Servant of the Night Lords

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Servant of the Night Lords Page 3

by Lora Darc

  The guards stared at Danielle with black pupil-less eyes, then they glanced at each other.

  “We shall let you through,” called one. They stood back and the gates opened.

  Beyond was a dark, deep tunnel, stretching far into the mountain. Danielle felt a cold breeze brush against her from within. She shivered and shook her head.

  If I enter this place, I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to get out.

  But as much as she struggled and shouted against her gag she was ignored and the band of barbaric looking men tapped their mounts to move forward.

  They entered in single file, steadily making their way through the cool darkness. Though she could not see she felt them turn to the right. Torches lit at their presence to reveal a large metal door. At its center was a symbol similar to the ones she’d seen on each of the princes’ doors within the palace. The symbol held the image of a dragon.

  The captain dismounted first then grabbed hold of her. Danielle slipped down as he held her from the waist, setting her on her feet. The others dismounted as well and took their lizard steads down a different tunnel way. The captain took hold of the rope tied around Danielle’s wrists and pulled her toward the door. Danielle barely struggled as his strength was beyond hers and knew he would drag her through the mountain willingly, with little effort. She stayed close behind as the door opened, revealing a large torch-lit tunnel. The captain led her down it and the door closed soundlessly behind them.

  The tunnel weaved several ways and sometimes forked away or presented several other tunnels to pass through, but the captain seemed sure in his destination, never pausing to choose a direction.

  Danielle stumbled several times as her feet still held cuts and blisters from the road. They went through several long chambers and up a few stairs until the captain finally stopped in front of another giant door. Guards beside the door nodded at him and the door opened. They slipped passed, entering an impressively large hall, with towering pillars on each side.

  As she turned her head, Danielle noticed there were people wandering about the chamber as well as sitting near the walls on plush couches or lounging on pillows. Some were clothed in brilliant, albeit medieval, looking fashions while others wore more barbaric attire. Incense drifted in the air, the scent similar to cloves and jasmine. Lanterns hung across the ceiling and along walls in a soft dim glow. Pits of fires crackled between the pillars and strange beat-like music played softly nearby from a band of drummers.

  The captain led her all the way to the back of the chamber where a stage sat. Atop it was a great throne and sitting upon it was a dragon.

  At least that’s all Danielle could really describe it as at first. As she was lead closer, however, she could see it was more than that. Its body was more humanoid, a thick, muscular build, and its snout was more of a pointed face. It had a mane of horns, some long, surrounded by shorter ones, growing from the top of its head and falling down its back. Though it sat on the throne, Danielle could see its tail laying beside it, fat and lifeless like a gator’s. Long sharp scales adorned its body in shades of blue with green stripes across its ribs, arms, and thighs. Its electric green eyes looked over at them and narrowed.

  “Bohren... why are you here?” the dragon rumbled in a low voice as if annoyed by his sudden intrusion.

  “I have found something I think you will deeply enjoy, my lord.” Bohren tugged at Danielle’s rope causing her to stumble forward.

  The dragon leered down at her, its gaze hot. It flashed its eyes back at the captain.

  “A human?” the dragon scoffed. “What use do I have for that? They are weak, measly things... Where did you find it?”

  “In the swamps, my lord, traveling South. Forgive me. I thought you would want her. I will take her away. Perhaps give her to my men instead.” Bohren went to leave, but the dragon put up a hand to stop him.

  “Not so fast Bohren.” He made a gesture for them to come closer. Bohren pushed her up closer so that Danielle was right in front of the throne, standing between the dragon’s parted thighs. The dragon took hold of her waist and brought her closer and Danielle let out a soft whimper beneath her gag. He reached up and tugged the gag off her with a single clawed finger.

  He observed her carefully, taking her hands in his then turning her each way. Danielle didn’t dare fight him. Even by his small gestures, she could see he could snap her in half in an instant if he chose to.

  “She is strangely well intact. You say she was fleeing South?”

  “From what I could tell, my lord,” said Bohren beside her.

