Huntress Clan Saga Complete Series Boxed Set: Books 1-6

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Huntress Clan Saga Complete Series Boxed Set: Books 1-6 Page 40

by Jamie Davis

  It is my hope that each of us finds the family that best supports us. For some it will be the family as defined by blood. For others, like Quinn, it will be a family defined by choices we’ve made. In either case, having the right family around us helps us all become the best we can be. I urge you to seek out the best family for you, either related by blood or among your circle of friends. You never know when you’ll need them.

  Until next time, Peace.

  Huntress Cadet

  Huntress Clan Saga™ Book 3

  Chapter One

  Quinn sat at the high-top table, scanning the crowded nightclub for vampires. After weeks of random night patrols around Baltimore and its suburbs, Clark had brought them to this club in Glen Burnie just south of the city. The electronic dance music pulsed through the crowded space as the DJ executed smooth transitions from one song to the next.

  The huntress picked up her glass of cranberry juice and soda on the rocks, sipped the non-alcoholic cocktail, and peered through the flashing lights of the darkened club to try to pick out her mentor from among the crowd. He should’ve been easy to spot. A guy his age didn’t fit in with the twenty-something crowd filling the bustling dance floor and clustered around the bar.

  She wouldn’t have been allowed entry into the twenty-one-and-up club since she was only eighteen, but Clark knew the bouncer. The guy at the door barely glanced at her and didn’t request ID when she passed by. He merely nodded at Clark and turned to the next person in line.

  When she couldn’t find Clark, Quinn decided he’d shifted into the shadows, using the hunter magic in his amulet to hide from all but the most exhaustive and magically enhanced searches. The dark club, with its shadowy nooks and corners, was the best environment in which to use that skill.

  Her hand drifted up to her chest, touching the spot between her breasts where her amulet should have been. Or at least, where it would have been if she hadn’t melted it into a lump of slag almost three months before. It had been necessary to save herself and most of the others from certain death. She had been unable to stop vampire lord John Handon from killing a member of her new clan. She had missed Miranda and her abilities with magic and spellcraft ever since.

  Quinn’s fingertips traced the fabric of her black t-shirt above the scar that was a reminder of that night and her losses. The injury bore the imprint of the amulet. It stood out like a brand, the image of a tree on her chest. The melted charm was in a drawer in their hideout, nothing but a useless lump of silver on a chain.

  “Are you paying attention?”

  Quinn jumped at Clark’s voice in her ear, startled from her drifting thoughts back to the present. Her head snapped around, her left hand reaching reflexively for the Bowie knife slung under her right arm, hidden beneath her leather jacket.

  “Dammit, Clark! Stop sneaking up on me.”

  “I wouldn’t be able to if you were paying attention. You can see through my illusion if you try hard enough.”

  The grizzled fortyish hunter turned away from her and stared at the crowded dance floor. “Have you spotted them yet? There are two of them, a man and a woman. They’ll be working in tandem to separate someone from the crowd so they can attack.”

  Quinn searched the crowd with renewed interest. “You’re sure they’re here? I know you said the disappearances around this area trace back to this club, but I haven’t seen anything.”

  “Try using that tracking thing you do. Maybe that’ll help us spot them. I’m surprised you haven’t done that already.”

  Quinn groaned. The loss of the amulet hadn’t meant the loss of her magical huntress abilities. What it had done was make accessing them difficult and spotty, and even reaching for the magic caused headaches. It was as if the destroyed amulet had provided a conduit that protected her from all those side effects.

  However, the huntress realized someone’s life was potentially on the line, and she shifted her mind to access the heads-up display her brain could show her. As she scanned the club’s patrons, she concentrated on activating the tracking ability she’d gained from her time inside the magically enhanced VR training simulator that had gotten her into all of this.

  Her HUD popped into view, although it was dim and flickering. A dull, throbbing ache started at the base of her skull.

