Camadin Station Two - Last Stand

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Camadin Station Two - Last Stand Page 13

by Jeffrey M. Fortney

  Bradley left orders for the two hover cars to be reserviced for another trip to the pyramid in the morning. He also ordered that sleeping gear and Terran food concentrates be stored aboard both vehicles for an extended stay with Harlu Az.

  Jarrod was exhausted but still quite excited when he and Eliana returned to the cabin they shared. They spoke little as they prepared for bed. Jarrod laid down upon the bed and Ellie took a moment to run a medical scanner over his horizontal form. He’s tired but his readings are amazingly good for as advanced as his condition has become, she thought as she put her scanner down. She crawled into bed next to Jarrod and placed an arm across his chest. “I love you, Jarrod Caulder,” she whispered gently. Jarrod mumbled something in return, already asleep.

  Chapter 9

  Personal Log

  Commander Jarrod Caulder

  Planet Kulera

  Earthdate: 26 December 2230

  What a Christmas gift we received yesterday! First contact with the Prog…Z’Laan! A computer generated avatar of a Z’Laan being to be exact. His memories, thoughts, even his emotions somehow recorded and downloaded into this planet’s primary computer system. And we can communicate verbally!

  His name is Harlu and it appears that Terrans are descendents of the Z’Laan. We obviously have much to learn from him. That we can communicate so easily will be a tremendous advantage in getting the help our race and so many others need. I hope, that as descendants of the Z’Laan, Harlu Az will provide us with that help. I need to sign off for now as we’re about ready to head back to this world’s Central Core and Harlu Az.

  The two hover cars made excellent time flying back to Harlu Az’s pyramid, considering that they were loaded down with sleeping gear and other supplies for an extended stay. Ellie flew back with the others this time. Ostensibly, she was along to monitor Jarrod and his condition but, truth in fact, she was eager to meet the Z’Laan Grey avatar, Harlu Az.

  Hover Car One made a textbook landing on the ledge of the pyramid. The security officer piloting Hover Car Two lined up his approach and the car descended. Suddenly, the lift unit on the left front corner failed completely. Unlike before, it did not come back on. The pilot tried to add power to the remaining lift units but the hover car tilted downward and drop from the sky.

  To her credit, the pilot brought the hover car down as best she could. It struck the ledge at a low angle, bounced back into the air, then hit the ledge again. It slid on its now damaged landing gear, wobbling along the ledge. At first, it looked like the car might stay on the ledge but it suddenly veered towards the edge and the steep slope of the pyramid beyond.

  While shook up like the others aboard the hover car, Jarrod had the presence of mind to yell, “Out! Get out! Everyone over the side…now!” Ellie and the co-pilot released their restraints and leaped over the side of the vehicle closest to the wall of the pyramid. They hit the ledge and rolled until they lost velocity and lay where they stopped. Jarrod was about to leap when he noticed the security guard in the pilot’s seat was having difficulty releasing her restraints. He tried to assist her but the hover car went over the edge and began to slide down the steep side of the pyramid. Just as the woman’s restraints came lose, the hover car flipped over. In the tumble, Jarrod’s head struck the dash and darkness claimed him. His next sensation was one of intense pain.

  Pain! I shouldn’t be feeling pain. I shouldn’t be feeling anything! Jarrod thoughts seemed to echo in the darkness. I should be dead. And dead isn’t supposed to feel like this…or so we’re told.

  “Rest, my child,” came the voice of Harlu Az. “Rest for now.” Strong arms lifted him gently from where he lay and began to carry him…somewhere. Jarrod tried to speak but the darkness claimed him once more.

  When Jarrod next opened his eyes darkness still surrounded him. But at least I’m conscious again, he thought. Or am I? He felt as if he was floating in some type of warm, comforting liquid. A dim glow came into being around him. Through the liquid, he could see his arms and hands floating in front of his body. Then he saw movement beyond! Jarrod could just make out two blurry figures moving in front of him from outside of the liquid, but he couldn’t get his eyes to focus upon them.

  Jarrod, can you hear me?

  It was Ellie! And he was “hearing” her, not with his ears, but in his mind!

  “Yes! I hear you, Ellie! Jarrod thought in return.

  And me, my child? It was Harlu Az’s “voice” this time.

