Remus's Revelation

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Remus's Revelation Page 14

by Pearl Tate

  It finally dawns on me that the birdmen are all called Stewards, that’s not my birdman’s name. Ted distracts me by turning away as Travek releases me reluctantly. “Okay Jo-Anne, just go slow…”

  Ignoring him, I run towards the enclosure, only slowing as it comes into reach. Remus has his hands pressed against the side as I reach out to connect our palms on the surface.

  At first, the force-field feels slick to my hand. Could he be wrong? But then like the tension on water, the surface gives. I feel Remus catch my hand and pull me inside.


  - Remus

  I materialize in a cave? My sight has barely returned when I feel the mate bond. Jo-Anne is here.

  Looking across the room, I see Jo-Anne with her hand pressed to the top of the head of one of the flying creatures that clearly took her from me. What is she doing touching him?

  Roaring, I run towards them, not even thinking about how I might scare her. When I bounce off the side of something hard and unyielding, I’m thrown back sliding on my ass until I reach a solid surface at my back.

  Jo-Anne is now running towards me and I regain my feet, moving slowly until I reach a clear barrier I’m contained in. Banging my fists on it, I focus on her face. She’s smiling as she runs, holding out her arms. Slowing down as she reaches me, she presses her hands to mine, and the barrier melts between us.

  As soon as our palms touch, I entwine my fingers with hers to pull her to me. Her scent and warmth immediately surround me as she flies into my arms, wrapping her legs and arms tightly around me. “Remus! Remus! Are you okay?”

  Am I okay? Taking a step back from the barrier that’s keeping me from the kidnappers who’ve taken her from me, I squeeze her tightly. My jaw is clenched so tightly, I can barely speak as I grunt an approving sound that means nothing.

  Running my hands over her barely-clad body, I try to convince myself she’s fine. Alive and unharmed. Twining my fingers in her silky hair, I direct her face to within inches of mine.

  “I’m okay, really! I’m more worried about you. You ran right into that barrier!” Cupping my face, she strokes my cheeks lightly as she straightens her legs. “Put me down. I want to look at you.”

  I can’t seem to release her and instead drop to my knees to let her feet touch the ground. Without letting her go, I pull back when she runs her hands down my chest.

  I keep stroking my fingers through her loosened hair, trying to assure myself she’s really here, and not some hallucination brought on by my frantic trip to find her.

  I barely remember any of it. Now that I’m with her, it seems dreamlike and hazy. Crashing my lips to hers, she meets me enthusiastically, opening her mouth and allowing me the entry I so desperately crave. Like the air around us, I need her.

  Her intoxicating scent envelopes me as I plunge my tongue into her mouth. I feel myself hardening as she moans and droops in my arms. Our mouths slide against each other, and I try to calm my nerves and breathing as we kiss passionately.

  I can smell her lust as we continue to kiss, and my hand reaches down to stroke her ass and pull her closer, grinding into the cleft between her thighs. Stiffening slightly, she pulls back panting.

  “Wait, Remus. Just wait.” Keeping our foreheads together, our breath mingles as I try to come back and focus on more than just her. But it’s difficult. Disorienting.

  “The Greys… Ashen are talking to the birdpeople. They’re called Stewards, I think.” She glances over her shoulder and turns back to me with a puzzled look on her face. “They’re out there, but I can’t see them very well.”

  Now that I’m focusing on her, I begin to glance around. She’s right. It’s hazy outside this barrier, and if I hadn’t been so focused on her earlier, I’d have clearly seen that we’re in some kind of containment field.

  “They picked you up on the way over, they said. You were on your way here?” I nod, still mute in shock as I try to think back on the last period of time I remember. Slamming her hands onto my shoulders, I know she means it to hurt, but it feels like a tap. “Ow! Fuck, that hurt my hands. But, what were you thinking?”

  “Only of you.” I manage, although my voice is scratchy and hoarse.

  “Well, that was stupid. You should have waited for their help. They knew exactly who took me and came with everyone to get me. They’re out there.” I nod slowly at her words.

