Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1

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Storm's Spirited Harmony: The Grim Reapers Mc book 1 Page 8

by Stacy Barnett

  Harmony looks up at me and whispers back at me, “I’m clean too Charlie, but I am not on anything, as it mucks up my cycle”.

  A smile spreads across my face at her news and as I continue thrusting deep into her pussy, I lean down and take her lips savagely with my own. Lifting my head to take a deep breath in, I kiss her neck, “I want to get a baby in you so you can’t disappear on me again. You alright with that?”.

  She moves her head to the side and smiles wide and answers me honestly, “it would mean you can’t leave me, either right?”. I nod my yes, without any hesitation, and as my throat tightens up, I look into her eyes again with hope. She lifts her small hand away from my arse and puts it on my flushed cheek and simply says, “yes”.

  Growling, I pick up my pace of thrusting in and out of her hot heat, trying to get us to our joint climax’s. As I pump in faster, I could feel her tightening and I knew she wasn’t far off giving me her orgasm again. Going up on one elbow, I take my other hand and rub her clit to help bring on her own orgasm. Thrusting harder I drive my cock deeper into her heavenly cunt before she screams into my shoulder, “yes…. god…. yes, I’m cuming….”. That was the signal, I was waiting for as I push that little bit faster, chasing my own orgasm and not even four good thrust later, I am cuming so hard I see fucking stars.

  Growling into her shoulder, “god baby, I can feel you filling up from my hot cum. I hope it takes root with a baby in your belly and it makes us into a family”. My cock twitches a little as it spurts the last of my seed into her womb and I sigh with absolute satisfaction.

  Lifting my head, I look down to my quiet woman and smile, as she has passed out with my cock still buried deep with her folds. Rolling us gently to our sides, so I can keep my still half-mast shaft deep with her, I slowly close my eyes with a smile on my face, thinking about my future in my arms.

  Chapter five


  When I woke the next morning pleasurable sore, after spending a wonderful night with my white knight Storm. Giggling softly, I realised I had to wiggle out of his arms and get dressed, so I could round up the women of the club. I decided after the club’s last meeting, I was going to talk to the women, who slept with the Soldiers of Wrath men and see if they were treated properly. Gathering up my clothes, I quickly got dressed and went down to my second bedroom, to shower and dress in my leathers. I thought if Storm’s men behaved themselves, I would introduce myself as the president of the Grim Reapers and see if they wanted to become a part of my club. The thought of Storm going back to Surfers Paradise, made my heart hurt and I knew if he went I would simply follow. This way if I invite them to stay, I could have my cake and eat it too.

  As I was putting on my harness that would hold my swords, there was a soft knock on my door, “Harmony, your descent in there, aren’t you sweetheart?”.

  Chuckling as Snipers unsure voice comes through the door, I quickly pull on my cut to call out to my friend and mentor, “yeh…come in Sniper…”

  As soon as I invite him in, he is through the door and standing in front of me with a frown on his face. The look on his face was one of anger and confusion, “we have a fucking problem. There was an attack on two of our brothers last night and it wasn’t Widow this time”. I tense up and growl, but let him go on, “When we got them inside, they let us know they were attacked from behind, as they were guarding the south perimeter. I went out to look around and found someone had been checking out the topside warehouse at the back of the property. They couldn’t get in of course and left, but they left behind a fucking mutilated dog for Christ sake. I tracked their trail, until they hit that tar road a mile down the road, before it disappeared. When I came back to the warehouse their calling card reminded me of something similar that happened to another club up the top of Queensland. They left the same thing of a mutilated dog and the words, ‘Dirty Dogs take no prisoners’ written in dog’s blood on the side of the building. There’s a club out of Sydney, that match that description, but they seem a bit far away to be causing trouble here, don’t they?”.

