
Home > Other > Scintilla > Page 7
Scintilla Page 7

by Elizabeth Noble

  “I think I’m staying here for a little while,” Brandon said softly. Raul’s heart thumped a little faster and his groin warmed.

  Now that the hospital staff had determined Brandon was in control once again they could have phones and a television. Raul retrieved his phone from its storage area and called in a report to Iva then placed a call to his grandmother. Brandon would need a safe place to stay until the other men were found.

  When he returned he went with Brandon to the showers, waiting in the hallway outside until Brandon finished.

  “I feel so much better,” Brandon said as they walked back to his room.

  Raul wouldn’t have minded a shower, but the only way to have one and not leave his charge unprotected was to shower with Brandon. That probably wasn’t recommended.

  Once settled in Brandon’s room again they turned on the TV. Raul scooted the chair around so he could prop his feet on the end of Brandon’s bed.

  “That doesn’t look very comfortable for sleeping.” Brandon inched to the far side of the bed and patted the empty space beside him. “We can make it work.”

  “You sure?”

  Brandon smiled and nodded.

  “No funny business, I’m on duty.” Raul stretched on the bed next to Brandon. After a minute of shuffling around they found a comfortable position. Raul’s wolf was by nature a protector and took a great deal of satisfaction from having Brandon pressed against him, their legs intertwined and arms around each other. Raul agreed wholeheartedly with his wolf. Brandon shifted so his ear rested on Raul’s solar plexus and it wasn’t long before Brandon got heavier against Raul and his breathing evened out. Raul didn’t have much time to think about it before the television shut off and the lights on the floor dimmed. He yawned and let his eyelids close.


  While they ate breakfast, Raul made a phone call to someone by the name of Fahim requesting his truck and clothes for Brandon. It made Brandon smile when Raul simply rattled off sizes and what items to bring.

  “Fahim will be here in about a half hour,” Raul said after ending the call.

  “Does he live here, in Tucson?”

  Raul shook his head. “No. Green Valley. Fahim is a jinni. He uses alternate means of transportation when needed.” He grinned and pocketed his phone. “You don’t want to go wandering around in hospital garb.”

  Brandon finished off his eggs, then said, “No, I do not.” He fell silent for a minute, trying to decide what he wanted to say next. One thing couldn’t be said enough. “Thank you, for searching for me.”

  “I’m sorry it took as long as it did.”

  “So, what happens now? I tell the police what I know and then what?” Brandon asked.

  “There are still at least two more men out there. They know you’re free and they have no idea what you know,” Raul said. “Because you do know more, don’t you?”

  Brandon nodded. “Someone is being paid a lot of money from my father’s company. I don’t know who sent the payments, or how, but money, a lot of money is gone. Those kids have something to do with it, and they weren’t being given scholarships. I also know I don’t want my family, particularly my father, knowing where I am right now.”

  “Why? What did they do to you?”

  Brandon shrugged. “Nothing specific, or horrible… that I can prove. I don’t think they like me very much. If I wasn’t a scintilla and useful, I’m pretty sure they’d have nothing to do with me.”

  “Nothing you can prove?” Raul echoed. Brandon nodded, and Raul took a deep breath. “Someone close to you…closely associated with you or your family did this to you?”

  “Yeah. Or they sold me out. There aren’t a lot of people in this world who know the extent of what I was trained to do. Other than you, all those other people are related to me,” Brandon confessed. Brandon had the sense that what he hadn’t told Raul, or what hadn’t been learned from Brandon’s father, Raul had worked out for himself. “I want to find out what’s going on and stop these people, whoever they are.”

  Raul reached out and took Brandon’s hand. “Then we will. We’ll talk to the cops and get you somewhere safe. After that we pool our talents and resources and get the answers.”

  “But first I need clothes,” Brandon pointed out.

  He didn’t have long to wait before a tall man with shoulder length black hair pulled back into a ponytail and wearing a three-piece suite arrived. Smiling broadly, he slipped a duffle from his shoulder and asked, “How are you feeling?”

