Mechanical Love

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Mechanical Love Page 1

by Emrys Apollo



  “I've got a date tonight,” Ellis said, a robot serving them both coffee as Ellis waited for Gary to say something.

  Cade wandered past, a cruel grin on his face as he stopped behind Gary. “You're asking the wrong guy for advice.” Cade laughed, shoving Gary as though he was in on the joke, rather than the butt of it.

  Gary rolled his eyes, and Ellis scowled at Cade, which at least got him to leave, although it wouldn't be the last of it. They were both up for the same promotion, the fight to see who would be team leader, and it had started to get out of hand. Gary was just glad that he didn't work in the same department as them anymore.

  “Just ignore him,” Ellis said, but Gary was blushing, and he knew that was what Cade had wanted. To embarrass him.

  Gary had never understood why other people cared if he was a virgin or not, it was no-one's business but his own, although it hadn't stopped it gnawing away at him recently, wondering if he should just get it over with.

  He managed to get through the rest of the day with only a few sniggers from his colleagues, but on the walk home an advertising robot malfunctioned, spewing flyers all over him, just to make sure that his humiliation for the day was complete.

  When he finally got home he saw that one of the flyers had caught in his rucksack, an ad for sexbots, and Gary screwed it up, tossing it in the bin as his cheeks burned. The universe was being a dick today.


  Gary ate his dinner alone, wondering how Ellis' date was going, although the fact that he hadn't heard from him yet suggested that it had gone well. He felt a little jealous, not of whoever Ellis was dating, Gary hadn't met her, but of the idea of having someone to date. It wasn't about the sex, although that seemed to be the elephant in the room.

  Maybe I should just get it all over with. Get it out the way and then I can focus on a relationship, something long term.

  Gary put his fork down, wandering over to the bin where he'd tossed away the flyer, and he smoothed it out, typing the number into his phone before deciding what he should put in the message.

  Are you free tonight?

  Does 9 p.m. work for you?


  See you then sexy

  Gary laughed at the message, he wasn't sure what he was expecting from a sexbot, usually he saw them hanging around street corners, waiting for people to take them home, but then he got a text with an address.

  Classy part of town , Gary thought, and with that he was grabbing his coat and heading out into the cool evening air, glad that the stifling heat of the last few days had finally subsided.


  There was a knocker on the door and Gary felt his stomach churn as the knocks echoed around him. He considered going home, but then the door opened.

  A short, blond sexbot stared up at him, their big blue eyes perfectly framed by the eyelashes that they were batting at him.

  “I'm sorry, I think I should go.” Gary's cheeks were burning, and yet he felt guilty for wasting the sexbot's time.

  “It's okay.” The sexbot reached out to take Gary's hand, and it felt strangely comforting. “At least stay for a cup of tea.”

  Gary followed them into the flat, wondering why he was doing this, but the thought of going home to an empty flat made this the lesser of evils.

  It was a small but spacious studio apartment, and Gary noticed that there were paints and paint brushes scattered around, as well as an easel with a cloth draped over it. The place looked like a human lived there, perfectly staged to reassure clients no doubt.

  “I'm Matthew.” His voice was soft and breathless, perfectly programmed to be both gentle and sexy at the same time. He gestured to the sofa, and Gary took a seat.

  “Gary. Gareth, but my friends call me Gary.” He was glad that Matthew wasn't looking at him, it would have made it worse.

  Matthew made the tea, pausing only to ask Gary how he took it, and by the time he sat down next to Gary on the sofa, he had managed to get rid of the blush on his cheeks.

  They sat in silence, both sipping at their tea, but it wasn't awkward. It was nice just to have the company.

  “You look so human.” Gary reached out to touch Matthew's wrist, stroking the soft downy hairs as Matthew giggled, twitching as though he was ticklish.

  “That's the aim.” Matthew winked at him and Gary blushed again, sipping at his tea to hide his embarrassment.