  I pull out my nine-millimetre hand gun, as he finishes talking and turn to him, “first things first. Bury that poor animal and then get the techies on to looking at the security cameras around that particular, warehouse. There isn’t anything in there, worth all this fucking trouble but that doesn’t mean, I won’t retaliate for them hurting my men. On your way, can you send Widow to me in the mansions conference room and then get back here in an hour for the meeting between mine and Storms club”. He nods his head and turns to go out the room but stops in the doorway and looks back at me, “I hope he makes you happy sweetheart…”.

  Smiling wide, “more than anything in the world Jack, more than anything in the world. Now get going, so I can talk to the women before the rest of the club”. He nods again but leaves completely this time. I follow him out and down to my office, which has a connecting door to the conference room and I sit down to start some work on my computer. When I was just about finished paying bills, I looked up at the time and wondered where the fucking hell Widow was, so I can get this little impromptu meeting going.

  Not even two minutes later an immaculately dressed Widow, walks down the hallway and pokes her head in the office, “what’s up prez, besides your new boy toy…”, my friend wiggles her eyebrows suggestively, before she shuts up again.

  Chuckling, I look at her with a warm smile, “can you round up the women, that slept with the Soldiers of Wrath brothers last night. I want to have a talk with them, before I meet with the men in the conference room”.

  She doesn’t say a thing to me or my request before she is out the door, like her arse was on fire and I was the fucking arsonist. Smiling again, I look back to the computer until the first of the women come walking into my office with nervous expressions on their faces.

  Sighing deeply, I look at the first two and speak up to settle their fears, “you have nothing to fear from me ladies, I just need a little information and then you can go about your day as usual, alright”. Both of Tamara’s and Ellen’s shoulders relax as my words sink in and they soon find a seat off to the side of the room, to wait for the others. As I type away on my keyboard, I become aware of the room slowly filling up and as each woman comes through my door, I give them a small warm smile and a nod. Widow was the last to come through and as she takes a seat off to the side of my desk, I turn and look at the women smiling.

  “Now ladies I have called you all here, to find out how well behaved the men from the Soldiers of Wrath club were last night and I thought, all of you would have an inside view on that. Now did any of them treat you badly? or do anything that was not appropriate for your situation. Like forcing you to have sex or oral play or did they hit you and told you not to tell anyone, least of all the prez of this club?”.

  Looking at each woman, that all shook their heads negative. That is all except for one and that was the club’s shy little sweet butt called Macy. She was sitting stock still with her hands twisting in her lap nervously and an anxious expression on her small dainty face. I get up from behind my desk and move slowly over to her side, as to try and not spook her. As I get closer, one of the women beside her gave me her seat and as I sat down, Macy jumps nervously, as if she wasn’t expecting me.

  Taking her cold hand in one of my warm ones, I softly asked her, “honey no matter what, in this club the women and children are protected. Who did you sleep with last night?”.

  She leans into me and whispers, “Gunner their secretary. But he didn’t do anything to me. When I got undressed last night, I forgot I had a bruise on my back from…. from a fall at home, he got mad at the sight of it and made me tell him how I got such a bad mark. I’m sorry prez…my….my papa pushed me last night, after he got home drunk and I fell onto the corner of our coffee table. After I told Gunner all about it, he got angry and said he was going to kill my papa. I don’t want anybody killed over me and I don’t want Gunner to go to jail for trying to help me either. What am
I going to do?”. The poor thing starts to ball her eyes out, after she get some of her troubles out for all of us to hear. When she looks up at me, I must have looked mad myself, as she raises her hands up in surrender and goes on, “I know I should have said something earlier to you but I was scared. I have nowhere else to go and papa told me, if I said anything to the guys in the club, he…he…would make sure I would keep my mouth shut, by any means necessary. I didn’t tell Gunner that last part because I just wanted to feel safe, without any threats of violence hanging over my head and he felt so safe. I know Gunner would have gone after my papa, if I felt my safety was in question but like I said, I don’t want papa’s death on my shoulders”. Macy was starting blubber her words now, and was quickly getting upset.