  “I remember you. You were at the warehouse with Raul and helped me. I appreciate it,” Brandon said.

  Striding forward the man held out one hand to Brandon. “Fahim Boulos.” He shook Brandon’s hand and bowed slightly. “It was my pleasure. I’m glad to see you’re doing better.” Fahim turned to Raul. “Your truck is parked in the west lot. Need a lift? I can get you sprung from here faster than hospitals normally move.” He tapped the duffle. “Your laptop is in there too.”

  Brandon laughed. “I think I’d better wait for official discharge.” He pulled out his computer and opened it, letting it boot up.

  “Is the west lot less than a mile from here?” Raul asked. When Fahim nodded and motioned out the window to the parking lot three stories below, Raul added, “We can walk, but thank you.”

  Fahim mock saluted them. “Very well. Brandon, continue to get better. You have my number if you need me for anything. It’s already saved to your contacts along with other information of mine that might prove useful someday.”

  Brandon sucked in a breath and grinned when a phone number appeared on his monitor. “How’d you do that?”

  Fahim shrugged and chuckled. “I’m a jinni. Magic is what I do. It’s a good skill in my line of work when someone tries to bury information I’m trying to dig out.” His eyebrows bobbed a few times. “Do call if I can be of further assistance.” He gave Brandon a wide grin and aimed one thumb at Raul. “Keep this guy in line.”

  Brandon nodded. “I will. Thanks.” He waited until Fahim was gone before slipping out of bed and heading to the bathroom to get dressed. Raul seeing him in a hospital gown was one thing, but not a stranger who wasn’t part of the hospital staff. The simple act of putting on clothes made him feel much better.

  Raul stood by the door, leaning against the wall. “My family owns a small hacienda near Rio Rico. It’s quite secure, you’ll be safe there.”

  Brandon noticed that Raul’s all business tone didn’t match how his expression softened when he looked at Brandon.

  “Do you think the two men who weren’t arrested will come after me?”

  Nodding, Raul said quietly, “Yes.”

  “Don’t sugarcoat it for me or anything.” Brandon paused, collecting his thoughts. “I can help find them. With your help or without it, I’m going to get to the bottom of this and find the asshole who had me kidnapped.”

  “We have tech at the hacienda, and can get more if you need it,” Raul said.

  “Do you know what happened to the equipment at the warehouse?” Brandon asked.

  “The police would’ve confiscated it all. I don’t know what they’ll give us access to, but we can try.”

  Their conversation was interrupted by a knock on Brandon’s door. As he had each time someone requested entry, Raul looked out, opened the door but stayed between Brandon’s visitor and Brandon.

  The same doctor who’d visited Brandon the previous day was back.

  “How are you feeling today?” She asked. She motioned to the bed. Raul stepped back a few paces and waved the doctor forward when she held up her stethoscope and raised her eyebrows.

  Brandon sat and waited until the doctor was finished listening to his chest.

  “Good. Much better than yesterday.”

  The doctor tucked her stethoscope away and held both hands up, palms facing Brandon. “Give me a low-level current.” When Brandon hesitated she added, “I’m a scintilla. As you know, this is the best way to test your control.”
She glanced at Raul. “Unless you’re a scintilla and can absorb a high charge, you might want to step outside.”

  “I’m good, thanks,” Raul said and took up his spot holding up the wall once again.

  She shrugged. “Okay, but if he stops your heart it’ll take me a few minutes to get it going again and no guarantees you’ll be good as new.”

  Brandon felt his cheeks burn and he looked down at the floor. Raul smiled softly, and the doctor snickered. “Or maybe he already did that.” She focused on Brandon. “Hit me with it.”

  Remembering how his pediatrician used to do the same thing, Brandon nodded and held his hands up, mimicking the doctor. He wiggled his fingers a few times, took a deep breath and emitted a pale, blue wave of energy. It rippled leisurely through the little bit of airspace between him and the doctor before hitting her palms and dissipating.

  “Very good. You can stop, and now it’s my turn.” She repeated what Brandon had done until she was apparently satisfied he could control emissions and absorb those from others. “Okay, I think you’re fit for society once again.”