  “Can I see your circuitry?” Gary was trying to see if there was any sign that he wasn't human, but he looked like an ordinary guy. If it wasn't for the fact that Matthew had told him he was a robot, he would never have known.

  “No, it's sealed away under all this synthetic skin.” Matthew pinched himself, a red mark welling up where his fingers had nipped the skin, but Gary still looked confused. “Sorry, just curious.” Gary slid back in his seat, giving Matthew some room, he didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable. Although, was he even programmed to feel that?

  “It's okay.” Matthew smiled, and Gary shook his head, not sure what to say. “So what brought you here this evening?”

  Gary took a deep breath, the blush returning to his cheeks, and he figured who better to tell his problems to than a sexbot. “Some of my colleagues keep teasing me about being a virgin, and I thought if I just got it over with I could stop worrying about it and actually find a date. So, here I am.”

  Matthew reached out to hold his hand, and he looked into Gary's eyes. “You know there's no rush, when it's right you'll know it, and the other person won't care if you have experience or not. All that will matter is that they want to share the experience with you.”

  Gary nodded his head, there wasn't much to say to that. Matthew was right, and he'd been so hung up on the idea of having sex, getting it over with, that he had failed to realize that the other person mattered more.

  Matthew's phone buzzed and he raised his eyebrows at whatever the message was. Gary knew that it was time to go, that he'd taken up enough of Matthew's time, and he got out his wallet, but Matthew waggled his finger at him.

  “I'm not taking your money.” Matthew watched as he put his wallet away, smile on his face. “Tea and a chat isn't something I charge for.” He let out a little laugh and Gary nodded, heading towards the door.

  “Thank you.”

  “You're welcome.” Matthew gave him a kiss on the cheek, and Gary smiled, finally feeling at ease with himself again. “Good night, Gary.”

  “Good night, Matthew.”

  The door shut behind him, and he walked home with a smile on his face. Gary slept better than he had in months, and he was glad that he had managed to put all of his worries behind him.


  There were still the jokes in the office, but Gary didn't care anymore, he just told people that he was waiting for the right person, and most of them seemed to accept that.

  “Have you signed up yet?” Ellis had been trying to convince him to sign up with the dating app for bisexuals that he used, but Gary wasn't sure it was for him. The idea of trying to make small talk with a stranger had his palms feeling sweaty, and it had put him off even filling in the registration form.

  He wanted someone who was easy to talk to, easy to be around, and he was happy waiting until he found them.

  “No, not yet.” Gary fidgeted with his phone, he knew Ellis meant well but he just wanted to drop the subject.

  “You should try it, what's the worst that could happen?” Ellis shrugged as a robot came round to pour the coffee, and Gary thanked them, as Ellis gave him a funny look.

  “I'll think about it,” Gary said, glancing at his watch, glad that he had a meeting soon, so that he could escape the conversation.


  The meeting had been
in a stuffy room with no air conditioning as the temperatures outside were over thirty degrees. He'd got out to find that his car had turned into an oven on wheels, and by the time that he got home sweat was pouring out of him.

  Gary left his clothes in a pile, not caring about the mess, and headed straight for the shower, turning it on to its coldest setting as he stepped in. The cool water was blissful against his warm skin and he groaned out loud, letting the water wash away the worries of the day, clearing his mind and calming his restless soul.

  His cock was standing to attention, it was his usual routine, save him having to clean up the mess. He wrapped his ice-cold hand around his cock, stroking away, his free hand resting on the cool tiles as he felt his muscles spasm. All he could think of was the soft accent that had made him feel at ease, made him feel comfortable, and he imagined that it was Matthew's soft hands stroking him, praising him with his breathless voice that could make anything sound filthy.

  His forehead was resting against the shower wall as a spectacular orgasm washed over him, his knees were weak and the moans of pleasure were muffled by the water splashing over him. Warm come spilled over his hand, he couldn't remember the last time he felt that good, and he knew that with Matthew it would feel even better.

  Gary avoided looking at his reflection as he got out of the shower, he should be ashamed of himself, and yet it had felt so good.