  We knew they probably would, but I couldn’t wait. “We did discuss Travek and Lisa waiting for the Ashen, but I couldn’t wait. I had to leave. Something inside me—it’s hard to explain. The pull…” My voice trails off, at a loss of how to communicate the pressure I felt to be back by her side.

  “Are you in control now, Remus?”

  Ted’s solemn face peers at us both from outside the barrier. His mouth didn’t move, but the force field around me doesn’t keep his projected thoughts from coming to both Jo-Anne and me.

  Climbing to my feet, Jo-Anne clings to my waist as I move closer to the barrier, testing its surface between us. It’s springy texture as I press on it explains why I wasn’t hurt severely when I bounced off its surface earlier.

  “Let us out!” Punctuating my words with a fist to the barrier, Ted’s expression at my outburst never changes.

  “Jo-Anne can leave at any time, but I suspect she won’t leave you in there alone. When you can promise to control yourself… totally, we’ll lower the barrier.”

  His words infuriate me, and I’m shocked to see the tinge of red creeping in from the edges of my vision. My anger is quick and fierce as all rational thoughts exit my brain and instead, cold, calculating anger takes over.

  “They took my mate. Scared her and could have severely damaged her, physically and psychologically. I demand their punishment!” Jo-Anne is hanging on my body now, moving her entire length up against mine.

  “And what punishment would you demand, Remus? Imprisonment? Physical whipping? What is it you feel they deserve?”

  I deflate as Jo-Anne’s voice cuts through the haze of anger. “Remus, they’re mostly curious. Really, they were quite nice for the most part. See that one over there?” She points to the tall, dark male with wings she had her hand pressed to. My anger flares again, faster, brighter, and even hotter than before as I stare at him with hate.

  “Yeah, he saw us at the construction site, and they’d never seen a human female—I think? Well, anyway, it doesn’t matter. The point is, they wanted to know more about us and stuff. Just curious. No harm done.” As she winds down, her voice gets softer, and I realize I’ve turned her away and dragged her to the other side of the barrier. She won’t leave me here, right?

  A part of me wonders what’s wrong with me, but the other part want to pummel the flying male into the rocks beneath his feet. I’ve never been a violent male in any way. I’m known for my controlled, patient ways. What’s wrong with me?

  “It’s the mating hormones. Part of the mating issue your forefathers and ancient mothers were so sure needed to be bred out of your species. It makes you strong—and violent. Fierce protectors, but not the best thinkers. Hence, your females wanted it to end. They felt that ending the loss of control—always coupled with the uncomfortable sensation of separation—would make everyone more pleasant to be with.”

  My eyes widen as his words sink in. It’s all making a lot more sense now. A part of me wants to rage, kill someone, and then carry off Jo-Anne to somewhere… somewhere where no one will ever find her. Somewhere safe where no one will bother us for days… or ever.

  “So, now maybe you can understand the appeal of losing the mating bond?”

  Looking down at Jo-Anne, I think about my celibate and lonely life before she entered it. “Never.”

  Jo-Anne’s smile beams brightly at me, and I could swear it lights up this entire space. My world definitely brightens when she’s in it. Wrapping my arms around her, I look out at the others who’ve moved closer to the enclosure I’m contained in.

  “Never?” Gilips sarcastic
voice is skeptical, and my eyes swing to where he’s standing. With his hands on his hips, I can read the disbelief in every line of his body. He just doesn’t understand.

  “Definitely never,” I declare to them all. “Even the native population of this dimension is curious about my Jo-Anne. She’s totally irresistible.”

  Jo-Anne smacks me in the side then winces. Grabbing her hand, I bring it to my lips as she turns to Ted. “How long is he going to be like this? I mean, yeah… it’s kind of hot, but he was already really big. Now he’s even bigger and way harder.” When I release her hand I’ve kissed, she runs her hand over my face.

  “I can’t even get the skin to flex on his cheeks.” When she turns back to Ted, I bring a questioning hand up to my own face. It feels pretty normal to me.

