The Beta's Mate

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The Beta's Mate Page 28

by Tanya Gilford

  “Have you forgotten what I am?” She pressed.

  “Not at all, but I also know you don’t have complete control yet. Please Anna, just go home where you're safe.” Steve pleaded.

  “Fine, I’ll leave.” She huffed moving to Sophie’s car. Steve and I got into the truck as she pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Follow her.” I instructed. “Not too closely. She’s up to something, I can feel it in my bones.” We drove towards home for a while and then she took a turn. “Where the hell are you going?” I asked her through our mind link.

  “I’m going home.” She answered. When she slowed down, I realized where she was going. This woman is going to be the death of me. I got out of the truck and ran over to the car as she stepped out. I took a moment to admire the little number she had on.

  “I’m sorry. Your right, I shouldn’t be angry that you marked me, but my wolf is pissed. I don’t understand why, but I don’t want you to leave me. We’ve been making plans, and one argument is not going to change those plans. I needed space so I didn’t say or do something I’d regret because I was losing control of my wolf.” I confessed to her. “You thinking it was a good idea to go to a club alone, looking like that was stupid. It was a very, very stupid idea.”

  “It was Debbie’s idea. She hates when I’m upset.” She mumbled. “You were angry with me and I didn’t know who else I could talk to but her.”

  “I love you Anna. You are my mate and I want to build a future with you, but we need to work a bit more on dealing with arguments or things that piss us off.” I explained. “You claimed your wolf, now let me claim my fairy.”

  “You don’t want to mark me.” She reminded me.

  “I know.” I dropped down on one knee, holding both her hands in mine. “Anastasia Keller, I love you with every fiber of my being. You are the other half of my soul and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?”

  Her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head. We both know this is the only way to ensure she’s mine forever. “Yes, as long as you're willing to wait a few years.” She smiled.

  “We’ll build our house and have a backyard spring time wedding.” I laughed as I slid the ring onto her fingers. I’ve had it since Christmas, when we walked by the jewelry store at the mall it caught my eye. It has a sapphire cut into a small heart shape, surrounded by diamonds.

  “You have such crazy big dreams and I’m still figuring how my life is going to be with you, without my dad, and being a damn fairy. I’m worried Charlie.” She said as she held my hand.

  “worried about what Anna?”

  “That I’m dragging my feet too much for you. You have all these ideas, and I love them, I just think we’re rushing things.” She admitted then shivered.

  “Baby, let’s talk about this in the car. Your cold because as nice as you look in this dress, it’s not thick enough to wear during the winter.” I offered pulling her in close and rubbing my hands up and down her arms. She nodded, and I quickly opened the car door for her to get back in. I closed the door behind her, then went around to the passenger side. She had started the car and turned the heat on. “I have all these ideas because I’m with you. I want to do everything together. You’re my one Anna, no one is ever going to make me feel the way you do. As for the wedding, I’m willing to wait as long as you need to an extent. If it prolongs more than 6 years, we’ll be discussing it. The house, I’d like to have done in the next year or two. I can’t take the drama and everyone knowing our business all the time.” I explained. “As for us and what you did tonight. This isn’t going to fly with me, ever. We’re a couple, we’re bound to fight but you can’t just go out looking like this.” I paused and gestured to her outfit. “Especially alone. Sal is not your only threat in this life, babe. Being with a wolf, even just a Beta, puts you in danger when you're alone. I know you have powers, but you’re not in control of them yet, and even then, using them on a wolf could ultimately get you killed. I would die if I lost you Anna in any way. I don’t like you constantly threatening to leave either. You’re either going to be here with me as my future wife, or you're going to leave for good. I won’t put up with childish games.”

  “I understand.” She replied.

  “What’s it going to be Anna?”

  “I said yes, I will marry you.” She looked up at me like she was pained. “You just were so angry with me; I didn’t know what to think. I thought you didn’t want to be with me anymore. Charlie, I can’t lose you either.” She began to cry. “The truth is, when Sal left me, I ended up having a huge breakdown both mentally and emotionally. I became numb to the point I was going out looking for trouble. I would find some random guy to hook up with once in a while then move on. I tried racing cars, I tried riding a motorcycle, then moved to dirt bikes. In the end I began cliff diving. Only Debbie knew exactly what I was doing to try not to feel so numb and it scared her.”

  “I want you to know I’m never going to leave you, even if I’m angry with you. There are going to be times you are going to be angry with me, but I need to know if this skipping town thing is going to become a habit. If so, then you should leave now. I love you.”

  “I’m not going to do this anymore. My emotions are acting up again. When I marked you, you need to honestly know that I had no intention of doing that to you. I thought I bit your shoulder like usual until you growled and I opened my eyes. I felt terrible because we agreed, and then somehow, I managed to break that agreement. I want us to be able to trust each other, but I seem to be screwing up a lot lately.” She stated as she looked me in the eye.

  “I still trust you babe. Everything is new to you, and I need to be in control of my wolf better. I honestly don’t know why I was so angry about you marking me, if anything it should have turned me on knowing you claimed me as yours.” I sighed. “I am happy that you did it, even if it took me a few hours to come to terms with my own emotions. I want to grow old with you, Anna.”

