Her Dirty Billionaires

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Her Dirty Billionaires Page 4

by L. Nicole

  He’s at his home and Giana is at the diner. This works well since we don’t want her to know what we are doing. We will tell her later, but now it is only important that we take care of him.

  Mikal parks outside of the one story brick home that has seen better years. Though he still lives comfortably for now. I hate everything about this man. He drives a fancy sports car, while his daughter drives around in a car that needs serviced constantly. Giana has no idea, but her life is about to change in ways she never imagined. She will never want for anything. Mikal and I will see that she is taken care of.

  My brother and I walk to the door and knock.

  After a few minutes, the door swings open, and I am beginning to see why this man’s finances are in trouble. He’s in his underwear drinking a beer and behind him in his living room is a hooker snorting drugs from the table. I look to Mikal and he appears just as upset.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he crows.

  “Your worst nightmare,” Mikal seethes and smile darkly.

  Joe tries to close the door on us, but I brace my shoulder against the door and shove my way past him. “Thank you for inviting my associate and myself into your home,” my twin tells him. “I am sure you have heard of us. We are the Serepova brothers.”

  “I don’t owe you no money. What the hell are you doing just barging in like this? What’s the meaning of this?”

  “We are here about Giana.”

  “Leave,” I tell the whore and she scurries out in her underwear clutching her clothing. The door shuts behind her and Mikal slams Joe into the wall.

  “We don’t like the way you treat Giana and take advantage of her sweetness. She is afraid to tell you no, but we’re here today to let you know that she will no longer be your slave.”

  “I always knew the little bitch would turn out to be a slut like her mother,” he spits his vile words and Mikal lets go of him only to backhand him across the mouth. Blood drips down his split lip.

  “You’re going to call Giana and tell her to take the weekend off. And she won’t be returning to work. Giana is now under the protection of the Serepova family and no one treats our Giana badly. If I so much as hear that you even breathe in her direction, I will come back with friends who won’t be as understanding as we have been. Am I making myself clear?” Mikal grits in his face, and I swear Giana’s bastard father is about to piss himself. My brother has a temper when pushed.


  I grab his home phone off the receiver. Holding it out to him. “Call her right now,” I demand. “Tell her you appreciate all her hard work and that you want to reward her with the weekend off.”

  He accepts the phone and dials the number with a shaky hand. Mikal and I stay until the call is complete and we are both satisfied that he will stay away and leave Giana alone.

  One of us will take care of her once she chooses.



  A knock sounds at my door. I still can’t believe my father called me the other day and said to take the weekend off. He even said he appreciates all of the hard hours that I’ve been putting in at the diner. It is very unlike him, and I haven’t heard from him since. I don’t know what to make of it, but I am excited because this means I will be able to go on my date with Andrey. I am not sure how he can top the night I spent with Mikal, but I did promise to give them both an equal chance. He’s cute and I owe it to him and myself to see where the night will lead us.

  I look out the peephole and see a delivery girl.

  I open the door and allow her to bring the package in on the dolly. “Wow. That’s huge.” I gasp and the woman smiles.

  “It’s heavy too.” She laughs. “Just sign here, please.” She extends a clipboard and pen to me. I sign my name and hand it back. “Oh, and there’s a card.” She hands a black envelope to me.

  “Thank you so much. Let me grab your tip.” I start for my purse to get my wallet.

  “No need. It’s all been taken care of. Have a great weekend.”

  “You too.” I blink confused and after she exits through the door, I close it behind her and sink down on my couch to read the card before opening the package.

  My dearest, Giana,

  I cannot put into words what your beauty does to me, but I hope I can show you this weekend. Pack a travel bag. I am sending a car for you in an hour. We are off on an adventure together, my darling. I look forward to seeing you soon, Moy ogon'.


  I smile. What does he mean pack a bag? What the hell am I to pack for? It only says we are going on an adventure. Does that mean outdoors type stuff? I slip the card back in the envelope and place it on my table. Shit. He said the car would arrive in an hour. I hurry to get the package open, only to discover a brand new Louis Vuitton luggage set. This had to cost a fortune.

  He has to be crazy. We don’t even know each other.

  I go to my closet and start to throw in a little of everything when I noticed the bags are already packed. The only one that is empty is for toiletries. I just bought new of everything and haven’t even started using them yet. So I tuck my items in the bag and zip it up inside the larger suitcase.

  I’m speechless.

  Like clockwork, exactly an hour later there is a limousine parked outside my house.

  I can’t truly believe any of this, but I am so freaking excited to see what Andrey is planning. The driver comes to my door and takes my luggage. I lock up and follow him to the car where I find Andrey waiting for me with a glass of champagne and some strawberries.

  “Good afternoon, Giana.”

  “Hi.” I slide in next to him and accept the flute. “The um luggage and clothes…you didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to. I told you, Giana, your life will not be what it once was. Whether it is with myself, or Mikal, one of us will work hard to make all of your dreams come true. I do hope that it’s me, but I will respect your decision regardless.”

  “Thank you. It means a lot. But I still can’t wrap my head around this at all. You guys are… your lifestyle is something I can’t even comprehend. I’m just plain old me.”

