The Beta's Mate

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The Beta's Mate Page 14

by Tanya Gilford

  Then I headed to work. I arrived in time to see Bo driving the wagon out to the field with the tractor. I ran to catch him. He stopped and let me climb onto the wagon before continuing on his way. We worked as always collecting the bails of hay with the machine, and I just rolled them into a position on the wagon. When we were finished Bo pulled the loaded wagon into the middle of the yard so he could hook the truck up and make his deliveries with ease.

  “I really appreciate the help today Charlie. How’s Annie doing?” Bo began as he shut the tractor off. “I hope she’s not upset that you had to leave to come help me.”

  “She understood. She’s getting stronger, seems to be recovering well. I wonder if it was like heat stroke or something since the sun is hotter here.” I only partially lied to him. “We’ll try to plan something like a dinner or something here next weekend.”

  “Pam would like that. Didn’t you say Carol came to visit?”

  “Yeah, she flew in on Thursday to surprise Anne. With Anne’s birthday approaching, I guess they have a routine that Ray and Carol always did for Anne around her birthday.”

  “That’s wonderful. Glad to see a bit of normalcy for Annie even with Ray being gone. Did you tell her about Sal?” Bo asked. God, I hoped he forgot about him.

  “Yeah, but she didn’t seem too happy about it. I guess he stopped by Wednesday night when we were here, and she told him to leave. He must not have listened to her. I hope you and Pam didn’t give him Anne’s number.” I explained.

  “Pam may have, but I’m not sure. I was busy bailing all this hay on Thursday, so I didn’t get much of a chance to talk to him. Pam says he’s a very nice young man.” Bo shrugged. “I wouldn’t worry too much about him though. You and Annie seem to be doing good, and he’s an ex for a reason. And if she really did tell him to leave, we all know how she could be when she makes up her mind.” I nodded. “Any ways, I’ve kept you long enough today. Go home and take care of Annie. Give her my best and Pam’s love.”

  I got home a little after six. I checked in with Carol, who just checked on Anna thirty minutes ago with no change. She chuckled a little and told me good luck getting into bed tonight since Anna is spread out like a starfish, limbs and wings now. I sighed a little, but took the key from her. I will have to try to get her to move or I’ll be sleeping on the hard floor. I mean it’s not like I can’t, after all I am a wolf, but I prefer my bed over the floor.

  I went into the kitchen to find Sophie and Robby cooking together. “I wouldn’t let Steve see you two looking at each other like that.” I teased. They play it cool, but something tells me these two are an item. Sophie just rolled her eyes at me and turned back to cutting the vegetables. “Speaking of Steve, where is he?” I asked.

  “Outside, trying to work more on that patio. They got the groundwork down, now he wants to add to it to make it fancy.” Sophie replied.

  I ducked out the glass door and hopped off the back deck. I found Steve instructing Justin and Paul on where to place a granite slab on the patio. “I thought you’d be training not building.” I commented standing next to Steve.

  “We’ll begin training tomorrow. I want to get this finished sooner than later.” Steve grunted. “Besides, manual labor is good for toning the muscles.” I chuckled. “Hey, I want to take bets on when Sophie and Robby get the guts to tell me their mates.” Steve commented. “They’ve known for a while now, but I think they recently started dating.”

  “I was wondering what I walked in on in the kitchen.” I commented with a smile. “Robby will break before Sophie.”

  “My Sophie, nah. If I give her a stern look at dinner tonight, she’ll crumble.” Steve thought out loud. “My little sister can’t hide anything from me for long.”

  “She’s stubborn. I’ll put $20 on Robby caving first.” I boosted.

  “You’re on. I’ll put $20 on Sophie cracking first.” Steve shook my hand.

  “Hey, if we're placing bets on something, I want in.” Paul interrupted as he approached us. “What’s the bet?”

  Steve and I exchanged looks, and I shrugged. He started this. “Robby and Sophie confessing their relationship to me.” Steve simply stated. “Charlie has $20 on Robby cracking first, but I say Sophie cracks.”

  “I say $20 on Robby and another $10 if that he cracks by the end of the week.” Paul said with a smile.

  “I’ll do $10 within the next three days Robby cracks.” I added.

