Earth Angel (The Kamlyn Paige Novels)

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Earth Angel (The Kamlyn Paige Novels) Page 20

by Alex Apostol

  – Death Cab for Cutie

  Inside the hotel room, I cleaned the wounds I still had throughout my body; minor cuts and bruises were all that were left.

  “I can fix that you know,” Sari said as he crept up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

  “I kind of like it,” I said, turning around to face him and giggling. “It makes me look tough.”

  Sari laughed and hugged me tighter.

  “Downright frightening.”

  He raised his hands to hold my face as he leaned in closer. His soft lips pressed gently against mine before separating slowly. I closed my eyes, savoring the sweet taste of his tongue. His movements were gentle and perfect. I thought my knees were going to give out beneath me. Swiftly, he spun me around to lean me up against the bedroom wall, pressing his body onto mine. My hands groped in ecstasy as I reached up to unbutton his pale blue shirt, kissing him harder all the while. He lowered his arms and let the shirt float down to the floor. As our lips parted for a short moment, I lifted his white t-shirt over his head and threw it across the room. His dark hair fell into his eyes as they gazed down into mine.

  I ran my hands over his bare chest in awe, letting my fingertips rise and fall over his hard muscles. My breathing was steady and deep as my heart raced. Without warning, he picked me up and tossed me effortlessly onto the bed, landing softly over me. I could feel the muscles of his arms contract and release as he leaned down to taste my lips once more. We became swept away, rolling around as we tried to shed ourselves of our clothing. He pulled away unexpectedly to lie next to me.

  “You’re more beautiful than anything I’ve ever seen,” he whispered softly as he brushed my cheek with the back of his hand. “I’ve never wanted something so much.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered back, biting my bottom lip in anticipation.

  Sari grazed his nose against mine as an uncontrollable smile spread across my face. I giggled as I ran my fingers through his tousled hair. Embracing me in his arms, he pulled me closer into him. My body tingled all over as he kissed me. The rest of the night was spent as close to heaven on earth as humanly possible.


  When I awoke, I was on my side facing the wall. I rolled over half expecting to find the space next to me empty. I was terrified Sari had been a character in an elaborate dream of mine. Instead, I rolled against his warm body. I scooted over to rest my head on top of his chest, heaving a blissful sigh. I’d never felt so relaxed before. He put his arm around me and ran his fingers up and down my bare back. I felt protected and safe.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” he greeted me half asleep, trying to open his tired eyes.

  I kissed below his ribs tenderly in return. Even though his body was as hard as stone, it was warm and inviting. I felt if I took myself away from him, even for a moment, he would vanish right before my eyes.

  “You know, I half expected you to be gone when I woke up,” I admitted as I ran my finger around the outer edge of his belly button. “I thought it was all a dream.”

  Sari took my hand in his and brought it up to his lips to kiss each of my fingertips.

  “Now that I have you I’m never letting you go,” he said as he lowered my hand to his stomach again.

  I smiled, feeling a sense of security I wasn’t used to. There would be no more surprises in my life anymore. Mia was finally dead. I could give up hunting all together. I had Sari to wake up to every morning. I didn’t have to worry about demons or monsters ever again. I could let my brain be consumed with happy moments, like when Sari kissed me. I could have girl time with Cara and have a family again.

  “Where are we going to go?” I asked as I ran my fingers along his stomach muscle lines.

  “Wherever you want to go,” he answered with a smile. “I’ll make sure we are never bothered again.”

  He kissed the top of my head and ran his hands softly over my hair.

  “Boston might be nice,” I said, not even thinking.

  I had only been there once before briefly and I had been taken in by its rich history. Every step I took there was like walking back in time. Whether you liked big city high rise apartments or quiet family homes, there was something for everyone. I was sure Sari and I could find our place there.

  “Boston it is, then,” he said, continuing to run his fingers through my hair. “Sounds like the perfect place for the Paiges’ to settle down.”

  I looked up at him and smiled awkwardly.

  “The Paiges’?”

  “Well, you can’t take my last name….because I don’t have one.”

  I laughed out loud. With all the thoughts I had about spending my life with Sari, I had never actually pictured us getting married. I just knew we were meant to be together. We smiled at each other as I let the idea sink in. Our life together might actually work out with absolutely no complications whatsoever. It would be the first time in my life that ever happened. I turned my body so my back was to Sari. He wrapped his arms around me and fit his body around all the curves of mine. Still tired, I closed my eyes again.

  Our peaceful quiet was interrupted by a loud thud coming from the other side of the door. I was sure it was too early for housekeeping, but every motel was different. The pounding grew louder before the door was blown completely off its hinges. Sari moved quicker than I could see to block me, shoving his arm out to keep me behind him. In the doorway the shadow of a tall, muscular figure appeared. As he took a step forward, I made out the details of our intruder. His heavy boots stomped onto the hard floor loudly with every step he took. I peeked around Sari’s shoulder, looking straight into the unknown man’s furious gaze. It was a look of intent. This man knew Sari personally.

