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2SaurellianFederationBundle Page 84

by Joanna Wylde

She came awake slowly.

  The air smelled funny, sterile. She opened her eyes, but she couldn’t see anything. She took a deep breath, trying not to panic. What had happened? They had been walking home from the river; how did she get here, and what was wrong with her eyes?

  “Please lay still,” a smooth female voice said. “You have been injured, and are currently lying in a healing cocoon. If you lay still, I will free you.”

  “Who are you?” she whispered, her throat dry.

  “I am the ship’s medical unit,” the voice replied in calm tones. “You have been injured, but you are now healed.”

  “I can’t see,” she whispered. “And I can’t move my arms. Am I blind?”

  “No, there are med patches covering your eyes,” the voice said. “I am now giving you a sedative. Your heart rate is rising in response to the conditions in which you find yourself, making it difficult for me to extricate you from the healing cocoon. Sleep well.”

  * * * * *

  She woke again, but when she opened her eyes this time she could see. The dim light hurt her eyes. She was lying on a cupped, cushioned bed against the wall. Above her was a canopy, covered in blinking lights.

  “You are now free to get up and move around the ship,” the disembodied voice said. “Please exercise caution, as your muscles may be slightly stiff from inactivity.”

  “Where am I?” she asked, leaning up experimentally. Her arms felt strange, weak.

  “You are on board the Serendipity,” the voice said. “The Serendipity is a class four cruiser. Our current destination world is Saurellia.”

  “How did I get here?”

  “That information is not contained within my database.”

  “Where is Jax?” she asked, her voice rising. Panic threatened her again. “Where are my children?”

  “That information is not contained within my database.”

  “You’re not much help, are you?” she muttered, then stood. The healing unit wisely remained silent. She clutched the wall for balance, feeling slightly dizzy. Then she realized she was completely naked. She shook her head, trying to think. Everything seemed fuzzy and confusing.

  “Is there any clothing in here?” she asked.

  “Clothing is located in the cabinet to your left,” the voice said.

  Moving carefully, Sarai opened the cabinet and pulled out a loose, lightweight shirt and pants that tied at her waist with a drawstring. Then she walked slowly and deliberately to the door. Time to find Jax and the children.

  It slid open and she stepped out into a corridor. There were several doors along on either side, and she opened each. All she found were empty bunks. The effort was exhausting, but she kept moving down the corridor. The ship was clearly a small one; they couldn’t that be far away.

  The corridor opened into a largish room, one that reminded her of the main living area in Seth’s ship. The lights were dim here, too, and across the room was a couch, which had been converted into a bed. Sprawled across it was Jax, one child cuddled in each arm. She gave a sigh of relief, and almost collapsed. She was exhausted, and she knew where her children were. She could rest again.

  She dropped slowly to her knees, then stretched out on the floor. A small part of her mind whispered that she’d be more comfortable if she could make it to the couch, but that was too much work. She drifted out of consciousness, secure in the knowledge that the children were safe. It was enough.

  * * * * *

  “Mommy,” a small hand was shaking her, and Mali’s voice rang urgently in her ear. “Mommy, wake up! Jax! I think Mommy’s dead!”

  She opened her eyes, meeting Mali’s gaze and trying to smile at her.

  “I’m all right, sweetie,” she said. Mali burst into tears.

  “I thought you were dead again, Mommy!”

  Again? Sarai wondered.

  Then Jax was there, lifting her into his arms. She could hear Able’s voice in the background, shrilly telling his sister to be quiet.

  “What happened?” she whispered, looking up into his face. He was smiling down at her, his expression filled with love and exhaustion.

  “Hector Prime was attacked by imperial troops, Sarai,” he said, laying her down on the couch with gentle care. Mali bounded up beside her, burrowing against her side. Sarai clutched the child to her, and looked for Able. He stood off to one side, watching her with concern written all over his face. She gestured to him to join Mali, and his face crumpled in tears as he crawled up beside her.