  I take a deep calming breath, before I open my mouth to speak back to this fragile young woman, “yes you should have come to me about any kind of abuse in your life and I would have protected you, with the full force of this club. Saying that, you are staying here in the club from now on alright….”, she nods before looking at me and sighing happily. “First thing you are going to do today, is take two of the prospects and you are all going shopping for anything you will need from now on and it is on me”. Macy goes to protests but stops when I give her a stern look, before turning around.

  Rubbing my hands together, I get up in front of the women again and look at them seriously, “have any other of you got any serious problems within your families, that warrant me taking a closer look and to take care of. Those of you who know my story as a kid, will know this story well. Those of you who are new to this club and need to know where I am coming from, just know this, my father was physically abusive to my momma and was willing to sell me, as a fucking sex slave when I was old enough to have sex. If it wasn’t for my stepfather Samuel, my momma and I would probably be dead by now. That is why I don’t tolerate abuse of any kind; am I clear ladies?”.

  I look at each woman again with clear eye’s and found they were looking at me with appreciation for putting my story out there. Widow speaks up from the back of the room and actually smiles when she does, “from the chatter about these men around the club house, I say you do what you think is right and if it was me personally, I would invite them to join their club with ours. If you think about it, they are still only a small club of about ten men and they will be bringing something new to the table in my opinion”.

  Smiling at Widow’s idea, I give her a crooked smirk, “what pray tell, are they bringing to the table my friend?”.

  Widow doesn’t even twitch an inch, before answering back honestly, “bigger cocks….”.

  All the women in the room start laughing their arses off at Widow’s direct and honest answer, before settling down to look at me, for direction. Sitting back in my office chair, I continue to laugh myself as I look around the room, until my eyes fall on Cookie our resident mother hen. The woman is only five years older than me and she looks after everyone as if they were her own kids. She personally doesn’t have any and she is the only woman in the club, I let do what she wants as far as who she sleeps with and who she beats up for overstepping their bounds. Sitting forward in my seat, I lean my elbows on my desk, “Cookie, why are you so quiet, over there?”.

  Cookie looks up and smiles sweetly, “oh, I was just thinking about what Widow said and thought if we did bring them into the fold, maybe I could keep on seeing Tex their vice president. He makes me feel so bloody good and happy at the same time, I just want to hold onto it, as long as I can. Does that make sense to you?”.

  Chuckling softly, I run my hand through my still un-braided black hair, “I have to admit ladies, I hooked up with Storm last night and I couldn’t get enough of him. I think I need to put the idea of Storm’s club joining ours, to a vote today with my officers”.

  I look down at my watch and see an hour had gone passed already and it was time for my meeting with Storm and the Soldiers of Wrath brothers. Slapping the desk, “right ladies I need to go to another meeting and I will need you and the rest of the woman to get a start on lunch in a couple of hours. I will be in to help as soon as I am done with this meeting and if nothing unexpected comes up”.

  They all got up and walked out, that was all except for Widow, as she is one of my officers as road captain and will need to come into the church/ conference room. I walk over to her and look up at the tall woman and smile, “so who did you sleep with again and let live to see another day?”.

  She smirks down at me and my sly quip, before running her hand through her short curly brown hair, “I had a wonderful night with Breaker and I will have you know woman, I don’t kill all my lovers, just the ones who think I am a notch in their fucking belts. No lady would stand for a man treating her that way”.

  I open my mouth to give her some sass back, when I hear an angry voice outside my office door, that sounded strangely like a pissed off Storm, “where the hell is my Harmony in this bloody place. A man could get fucking lost in here, looking for his missing woman. If it wasn’t for the sweet butts telling you were to bloody go, you would never find your way out. Damn fool woman snuck out my fucking bed and now I can’t find her anywhere”.