  Ignoring the pain, Quinn selected the tracking skill from the menu inside her head, and a faint overlay fell into place over the crowd. Now all the people had a sort of lime green outline around them, with the other colors muted. All the people, that is, except for the two now outlined in pale red amidst the gyrating dancers.

  “I see them,” Quinn said, squinting to see them well enough to describe them to Clark. “Uh, it’s the black-haired woman in the leather pants and silver blouse and the guy in the jeans with a gray sport coat. They’re in the middle of the dance floor right now.”

  Clark nodded. “Good, I was hoping you’d still be able to do that.”

  “You mean, without my amulet?”

  “I’ve told you before, Quinn. A hunter’s amulet is only an assistant for using magic. The power comes from within. The charm has some inherent protections, but the rest is all you.”

  Quinn resisted the urge to snap at him. He had told her this before. He thought that since she’d grown up with the amulet from early childhood, she’d come to rely on it too much. The amulet had been left with Quinn when her parents abandoned her as a baby. She’d discovered early on that she could sense certain dangers around her. She had accessed the simple protections carried by the amulet, even though she had none of the proper training. Clark believed that accounted for her challenges in accessing her power now, without the charm.

  Changing the subject, Quinn kept her eyes on the vamps and asked, “How do you want to do this? Should we attack them here or wait until they leave and try to catch them outside?”

  The pair of vampires was dancing with a trio of young women, although Quinn could see they were focusing their attention on one of them. Of the three potential victims, the tall blonde was the most intoxicated of the group. She stumbled, bumping into the others as she danced.

  “We need to get them alone so we can question them. They can tell us where Handon has gone to ground,” Clark said, “That these two are out and hunting makes me believe they’re part of his coven.”

  Quinn and Clark had been searching for the whereabouts of the powerful vampire lord ever since they’d forced him to flee. Clark had inquired among the peaceful members of the mystical community living in and around Baltimore, including a few vampire families who now fed only on animal blood. The vamps he’d met with were noticeably uncomfortable talking to the two of them. They all claimed to know nothing about Handon or his rogue vampire followers. It was apparent he had them all scared.

  “What makes you so sure these two are working with Handon?” Quinn asked. “They could just be a couple of transients passing through.”

  Clark shook his head. “From what I hear from my police contact, the disappearances in the area have been going on for some time—perhaps several months. That fits within our time frame since that’s when Handon went to ground. Also, no transient would be that careless, sticking to one location for so long, unless they had protection from the local vampire community.”

  Quinn watched the pair, growing more concerned as the male vamp separated the blonde from her two friends and started helping her toward the exit. The female vampire excused herself from the others and fell in on the girl’s other side.

  “They’re taking her, Clark. We need to get to them before they get her outside.”

  “They won’t get far with her. They’re probably just taking her to the alley behind the club.” Clark pointed to an emergency exit nearby. “We can go out this door and meet them in the parking lot.”

  Quinn shook her head. “We don’t know that’s where they’re going. I’m going after them before it’s too late,” she said. She stood up, avoiding Clark’s hand as he tried to hold her back.

  Using her natural huntress speed and agility, Quinn ran through the crowded dance floor weaving through the gyrating patrons with ease. As she neared the front entrance, Quinn accessed her stamina. A green bar appeared in front of her, as if she were inside a VR game.

  Ignoring the headache that continued to throb in the background, Quinn drew upon the stamina bar and supplemented her strength and speed. She’d need it as soon as she caught up to the pair of vampires. About a quarter of the green stamina bar drained, turning faint yellow-green.

  The surge of energy filled her muscles, and Quinn burst through the club’s front doors, scanning the sidewalk and street for her quarry. She spotted them not too far away, pushing the hapless woman into a green hatchback parked on the street in front of the club. Good thing she hadn’t gone with Clark to the rear parking lot.

  Rushing forward, Quinn grabbed for the nearest of the two vampires, the male. He appeared to be in his twenties, with shoulder-length brown hair.

  He spun on her, saying, “Hey, what are you doing? We’re helping our friend here get home.”

