Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set)

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Ultimate Paranormal Romance, 15 in 1! (BWWM Paranormal Boxed Set) Page 3

by R S Holloway

  These words echoed in her mind an hour later, as she and Sebastian arose from the house at sundown to address the members of the Nightingale Den; a group of young, gorgeous men and women who openly wept at the loss of their beloved leader.

  “I know how you feel,” Jess announced from the front of the crowd, gracing the people she had come to know and love with an understanding smile. “As Sebastian will tell you, I was shedding more than a few tears this morning as I kissed Hathen goodbye. But just look at it this way it’s not like he died.” She bit her lip, reconsidering her choice of words. “At least he’s not any deader that other vamps I know….”

  “The point is that Hathen will be back,” Sebastian jumped in with a nervous laugh. “And in the meantime, Jess and I vow to go to any lengths to keep you safe and healthy in this community.”

  With this the new couple joined hands high, reveling in the cheers of their den members as their lips met in an affirming kiss.

  “From this point, consider me your leader,” Sebastian lifted his free hand in a broad, gallant wave. “And Jess, as always, is your protector.”

  For the next month the couple lived up to their joint promise, working every day to safeguard Nightingale Park and protect its residents. Sebastian always stood at attention over the vamps of his den, and Jess conducted nightly patrols that ensured the sanctity and security of their home.

  Ah, but the days were all theirs; ensconced as they were in the forest cottage that formed the core of their own personal paradise. Endlessly they rolled in the soft cotton sheets that adorned Hathen’s bed; and while Jess found her handsome young lover to be passionate, energetic and endlessly creative, she couldn’t help but remember the other lover who once shared this bed with her; the stunning blond vamp who had made all her dreams come true.

  One morning she slipped between the sheets with Sebastian, determined to focus her energy and attentions on her new fire haired lover. She wrapped him up in two loving arms as he cradled her nice and close; soon their lips collided in a passionate kiss as their tongues and legs entangled.

  Sebastian’s long, hard cock surged between them as her breasts pressed against his chest; their kiss deepened as they rolled wild and free across the length of the bed, their sweaty bodies locked in a timeless embrace as his cock surged deep within her.

  Jess ran her fingers through the length of his silken red hair as his abs flexed wild with the heat of his penetration; and as her lover immersed his hard shaft deep within her hungry pussy, his dark eyes flew open to engage her in a soft, impassioned gaze.

  “I think I love you Jess,” he whispered, cupping her flushed cheeks in two tender hands.

  “Not so fast Bas.”

  The couple jumped as a third person slipped between their sheets; wrapping his arms around Jess’s full waist as his fangs grazed her neck.

  “Hathen,” Jess gasped out, turning her head to stare into those wide blue eyes she knew oh so well.

  Without hesitation he seized her lips in a heated kiss; the strands of his silken blond hair rubbing soft against her shoulders as his long, wet tongue plundered her mouth his tongue matching the exact movement of Sebastian’s cock as it surged deeper inside her.

  Not to be outdone, Hathen pressed his chest against Jess’s back as his feet tickled hers. He reached forward to grasp and stroke her full breasts as his hard shaft surged upward; he laid a long lick down the length of her spine as he ran an adoring hand down the same path; laying an affectionate squeeze on her full rump as she reached back to caress his broad, massive chest.

  “Miss me baby?” He whispered against her lips, his shaft surging between her cheeks as his hands massaged her shoulders.

  “Yes,” Jess nodded, even as she gave a growling Sebastian an affirming squeeze and bucked her hips against his. “Are you back to stay?”

  “Yes!” Hathen roared, his cock surging into the tender opening nestled between her cheeks.

  Hathen penetrated Jess’s buxom ass as Sebastian continued to probe her pussy; turning her head gently toward him, he seized her lips in a possessive kiss and pressed his chest against hers--their hips locked as he made a final surge that sent them both over the edge.

  Not to be outdone, Hathen wrapped his arms around Jess’s shoulders as he bit soft and purposeful into her neck; rocking his hips against her as he too surged inside her.

  The two men clung to Jess as the heat of passion overtook all three of them; seizing them up in an incredible orgasm that shook their bodies and bound their souls.