  “It could be up to a day before all his senses return to normal. His skin and anger will taper off, but he may never lose the size.”

  What are they talking about?

  “I think it’s probably fine to let him out of there.” Travek steps closer to the barrier, looking at me seriously before turning back to Ted. “Seriously.” Glancing at me again, he waits for confirmation. “Right?”

  “Look at the Stewards, Remus.”

  Without much thought, I look over at the male who stole my female from me. Anger surges immediately, but I get what he’s trying to do. It’s a test. Just knowing and realizing that it’s to gauge my reaction is a big step forward.

  Gritting my teeth, I tamp down the rage bubbling through my system and turn my gaze to Jo-Anne. Without thinking, I pick her up and she immediately wraps her arms and legs around me, blocking my view of the others. Supporting her ass in my hands, I squeeze the globes as I concentrate on her face… and ass… and her warm, tight, wet cunt.

  “Okay. He’s fine.” Sol’s dry observation is met with laughs from Travek and Gilip.

  I don’t even look up and instead concentrate on Jo-Anne as she presses her chest and lips to me. I’m surrounded by her. Her scent and soft warmth calm me, drawing me back to her and her alone.

  There isn’t anything else I want. Not revenge and definitely not to rage.


  - Jo-Anne

  I’m sure Remus and I totally disgusted everyone with our very public display of affection. I don’t know what it is that makes him so irresistible that I just can’t say no. Or pull away. But honestly, I just can’t.

  The other thing that I love about the Greys—or Ashen as everyone here calls them, is how quickly we travel from one spot to another. This was the first place they came looking for me with their transporter beam. I still can’t help thinking about it like Star Trek. “Beam me up, Scotty!” runs through my head every time we go somewhere.

  Remus and I didn’t even talk to anyone again after their little test. While we were making out, everyone else acted like they wanted to throw up. So, they went ahead and beamed us home.

  I think maybe Ted said something to us, but honestly, I don’t remember. For the first time during the transportation beam, instead of the daunting dismay of knowing it’s an abduction, I feel safe.

  And it went fast! Bright light, tingling, and bam—back in our yard.

  With a low growl of frustration, Remus turns with me still in his arms and only lets go of me briefly to touch the panel next to the slider and gain access to our room. It’s strange to see everything look the same as when I left. Clothes are strewn on the bed and drawers hanging open though.

  “What happened here?” As I ask, Remus lowers me down on the bed, keeping me caged between his arms. Shifting his weight onto me, he rubs his very hard erection against my pink bathing suit bottoms.

  Instantly, I don’t care. All I can think about is getting him inside me. A ripping sound and a slight tug makes me realize that Remus has exactly the same plan.

  His hair is a curtain of wild, undulating masses around us, so I don’t even see my bottoms go flying off somewhere. Warm hands, familiar and purposeful, run down my sides before spreading my legs wide. I don’t have time to complain about his detour. The firm press of his lips is followed quickly by the flicking penetration of his tongue.

  Running his lips over my folds, he opens my sex to his probing. He tastes me like no one else has before. Questing and exploratory, his fervent moans add to my pleasure as he laps and growls.

  All I can do is grasp the bedding beneath me and submit to his ravaging. My body quivers and tightens even as warm, slick wetness seeps from me. My pussy tightens and clenches, wanting more from him. I need his cock!

  Attacking me hungrily, Remus laps at me with enthusiasm before latching onto my clit and sucking. Instead of a gentle exploration, he’s moved into a fervent movement that has my insides churning desperately for more. Tilting my hips, I give him the angle we both need right now.

  Grasping his hair, I try to lift my head, but all I see is his face buried between my legs. His eyes are closed as he savors me, lapping and sucking as he continues to growl and devour me. Tugging on the strands I’ve manage to capture of his hair, I pull them like reins.

  “Please, Remus.” His eyes flicker to mine as his face lifts, slick with my juices.

  “Tell me, Jo-Anne.” His breath flits across my abandoned clit, and I arch under him. I want him to stop and fuck me. I feel what he wants though. He’s going to make me say it.