  “I’ll match the bet with Sophie within the week.” Steve smiled. “No cheating either, I’ll know if you pushed to win the bet.” We all laughed as we walked back towards the house. We walked into the kitchen as Robby and Sophie were setting the table. “Go get Carol for dinner.” Steve instructed Justin.

  “I set a plate aside for Anna if she wakes up.” Sophie assured me as we all took a seat at the table. “How is she doing?”

  “She’s good. No more seizures and her coloring is coming back. She was a bit pale the other day.” I told her. Sophie just smiled.

  We ate dinner in silence, and I really hoped Robby would say something. Every time he looked up, I caught him looking at Sophie tenderly. Steve was right, those two are definitely mates. Robby is only 19, so it’s not a huge age difference, and Steve likes Robby so it’s a great match. I was really bummed when everyone got up and left the table, took some dishes with them without an announcement being made.

  I went up to my room eager to check in on Anna. As I entered my room, carefully closing and locking the door behind me, I noted she had stretched her limbs out like Carol had said. Shit, this was going to be a tough night. I went into the bathroom to take a shower when I heard her phone ringing. I went over to the nightstand it was on to check the caller I.D. it said Billy. I also noted that it said 6 missed calls from him. I decided I should answer it. “Hello?”

  “Oh, did I call the wrong number? Where Anne?” A guy’s voice came through the phone. “Debbie and I’ve been trying to call her for days now and she hasn’t answered.” I could tell by his voice he was genuinely concerned about Anna.

  “She’s been sick since Thursday morning. She had a panic attack and a seizure. Her Aunt Carol is here helping to take care of her. She had another seizure yesterday, and it appears to be a heat stroke of some kind, so she’s been sleeping a lot.” I explained.

  “Oh, well who are you?”

  “I’m Anne’s boyfriend Charlie.” I replied.

  “That’s right. Anne was supposed to tell Debbie and I more about you, but hasn’t. I will talk to Debbie and let her know about Anne. Is it true she’s not staying at her mom’s anymore?”

  “She’s staying at my house, and Carol is in a guest room until after Anne’s birthday.”

  “Since I have you on the phone, you wouldn’t have a spare room or two for Debbie and I to come spend the week of her birthday with her? My parents are going to get us the tickets if we have a place to stay. Debbie was going to ask Pam, until Anne told her about the big fight.” Billy was brave to ask this. “Let me explain. Back in eighth grade, Anne started this birthday month challenge for Debbie, herself, and I. Debbie challenges Anne, I challenge Debbie, and Anne challenges me, for most of the years. And since Anne hasn’t replied for three days now, she’s behind in her challenges. Anyways, the week of our birthdays we go shopping, have a spa day, and other crazy things that the birthday person chooses. With Anne now living far away, we want to surprise her with a visit for her birthday week so she doesn’t miss out this year since 18 is the year we agreed to stop. She’s the last one of us to reach 18 and Debbie and I want to make it special for her especially more so now that Ray is gone.” I listened thoughtfully and remembered that Carol said Debbie and Billy are Anna’s best friends since they were little. I also had to worry about the mysterious wolf, and Anna’s condition.

  “Listen Billy, I’m not saying no, but can’t I get back to you next week? I need to run it by my roommates before I invite more people into our house. Carol just kind of showed up and told me to
pick her up. If everyone is okay with you two coming to visit, I will buy your tickets. We only have one guest room available, but we may be able to make arrangements to open up a second room. I know Anne misses you both terribly, and honestly, I want nothing more to make her happy. I just need to make sure my roommates are okay with this arrangement first.” I explained hoping he’d be okay with this answer.

  “Really? That would be awesome. My parent’s will buy us the tickets as soon as you give me the official yes. I’ll call Debbie as soon as we hang up and tell her everything.”

  “Hopefully, Anne is feeling better in a couple days, she seems stronger today and doesn’t look as pale as she did yesterday. I’ll let her know you called.”

  “Thank you, Charlie. You really are something. It was nice talking to you and I hope I get to meet you in person soon.” He said as the line went dead.

  I set the phone back down on the nightstand and walked back into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and stepped in. I scrubbed the dirt and sweat off my body from the farm today thankful I will not smell like horse and cow shit any more after this shower. I liked the busy work of the job, but the smell of all the stalls that constantly needed to be cleaned out took some serious getting used to in the beginning because of my sensitive nose.