  “Oh, Mom, I was so scared,” he whispered. “Jax saved us. We thought you were dead, but you weren’t. It was really bad, Mom.”

  She looked back up at Jax, questions in her eyes. He shook his head, then sat down heavily on the couch beside Able.

  “The main blast hit the spaceport as we were walking back from our picnic,

  he said quietly. “Then they started hitting the smaller towns.”

  “Why?” she whispered, face filled with confusion. “Hector Prime was neutral, and half the people there were imperial citizens. Students!”

  “I don’t know,” he replied, his voice filled with sorrow. “I suspect we’ll be able to find out when we reach Saurellia, but I have no idea why they would do such a thing.”

  “How did we get here?” she asked, looking around the ship’s cabin. “How many survivors are there?”

  He didn’t meet her eyes, and the true horror of what had happened washed over her.

  “We can’t be the only survivors,” she whispered, eyes filling with tears. She thought of the students who had lived with her these past months, and little Kally from down the street. How could they all be dead?

  “We’re the only ones I know of,” he replied, his voice soft. “I scanned for living humans as soon I got you and the children in the ship, but we were attacked by an imperial patrol ship. I had to get us out of there while I still could.”

  “Wait,” she asked, shaking her head. “Wait a minute. How did we get on this ship? Where did it come from?”

  “I called it down out of orbit,” Jax said, reaching over to touch her face with one finger. “It’s pretty standard among my people to keep an escape ship in orbit when you’re traveling with family.”

  “Traveling with family?”

  “Well, if you’re anywhere other than Saurellia,” he replied. “As soon as I realized you were my lifemate, I made arrangements for us to evacuate if we needed to. I did it the day I went into the spaceport.”

  She jerked away from him, and Mali squawked in protest.

  “You knew something like this could happen, and you didn’t warn anyone?”

  “No, of course not,” he replied, looking startled. “It’s just a backup. I had no idea this would happen. If I had even dreamt Hector Prime was a target, I would have taken you away weeks ago. I was just being cautious. It’s just dumb luck that we survived, you know. I couldn’t even fly the ship close enough to see what happened to the hostel. Too much smoke and radiation.”

  “Mom, if Jax hadn’t been there we’d all be dead right now,” Able said quietly, breaking in to the conversation. His face was pinched with concern, and she hugged him close. “And he’s been taking real good care of me and Mali while you were sick.”

  “I realize that, sweetheart,” she replied. For once, he didn’t protest the endearment. “I was just startled, that’s all. Thank you, Jax. Thank you so much for saving me and the children.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied with a smile. “We thought we might lose you for a while. You got hit in the head. Fortunately, the Serendipity has a pretty high-end medical unit. Otherwise I doubt you’d still be here.”

  “We thought you were dead, Mommy,” Mali whispered.

  “Well, I’m not,” she replied, squeezing the little girl tightly.

  “I know,” Mali replied. “Jax took good care of you.”

  “Yes, he did,” she said softly, looking into his eyes. His face was worn, but his eyes were filled with love for her and the ch
ildren. Realization hit her, and she knew he had been right all along. They were lifemates. Love welled up inside of her. She blinked back tears, unable to speak. He seemed to understand, though, and leaned toward her, kissing her deeply over the children’s heads. She closed her eyes, drinking in the sensation of his touch. Despite the horror they had just escaped, life was very good indeed.

  Chapter Ten

  Saurellia, Three Months Later

  She could get used to this, Sarai thought as she lay back in the grass, cradled in Jax’s arms. He had arranged for the children to stay with Calla for the day, insisting that he wanted to show her the sights of his boyhood home alone. It had been an excellent idea, she thought with satisfaction.

  Once again they were lying on a picnic blanket, only this time they were naked. Jax was asleep beside her, warmed by the sun and the bottle of wine they’d shared over lunch. Perhaps the fact that they’d made love twice had something to do with it, too, she though wryly. The man was strong, but even he needed a break at times. Of course, getting him to that point was very pleasant.