  “Fuck me! I need you inside me.” His eyes widen at my words, but his head lowers. I watch his tongue skate out for one more lick.

  Then his teeth lightly skim me as his lips curl into a smile. I almost come right then as my body arches and twitches beneath him. Fingers sink inside me, exploring and rubbing while he lifts his body and centers himself over me. As quick as they penetrated me, his fingers are gone and cool air touches the heated skin between my legs before I feel the press of his erection against me.

  Gasping, I look down and see he’s released his uniform down the front, and I have a perfect view down his chest where his mating marks colors are going wild. Red, pink, orange, and a deep purple shift together wildly. Probably reflecting his excitement.

  When I see how big and hard he appears pressing between my legs, I can’t help but worry. It’s huge! Definitely bigger than before, but that makes sense that it’s a proportional growth.

  I’m not stopping. The key is to relax—and lube. Reaching down between us, I grasp his length and pull him up slightly to rub my own liquid excitement around us both.

  “Please, Jo-Anne.” Remus pants above me, looking down between us as I slowly rub the silky head against myself. “Don’t tease. We can talk later, but right now, I just need to be inside you.”

  “I feel the same,” I breathe out before wiggling myself into place on his length. Grabbing his hips, I look up at his grimacing face where he’s fighting for control above me. “Take me.”

  Pulling him forward, I feel the tight stretch as he breaches me. Instead of hurting as I’m prepared for, it’s the most erotic and stimulating experience ever. As he pushes deeper, my eyes roll back into my head from the pleasure.

  He doesn’t stop, instead thrusting further until he’s impaled me so thoroughly, he has no other choice but to rock against me. Immediately, I topple over the edge. Even though I was telling myself to relax so he could penetrate me, I tighten. Milking his length, while pleasure explodes through my body as I begin to come.

  I hear him roar above me as I come, joining my own wail of pleasure with his satisfied sounds of ecstasy. He continues to rock, extending my orgasm as he twitches and shoots deep inside me. I feel every high pressure release as he groans in pleasure. It’s almost too much as he winds down.

  As if sensing my need for a breather, he freezes, buried deep inside me. I can feel myself continue to squeeze him involuntarily, but he peers down on me with a huge smile.

  “I feel better now.” His lips crash down on mine, and he opens his mouth to share our joint pleasure. I never thought I would like something like that, but tasting myself on h
im makes me moan and clench around his cock still buried inside me.

  His answering moan is joined by his probing tongue as we plunder each other's mouths. The slick slide of tongues dancing makes me arch beneath him to rub my clit along the top of him. Grinding against him, I’m sad when he pulls away. I feel so close again already.

  “Are you ready to talk about what happened?” It takes me a moment to realize what he’s talking about. I blink at him stupidly for a moment before letting out a groan.

  “I guess. There isn’t much to talk about,” I continue quickly. I don’t want him to get any ideas. “Nothing happened. Like sexually, you know?”

  He looks calmer at that statement than I thought he’d be, but he just nods knowingly. “I could tell. I’m relieved… for both of us.”

  I cock my head at an angle on the bed to look at him confused. “What do you mean you could tell?”

  “When I tasted you. All I tasted was you and me.” I’m startled speechless. I’d no idea he was able to tell something like that.

  “Is that normal to have such a great sense of taste and smell like that?” Taking a deep breath, I don’t smell anything different about either one of us. I mean, yeah, I definitely think Remus smells great.

  Sliding my hand over his velvety chest, I watch the fine hairs chase my fingers just like the hair on his head does with me constantly. Reaching for me, they catch the dim lights in the room.

  Lifting up, I run my nose along his collar bone. He smells great. Not like sweat or anything.

  “As far as I know. I think I’m more in tune with you than anyone else though. When I realized you were missing, I could follow your scent to the yard of the other dwelling where they took you.” His face darkens, and I realize maybe we shouldn’t be talking about this already. He still needs to calm down from the rage he went into earlier.


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