  Friday took its time coming around. Gary felt exhausted by the week and the heat wasn't helping at all. He'd gone out for drinks after work, but Ellis had been asking him about the dating app, so he'd made excuses and left.

  Which meant that he was now sitting alone, wondering what to do with his evening, and if it would just be easier to sign up for the app to get Ellis to stop bothering him about it.

  But he didn't want to meet anyone new. He wanted the one person that had been on his mind all week.

  He wanted Matthew.


  Gary had tried to put off texting Matthew for as long as possible, but in the end he sent him a message, not sure when, or if, he'd get a response.

  Are you free tonight? Gary

  Not until 1 a.m.

  I'll see you then

  I can't wait


  Gary was glad that it was cooler this evening, there was the smell of ozone in the air, a thunderstorm was due. He wondered what he should wear, before smiling to himself when he realized that whatever he wore was probably going to end up on the floor by the end of the night.

  In the end he picked things that were easy to take off, a checked shirt and a pair of jeans that weren't skinny jeans. He admired his reflection and he stepped out into the cool evening air, the rumble of thunder in the distance, and he was glad that he was driving.

  The rain came on as he arrived at Matthew's place, and he scurried into the hallway as the skies opened, the sound of the water falling calming him.

  He held his breath as he knocked on the door, waiting for him to answer, and when he saw that smile he felt his heart race.

  “Hi,” Gary said, not sure what else to say, surely Matthew knew why he was here.

  “Hi.” Matthew stood back and Gary wandered in, staring at Matthew with anticipation. “Do you want to talk?”

  Gary shook his head, his lips compressed as Matthew held out his hand, leading him to the bed. He slipped his shoes off as he sat at the end of the bed, Matthew sitting next to him, resting his hand on his knee.

  “I'll be gentle with you,” Matthew whispered, and Gary let out a little gasp, his warm breath arousing as Matthew kissed at his earlobe.

  His chapped lips felt rough against his own, but it felt so real, one of the many things that made him seem more human, like the mole on his nostril. There was no reason for it, and yet there it was, perfect in its imperfection.

  Gary deepened the kiss, and Matthew ran his fingers through his hair, resting his hand on the back of his head as his tongue teased at his lips, a hint of chocolate that sent a rush through his body. Matthew was unbuttoning his shirt as they kissed, clumsily fumbling with some of them and it put Gary at ease, reassured him that he wasn't the only one who was nervous.

  He followed Matthew's lead, shuffling along the bed until he was lying out, Matthew next to him and he went in for another kiss, more frantic this time as Matthew straddled him, his soft skin brushing against his hairy chest as the crackle of static sent shivers down his spine.

  Matthew threw off his t-shirt, revealing a large tattoo, an angel with their wings stretched wide, spanning his shoulders, and Gary gasped, reaching out to trail his fingers over the dark inked lines, fascinated by how intricate it was and how vividly it stood out on Matthew's pale skin. Gary sat up so that he could kiss along the tattoo, his arms wrapped around Matthew as he sucked on his nipples, his moans echoing around the flat, reassuring Gary that he was doing the right thing.

  He slowly lay back on the bed, Matthew moving with him so that their lips met. Matthew's lips felt like heaven pressed against his own, and Gary arched his hips, seeking out more as Matthew broke the kiss, nuzzling at the side of his face as Gary caught his breath, trailing his hands down the curve of Matthew's spine, goose bumps appearing as the rain crashed against the window, a flash of lighting casting a brief shadow on the wall of their bodies tangled together.

  Matthew kissed his way down Gary's chest, his big blue eyes staring up at him as he licked and nipped, making sure every inch of skin was worshipped as he made his way down to the waistband of his jeans. Gary held his breath as Matthew's fingers teased at the button, and Matthew stroked his abs.

  “Breathe,” he said, moving his hands up and down in time with Gary's deep breaths, and Gary felt all the apprehension fade away, replaced by sheer need.

