darkness in him.

  Nick sat across from her and the occasional brushing of their legs under the table amped her awareness of him up to unbearable. The hostility emanating from his broad form whenever Jared happened to flirt a little, even though it was obviously in jest, gave her perverse pleasure.

  After being pulled into a tight hug from Grace and a promise to return Frank and Jared left for Seattle to pick up the DEA agents. Which left Sara with Nick. Awkward didn’t begin to cover it.

  The last time they’d sat in the restaurant together they had spent the time getting to know each other, laughing and talking. This time in marked contrast, Nick sat silent, a forbidding scowl on his attractive face. Sara fiddled with first her cup and then the place settings, not sure whether she wanted to apologize or not. What good would it do? They were over, so if he wanted to think her capable of moving on with some other man that fast, maybe it was just as well.

  “Look Sara…”

  “Maybe we…” At the simultaneous sound of each other’s voices, they locked eyes, remembering all the times they had done that in the past. Sara’s breath hitched in her throat, her chest tightening at the thought of not having times like this with him ever again.

  “Look, Sara, I think we should set everything else aside for now. Let’s just concentrate on getting your friend free and Sheridan and company behind bars. I’m already not very happy with the part you’re going to be playing in this. I could just as easily be the one to phone and say you’ve changed the stakes. You don’t need to be involved at all.”

  “Don’t you get it, I am involved. This whole mess is because I’m involved.” Her voice rose, and a couple of pensioner’s at the next table swiveled like a pair of bobble heads, hoping to catch some juicy gossip for the next senior’s bridge game, no doubt.

  Sara waited until they gave up trying to turn up their hearing devices and turned back to complaining about so and so’s dog peeing in the hydrangea’s. Lowering her voice, she said, “I get that you’re worried about me, and I appreciate it, really. But here’s the thing. My whole life, decisions have been made for me, and I’ve had no choice but to follow along. Even after I was married—actually it was worse when I was married. I need to choose my own path, Nick. I need to be responsible for my own resolution, my own life. I know what we’re attempting to do is dangerous. I admit I’d like nothing better than to take my daughter and run as fast and far as I can go to get away from here, but what’s that going to accomplish? Another town, another identity, how many times should I put Jess through that?”

  Bridging the gap between them, Sara slid her cool fingers between his, and closed her eyes briefly at the sensation of his skin against hers. Then, scanning his face to try and ascertain whether anything she’d said made any kind of impact on him, she continued, “Nick, please. Trust me. Help me to do this.”

  He sat for a long while, gazing out the window as he rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb. She’d almost given up hope when he looked back to her, resolution in the strong planes of his face. He gave a light squeeze before turning them over and setting a soft kiss to her palm, closing the fingers gently to seal it “We’re going to need to prepare so you’re ready for anything he might throw at you.”

  “So that means you’ll help?”

  “Yeah, I’ll help.”


  Frank and Jared stood in the southern satellite terminal of Seattle’s SEA-TAC Airport for the agents to clear security. Rain splashed against the glass making wavy grey ribbons of the runways as aircraft of varying dimensions landed and took off like an intricate dance choreography.

  Frank turned from his search for Holt—for about the tenth time, not that he was counting—and gazed at the slumped shoulders and blurred face of his friend reflected in the window. He knew it’d been hard for Jared going home. He’d tried to talk to him about it a few times over the years but Jared remained close-mouthed. You could ask the guy almost anything else, from a date he’d been on the night before, to how to hotwire a car, and he was happy to share, but ask about his hometown? Not so much. The fastest way Frank knew to morph the easy-going man they all knew into Mr. Inimical.

  Talk of home was a way to keep the ghouls at bay. They’d all been so Goddamn close as a unit, it was hard to imagine any of them holding secrets from the others. That kind of life, it bled out the confidences, a way to pass the long dark hours lying in their tents waiting on the next adrenalin-fueled mission.

  Speaking of ghosts. The wavy mirage taking shape in the glass to his right was the spitting image of Adam O’Connor. His curly blond hair and pretty boy looks gaining him adoring looks from passersby, caused Frank to grin in remembrance. The apparition gained substance as it came to a halt a few feet behind him, and Frank wasn’t grinning anymore. He rubbed his eyes, half afraid to turn around in case what he’d seen was all a figment of his imagination. Jared’s eyes bugged out of his head as he looked at the phantom in the glass before pulling a one eighty and falling back against the cool panes as reality almost knocked him off his feet, and Frank knew. Secrets indeed.