  “You’re not fooling anyone, vamp.” Quinn’s Bowie flashed in the streetlights as she pulled the blade out from under her jacket and brandished it at the undead pair.

  The black-haired woman stood, having finished pushing the drunk woman into their car. “You’re her, aren’t you? The one who thinks she can resurrect the dead hunter clans all by herself.”

  Quinn smiled. A part of her was proud they’d heard of her. If the word was getting around, it might mean they’d back down and let her have the girl without a fight.

  “I’m Quinn Faust, if that’s what you mean, and I’m a huntress. I’d rather not have to kill you both. All I want is the woman’s release and information,” she replied.

  The man laughed, his fangs showing. “Oh, is that all?” he jeered. He glanced at his partner. “Well, then, Karla, maybe we should let our dinner go.”

  “Hell, no!” Karla said. She glared at Quinn. “We could grab some huntress for dessert, though.”

  Before Quinn could answer, the black-haired woman sprang at her, her extended hands reaching for Quinn’s neck.

  Glad she’d thought to charge up before coming outside, Quinn dodged to the left, barely avoiding the talon-like fingernails.

  The move avoided the woman but brought her closer to the male. It felt like a steel clamp latched onto her upper arm, and it yanked to pull her off-balance. The male vamp leaned forward, mouth open and fangs bared to sink into her now-exposed neck.

  Quinn knew she couldn’t avoid him, so she used the momentum to her benefit. She twisted her arm in the vampire’s grip and swung her elbow up and around to smash it into the guy’s mouth. The powerful blow connected with shattering force, and blood and tooth fragments flew from his mouth.

  He went to one knee with a cry of pain, letting go of Quinn to clutch his ruined mouth and jaw.

  Quinn didn’t wait for him to recover; she slashed at his neck with her Bowie knife. She either had to pierce his heart with the blessed silver-alloy blade or sever his head. The neck was the only option within reach of her knife, and she’d only half-connected.

  The blade slid part of the way into the vampire’s neck before coming free without completing the cut and decapitating him. The anguished gurgling shout indicated she’d done some damage, but he’d heal in no time if she didn’t finish him off.

  Quinn couldn’t do that because the vampire’s partner had other plans.

  The one named Karla dove in, catching Quinn behind her knees. The huntress’s legs buckled under the surprise attack, and she went down on the pavement with the female vampire on top of her.

  Quinn rolled onto her back and brought up her free hand, catching the woman’s neck as she bent forward to bite down on Quinn’s shoulder. At the same time, the vamp’s talons raked her abdomen.

  Flashes of burning pain from her injured belly threatened to overwhelm her as the razor-sharp fingernails dug deep into skin and muscle. Quinn forced herself to focus, drawing on her stamina again to increase her strength and agility even more.

  Her knife came around in an arc. Before the raven-haired vampire could stop her, Quinn drove it into her side. She twisted the blade as it slid between the ribs, seeking to push it home into the vampire’s undead heart.

  Quinn knew she’d struck home when the woman atop her stiffened and let out a gasping cry before slumping to one side.

  Shoving the dead vampire off of her, Quinn rolled to her feet. She ignored the pain in her wounded belly to focus on the male vampire. He’d dragged himself into the driver’s seat of the green hatchback and fumbled with his keys to start the car. The near-decapitation twisted his head at a funny angle, making it hard for him to see what he was doing.

  Quinn darted forward, snatched the keys from him, and jammed her knee into his ribs as she pinned him against the car’s front seat. She grabbed a handful of his greasy brown hair and yanked his head to one side. She held the shining silver alloy knife blade where he could see it.

  “Stop struggling, or I’ll finish the job and cut your freaking head off.”

  The man went still, his eyes wide. His voice was gruff and strained from the injury to his neck and the destruction she’d wrought on his mouth. “Wh-what do you want?” he asked thickly.

  “A little information, and maybe I’ll let you leave with your life.”