  “Well, I wouldn’t go that far,” Raul drawled.

  The doctor laughed outright. “The nurse will be in shortly with your discharge paperwork.”

  Twenty minutes later Brandon was given a list of possible side effects to look for and numbers to call if he needed medical help. He folded them all and stuffed them into his back pocket as he walked with Raul from the hospital and to Raul’s truck.

  “Janey sent me a text while you were having the zapping contest. She found your wallet, phone, keys with clothes that are probably yours in the items confiscated from the warehouse. We can swing by the station, get them and I.D. those men. Then that part will be done and behind you. It’s possible you’ll have to talk to Iva or the Marshals some more in the next few days.” Raul put the truck in gear and they were on their way to the highway. “That was a neat trick with the doctor.”

  “It’s sort of standard during a physical. If I didn’t have control, there could’ve been a big blow back. That’s why she warned you about staying.” He twisted in his seat and grinned at Raul before he reached out and put a hand on Raul’s shoulder. “The same thing has other uses.”

  “Holy crap!” Raul sucked in a quick breath and smiled broadly. He took Brandon’s hand in his own, kissing it before moving Brandon’s hand to the seat. “Probably shouldn’t do that when I’m driving, Sparky.” The shudder that ran through Raul satisfied Brandon on a few levels. “I’m going to need to learn more about this ability—later. Did…uh… did the same thing happen with the doctor?”

  Brandon chuckled. “No. We can control how we affect each other. A non-scintilla human, even a magical human, would probably get burned. But, after our week last year, I did a little research and found out even more of the potentials between a werewolf and scintilla.”

  “You did research? About us?”

  “Uh huh. I was sort of hoping to get back down here. Or that you’d come to Boston for a visit. Getting kidnapped added a bit more adventure to us getting together again than I’d planned on.” Brandon picked at the seat between them and confessed, “I wasn’t sure I could ask that either.”

  “Sparky, did you ever stop to think I kept up our e-mails because I was interested in you?” Raul asked.

  “Yeah, I did. I was working on getting my nerve up to ask. You made it pretty clear you were amendable to meeting again.” Brandon paused for a minute before saying, “I have a secret to tell you.”

  Raul glanced at him and grinned. “Yeah?”

  “You call me Sparky. I like that. It makes me feel good.” Brandon looked down when he felt his cheeks warm.

  Raul reached over and patted Brandon’s chest. “I’m glad. That was my goal.”

  They lapsed into a comfortable silence for the remainder of the drive to the police station in Green Valley. The closer to their destination, the more jittery Brandon felt. Raul seemed to sense his mood change and reached over, taking Brandon’s hand for a few minutes, squeezing gently. The heat produced from clasping Raul’s hand spread through Brandon. It was comforting and erotic all at the same time. Touching in this way wasn’t something Brandon experienced very much during his life. Some people were afraid he’d electrocute them with even the smallest of touches. Even handshakes or friendly hugs were often withheld after a person discovered Brandon was a scintilla.

  Raul wasn’t afraid. He welcomed contact—in many forms—with Brandon.

  As they pulled into a parking spot, Raul said, “Don’t worry. It’ll be fine. I’ll be there with you the whole time.”

  Brandon nodded as they went into the police station. There was a short wait at a reception desk until a policewoman arrived.

  “This is my friend Janey Lamb. She was on the rescue team,”

  Raul said.

  The woman, Janey Lamb, nodded once. “Hello. You’re looking much better.”

  “Thank you for all your help, and everything,” Brandon said. “I feel as if I can’t thank people enough.”

  “I’m glad we were able to find you.” Janey led them through a door and into a section with desks and offices. They went down a long hallway and into a room with a row of comfortable looking chairs. There was a desk in one corner, empty except for a landline phone. Janey pointed to a window taking up most of one wall.

  “As I’m sure you’ve guessed it’s a two-way mirror. You can see in, they can’t see or hear out and it doesn’t matter if they’re magical, supernatural or not. Many humans in law enforcement are magical and a percentage are supernaturals, so we’re prepared.”