  When I was finished in the shower, I stepped out and dried myself off. I walked back into the bedroom to see Anna still sprawled out on the bed. I walked over to my side of the bed, gently rubbing my hand up and down her arm. “Hey baby, any chance you can scoot over a little so I can lay next to you?” I whispered gently. At first she didn’t move, but then her wings folded back up together and she rolled over onto her side. I thankfully slid into the spot she made next to her. I held her hand as she basically fell back onto me. Her head rested on my chest, her left arm stretched across me, her leg wrapped around my leg, and her wings fluttered open again. God, I love this woman.

  Chapter 14


  I woke up extra stiff, literally spread out over Charlie. He was sound asleep holding my hand instead of holding me like he usually does. I tried to stretch a bit, but felt extra sore. I thought back to the last thing I remember before passing out. I was talking to Charlie about my dad’s letter and working on telling him what I’ve learned about what I am. I’m a fairy, not a human. It’s crazy to think about it.

  I pushed out of bed stiffly and clumsily stumbled through the dark room to the bathroom. It was so dark; it must be the middle of the night or something. I chose not to turn on the light in the bathroom, because I didn’t want to disturb Charlie. I went pee for what felt like the first time in days. How long was I out for? What the hell happened that caused me to black out?

  I quickly washed my hands, not wanting to look at myself in the mirror this time. If I looked anything like I felt, I looked terrible. When are these random changes going to stop? I stumbled my way back to bed. I took one look at the sexy man sound asleep in the bed and my mouth began to water. Even worse, I felt myself begin to get wet. How could just looking at this Greek god looking man have such a profound effect on me?

  I climbed back into bed and onto him. I slowly began to kiss his chest, moving my lips down his torso as I went. I stroked his stalk twice with my hand before taking him in my mouth. I haven’t had a chance to do this to him, and I want to pleasure him like he does me. As I slowly moved my mouth up and down his shaft, I could feel his length growing. He moaned a little in his sleep as I continued sucking. I danced my tongue over the tip, and began gently massaging his balls. “Fuck Anna.” He mumbled. “That feels great baby.” His hands lazily moved over my arms to my shoulders. I kept moving my lips over his shaft as one of his hands tangled into my hair. I knew he was enjoying this even if he didn’t speak. I heard him let out another moan of content. Before long he was coming into my mouth.

  I still wanted more from him. I moved back up onto his lap, straddling him before sliding him into me. I gasped at the pleasure of him sliding into me. I kissed his lips, as he grabbed my hips. I began rolling my hips as we both moaned in pleasure. When I pulled my head away from his, and placed my hands on his chest as I began gyrating on his lap, his eyes fluttered open with a smile. He leaned forward to take my breast in his mouth as he skidded his tongue over my nipple. “Charlie!” I sighed as my head fell back as the pleasure coursed through me.

  “Cum for me Anna.” He growled, as he laid back against his pillow, and adjusted his grip on my hips. He began moving my faster as we began to move toward our climaxes. He skirted a hand around to my clit, rubbing a finger over it in small circles. He knew how to make me come undone. Before I could think about how good it felt, I was crying out his name in sheer pleasure as my orgasm took hold of me. “Oh, Anna.” Charlie called as his own release came.

  I collapsed onto him as I let the aftershock waves of my orgasm pass over me. He kept his hands on the small of my back, kissing my head. Once I caught my breath, I perched up on his chest to smile at him, and kiss his lips. “I couldn’t resist.” I whispered.

  “I’m sure.” His brown eyes sparkled as he chuckled at me. “How are you feeling baby?” He asked as he tenderly ran a hand over my head and through my hair.

  “A lot better now. I was stiff when I got up, but after that ride…” He cut me off with a greedy kiss. He grabbed my hips to pull me up.

  “I’m so glad you're awake and feeling better. You scared the shit out of me on Friday.” He explained as he pushed into me again. “I need more of you.”

  “You came twice.” I laughed. “Usually that’s more than enough for you in one session.” I rolled my hips to watch his eyes roll back in his head. I knew I had control over pleasuring him like this and it thrilled me. I let him guide my hips as I slid up and down on his length, causing both of us to grunt and moan in pleasure.