  Gary reached out for Matthew, and he crawled up, nipping at Gary's lips as his hands unzipped his jeans, sliding inside so that he could feel at the bulge in Gary's jeans, smiling as Gary let out a low moan.

  “Hard already? Have you been waiting for this?” Matthew's breathless voice had Gary biting his lip, he had never wanted anything as much as he wanted Matthew right now.

  Gary ran his fingers through Matthew's hair, still soft even though it was perfectly sculpted, and Matthew looked up at him, grinning as he slinked off the edge of the bed, so graceful and effortless. Matthew inched his jeans down, making sure that Gary was watching as he revealed more and more of his soft pale skin, waiting until Gary was biting his lip in anticipation before sliding down his boxers, letting his cock spring free.

  It wasn't as intimidating as Gary imagined, average in size, although he was sure that Matthew would know exactly what to do with it to have him screaming in pleasure. Matthew helped Gary wriggle out of his jeans, he wasn't as graceful as Matthew, but the smile never left his face, and Matthew's grin when he saw the size of his cock stroked his ego.

  Gary reached down to stroke his cock, but Matthew batted his hand away. “Impatient, aren't we?” Matthew's grin got wider, and Gary was sure that his face would split if it got any bigger. He crawled back on to the bed so that he was straddling Gary, pausing only to kiss each nipple, his bright blue eyes staring at him the whole time, making sure that he was enjoying it.

  Matthew positioned himself so that their cocks were touching as he went in for another kiss, backing off every time that Gary tried to deepen the kiss, licking at his lips as he reached down to wrap his hand around their cocks.

  Gary groaned out loud, it was a rush having someone else's hand stroking him, the feeling of Matthew's warm cock pressed against his own, pre-come leaking and slicking them up. He reached up to hold onto Matthew's shoulders, digging his fingernails in as he felt his balls tighten, the warmth spreading as his muscles twitched. His toes curled and he knew that he was close.

  “Oh god, I'm going to come.” Gary gasped, and Matthew muffled his moans with his mouth, his thumb playing with the tip as Gary shuddered in orgasm, Matthew's cock twitching against his and prolonging the f
eeling of bliss.

  Gary lay gasping and breathless, his eyes shut so that he could focus only on the feeling of adrenaline surging through his veins, every touch of Matthew's soft skin against his own felt like another climax and he ended up limp in Matthew's arms.

  “Feel good?” Even though Gary couldn't see him he could hear the cheeky grin, and he hoped that he had an equally large grin on his face.

  “So good.” Gary forced his eyes open, and Matthew's beautiful eyes were looking back at him. “Thank you.”

  Matthew kissed him on the cheek, and held him while his body relaxed. He seemed to know that after such a spectacular orgasm all Gary needed was a hug.

  Gary stretched and yawned, and Matthew gave him a little bit of space, moving so that he was no longer draped over him. The way that Matthew stroked his chest hair made him feel calm but he knew that his time must be up soon.

  “I should be going,” Gary said, and Matthew nodded, wandering off to get a cloth to clean Gary up. He felt a little sad to be leaving Matthew, but he knew that he would remember this night for the rest of his life, and that was exactly what he needed.

  Gary left the money on the bedside table, handing it over to Matthew made it seem untoward, and he wanted to remember the night just the way it was.

  He pulled on his clothes as Matthew watched, dragging his eyes over him. Gary could have sworn that he saw a hint of sadness cross his face, but he was sure that he was just projecting it on to him.

  “Thank you,” Gary said, leaning in for one last kiss.

  “Anytime.” Matthew winked at him, hanging around at the door until Gary had left the building, and Gary drove home with the biggest grin on his face, the taste of Matthew still on his lips as he ran his tongue over them.

  That is one hell of a way to lose your virginity.


  Ellis was sitting on the sofa in Gary's flat, watching over him as he scrolled through his phone, looking at potential dates.

  “What about her?” Ellis took Gary's phone and he had to wrestle it back out of Ellis' hand. “She's cute.”


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