  “Hello, Sir, it’s been a while.”

  “Holy, sweet Mary, mother of Christ.” Jared whispered.

  Slowly revolving around on the broken down heels of his old boots, Frank barely acknowledged the pretty Agent Holt, now standing a step in front of O’Connor as if prepared to protect him, which she just might need to do. His gaze moved to his old teammate and cataloged five years of changes even as he brushed past the vigilant Maggie, grasping Adam in a body-clinching man hug.

  Emotions like a volcano set to erupt bubbled inside him. His throat locked and tears sprang to his tightly closed eyes. All these years of anger and pain over the loss of yet another important person in his life. Yet now here he was, holding him in his arms. Alive.

  Reluctant to let him go in case he disappeared, he eased back, adjusting to the reality of seeing his friend. Gone were the laugh lines around his mouth and chocolate brown eyes. Gone were the ropey muscles and lean form. This Adam had broader shoulders and well-defined musculature, his lean face more mature, his eyes seasoned, sure.

  “You’re looking pretty Goddamned healthy—for a dead man.” Frank said, dealing with the problem directly, no use beating around the bush.

  “Yeah, about that…”

  Jared, still looking a little shell-shocked, came up and punched Adam hard in the jaw, setting him back a step. “You cocksucker, scaring the living shit out of us like that.”

  “Hey!” Adam grimaced, rubbing his face.

  “Step back.” From an obviously armed Agent Holt, turning Frank on and pissing him off at the same time.

  “Let’s all take a breath here. You have to admit this is something of a humdinger. You can’t blame us for feeling somewhat flummoxed. Last time we saw your ugly mug the medics were pumping blood in as fast it was flowing out. And then a couple days later we were informed you hadn’t made it. Christ man, how do you think we’re going to feel to suddenly see you again?”

  “I know, Chief, I get it. If there had been any other way I would never have allowed them to pull that on you, I swear.”

  Raw anger dripped venom from Jared’s tongue, “That’s fucking bullshit man. Do you have any idea how hard it was to watch them take you away, not knowing if we’d ever see you again? I
can’t fucking believe you were alive all these years and never said a fucking word.” He was hurt, hell they all were. “Did Nick know?”

  “No, no one did, not even my family. I had to totally disappear. Look, I realize you’re angry, but if you’ll let me explain maybe I can shed some light on why.”

  “I don’t mean to interrupt the cozy reunion,” Maggie said, aiming a belligerent look Jared’s way. “But I think we should carry this out to our ride. We’re attracting a crowd.”

  Sure enough, here came airport security, no doubt alerted to the fact the four of them were standing there creating a sideshow for dismounting passengers. Way to keep on the down low.

  “Is there a problem here?” A portly TSA agent asked, hand twitching by his sidearm as he registered the sheer size of Frank.

  Flashing her badge, Agent Holt replied, “No, everything is fine. We were just leaving. Thank you, officer.”

  He kept his eye on them as Maggie grabbed Adam’s wrist and began to haul ass out the door. Temper rode every stride she took with those mile long legs, her long braided hair, snapping against her back. She’d dressed more conservatively today, a feminine version of Adam’s dark suit and tie, though much more evocative on her lithe form.

  “Where to?” She glanced over her shoulder, spearing him with her sooty lashed, cinnamon colored eyes.

  Frank nodded towards the Impala resting in the loading zone, a little surprised when she gave him an approving look on his vehicular choice. At least someone got that it was about blending in, hiding in plain sight.

  Stowing their overnight bags in the roomy trunk, Adam and Maggie climbed in the back, leaving Jared and Frank the front. As he eased his oversized frame in behind the wheel and turned the ignition with a satisfying rumble, Frank couldn’t help himself, he had to take one last peek at the living, breathing ghost in his backseat. Their eyes met, both a little moist. “I’m glad you’re alive, so fucking glad. Pardon me, Agent Holt,” He apologized yet again for his fabulous fricken vocabulary.


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