  “I like that idea.” She smiled as she put the car in gear. I sent Steve a text letting him know everything was good and we’re heading home. I reached over and laid my hand on top of her thigh.

  “I love you Anastasia. You complete me.” I sighed.

  “I love you too Charlie.” She smiled as she drove.



  We got back to the house around midnight. No one seemed to be home or awake, thankfully. Charlie led me up to our room and closed the door behind us. I began pulling off my pumps as he came over and undid the zipper on my dress. I let the dress fall and pool around my feet on the floor. “Bed over the bed, Anna.” Charlie commanded with a growl. I did as he instructed, then he unclasped my bra in an instant letting it hit the floor as I remained bent over. My hands were flat on the bed and I rested on my forearms to keep me up right. When he tore my panties to shreds off of me, leaving me stark naked bent over our bed. “Anna, you’ve been bad.” He growled as he slapped my butt. It stung, but radiated sensation through me, making me instantly wet.

  “Again.” I pleaded. “I’ve been very bad.”

  He growled and slapped my butt two more times, before rubbing the palm of his hand between my legs. His rough hand scratched over my folds gently, then he pulled it away causing me to whimper from loss of contract. “Do you think I was just going to give you what you wanted?” He snarled as he slapped my butt again causing me to moan. “I saw you dancing with another man, allowing his hands to rest on your hips. I’m a wolf who is very possessive of things that belong to me.” He reminded me as he slapped my butt one more time, then slid his hand between my legs again. “Your mine Anastasia. Only MINE.” He growled in my ear as he moved his hand back and forth over my folds. “No other man is allowed to touch ever again. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes.” I quivered under his touch. He was touching me, but careful not to enter me and it felt like torture. “Only you, Charlie.”

  He p
ushed into me with a growl. He thrusted in and out of me hard and fast. “MINE!” He growled loudly every time he thrusted into me. “Cum for me Anna.” He commanded as he wrapped an arm around my waist and started drawing small circles on my clit with every thrust.

  I felt my orgasm creeping through me with every thrust and circle. “Charlie!” I cried out as I exploded around him. He followed suit with his own release and sinking his teeth into my neck, marking me as his. “Oh, Charlie.” I moaned as I slowly recovered from my orgasm.

  “MINE!” He growled as he pulled out. “Lay down on the bed Anna. On your back this time.” I crawled my way onto the bed and did as he instructed. “Who do you belong to Anna?” He asked as he hovered about me.

  “You. I’m yours forever.” I whispered reaching up to his shoulders.

  “Good girl.” He snarled as he shoved into me again. He pulled my legs up around his waist as he thrusted into me some more. “You feel so fucking amazing Anna. And you're all MINE!” He grunted as he continued to slide himself in and out of me.

  “Only yours Charlie.” I cried out. “Oh, Charlie. Yes!”

  “Cum for your man, Anna.” He commanded with a low growl. I felt another orgasm rip through me as he thrusted hard inside me and released himself. “Anna!” He called as he came. He finished and rolled onto the bed next to me. “Are you okay?” He asked, stroking my hair as I curled up against him. “I wasn’t too rough, was I?”

  “It was good, very different for you. But really, really good.” I said with a smile kissing his lips.

  “Good, I was a bit worried I was too rough.”

  “No, but you seem to be grumpier and more demanding today.”

  “Paul put me on edge, then my mixed emotions about you marking me just sent me over. I’m sorry if you think I’m more demanding. I don’t mean to scare or upset you. I have a tendency to be grumpy for a day.” He commented. “I’ll work on it.”

  “And I’ll work on not overreacting to everything. I want us to work Charlie.” I replied. “I love you Charlie.”

  “We will baby. We both have flaws that we’re working on. Some will be easier to work on in our own place.” He said kissing my head. “I love you Anna. I meant it when I said I can not wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”

  “I know, and we will.” I sighed, nuzzling his head on his chest.

  “Good night baby.” He whispered, kissing the top of my head.

  Chapter 32


  The months seem to finally be moving more reasonably. As of last month, Anna and I officially own the plot of land that we will begin to build our house on. She’s finally starting research and putting together ideas of what she would like the house to look like. I have found a construction team to start working on the foundation starting today. I have designed a blueprint for the house based on what Anna has come up with, and just pray she doesn’t change her mind after today.

  She’s graduating next week, which means she’ll be able to focus a bit more on the house building process. Though I feel she’s a bit shell shocked from the idea that we will have the house completed by October of this year. I want to bring in the new year with her in our new house together. I’m hoping I can convince her to marry me within the next two years, even with her attending college. Maybe when she’s 25, she’ll be more open to the idea of having a baby with me. I’m not in any rush, but the thought is a nice thought.

  “It’s official!” Anna called as she came onto the back porch where I’m sitting and having a beer. I looked up with a puzzled look. “It’s official, I am done with high school. Though the graduation is next week.” She elaborated for me.

  “Fantastic!” I replied, reaching out and grabbing her waist. I quickly pulled her onto my lap with a kiss. “Now I get you all to myself.”

