Demon with Wolves (Shadowpeak Wolves Book 3)

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Demon with Wolves (Shadowpeak Wolves Book 3) Page 10

by Sadie Carter

  “Ow, what the hell?” She looked over her shoulder, one hand drifting back to cover the offended spot. “Did you just spank me?”

  “Keep your hands in front of you unless you want me to tie them.”

  Her jaw dropped. But she turned around, resuming her former position. She heard him rustling around, covering himself with a condom. He cupped her mound, the heat of his palm branding her. Cain returned his fingers to her clit, tapping fiercely. Pleasure quickly overwhelmed her. As the first tremors of orgasm hit her, Cain drove his cock inside her. His hands gripped her hips as he bucked his hips wildly, entering her with hard, quick thrusts, his cock driving over her G-spot until she was swamped with overwhelming sensations.

  “Cain, I can’t stand it.”

  “Yes, you can. I want you to come again, come with me.”

  She gasped. Nerve endings sang as her passage clenched down on him heavily.

  “It’s too much.”

  “Never. Never too much.”

  Release struck her, slamming through her body as she arched back. He joined her quickly, his moan of pleasure mingling with her own.

  “My, my. He does know how to stamp his brand on you, doesn’t he?” Brynn drawled, appearing in the room.

  It took her a long moment to realize who had spoken. Rage erupted.

  “Get out, you bastard!”

  “What? Dusty?” Cain withdrew from her, looking at her with surprised chagrin as she scrambled to her feet.

  “Not you,” she said with a heavy dose of exasperation. “Him!” She pointed at Brynn.

  “He’s here?”

  Cain’s gaze whipped around as he reached for his t-shirt, quickly slipping it over Dusty’s head. He didn’t bother to cover himself.

  “Show yourself,” he growled.

  “Brynn,” she yelled, her hands clenching into fists, furious when he simply grinned. He shimmered.

  “I’m going to kill you,” Cain roared as he dove for the other man.


  He barely heard Dusty yelling his name, anger muffling his hearing. A red haze of fury covered his eyes. The wolf raged to the forefront as he moved swiftly, snarling at the intruder.

  In his house. After his mate.

  When he was mere inches away, the blond man completely disappeared, shocking him out of his anger as he stared at the empty space before him.


  “Over here.” Brynn reappeared on the other side of the room, waggling his fingers as if he were a cheeky two-year-old.

  “Dusty, get out of here,” Cain ordered, needing her gone. His wolf couldn’t take the other man being so close to her.

  “Cain, listen to me,” she said urgently.

  He stalked around the room slowly. Had Brynn not appeared when he had—when Cain was at his most vulnerable, when his mate was naked—he might have retained control of his temper. But Brynn had seen her naked. The wolf snarled. He was a dead man.

  Cain just had to catch the sneaky little bastard first.

  Brynn disappeared again as Cain lunged, this time reappearing behind Dusty, placing his arms around her. Cain morphed his hands into claws. He barely managed to restrain the beast as Dusty stepped forward, directly between the two of them, breaking Brynn’s hold on her.

  “Dusty, move out of the way. Now.”

  He didn’t want her anywhere near Brynn. Certainly not standing between himself and his prey.

  “No. Cain, calm down. Now. And Brynn, stop baiting him. You’re not welcome here.” She pointed at Brynn. “Leave.”

  Brynn placed a hand over his heart, faking a wounded look.

  “My own, your lack of hospitality devastates me.”

  Cain shoved the wolf back a little more, his claws re-forming into hands. The wolf worked on more basic emotions, and Cain needed his brain on high alert.

  “Don’t call her that. She’s not yours.”

  “Look, chill, the pair of you,” Dusty ordered them angrily.

  “I’m calm, hellcat, it’s the wolf who is having problems controlling himself.”

  Cain was silent this time as he dove for Brynn, who flitted away again, reemerging in front of Dusty. Brynn grabbed her hand. Cain snarled and stepped forward, snatching their connected hands. As all three touched, something shivered and sparkled, washing over them.