  Jess purred outright as her two lovers covered her in the sweetest kisses; their hands caressing her shoulders and back, her breasts and tummy as her breath caught in her throat.

  Her breath suspended for another reason moments later, when the two men’s eyes locked in a strong gaze that seemed friendly but somehow guarded in nature.

  “So you’re back.” Sebastian pulled Jess closer to him.

  “So I am.” Hathen pulled back, bringing a confused Jess deep in his embrace. “Alida could tell that every moment I spent away from Jess was basically a minute of hell for me, so she let me come back.”

  “Cool.” Sebastian shrugged. “So whose woman is Jess, Hathen? And who is to rule the Nightingale Den?”

  Hathen said nothing, only joined Bas in pinning Jess with a strong, inquisitive stare.

  “Oh boy.” Jess buried her head in her hands. “Two of ‘em, as a matter of fact.”


  3. The Female Werewolf (Werewolf sex)

  Ren had been in bed for nearly three hours, utterly and almost painfully wide awake. Her parents had waited entirely too long before retiring, and she’d forced herself to remain deathly still as the sounds of teeth being brushed and tiny snippets of late-night conversation slowly ceased to drift down the hall. She had to be absolutely certain they were asleep.

  When the house had been silent for over half an hour, she slipped out of her bed, moving slowly so the springs didn’t creak and betray her. She stood stock-still for several moments, bare feet gripping the carpet and back straight, looking for all the world like a wary deer creeping into a forest clearing. Apparently satisfied that everyone else in the house was asleep, Ren cautiously padded her way across the room to the window. She pulled back the curtains with a small sigh, face upturned to the luminous moon. Her small hands trembled slightly as she eased the window open, but it slid easily. Removing the screen was also a simple matter – this was a newer house, with all the conveniences of modern fire codes, and the screen swung out on a hinge to lie flat against the exterior wall. It was, Ren had often mused, as though the designer had expected someone would want to sneak out of the smaller second-floor bedroom.

  She climbed out of the window nimbly, deftly swinging her legs over the ledge and catching her balance on a bit of protruding brick. She clung easily to the wall, using the drainpipe and an iron trellis as hand- and footholds until she could drop confidently the last six feet to the ground.

  Ren landed in a crouch, one hand splayed in front of her. Her long brown hair fell over her face in tangled curls, leaving the moon to pick out her full lips and dark, shadowed eyes. Though by daylight her skin was a richly dark tan, it seemed almost to glow under the light of the moon.

  She was wearing only a pair of silk pajama bottoms and a thin tank top, and she shivered a little as she stood. Glancing about to ensure that no one else dared intrude, she carefully peeled off her top, revealing dark, erect nipples and a beautifully smooth back. She next stepped out of her pants, leaving the girl naked in the moonlight. Ren stashed her clothes behind a rosebush, neatly folding each item of clothing before hiding them carefully amongst the thorns.

  Finally she stood clad in nothing but moonlight, not even clothing burdening her. The hazy light seemed to linger on her form, picking out a small smile on her lips and flashes of silver in her dark hair. Her eyes flickered closed, and she opened her arms as though trying to embrace the night.

  “Mother Moon,” she wh
ispered. “Take me home.”

  The prayer had not even faded on the night air before she began to change. Her eyes narrowed while her face and ears elongated. Her limbs twisted in movements that managed to be both bizarre and beautiful, and in less than a minute where a girl had once stood was a wolf as black as midnight.

  Ren thought of transforming much like opening her eyes after a long sleep. Of course the world hadn’t ceased to be while she was unconscious, but the sudden richness of it made her feel as though she’d been deaf and blind until that very moment. Her vision was still steeped in the night colors of black, grey, and silver. Her nose and ears, however, more than made up for the lack of color. Suddenly every sound had a new character and each scent told a story.

  She stretched her furred head upward and sniffed the wind. She could tell which neighbors had mowed their lawns earlier that week from the faint whiffs of gasoline and burning vegetable matter that still lingered. Someone a few doors down had cooked bacon not long before, and her fur bristled slightly at the telltale musk of domestic dogs. All of them were inside at this hour, and she almost relaxed before a sudden gust of wind brought another scent to her attention.

  It was utterly unfamiliar, but she recognized it somewhere deep in her gut, in the wolf instincts that shrouded her human mind in this form.