  “You always get me to yourself.” She smiled. “I know they projected the completion of the house around the end of September, so I have a small favor to ask.”

  “Anything babe.”

  “Can Debbie and I use it as our ‘own place’ while her parents bring her here for school in September?”

  “Absolutely. I want Debbie here as much as you do. She can set up in the guest room, and when they visit, we can make it work for a year or so.” I smiled.

  “You really are the best.” Anna sighed. “Though Debbie assured them that you won’t be living there with us.”

  “I figured as much. She’ll be here as soon as her parents leave and I’ll be with you at our house the same night they leave.” I assured her.

  “I will let Debbie know it’s all set then. Umm, and Billy keeps calling. He wants to know if he should begin to look for colleges out here as well or not. You and Steve haven’t given him a straight answer.” She gently reminded me.

  “I will talk to Steve and decide on an answer. If anything, we could set up a trial living situation with Billy here. The biggest problem is, wolf packs are constantly under threat of some sort and he’s a human with no way of protecting himself if we are ever attacked.” I explained.

  “I understand, and I think a trial stay will appease him. Under the promise that if there ever is an attack, he locks himself in a closet until we say it’s clear for him to come out.” Anna suggested.

  “I will talk to Steve before you tell Billy anything.” I reiterated. “Please, wait until I have a clear answer before you say anything to Billy.”

  “I will wait.” She smiled.

  “Thank you love.” I kissed her forehead. “Just so you know, they broke ground on our house today. They should pour the concrete for our foundation/ cellar within the next two days.”

  “That sounds good. But why aren’t you wolves using your muscles to build it?”

  “I want it done correctly.” I replied simply.

  “I understand, I think.” She nodded. “I’ve seen you guys build a shed and a brick patio, so I was wondering why you didn’t just do it yourselves.”

  “A house is no shed, it needs perfection. I hired a professional team for perfection.” I explained more in-depth. “I want our house to last for generations to come, just like this pack house. If us wolves did it, we could miss a step and then have the house become a hazard instead of a home.”

  Anna began to laugh at the thought. “I don’t want to live in a death trap. I’m already marrying a wolf. I’ll take precautions in every other aspect of my life.”

  “Hey, what’s wrong with marrying a wolf?” I pouted.

  “Let’s see; you're possessive, dangerous to be around, and you growl a lot when you're demanding things.” She teased.

  “Is that so? Then why’d you agree to marry me?” I taunted her with a kiss.

  “Do you want me to name all the reasons or will the simple answer of I love you suffice?” She asked against my lips

  “Hey, you started this. So, I want to hear all your reasons why you said yes.” I smirked at her.

  “Ugh, you are such a pain.” She groaned and rolled her eyes.

  “But I’m your pain Anastasia.” I chuckled. “You marked me, keeping me by your side for the rest of your life.”

  “I like that idea.” She sighed laying her head on my shoulder. “Can we just sit out here like this tonight and look at the stars? You know, something normal-ish.”

  “I would love to do that.” I replied.

  “But…” Anna pressed.

  “But nothing. We’ll come out here after dinner and just relax under the stars with you in my arms.” I assured her.

  “I’m going to hold you to that. It feels like weeks since we have had a complete night with just us.” She sighed.

  “Where are you going?” I asked. She smiled and walked down the stairs towards the woods. I quickly jumped to my feet and followed. She began sprinting down a path before unfolding her wings and rose into the air. I pulled off my clothes as I followed before shifting. I chased after her as she zigzagged through the woods on her wings. Once in a while she would fly low enough to run he
r fingers through my fur. On the edge of our property, she stopped and dropped back to the ground. We silently watched the workers digging out our foundation hole. “It looks massive.” She whispered.

  “Your plans are extensive, and will be a fairly large house.” I reminded her. “But it will be a gorgeous home when it’s finished.”

  “I hope so.” She mumbled. “Our first night in that house, I called dibs on cooking us dinner. Sophie isn’t a terrible cook, but she could add some variety in her cooking plans.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. If you want to cook, then please be my guest.” I chuckled. “We should head back before Sophie has our heads for being late to dinner.”

  “Yeah, I can do without that drama again.” She rolled her eyes. “I love the girl, but she’s been pretty on edge lately.”

  “You noticed that too?” I grunted.

  “Who hasn’t?” Anna shot back as she turned around to head back to the pack house. “Let’s go.”

  I shifted and followed her back through the woods. I love chasing her and watching her fly above me. Her wings glistening in the sunlight under the trees as she graciously glides through the air. Watching her fly through the air with pure joy on her face was like watching an angel. I love my fairy mate more and more every day, and it’s hard to believe that she is mine.

  We got back to the pack house and stopped. I quickly pulled on my clothes again as she folded her wings back up. We went inside and sat down for dinner. After a silent dinner, Anna and I slipped out to the back deck again to enjoy the night sky together. I wrapped her in a hug on my lap as she laid back against my chest.

  “I love you Charlie.” She sighed as she nuzzled my chest. “I promise after we’re finished building our house, I will begin to plan our wedding with you.”

  “Really?” I was a bit surprised.


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