  Waves of bloodlust were swiftly smothered, stamped out by raging desire. He was still angry, but it wasn’t as important as the need surging through him. Cain’s dick became hard instantly. He had to touch them, both of them.

  He stepped forward, pressing himself against Dusty’s back before reaching around to touch Brynn, who had stepped up against her front. The hunger eased a little with their touch, the cloud of thick passion surrounding them dissipating just slightly.

  Dusty’s scent hit his nose, but it was different, mingled with Brynn’s. As though they’d joined, become one. His own scent was there, deeply entwined with theirs.

  And it felt right.

  Overwhelming desire raced through Dusty’s body as the two men sandwiched her.

  “Feel it?” Brynn asked, his eyes a deep blue, his skin glowing.

  “Yes.” Cain’s growl was low, his erection hard against her back.

  Brynn leaned down and kissed her, his lips cool and firm. Reaching around, Cain cupped her breasts, his hands hot and sure. A small part of her rebelled, telling her what a stupid idea this was—but it was a mere whisper, quickly overshadowed by the roaring need for them both.

  Her t-shirt disappeared—drawn up and over her head before she could take a breath. Brynn surrounded one nipple with his mouth as Cain pinched the other one, his teeth nipping her neck.

  Dusty’s legs crumbled beneath her. Cain caught her, his arm firm around her waist.

  Brynn dropped to his knees, parting her legs as Cain raised her off the floor. He rested her legs over Brynn’s shoulders, and Brynn dipped his mouth to suck on her clit. Dusty arched her back, groaning loudly.

  Brynn thrust his tongue deep inside her, pushing it in and out as his hands cupped her bottom, squeezing tightly.

  “Please, please,” she begged.

  “Please what?” Cain asked her gruffly.

  “I need to come. So badly. This is like nothing I’ve felt before, I can’t—”

  Her body aflame, arousal surged, and she closed her eyes as she screamed. Brynn’s tongue returned to her clit, circling swiftly. A shudder enveloped her whole body as she came.

  She opened her eyes as she was lowered to the floor. Brynn knelt between her spread thighs and drew her bottom up onto his lap, his cock nudging at her entrance.

  “Yes, yes,” she moaned. “Fuck me, Brynn.”

  Brynn jumped back, tearing his hands away from her. The fog of need surrounding her dissipated. Clarity struck, and she scrambled backward into Cain. Brynn stood, stumbling away, looking down at her and Cain in shocked disbelief.

  “Shit, shit,” she swore, gaping up at Brynn, who looked completely stunned. “What was that?”

  Her pussy pulsed, wanting them both, needing another orgasm. But she smothered the need, trying desperately to ignore it.

  “I-I don’t know.” He ran his hand through his hair, looking ruffled for the first time since she’d met him. “I really don’t. It— It was like some sort of spell. All of a sudden I cared about nothing else but fucking you, about watching him fuck you, touching the two of you.”

  She was almost too scared to look over her shoulder at Cain—certain she’d see condemnation in his eyes. Cain moved up beside her and, reaching down, helped her stand. She grabbed his t-shirt, putting it on.

  “Well, whatever it was, it seems we all felt it,” Cain said.

  “You too?” she asked.

  “Yeah, me too. I never thought I would allow another to touch you, let alone be aroused by it, but I was.” He looked at Brynn. “So what the hell would make me want to share my mate? To still want to, although it’s not as bad now that we’re not touching.”
br />   “Look.” Brynn held out his hands. “I don’t know. I’ll admit, I came here because I wanted to fuck Dusty. But I had no interest in a ménage, and I certainly didn’t intend to lose my mind the way I did. I need to go. I need to find out why this happened and with two mortals.”

  “What do you mean?” Dusty asked, feeling irritated. The heat, the need was muted but not gone. “What do you mean mortals? What are you?” she half yelled. Cain clasped his hand around her arm, and she calmed a little, pulling on his control.

  “I did not mean for this to happen. Well, not like this, anyway. I need to go, to find out what happened here.”

  “No. Explain this now,” Cain insisted. “What caused us to lose our minds and nearly fuck?”

  “My power,” Brynn replied. “It backfired. It shouldn’t have consumed us all that way.”