  Somewhere nearby, somewhere on her turf, was another werewolf.

  Ren set off instantly after the scent, dully noting new details as proximity brought them into focus. She learned he was male a block down. And young, she decided. About her age, perhaps a shade younger.

  She resented the intrusion. She had graduated college full of hopes and dreams that seemed finally in her grasp, only for her mother to fall ill. Instead of trying to start the business she’d always wanted, she’d ended up moving back home and taking a job at the local bookstore to help cover the hospital bills. The blessing of the moon had been her one freedom – her nightly excursions in which she answered to no one but herself.

  The scent was nigh-overpowering by the time she reached the park and the copse of trees where she had spent many nights. Ren preferred to get away from houses and crowded neighborhoods: she’d hate to find out that she’d accidentally hunted down a neighbor’s cat. But the little wood was full of squirrels, mice, and the occasional fox. Plenty for her to stalk, chase, and even kill if the mood took her.

  He wasn’t even trying to hide from her, she realized. He was all over silver grey, and leggy. He was thin beneath his shaggy fur, and his tail lowered slightly at the sight of her.

  I’m bigger than he is, Ren realized. It was a strange thought. She wasn’t especially tall as a human and hadn’t considered herself to be an abnormally large wolf, either. A sudden impulse took her, and she bounded straight for him, barreling directly into him and knocking him to the mossy ground.

  The two wolves tumbled and snapped at each other’s throats for several minutes, the male several times almost managing to throw Ren clear but never quite succeeding. Finally Ren locked her jaws around his throat and the fighting ceased, both wolves breathing heavily and snarls dying in their mouths.

  Golden eyes locked on Ren’s, the wolf beneath her began to shift, fur and muscle dwindling until her teeth brushed smooth human flesh.

  “I yield,” the boy said softly. His eyes were golden brown as a human, and his hair was dark and shaggy. Ren felt rather than saw that he was still thin, but also taller than she would be as a girl.

  “You’ve never met another one, have you?” the boy asked, remaining deathly still. Ren pulled away reluctantly. She hadn’t. She hadn’t even been sure there were others.

  “I’m Nicolas,” the boy continued. He couldn’t have been more than twenty, two or three years younger than Ren. His features were soft, almost dreamy. “It’s wonderful, isn’t it?”

  There was something in the simple way he spoke that made Ren want to be able to smile at him, and she surrendered her wolf’s skin, melting back into a human girl in the moonlight. She leaned back, still crouched over him, and more aware than she’d like to be of the fact that they were both naked.

  “Ren,” she said by way of introduction. The bloodlust she’d felt, the animal sense of intrusion and territoriality, had faded and been replaced by a swirl of much more human emotions. The boy was, she decided, pretty rather than handsome. Something about the delicateness of his features – high cheekbones, pointed jaw, and slightly slanted eyes.

  “You’re beautiful,” Nicolas said simply. “I’m glad you won.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “We’re wolves.” Nicolas smiled. “And you beat me. You can do whatever you want with me now.”

  Ren considered this for a long moment, then leaned down again and kissed him firmly on the mouth.

  She’d meant to simply unnerve him a little – shock him, maybe punish him a little bit for trespassing – but he returned the kiss with such fervor that her heart began pounding. Their tongues met, and goose bumps broke out over Ren’s arms. A heat began to rise in her loins, and she realized just how long it had been since she’d enjoyed a young man’s company.

  She pulled away abruptly and studied Nicolas’s face. His breath was coming hard and his eyes were wide, regarding her adoringly.

  “I want you to be mine tonight,” Ren said, shifting her weight ever-so-slightly downwards. Beneath her, Nicolas’s breath hitched. “Are you okay with that?”

  “I’m yours,” Nicolas replied. “Completely.”

  Ren grabbed both of his wrists and pulled his arms over his head, pinning them down with her left hand. She leaned down again and kissed him savagely, nipping sharply at his lower lip. Her right hand stroked the side of his neck and moved down to his chest until her fingers could toy with one of his nipples.