  “There is nothing plain about you, Giana. You’re everything, Moy ogon'. You may not see it right now, but soon you will come to understand…I only want to take care of you. I want you to be the mother of my children.”

  I swallow. Those are some heavy words, but I get the impression that neither Andrey nor Mikal say or do anything that they don’t mean.

  I smile, not really knowing what to say. Andrey, bends down to kiss my forehead as if he understands. I like that. I like it a lot.

  “Can I?” He holds a strawberry to my lips, and I part them for him, taking a small bite. A little juice dribbles down my chin and his pupils dilate. He swipes a finger over my skin, capturing the juice then licks it from his fingers, before leaning in to kiss me.

  My breath hitches in my throat as his hand caresses my jaw and his tongue thrusts deeper into my mouth. Andrey is definitely more forward, but I find it attractive. I find him attractive.

  I’m in deep trouble because I can easily see myself falling for both men. What am I going to do if I am unable to choose? Will I able to let them both go? My heart squeezes painfully tight in my chest at the thought and it scares me how easily attached I am growing to both brothers.

  Eventually we break away and I feel dizzy.

  “More champagne,” he offers, and I greedily accept, needing to get a grip on myself and my emotions.

  I still feel like this is all some crazy dream and in time I will wake up, only to find I fell at the party and bumped my head or something.

  I sip more champagne and nibble on a few more strawberries. The car comes to a stop, but before I can look out the window, Andrey places a blindfold over my eyes and asks me to trust him.

  My heart is beating out of my chest, but I do. I trust him. Maybe more than I should, but I feel in my heart that he wouldn’t hurt me—he or Mikal.

  The door op
ens, but I can’t see due to the blindfold. Nervousness flutters in my lower belly as my excitement builds to find out what Andrey has planned for me.

  It isn’t until I am led up steps that I begin to be suspicious.

  Andrey gently presses me down by my shoulders into a seat, but doesn’t remove my blindfold until I hear an engine starting.

  “What on earth?” I ask, blinking as my eyes adjust to the lighting of the cabin of a plane. “We’re on a plane?” I squeal and Andrey smiles, his dark eyes piercing straight through my heart.

  “Have you ever been to Greece, Moy ogon'?”

  “No, I’ve never even left the state.” I can’t stop smiling at him. “Greece?” I breathe the word out.

  “I wanted it to be a surprise but could not resist telling you. I’ve been eager to tell you since you first got into the car.”

  “It’s too much. Andrey and what about a passport…”

  “Shh. Giana. I do these things because I want to. I want to give you the world. I want you to be a part of my world and in my world money makes things possible when you have to work around other issues. Now stop worrying and kiss your man.” He doesn’t give me a chance to argue, instead he leans down and captures my mouth with his in a soft, but passionate kiss, that has me craving so much more.

  After a long flight, it feels good to be on land again. I stretch my legs and walk along the dirt path off to the side from the private runway we landed on. A car arrives shortly and we are whisked away to the mansion where Gabby and Nikolai live.

  Nikolai and Gabby along with her daughter on her hip are standing in the doorway to greet us once we arrive at their home. It’s so beautiful here. I am in complete awe.

  “Giana. I am so happy to see you. How does it still feel like ages, when it’s only been a little more than a week.” She squeezes my hand and her daughter, Nicolette, tugs on my hair.

  She hands her daughter off to the nanny, as we tell the men goodbye. Then, she leads me through her enormous house that feels more like an enchanted castle. I can’t believe this is her life now.

  We walk out on the back patio where drinks, cheese, and fruit are waiting for us.

  “You must sit and tell me everything. I want to know all the juicy details about you dating Mikal and Andrey.” She wiggles her brows at me, and I laugh.

  “There isn’t much to tell. They both approached me separately and then together when I turned them both down.”

  “Wait.” She grins wide. “You turned them down both of them?”

  “Yes. Well they are twins and I didn’t want to get between them.”

  Gabby wiggles her brows and laughs. “Do you know how many women would love to get between them.

  “Shush. You know I didn’t mean it that way.”

  “I suppose not, but a girl can dream.” She smirks.

  “You’re so bad.”

  She lifts a shoulder. “Maybe, but I tell it like it is.”

  “That you do my friend. That you do. It’s one of the things I have always envied about you.”

  “Well enough about me.” She mocks, rolling her eyes. “I want to know who you are leaning toward. Give me the inside scoop.”

  I drop my head to my hands and sigh. “And there lies the problem. I don’t know. Both men are sexy, smart, attractive, sweet. Good kissers.” I peek between my fingers at her and she shoves my hands down.

  “I don’t see a problem here. Both men are hot for you. Date them both.”

  “Well I am currently, but I don’t want to string one of them along, but problem is I like them both equally I don’t know how I’m supposed to make a decision.”

  “Who says you have to choose? Both men seem to be fine with things for now.”

  “For now are the key words, Gabby. We both know that at some point someone will get hurt.”

  I can only hope that it isn’t me… what if I screw up and lose them both. Then what?