  The few times I had ever thought about what an angel would look like, I’d never pictured them to look anything like the one standing in front of us. He had a large, shaved head that only had the faintest shadow of hair growing from it. His dark, solid eyebrows were placed closely on top of his piercing blue eyes that stared sharply into mine. As he took one last step, he tightened the innumerable muscles that covered his broad body. I’d never met a body builder before, but I was sure this guy could have easily taken one out with one punch.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Sariel?” the man asked in a gruff, low voice.

  Sari rose from the bed, standing in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. He didn’t falter once as he spoke, but I nervously pushed myself backwards till I hit the wall behind me. After all I’d done, I shouldn’t have been scared but I was.

  “Tamiel, listen,” Sari began, but was cut off instantly when he was struck across the face by the back of his fellow watcher’s hand.

  I took in a loud sharp breath as I gasped in shock. Sari caught himself on the bedside table before lifting his head again to stare into Tamiel’s cold eyes. His gaze was fierce and frightening.

  “I will not let you ruin our chances of going home!” the man yelled with a force that seemed to shake everything in the room.

  I couldn’t let Sari take the fall for something that was more about me than him. Not knowing what else to do, I crept towards the edge of the bed to stand next to him, holding the blanket around my body.

  “You…” Tamiel growled as he pointed his finger at me. “…don’t move.”

  Each word was stressed with such authority that I froze. I was too afraid to stand any longer. I lowered myself back down onto the mattress. The anger continued to rise inside me, though, and I knew I had to do something. I’d never been one to take orders quietly. If I had any common sense I would have kept my mouth shut.

  “Screw you,” I muttered as I stared down at the beige carpet.

  The room fell into a deep silence and I knew I had gotten myself into some real deep trouble. I heard the echoing stomp of Tamiel’s footsteps as he made his way over to me. Was this it? I wondered nervously. I hoped he would finish me quickly. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut as his colossal frame towered over me.

  “You w
ill not touch her!” Sari ordered as he obstructed Tamiel’s path with his lean body.

  Even though Sari was considerably taller, he looked like a lanky teenager when standing next to Tamiel. Sari stood tall, not moving a muscle as Tamiel bared his teeth in anger. Faster than I could process, he grabbed Sari by the back of the neck and brought him to his knees, groaning in pain.

  “Just release me from being a watcher and we’ll live peacefully,” Sari pleaded, desperate to hold onto the life he’d already envisioned for us.

  “We will not pay for your mistakes,” the furious man forced through clenched teeth.

  He grabbed Sari by his hair and pulled his head back to look into his furious eyes.

  “I will make you cease to exist if that’s what it takes,” Tamiel growled.

  Sari’s eyes grew in fear as I tried to catch my breath. Was this really happening? Not more than a few minutes ago, Sari and I were lying in bed together talking about where we wanted to live out our normal life. Everything bad was behind us and all we could see was our wonderful future. I had another chance at a happy life and a family. How could it all be taken away from me so fast?

  I let out a soft whimper as I thought about all I could lose in the next few moments. I couldn’t let this happen. Desperately, I tried to figure out a way to overpower Tamiel and save Sari. I stood up quickly and placed my hand on Tamiel’s head only to have him rip it away instantly. He tossed me back onto the bed with one hand.

  “Kamlyn, no,” Sari begged at the sight of me being thrown.

  I looked into his eyes, memorizing every fleck and swirl in his irises, the contours of his velvet lips, the lack of imperfections on his smooth skin.

  “I love you,” Sari mouthed silently, closing his eyes in fearful anticipation.

  His gaze softened. It was a look that required no words. He was saying goodbye.

  “No!” I screamed, but it was too late.

  Both had disappeared with a burst of wind that rushed out the door. I ran into the parking lot only to find it empty and quiet. The sky had started to turn pink as the sun rose from the horizon. I ran back inside the room, tossing our possessions around as I scrambled to put my clothes on.

  My head was foggy with fear and confusion. I found a large rock in the parking lot and used it to bust open the window of a small brightly colored car. Using nothing but my instincts, I got the car started and stepped on the gas pedal with full force. The car squealed in place for a moment before speeding forward out of the parking lot. Driving down the open road, I was using every feeling I had to guide me to where Sari had been taken. I didn’t care how long it took or how hard it was, I was going to find him and bring him back.

  Alex Apostol

  Earth Angel

  Alex Apostol recently graduated from the American Military University with a BA in English and currently lives in Northwest Indiana.




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