  Danielle bowed her head and cast her eyes downward. The dragon tilted her face up with one thick finger to have her look at him. “Where were you headed?” he asked her.

  Danielle licked her lips, her throat tight and dry. She almost said ‘to the palace’ but quickly stopped herself.

  “Out of the swamps... my lord. A witch caught me and I escaped her,” Danielle croaked.

  “Oh?” The dragon arched a deep brow. “And where did this witch find you?”

  “Within the swamp. Lying in a pool.”

  “And before that?”

  Danielle shook her head. “I don’t remember.”

  The dragon snorted and dropped his hand.

  “Maybe this witch somehow summoned her, my lord,” Bohren said. “And she fell here. It is not unheard of.”

  “No,” the dragon growled, “or she could be lying. Humans are deceitful little creatures. From what I can remember.” The dragon looked her over and scowled, but something in his gaze grew dark. “Put her up in the servant’s quarters for now. Until I find a better use for her... If that’s possible.” He waved them away and, before Danielle could think to protest, the captain pulled her off the stage.

  As he took her from the hall, Danielle caught the eyes of several curious onlookers. Two, in particular, hung near a pit of fire and smiled wickedly at her. Twins with curved horns and flames of hair burning blue and red. Another was a man surrounded by women with purple and gray skin. His gaze, similar to a snake’s, nearly stopped her in her tracks.

  “Come on then. To the servant’s hall with you,” Bohren said, tugging her onward, disappointment etched in his voice.


  The servant chambers consisted of several rooms down a long tunnel way, ranging in different sizes. One was clearly a gathering room, while others were bedrooms or living areas. What surprised Danielle was that the rooms were decorated and furnished in a way that didn’t look like a place where servants slept, but rather for the rich or noble. Inside the gathering room banners of silk fell from the ceilings, candles, and lanterns in every color adorned the bare stone walls, and lavish lounging areas held velvet cushions and pillows to lie on. Tables in the center were filled with an assortment of food and wine. In the bedrooms, low floor beds, dressers, and vanities were arranged with great care.

  It came as no surprise, once seeing this, that the servants who dwelled within the chambers were not the kind of servants Danielle knew of back home. When she thought of servants, she thought of the maids in Buckingham Palace or the old Spanish woman cleaning a movie star’s home. But the servants within the mountain were much more than that. And Danielle suspected their jobs weren’t to clean and prepare food.

  Several women with light pinkish skin reclined lazily upon couches nearby, eating small pieces of fruit; several others were being massaged by shrouded figures in white robes. The women wore very little, their clothes reminding Danielle more of skimpy lingerie or tight bathing suits then actual servant attire. Some wore delicate gold chains across bare skin or jewels dangling from thin fabric. Some wore strings of silver and gold and others pearl, with colorful, sheer clothing that left little to the imagination. Clothing like what she had worn inside the palace.

  “What’s this you brought us now?” said a plump woman wearing a deep purple and gold robe, with black eyes and pointy ears. Her sharps hands fell to her hips as she glared at Danielle suspiciously.
br />   “A new find to add to your collection, Madam Bree.” Bohren pulled Danielle closer so that the woman could have a better look at her.

  Madam Bree clicked her tongue and gripped Danielle’s chin. She turned Danielle’s face each way and forced her mouth open to peer inside. “A human? Beh. Where did you find the thing?”

  “The swamps,” Bohren said.

  Madam Bree grimaced but looked Danielle over once more. “Strangely well kept, for a human... Not bad on the eyes... looks healthy. Has a glow about her. I’d say a prettier sight than any human I’ve seen.”

  “Yes... but I’d be careful. She’s a wild thing. Fought like an animal when we caught her.” Bohren took out a knife and held it up. “Lord Tyris wants her tamed and prepared for serving.”

  Madam Bree frowned. “We will have her do menial work… for now.”

  Bohren took the knife and sliced off Danielle’s binds and removed the ropes and gag. “Good luck to you. Perhaps send her my way when you’re finished.” Bohren didn’t glance Danielle’s way as he turned and left. Danielle wanted to turn her head and growl at him.