  “What power?” Dusty asked in confusion. “What are you?”

  “I’m a demon.”

  Dusty let out a bark of laughter. “A demon? Riigghhtt, and my grandmother’s a fairy and my father was the Easter Bunny. Come on, tell us the truth. Demons aren’t real.”

  “That’s what many said about werewolves.”

  She sobered. “Demons are real?”

  “Yes, hellcat.”

  She gaped at him, lost for words.

  “But aren’t demons, like, ahh, evil?” This was insane.

  “There are degrees of evil, like with anything. I haven’t killed anyone in more than a hundred years, but I am not a decent guy. I’m manipulative, I love trouble, chaos. I am not a team player.”

  A demon? Well, hell.

  “Now you understand why I have to leave. I’m a monster.”

  “So are we,” Cain replied.

  Brynn shook his head. “No. You don’t understand. I really am a monster. I don’t have a core of good. I manipulate and scheme to get my way. After I met Dusty in the bar, I even planted a suggestion in her mind that she shouldn’t tell anyone about me.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You bastard!”

  “See, now that’s the reaction I was expecting. I could play your precious pack like puppets. I could make friends turn on friends. I could create so much turmoil and trouble, and none of you would know what was going on. Now, do you understand what sort of monster I am?”

  “She told me about you,” Cain said.

  Brynn frowned. “Yes, her feelings for you were obviously strong enough to break the suggestion.”

  “I, ahh, I need some space. I’m— I’m going to Laney’s.” She limped toward the bedroom.

  “Dusty,” Cain called out.

  “Just leave me alone for a bit.”

  Brynn looked over at Cain, still in shock. He’d come here deliberately to seduce Dusty. And yet the night had taken a weird twist. He’d been caught in his own power— Suddenly he’d had to have her without thought of anything or anyone else. And him. He’d been attracted to Cain too. Still was.

  “Damn you, explain what happened,” Cain demanded.

  “I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t?” Cain asked intuitively. “Because I’ll tell you what I feel. I feel strangely connected to you like we’re joined somehow. Our scents have merged. I have this need to touch you.”

  The back door slammed. A truck started up. Dusty had left. Immediately he felt a wrenching in his gut. He had an urge to go to her, to keep her with them. Where she belonged.

  This was crazy, ridiculous.

  Damn. He had to leave. Now.

  He had to figure out what the hell had happened. There was only one explanation he could think of. But it couldn’t be that. It was impossible.

  “I have got to go. It’s for the best.”

  “Run away, then,” Cain said. “But you’ll be back.”

  Brynn didn’t look at Cain as he disappeared. But the werewolf’s words continued to run through his mind.

  What a mess.

  * * * * *

  Dusty mixed warm milk into the melted chocolate then poured it into a large cup. She carried the cup over to Laney who was lying on the couch. The other woman looked pale and drawn.

  “Still feeling sick?” Dusty asked, handing her the sickly concoction. Dusty had helped herself to a beer.

  “Yep,” Laney said shortly, taking a cautious sip. She sighed, relaxing a little. “Morning sickness be damned, this baby seems to have his mornings and nights confused.”


  Laney smiled. “I think so. Cooper’s convinced it’s a girl. We have a bet going.” Laney shifted, sitting up more. “So, what’s wrong?”

  “What do you mean?” Dusty caged.

  “Dusty, you’re wound up tighter than a jack-in-the-box. Spill.”

  Dusty sat back in the armchair and stared up at the ceiling. “You know I’m sleeping with Cain.”

  If Samantha knew, then it was guaranteed everyone did. That bitch was the pack’s biggest gossip.

  “Yep. About time too. You’ve been hot for him for ages. And Lord, the way he looks at you,” Laney fanned herself, “nearly made me self-combust. Cain is so dark and intense. I bet when he makes loves to you, you feel like you’re the only woman in the world, like nothing and no one else matters.”

  Dusty gaped at Laney, shocked. “Thought about this, huh?”

  Laney winked.

  Dusty didn’t know whether to laugh or growl. Finally, she shook her head and groaned. “Does Cooper know you have these thoughts?”