  Nicolas strained lightly against her, tensing at her touch. As Ren’s lips moved away from his mouth and down to his neck, she felt his jaw tighten as he clenched his teeth. A low groan escaped his throat as her tongue flicked lightly over his flesh. She closed her teeth gently over his earlobe, then traced the shape of his ear with her tongue. He was practically whimpering now.

  “You like that?” she asked, nearly purring.

  “Y-yes,” Nicolas gasped, his eyes closed.

  Ren grinned. She adored submissive partners. She sat up and released his arms briefly. The young woman moved forward until she was kneeling over Nicolas’s shoulders, her knees pressing into the ground to either side of his head. Her weight kept his arms pinned down and useless.

  She rocked her hips until her pussy was positioned only a few inches from his mouth. “Kiss me,” she ordered. “Now.”

  Nicolas hesitated a moment, then leaned in, his eyes meeting Ren’s as his lips brushed her sensitive folds. She pushed lightly against his mouth, not relenting until his tongue crept out and slipped inside her. Ren moved one hand to the back of his head, pushing his mouth harder against her. His eyes fluttered closed again as she ground against his mouth, forcing him to taste every part of her sex. His tongue found her clitoris and her fingers wound tightly into his hair, anchoring him over it. His lips and tongue began to move more enthusiastically, alternating quick strokes over her clitoris with more probing kisses.

  Ren’s breath began coming faster, and she shuddered as his tongue grew more confident, moving quickly over her. Pleasure began to build in a tight knot in her groin, occasionally sending flickers of heat down her legs and up to her heart.

  She came as his tongue was buried deep in her sex, walls of her vagina spasming against his mouth. Ren bit her lip to keep from crying out – this was a public park, after all, even if it was well past the witching hour.

  Ren leaned back, rolling off of Nicolas and collapsing beside him. She turned her head to face him and gently kissed his cheek. He moved his head and their lips met. Ren could taste herself on his mouth, and her desire flamed anew. She traced her hands down his form, fingers learning the shape of his hips and moving to his thighs. He was firmly erect,
his uncircumcised cock hot in her hands. He gasped as she gripped it and pumped, sliding the foreskin over the head and pulling it back slightly, careful not to stretch it to the point of pain.

  “You like this?” Ren asked innocently, a smile creeping over her face. Nicolas nodded, swallowing heavily. “Tell me,” she ordered. “Use your words, boy.”

  “Yes,” Nicolas managed, his voice hardly above a whisper.

  In a flash, Ren’s hand moved to his throat and squeezed lightly, her other hand still working Nicolas’s cock. “You will call me ‘mistress’ from now on, I think,” she said lazily. “Understand?” She loosed her fingers slightly to allow him to speak more easily.

  “Yes, mistress.” The words were harsh and hoarse with arousal.

  “A couple rules,” Ren continued, speaking for all the world like she wasn’t lying naked on the forest floor with a cock in her hand. “One, you do exactly what I say. Two, you don’t come until and unless I say you can. Got it?”

  “Yes, mistress,” Nicolas murmured again, eyes closed in bliss.

  Good boy, Ren thought. “Also,” she added as an afterthought, “I’ve been on birth control since high school, so no need to worry about that.” She glanced around, then relinquished her grip on his cock to reposition herself. She sat up and braced her back against a tree, feeling the bark digging into the skin between her shoulder blades. She opened her legs and beckoned to Nicolas, who had rolled over and was regarding her with widened eyes.

  Ren rolled her pelvis forward a little to give him easier access. “Fuck me,” she said simply. Nicolas seemed momentarily unsure, but he half-crawled over to her, and with her help he slid his legs beneath hers. Ren guided his cock into her waiting sex, easing him slowly inside her. Nicolas remained perfectly still like that for several long moments, and Ren was on the verge of ordering him to move when he began to thrust.

  His cock wasn’t particularly long, but it was slightly thicker than Ren was used to, and she spread her legs a bit further apart to accommodate him. She grabbed one of his hands and placed it above her sex. He took the hint and began working her clit with his fingers, using his other hand to brace his weight against the tree. Ren moved her hips in time with his, helping him increase the force and speed of his thrusts. She placed one hand on his hip, guiding him into the right angle. Her other hand curled around his throat again, squeezing lightly. She didn’t want to actually hurt him, but feeling his pulse beating faster and faster against her palm was exhilarating.


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