  “Well, this is truly something then,” said Madam Bree catching Danielle’s attention. “Never had a human in my service before. Suppose you wouldn’t know a lick about serving others would you?” Madam Bree gripped Danielle’s arm and pulled her toward another room.

  Danielle thought to tug her arm free and race for the door, but the cavernous, unending maze that was the mountain overwhelmed her and she feared she’d become lost. Even if she could somehow find her way out, likely guards would catch her before she could. Her only chance at the moment was to follow the woman and do as told.

  They entered a room with several large wardrobes and a full-length mirror at the back. Danielle saw colorful bits of fabric and jewels flung about the room, laying on the floor and hanging on chairs. At one side lay a black-wooded vanity and at the other, a porcelain tub with a set of towels.

  “Now, first we get you out of this shabby dress.” Madam Bree clapped her hands and two slender figures entered the room, their faces shrouded.

  “Have her prepared, then bring her to me after. We will set her to work at moonset.” Madam Bree left the room and, as soon as the door shut, the figures were leading Danielle toward the tub.

  Danielle fought them at first but they were stronger than they looked and she quickly gave up as they filled the tub, stripped her of her dress, laid her pouch and canteen to the side, and set her into the bath. She splashed a little in the warm water but calmed as they scrubbed her clean.

  “I don’t understand, are you servants… to the servants?” Danielle asked one.

  The one looked at the other and they snickered.

  “We serve those who serve the Night Lords, yes,” said one.

  “And we serve in other ways too,” said the other.

  Danielle lay in the water confused but didn’t question them further. The two pulled her from the tub and dried her off quickly. They then lead her over to stand before the full-length mirror. She watched them open up the wardrobes and sift through the different garments. They picked a few, then agreed upon one, and made to fit the garment to Danielle.

  “I could clothe myself, you know,” Danielle said. But the figures only ignored her. They slipped an emerald green, bikini-like bottom, with silver chains at the hips, up her legs, then tied the same colored upper-piece around her chest.

  Once they finished, Danielle looked into the mirror. Her eyes fell down her body and she bit her lip. The clothing looked like pricey underwear. Several white pearls and red gems were inlaid into the bra top. A strip of cloth, falling between her legs, was the only cover she really had.

  “Is... every servant’s attire like this?” Danielle asked. Though she wouldn’t care to admit it, she liked the way the set hugged her hips and breasts. With her body nearly bare, Danielle could better see the transformation Sheek’s power had bestowed upon her. She couldn’t help admiring herself in the mirror; realizing that, unlike within the palace, she wasn’t as ashamed to show more of her bare skin. She had a feeling if they had paraded her fully naked she might not find it as humiliating as before.

  The figures pulled her from the room and brought her once again before Madam Bree in a room that looked more like a study.

  Madam Bree looked her over and nodded in satisfaction. “Yes. that will do. You may go.” She waved her hand and the two left. Madam Bree gestured for Danielle to turn in a full circle. Danielle did as told.

  “Not bad. For a human,” she said. “Dinner is currently being served in the great hall but, once it’s finished, you’ll go down with the other girls and serve drinks.” She pointed a sharp finger at Danielle’s chest. “And no tricks. Guards watch every move within. If you so much as look to run off, you will be punished. Got that?”

  Danielle swallowed and nodded. Better to be obedient now and look for an escape later.

  Danielle was then allowed to go into the gathering room and pick at some of the food before being set to work. She ignored the stares and whispers of the women—and few men—around her.

  There were no clocks in any of the rooms so Danielle had no sense of time. She waited a while longer until a shrouded figure came, held up a small gong, and hit it; the low crash echoed through the rooms. The women and men all stopped and rose from their cushioned nests and made for the main door to the servant’s hall. Danielle followed them and was made to stand with the other in a single file before the door.

  There were women and men in all different shades and colors of skin waiting along with her, but Danielle stood out like a pearl in a sea of coral. The others talked and laughed as if excited to go to their work and Danielle thought she would never understand this strange world of night. If she never escaped, she feared the loneliness that might eventually consume her.