  “What do you want to know? I don’t think I know anything you’d want. Take the girl and let me go.”

  “Oh, the girl is coming with me either way. The only thing up in the air right now is whether I kill you. Well, that and how much pain I can cause you if you don’t answer.”

  “Okay. Ask me what you want.”

  “Where’s Handon hiding? We know he’s still around running things here in Baltimore.”

  The vampire’s eyes widened for an instant, then he tried to shake his head. It wasn’t very effective, given that his neck muscles had been severed on one side. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Who’s Handon?”

  “Wrong answer,” Quinn replied. She pressed the tip of her knife against the guy’s chest and he shrieked.

  “Help, help! Please don’t kill me.”

  “Hush, no one is going to rescue you, and my partner should be here any minute. Believe me, you don’t want him to take over. He’ll do things I would never think of.”

  Clark spoke from behind her. “That I will.”

  Quinn avoided jumping in surprise at his silent arrival. “I was right. They weren’t heading for the parking lot out back.”

  “Yes, you were right, but this isn’t the time to gloat. Someone’s bound to come out of the club any second. We need to wrap this up and get these bodies out of sight.”

  Quinn glanced at the female vampire lying on the sidewalk. The woman’s sightless eyes stared at the night sky. “What do you suggest?”

  “Slide him over to the passenger seat. We’ll put the girl they were after on the sidewalk and replace her with the woman’s body. She’s passed out. They must’ve drugged her drink.”

  “You think she’ll be safe, passed out on the sidewalk?”

  Clark nodded. “Safer than she was five minutes ago.”

  Quinn nodded and pushed the vampire in the driver’s seat. “Slide over. We’re taking you somewhere to finish our talk.”

  “You promised not to kill me. Just let me go. I don’t know anything. I swear I don’t know this guy you’re after.”

  Clark’s fist flashed past Quinn to smash into the vampire’s face.

  The guy’s head snapped back, and his eyes rolled up in his head. He slumped, unconscious.

  “Get him into the passenger seat and then help me get the blonde out of the back.”

  Quinn wrestled the man’s limp form over the center console. By the time she was finished, Clark had pulled the unconscious girl out of the back seat and laid her on the sidewalk.

  He lifted the dead vampire’s body from the sidewalk. Qu
inn came over and took her legs to help him shove her into the back seat.

  “You drive,” Clark said. “I’ll get my car, then you can follow me back to our place.”

  “We’re going all the way back there?” Quinn asked. “Don’t you think that’s risky? What if he figures out where we’ve taken him and gets away?”

  “We’re not going to let him get away. He made his choice by trying to take this woman against her will. There’s only one penalty for that in my book. Get the car started and wait for me to pull out.”

  Quinn nodded and climbed into the car. They’d been lucky no one had come out while the brief but violent fight had occurred. It was time to get away from the puddle of dark vampire blood and the unconscious girl on the sidewalk.

  Clark drove out of the lot at the rear of the club and pulled onto the main road. Quinn slid the green hatchback in behind him, and they headed for the interstate out of the city.

  A glance at the full moon above reminded Quinn of Taylor back at the hideout. She hoped her friend had been all right on her own tonight. The tech witch had a lot going on, too. It was only her second full moon since she’d become a werewolf.

  Chapter Two

  Taylor concentrated. Pain wracked her as her body attempted to shift from its human to its werewolf form. Only her intense concentration had held off the change so far. Even so, she could feel the occasional ripple of shifter magic threatening to break her body so it could change.

  She sat cross-legged on the floor, her gaze on the locked steel door. She avoided staring out through the barred window set high in the wall to her right. The moon was calling to her wolf-self.

  Another wave of lunar energy surged through her, threatening to overwhelm her control. For the previous two months, she’d been unable to resist and had spent both nights out of her mind as a howling, angry werewolf in this cell. It had been horrifying to be trapped inside that feral version of herself. Taylor was determined not to repeat that terrible, painful experience.


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