  She leaned up, studying him. There were new lines on his face, the legacy of their disastrous escape from Hector Prime. He’d tried to find out what had happened there, but Saurellian intelligence hadn’t been able to tell him. Apparently they were still trying to figure out what had gone wrong…

  She still couldn’t quite believe everyone she’d known there was gone. For the second time in her life, she’d lost everything. It didn’t get easier with practice, she mused. Then she shook her head, trying to clear her sadness. This wasn’t a day for regrets. Instead, she focused her attention back on Jax.

  He was so handsome. She could hardly believe this strong, kind man was hers. And he hadn’t pressured her to into anything, hadn’t even asked her to remove her birth control implant. She would, though. She wanted a child with him, a little boy who would grow up to be strong and true like his father. Or perhaps another daughter. He was wonderful with Mali, wonderful with both the children. She couldn’t have found a better father for them.

  She trailed her fingers down his bare chest, enjoying the feel of the wiry hairs that covered him. He was waking up, she could tell by the way he tensed under her touch. Then he spoke, his voice a low rumble.

  “Just can’t quite get enough, can you?” he asked, and she grinned at him.

  “Never,” she said. She swung her bare leg across his body, rolling on top of him. She wiggled her pelvis experimentally, and his body hardened in response. His hands came down to her hips, pulling her tightly against him.

  “That’s nice,” he said, closing his eyes in pleasure. “Sarai, you feel so good.”

  She giggled, and squirmed against him.

  “So, what should we do now?” she asked, kissing him along his jaw line. His hands tightened in her flesh. He was much harder now, and his hips twitched beneath her.

  “I think we should fuck,” he said bluntly, and she burst out laughing. He was nothing if not predictable. “Unless you had other plans?” He thrust up at her, and she sighed in satisfaction. She loved the feel of him under her.

  Instead of answering, she placed both hands flat on his chest and sat up, still straddling his body with her own. She could feel her nipples tightening in anticipation, and a growing wetness between her legs. His cock was like a pillar of steel between them, and she took pleasure in slipping it back and forth along her vulva and clit. Just the anticipation of that hard length inside her body was enough to drive her crazy.

  He reached up to grasp her breasts in his strong hands, massaging them and playing with the nipples. A string of sensation wound its way down through her body from them to that sensitive place between her legs, and she threw her head back and sighed. Then she raised her hips, and reached down with one hand to position his hungry cock. This was going to feel good…

  As she sat down on him, taking his length into her body, she could hardly breath. He filled her so tightly. Even after spending months with him she gasped a little as his penis came into her completely. She stilled, allowing herself to get used to his presence. She looked down at him, then slowly leaned over to kiss him. She plunged hungrily into his mouth with her tongue, taking as much as he would give her. For the thousandth time, she marveled at her good fortune. How had she found a man such as this?

  She began to move slowly, raising her hips and then sliding them slowly back down over his massive erection. She mimicked each motion with her tongue; enjoying the feeling of power it gave her. She was so free with him; nothing she did threatened his masculinity. She truly was his equal, and she loved it.

  She raised her head, braced her hands against his chest and started moving faster. She shook out her hair and laughed as his hands clenched her hips, trying to pull her down against him more tightly. She stopped moving for a second, just to tease him, and he bucked his hips up at her.

  “Sarai, you’re going to kill me if you don’t start moving again,” he gasped. With a grin, she started moving, deliberately keeping each stroke slow and steady, twisting as she came down and grinding her clit against his body. It was fantastic. His fingers dug into her, but she didn’t care. She was going to take this at her own pace.

  But all too soon that pace wasn’t fast enough. She moved more quickly, riding him as sensation built up in her body. She was starting to sweat now, and she could feel her heart racing as she moved faster and faster. The feel of him beneath her was incredible. How had she ever thought she could resist this man’s touch? They had been created for each other; being with him made her complete.