  “I want to hear you cum again Anna.” He panted as he pulled me down on him hard. He slid in deep, causing me to let out a cry. I leaned forward to kiss him, as he dove his tongue into my mouth. He was overly greedy with need from me. Was I dreaming?

  As if to reassure me that I’m not dreaming, my orgasm ripped through me. “Charlie-eee!” I cried out as it passed. He continued to keep going. He let go of my hips, only to gently grab my breasts. He rolled the nipples between his fingers, making me shudder in pleasure. He kept thrusting his hips up to mine as I grabbed onto his shoulders. “Fuck! I’m going to cum again.” I whimpered as I felt my climax building.

  “That’s my girl. Cum for your mate.” He groaned, grabbing my hips again to hold me more firmly. “Your mine Anna. Cum for me.” He moved my hips in time with his own thrusting. “Oh, Anna.” He growled as his release came. He didn’t stop until my orgasm had me screaming his name is pleasure.

  I fell back onto his chest limp, and out of breath. My whole body was shaking with the aftershocks. “Well, I can only imagine how everyone’s going to feel being woken up to hearing me scream in pleasure.” I mumbled.

  “Trust me, they would be happy to hear you're awake after almost three days.”

  “Three days?” I was shocked. “What the hell happened?”

  “Well, you my fairy, got her wings late Friday afternoon after almost seven hours of what looked like excruciating pain.” He said with a gentle kiss. “I’ve been very careful not to touch your wings while we went at it. I’m under strict instructions not to touch them until Carol says otherwise. You’ve been out since.”

  “Come again? I have wings?” I was in disbelief.

  “You haven’t felt them?”

  “No. I didn’t even want to look at myself in the mirror.” I grumbled.

  “Turn on the bedroom light and take a look.”

  I scrambled off of him and out of bed. I flicked on the bedroom light and walked over to the floor length mirror that hangs on the closet door. I turned sideways to see shiny blue wings with purple swirls attached to my back. My back was covered in dry blood. As I stared at my wings, they seemed to twitch a little. How is th
is possible? “So now I look like a freak with wings. Awesome, not sure how I’m going to hide this fact from the world.” I mumbled under my breath.

  “I’ll go tell your aunt you're awake. She’ll show you how to conceal them. Just don’t open the blinds or leave this room until after she comes in.” Charlie instructed as he stood up out of bed and pulled on a pair of pants. “Only Steve knows the truth. I had to clue him in, in order to keep you safe.” He walked over to me, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close. “Your wings just add to your beauty my love. You’re not a freak, you’re a fairy and my mate.” He whispered as he leaned down and gently kissed my lips. I practically melted into his touch. “I’ll be right back. Keep the door locked, I have a key.”

  He quickly moved to the door and slipped out into the hall pulling the door closed behind him. I stood staring blankly at my reflection, I lost almost three days and grew wings. Ugh, why didn’t anyone warn me about this possibility before now? At least I could have mentally prepared for this.

  The door unlocked, as Charlie and aunt Carol rushed in. I quickly picked up a towel off the floor to cover myself up. My aunt rolled her eyes at my failed effort to cover up. “Please, you know I’ve seen you naked your whole life, and it won’t be the last time I see you naked after screwing him.” Carol scoffed. “I only care about teaching you how to conceal and reveal your wings. Just focus on thinking only about your wings, nothing else and think close.”

  I did as she instructed, clearing my mind of all my current anxieties was harder than I thought. As soon as I calmed down and focused all my concentration on my wings, I commanded them to close. To my surprise they folded up and disappeared. Well, kind of. As I looked at my blood covered back, I noticed that I now have tattoos on my shoulder blade of my wings. They closed into my skin and look like intricate wing tattoos. “Cool.” I sighed in satisfaction.

  “To open them again, you just clear your mind, focus on them and command them to open. Fairly simple. It is best to keep them closed unless you're behind closed doors and want them out, or really need them. Now that they are closed, go take a shower my dear. I’ll make you some food.” She smiled as she exited the room, pulling the door closed behind her. I went into the bathroom to take a shower as Charlie moved to the bed and began pulling the sheets off. I stepped back into the doorway looking at him questionably.


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