  Laney laughed. “Cooper is the one who makes me feel that way. You know, when I first met Cain he scared the shit out of me, but he always made me feel safe. He’d make a good mate. He’d never fail you or go against his promises.”

  Dusty raised her eyebrows. “He hire you to do his PR?”

  Laney shook her head. “I just think he’s a great guy, and you deserve to be happy, Dusty. I hope you’re going to give him a chance?”

  Dusty rubbed her temples. “Before this happened,” she tapped her leg, “I’d have said no way, but since the accident, I’ve had time to look at myself. I’m lonely. I used to bury myself in my work, tell myself I was happy. But I wasn’t. When I look back now, my reasons for denying my feelings for him seem less…”




  “Only problem is, I’ve ruined everything.”

  Laney frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “Brynn came back tonight.”

  Laney’s jaw dropped. “Shit. We have to tell Cooper.”

  “Not yet. Just listen. I— Ahh, I— We, he…” she stumbled over her words.

  “What?” Laney frowned in obvious confusion. “Who? Spit it out.”

  “Me and Brynn—”

  “What?” Laney squealed.

  “And Cain,” she finished.

  “Holy shit,” Laney breathed.

  Dusty took a big sip of her drink.

  “Yeah,” she replied. “I don’t know what happened. One minute Cain was trying to kill Brynn then Brynn took my hand and Cain grabbed both of us and then it was on. It was like I couldn’t help myself, I couldn’t resist. Hell, I didn’t want to. I wanted them both so much, and nothing else mattered. I only managed to find my senses when Brynn moved away. But it was more than just sexual, you know?”

  “What? A true mate link? But Brynn’s not a wolf. Although now that you say it there is something different about your scent. Damn, pregnancy has messed with my senses, I can’t quite tell what it is that’s different.”

  Dusty shook her head. “Not a true mate link, not quite. It was like we were under some sort of spell. And it affected all three of us. Tying us together.”

  Laney frowned. “Did he touch you against your will?” she asked fiercely, her small hands clasping into fists.

  “No. And the crazy thing is that I still want him. It’s so weird. Yet it felt so right. Oh, I don’t know. I’m scared how this will affect Cain and me. We were just getting things together, and now this happens.”

>   “Wow. So two men? Sharing you? Good Lord, woman, you have all the luck.”

  “What? You mean you think that’s—”

  “Hot. I feel flushed just imagining it. Two men to pleasure you, touch you, kiss you, hmm…”

  “Two men equals twice the trouble.” Dusty couldn’t believe she was even talking about this. As though she were actually considering it.

  “And twice the fun, Dusty, my friend.”

  “Laney, perspective. I just let someone touch me when I’m already in a relationship.”

  “Cain was there. You weren’t cheating, Dusty,” Laney said, correctly reading her thoughts. “Cain could have stopped it at any time. Stop beating yourself up. You need to go back and talk to both of them. Give Cain a chance to have his say. Honey, you can’t hide here forever.”

  Dusty saluted her with her raised middle finger.

  “So where’s Cooper?” she asked, wanting to change the subject.

  Laney sighed. “At a council meeting.”

  Dusty felt like sighing as well. “He’s still having trouble convincing them that they need to start assimilating with humans?”

  Cooper was trying to push the Alphas of the Western States Council to encourage their packs to move into the human world, to interact more with humans, to build relationships. He was worried humans would fear what they didn’t know and how dangerous that could be for all werewolves. So far, he wasn’t having much luck.

  “Leonard’s still blocking him?”

  Leonard Paterson was one of the oldest Alphas on the Council. And he was stuck firmly in the old ways.

  “Yep. Everything Cooper tries to implement, Leonard argues against. It’s splitting the council in two, with a few Alphas who could go either way.”

  “What the hell is Leonard’s problem?”

  Laney frowned. “I don’t know. But I can’t help but wonder if it’s personal.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, he was really good friends with Zachary.” Laney swallowed and Dusty moved to sit on the floor beside her, placing her hand on the other woman’s. Zachary had been their Alpha before Cooper killed him and took over the pack. He’d also been Laney’s father, who had tortured and abused her growing up.


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