  He had closed his eyes and his head was thrown back as he strained beneath her. She could tell he was getting close to his orgasm; she was, too. Just a little bit longer now, a little harder and she would hit it. She slid up and down his cock as quickly as she could make her body move, breasts bobbing with every motion. Her breathing was harsh and fast, and the tension in her was so tight it was a challenge to control her movements. Just a little more and she would have it. Down. Again. Harder.

  Then it washed over her with the force of a storm. She ground her clit against him, screaming out her orgasm. Every muscle in her body clenched, and she could feel his seed spurting within her as he came, too. He cried out, and she collapsed against his body, panting. They lay in silence for several moments, then he spoke.

  “Sarai, that was pretty good,” he murmured. She swatted at him playfully.

  “That was more than good, and you know it!” she said with a laugh. He laughed back at her, then pulled her close for a kiss.

  “Yes, it was,” he replied. “But it’s still not everything. I have this fantasy about you…”

  “Oh really, and what would that be?” she asked archly.

  “Let me show you,” he replied. He rolled her off him abruptly, and pulled her to her feet. Then he took her hand and started running. She stumbled after him, laughing but confused.

  “What are you doing? You’re crazy!”

  “Just wait and see,” he replied.

  Within minutes they reached a shallow river, crystal clear water running over rounded stones.

  “This way,” he said, slowing to a walk. He took her along a little dirt path through the brush along the riverbank, until it opened into a wide sandbar. To one side was the river. A line of stones had been placed across it, creating a swimming hole.

  “My brothers and I built this when we were kids,” he said, pointing out toward it. “We used to swim here all summer long. My sister’s children do the same thing. They’ve kept it in good shape even after all these years. Come swimming with me, Sarai.”

  She stilled, looking up into his face.

  “Jax, you know I can’t swim,” she said, her voice serious.

  “It isn’t deep here, Sarai,” he replied in a reassuring voice. “Only about four feet at the deepest spot. The water’s slow, and I’ll be with you.”

  “If I drown, I’m coming back to haunt you,” she said darkly, but she followed him
down to the water. He wouldn’t let anything happen to her. They waded into the cool water holding hands, then he let go, falling backward and swimming away from her. Within seconds he had reached the center of the pool, and stood up.

  “See, you’ll be able to touch out here,” he said encouragingly. She nodded, and started toward him. The rocks were slippery and rounded, hard to walk on, and she stumbled. The cold water closed over her head, but before she could panic he was there, pulling her up against his body.

  “I’ve got you,” he whispered into her ear. Then he kissed her, running his hands down along her back. She wiggled against him, arms wrapped around his neck. The water gave her a kind of buoyancy that was new and different. For the first time she realized swimming might be fun.

  “I like this,” she said, pulling her head away from his. She lifted her legs, effortlessly wrapping them around his waist. Despite the cold water, he was hard for her. Her face twisted in amusement. “Does that thing ever get tired?”

  “No,” Jax said smugly. “Not when you’re around.”

  Pleased with his answer, she wiggled against him, and he groaned.

  “You’re trying to kill me, aren’t you?” he gasped.

  “Nope, just reminding you who’s in charge,” she replied pertly.

  “We’ll see who’s in charge.”

  With that, he started striding through the water, carrying her with him as she squealed in protest. Then he was setting her up on a large, smooth rock that almost, but not quite, reached the surface of the water. He pinned her there with his body, legs firmly thrust between hers.

  “Now you’re at my mercy,” he said. He kissed her again, taking her mouth savagely until she could hardly breathe. At the same time, he reached down between them, fingering her aching clit as sensation wound its way through her. She wanted him again—she could never have enough of him. Finally, they pulled away from the kiss, gasping for breath.

  “Now that I’m at your mercy,” she whispered, squirming against his fingers, “What are you going to do with me?”

  “This,” he replied, voice tight with tension. The smooth, round head of his penis replaced his fingers, then he was pushing into her with aching slowness. Both of his hands wrapped around her waist, and she leaned back as his mouth came down on her breasts. He kissed her, then pulled one nipple into his warm mouth, sucking in time with the slow, steady movements of his hips. It was exquisite.


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