  The doors to the servant’s hall opened and the men and women walked out. Whoever was at the head of the group knew where to go through the tunnel ways. In little time, they stood before the doors to the great hall.

  The doors opened. Danielle stepped through with the others, noticing the large chamber looked the same as it had before only now there were many more people strolling about the room. The servants turned toward a table at the side where barrels of wine sat along with sets of trays and silver mugs placed in neat rows. Each servant took up a tray along with a few of the mugs and went over to the barrels to fill the mugs with sweet wine.

  When it was Danielle’s turn, she followed the rest, picking up a tray and filling the mugs. She stood for a moment, watching the other servants take their trays and stroll around the length of the chamber.

  “Hey, girl, what are you waiting for?” hissed a lithe female servant in striking black and silver attire near her.

  Danielle flinched, then glanced around and timidly stepped into the throngs of people, clutching her tray with two hands.

  As she weaved through the crowd, a couple took a mug from her tray and stared at her curiously. Danielle kept her eyes lowered as she went around the room, only seeing the ends of elegant dresses and dress pants. When her tray was empty, she went back for more wine and repeated the process.

  Glancing up every so often, Danielle noticed some people wore strange masks or headpieces. Some adorned feathers or horns, others had scaly skin or fur. The crowds were lively and graceful, but their animal side always showed through with a flash of fangs or by a gesture of ringed claws.

  Sometimes her eyes locked on with one of theirs and she would quickly look away.

  Danielle had just filled her tray for the fourth time when the doors to the great hall opened once again. The crowd paused and parted and Danielle glimpsed several figures walking down the length of the chamber followed by Lord Tyris who towered over everyone. He made for the throne and sat down. The crowd looked to him and the others who had entered with him and the chamber went silent.

  Danielle quietly slipped through the crowd until she could better see the figures
standing in front of the stage. She recognized most of them—the twin devils, the snake-eyed man from before, and Bohren—but there was one she had not yet seen. A large, wolfish-looking man with tense yellow eyes and curved ears. His lips rose in a snarl, showing off impressive canines. He wore regal clothing despite his beastly appearance; standing tall and rigid with arms behind his back.

  “We, the Night Lords, were told,” began Lord Tyris, “that a few claimed to have seen the Night Princes combing the desert of their domain and that their great palace was lit after centuries of darkness.”

  A few whispers broke the silence and Lord Tyris put up his hand.

  “We sent out our quickest messengers to see if such a rumor was true and after two moons the messengers came back with their answer.” Lord Tyris stirred in his chair, his eyes shifting over them all. “It is true. The Night Princes have been made free.”

  The crowd stirred, more whispers flew and once again Lord Tyris put up his hand.

  “We have yet to contact them, however. The messengers only mentioned that the princes were occupied with some other more pressing task commanded by Prince Morgin. But, from what they could gather, the princes seemed to be searching for something. What that is we have yet to know. But we hope to find out soon.”

  The Night Lords looked over the crowd and one of the devils—the one with fiery red hair—caught her eye. He stared at her and his eyes narrowed. Danielle grew tense and slowly backed away, hiding within the crowd.

  “We will send out our own soldiers to learn what we can,” Lord Tyris continued. “If they search for something, it is likely of great importance. If we find it first... It could give us an edge over them. We can then negotiate for our lands.”

  Danielle continued backing away then went to turn. She bumped into a Lady as she did so and a splash of wine spilled on the woman’s skirt.

  “Insolent brat!” the woman cried and backhanded Danielle across the face. The rest of her tray fell to the ground with a clang and several heads turned in her direction. Danielle touched the side of her face and cowered away. She went to pick up her tray and mug, but a hand grabbed them before she could. She looked up to see a short, hunched man with a scrunched nose and flat pointy ears like a bat. He winked at her and handed her the tray and mug. Stunned, Danielle watched as he slipped past her toward the Lady, lifted a finger, and made the wine stain disappear.


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