  “Okay,” Brandon said softly. He really didn’t know what else to say.

  “Don’t worry, everyone is nervous. I’ll walk you through everything.” Janey crossed to the desk and picked up the phone. “Go ahead and send them in.” She hung up and turned back to Brandon. “If it’s more comfortable for you, feel free to sit.”

  Brandon felt as if his feet had taken root. His brain issued orders, but his body didn’t seem to be getting the memos. Sit before you make a fool of yourself and fall down. He started when he felt a hand on his arm. Glancing to the side he saw Raul beside him.

  Dipping his head to the chairs, Raul said in a low, soft voice, “It’ll be easier to concentrate if you sit.”

  Brandon moved to the chair Raul gently guided him toward. He sat down, but stayed perched on the edge, bouncing his knee up and down and both hands gripped together. His chest tightened, and his mouth dried up, the taste of acid burned up his throat and into his nose.

  “Brandon, Sparky, concentrate on my voice and take a few deep breaths.” Raul was reassuring. He radiated calm and his very slight accent was pleasant to listen to.

  All Brandon could do in the way of a response was to bite his lip and nod while focusing on Raul’s voice. Movement from the opposite side of the observation window grabbed Brandon’s attention. Six men, each with a number card, filed in and stood facing the window.

  “They can’t see you, or any of us,” Janey reminded him. “Do you recognize any of them?”

  “Numbers two and five, they were two of the men that kept me hostage,” Brandon said, voice barely above a whisper. “Two is Bill, five is Tom.”

  “Take your time,” Janey said.

  “I was with them for days. I don’t need to take my time,” Brandon snapped.

  Janey folded her hands in front of herself and offered Brandon a sympathetic smile. “I’ll have a short statement prepared for you to sign verifying you identified those men as the kidnappers.”

  “Sure. Of course. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean….”

  “No harm done. Believe it or not, people have said a lot worse to me,” Janey said. “Raul did inform us there were two other men involved who are still at large. Lieutenant Ortega has asked the captain to authorize protection for you. That should be made official a little later today.”

  “I’ve offered him a room at my family hacienda,” Raul ex

  Janey smiled and snickered. “I can’t imagine a safer safe house than one filled with werewolves… including your grandmother.” She turned to Brandon. “Don’t let the fact she’s about four foot eight and looks like the stereotypical granny fool you.”

  “Will do, thanks.” Brandon focused on the floor. “Can we… do I need to still be in here?”

  Janey shook her head. “We have to go to my desk for the paperwork anyway.”

  “Crime. It’s all about the paperwork.” Raul stood up and put a hand on Brandon’s shoulder.

  “Don’t need to ask me twice.” Brandon stood up fast, he wanted out of that room.

  The men on the other side of the mirror began to shuffle around, it was obvious to Brandon someone just out of sight was ushering them out. Without warning the man he’d identified as Bill darted forward and hit the glass. When a uniformed cop rushed in Bill lifted his hands as far up as his wrist shackles allowed and used two fingers to point to his eyes then turned his fingers to point at Brandon.

  Sucking in a quick breath, Brandon stumbled back. Raul’s hand between his shoulder blades was all that kept him from tripping and falling. He tried dragging in a breath, but it seemed as if the air had been vacuumed from the room.

  In the next second Bill was shoved toward where Brandon presumed there was a door. The room was also soundproof, so while Brandon saw the men’s lips moving he had no idea what was being said.

  “God damnit!” Janey spat. She was across the room to the phone, yanked the handle off the cradle and barked into it in seconds. “Get them out of there.”

  “H-he knew I w-was—” Brandon clenched his jaws together to stop stammering.

  Raul grabbed Brandon’s shoulders and turned him away from the glass wall. “No. Sparky, no he didn’t. I’m sure he’s been in a line up before. It’s a scare tactic. He has no idea if it’s you, me, one of the kids, or someone we’re not aware of yet.” Raul gave him a gentle shake. “I promised to keep you safe. Trust me. Please.”


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