  When I went to go out, Widow puts her hand on my shoulder and shushed me to listen. Nodding happily, I stop and wait for a minute, then I hear Sniper speaking up, “so I see you lost little Harmony pretty quickly, she’s a tricky and flighty one, isn’t she? That’s not a good thing for you is it brother….”. A second later we hear a meaty thump, which I have no doubt was my Storm throwing a punch at my vice president and then another as my vp flings one right on back.

  Looking up at Widow, I sigh deeply while shaking my head, “Widow will you go sort them out, while I go make a fucking hot chocolate to calm my nerves. When you pry those two apart, can you tell Sniper that I want the brothers and sisters in the meeting room for church in five minutes”.

  She nods, as we hear another thud and a groan, coming from the other side of my door. Widow rubs her hands together and steps out of the room quickly, in search of someone to play with, namely dumb and dumber at my door.

  Giggling softly, because I heard the exact moment they saw her, as the hallway goes deathly quiet and then there are two male moans and one woman’s evil cackle. That woman has an evil streak in her and when it comes out to play, like it just did, there was usually hell to pay. Knowing Black Widow, she would have punched the pair of them in their kidneys and laughed her arse off as the pair of them went down, in a screaming pile of shit.

  Shaking my head, I go over to my private kitchenette and fix myself a hot chocolate, to calm my nerves and because I fucking hate coffee. When I finished making it just the way I like it, I move into the church room and take my seat at the head of the table to wait for my family.

  Sitting down with a soft sigh, I sip my drink and think back to my childhood story, that I told the woman about and what I was going to do to little Macy’s father to teach him a fucking lesson. The man was a full foot taller than his daughter and an easy twenty kilos heavier. I have never liked bullies and that was what this man was to his only living family. Her mother left years ago, and ended up dead from a drug overdose, leaving her precious daughter in the hands of her father. If I had known how bad things were at home for her, I would have pulled her out before it got this out of hand. Tapping my fingers on the table in front of me, I quickly came to a decision concerning her father and that was to beat the ever-loving shit out of him myself, then slit his fucking throat and put him in the underground furnace at the back of the property. Suddenly out of nowhere, some of my fears concerning my own father came back to me, as I was thinking about Macy’s father’s own brutality to his beautiful daughter. Taking a deep breath, I could hear the men coming, so I took a deep swallow of my hot drink to shock my mind quiet.

  When I put my cup back down on the table my family started to make their way into the room and when Storm came through the door, he stops dead in his tracks, letting some of the others
run into him, before he roars out into the room, “what are you doing in here woman? This place is only for fucking club members…”.

  I don’t even flinch at his angry and confused words, but when he begins to stomp towards me, as if to take me outside, Master Ho stops him in his tracks, with one of his big hands on Storm’s shoulders.

  Storm tries to get out of Master Ho’s grasp and growls at my mentor, “Get your fucking hands off me, so I can take my woman out of here, before Ghost shows up and rips her a new one”.

  I speak up calmly from behind my mentor at the angry and demanding Storm, before tensions get to high, “I know you think I am in the wrong place right now, but I will have you know, I am not just Harmony here Storm, I am a member of this family”.

  Sighing I take a calming breath of my own before I continue on with my explanation, “my road name within this club is Ghost and I am the president of the Grim Reapers and not the man you met yesterday. Also, I would appreciate it if you would sit down calmly, so I can explain it all to you properly”.

  He looks at me around the side of Master Ho, as if I have gone mad, but does as I have requested and takes a seat halfway down the conference table. Sitting back in my seat at the head of the table, I wait until everyone has sat down and was looking at me for some serious explanations.

  I lift up my gavel and hit it down on the table hard, “before this meeting begins I would like to apologise to the Soldiers of Wrath club for my deception and disguise yesterday. I have found, if a man is confronted with a woman president, they have a tendency, to treat me differently and quite frankly I had, had enough of the stupid bullshit. So again, I apologise. Right everyone this meeting has come to order”. Before I could continue, Storm speaks up from his position at the large table, “hold on bloody minute here. You telling me you dressed up like a fucking man, just so you can see if I am not a sexist bastard or not?”


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