  I pace back and forth across my office. It’s been days since Andrey flew Giana to Greece to see Gabby. I’ve not heard a peep from her since. I thought for sure I had it in the bag. That we shared this amazing connection. God when we kissed, I never felt such passion in my life. I felt this spark between us that was unlike anything I’d ever known. I felt the need to claim her as my own.

  A knock sounds at my door, interrupting me from my thoughts.

  “Come in.”

  Andrey strolls in. I expect to see the bastard being all smug and gloating now that he has won Giana’s heart. I will get past this I am sure, but it will take time. I was sure she was meant for me. Only when his gaze meets mine, he seems as irritated and depressed as I find myself.

  “Did you come to gloat?”

  “Gloat?” he snaps at me. “I was only wondering why you hadn’t come to rub your victory in my face yet.”

  “I do not know what you mean, Andrey. Giana has chosen you, hasn’t she?”

  “I thought she had chosen you.” He pinches the bridge of his nose and I pour us both a drink from my minibar.

  “Sit,” I tell him, handing him a tumbler of whiskey. He accepts it and downs the liquor quickly and motions for another.

  I refill his glass and take a seat of my own, keeping the bottle within reach of us both.

  “What happened in Greece?”

  “We had a great time. She seemed over the moon to visit with Gabby. I took her to tour a winery. It was all romantic and we kissed. She seemed to be into me. Same as you said she was with you. I do not get it, Mikal. If she didn’t choose you and she didn’t choose me, then why is she avoiding us both?”

  “I do not know but I think we need to ask her face to face. If she has decided that she doesn’t want either of us I would rather hear it from her mouth. I did not take Giana for a coward.” I knock back another drink, getting more frustrated every minute I don’t know what Giana desires. I thought we were all on the same page here. Does she not like either Andrey nor myself? I can’t believe that. Not after the night we spent together. Not after the way she felt in my arms and the way she gazed so deeply into my eyes, her own filled with desire. She felt like she belonged with me. She fit perfectly against my body. I know it sounds crazy to feel so deeply for a woman so quickly, but I feel that I do know Giana.

  I pull out my cell and try her at home. I am sent direct to voicemail.

  Andrey takes out his cell phone as well and tries both her cell and the diner. He is unable to reach her on either line.

  “I think there is no other solution. We will have to go to her in person and ask her what went wrong.”

  “Then, let’s do it immediately. I don’t want to endure this torture a moment longer..”

  I finish off my drink and clear my schedule for the rest of the evening. Andrey does the same. We have other employees who can keep things running. Giana is too important.

  I call for my driver and private car. Andrey and I ride to Giana’s together. She has to face us sometime. It might as well be today. We deserve an explanation.

  We arrive at her house late in the evening. It’s almost dark and there is a lamp on in her living room. Her car is parked in the driveway and mail is sticking out of her mailbox. Panic fills my chest, but then I see her shadow moving past the curtains. I instruct our driver to park and wait down the street so she won’t see the car and get spooked. Not that I think she would fear my brother or myself. But I don’t want her to hide from me. From either of us.

  Andrey knocks on the door. “Pizza delivery man,” he calls, trying to change his voice and I chuckle at him.

  The front door swings open. “I didn’t order a pizza…” she trails off when she sees the pair of us waiting at her doorstep.

  “Giana, Moy ogon'. Aren’t you going to invite us in?”

  “Um yeah sure.” She frowns. I can’t help but smirk at her creamy legs. She’s dressed in these silky green pajama bottoms and a matching tank top. I can see her nipples pressing through the material and I
want to yank her top down and suck one into my mouth.

  Her fingers comb through her red tendrils and she waves us inside.

  One look at Andrey tells me he is having the same filthy thoughts as I am, for some reason that doesn’t annoy me like it once did. It feels as if we are in this together.

  He sits on one side of the couch and I sit on the other and pat the middle cushion for Giana to squeeze in between us.

  She looks hesitant and nervous, but she does as I wish.

  “What uh…what are you doing here?”

  “You’ve not been answering our calls or texts. We were afraid something was wrong,” Andrey explains.

  “I…” she pauses looking between us. Her soft pink tongue darts out to lick her lips and my cock twitches in my pants. It’s taking everything inside of me not to reach over and claim her sweet lips right now. The feel of them pressed against mine is all too fresh in my memory.

  “Giana,” I prompt.

  “Listen…I know I said I could handle dating you both…but things… I need some wine. Are you thirsty?” She looks at my twin then me. “I’m thirsty.”

  “Sure,” I tell her.

  “I’ll take a glass as well,” Andrey cuts in.

  Giana pops up from the couch appearing put out. She darts to the kitchen and I share a look with my brother.

  “I think, Andrey, that our Giana is unable to choose.”

  “I am thinking the same. Though, I must tell you. I do not wish to give her up,” he tells me.

  “Neither do I. Where does that leave us?”

  “I don’t know, Mikal. To be truthful I did not mind her going out with you so much. I knew you would treat her right and make her happy.”

  Same here,” I confess. I had some jealousy, but I also hated the idea of hurting Andrey. But…what if…?

  What if neither of us had to give up our beautiful Giana?


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