  Yes, Harlu Az…I can hear you as well, Jarrod responded.

  Excellent! answered Harlu Az. You were injured when your craft crashed down the side of the pyramid. You are in a Z’Laan regeneration field. It is a series of force fields which support a temporary atmosphere of a specialized perfluorocarbon solution and Z’Laan nanites. You are being repaired.

  What about the security officer who was piloting…

  I am sorry, my child, we did not reach the pyramid’s inner chambers before her life functions ceased. She is lost, answered Harlu Az, sadness evident in his voice.

  How did I get here? asked Jarrod.

  I carried you!

  You? You carried me? How?

  After your previous visit, I ordered the Central Core to construct a physical form for me to better interact with you and your friends. Z’Laan nanites were used to complete this form during your absence. Unfortunately, this form could only carry one of you at a time.

  Jarrod… It was Ellie this time. The captain, the others, and I saw your hover car crash. There was no time for us to react. Suddenly, Harlu Az’s new physical form raced out of the portal and chased the wreckage down the side of the pyramid. He moved so fast that all we saw was a blur of motion. Then, just as suddenly, he came back up the side of the pyramid and ran inside…carrying you.

  We followed you inside and reached the pyramid’s inner core only after he had you in the regeneration field and activated the unit. Through his…Central Core…he informed us that he was going back for Sergeant Ashton. He returned a moment later…but it was too late. She was dead and Harlu Az assures me that her injuries were too severe for even Z’Laan technology to help. Through the mental link, Jarrod could sense both Ellie’s and Harlu Az’s sadness at Aston’s death.

  Oh! Jarrod replied. Uh…how long do I need to stay in hear?

  Are you experiencing discomfort, Jarrod Caulder? Harlu Az asked, a note of concern in Z’Laan Grey’s thoughts.

  No…well, kind of, answered Jarrod. It is not normal for humans to breathe liquid after we are born. Apparently, I’m receiving enough oxygen but it feels…unnatural.

  Harlu Az’s ‘voice’ responded with sincere regret, I apologize, Jarrod Caulder, my child. I anticipate that you will need to remain in the regeneration field for at least four more planetary rotations…days, as you would say. The nanites detected a lethal form of radiation poisoning that, left untreated, would prove fatal in a short period of time. Leaving you in the regeneration field for those four days should result in the total eradication of the poisoning.

  What? You can cure me? Jarrod asked.

  Yes, Jarrod! answered Ellie. Harlu Az explained the process to Captain Bradley and me. If you can hold out for just a few more days, you’ll be completely cured! Jarrod, please relax and let Harlu Az finish your treatment.

  Okay…let’s do it. But do I need to be awake during the process? I almost drowned once as a kid. Being underwater still tends to freak me out a bit.

  Harlu Az answered Jarrod’s question with one of his own. Would you prefer to be unconscious for the entire duration or undergo alternating periods of sleep and wakefulness?

  In his mind, Jarrod chuckled, Just knock me out! The last thing I want to do is spend any time in this stuff feeling like I’m drowning…even if it IS good for me!

  Very well, Jarrod Caulder, answered Harlu Az. Ellie Rai tells me she wishes to communicate with you privately. I will disengage from the mental link until such time as you and she have finished communicating. Then I will ret
urn to the link prior to returning you to unconsciousness. Jarrod felt Harlu Az’s presence slip from the linkage.

  Ellie said, Jarrod, Harlu Az and I will be out here monitoring your treatment. If all goes well, we’ll wake you in approximately four days. Okay?


  I love you, Jarrod! And now we’ll have more time to be together. Talk with you soon, love!

  I love you too, Ellie! G’night!

  Harlu Az returned to the linkage. Jarrod Caulder, I will now return you to unconsciousness. We will talk again soon, my child.

  Thank you, Harlu Az. We will speak soon.

  And with that, darkness claimed Jarrod once again.


  Bright lights welcomed Jarrod Caulder back to the land of the living. When he opened his eyes, he could see clearly…in fact, better than he had since his last vision correction surgery! Apparently Harlu Az’s regenerative field and nanites had taken care of more than just the injuries related to the hover car accident. And the radiation poisoning! he reminded himself. Don’t forget the radiation poisoning! No! Never!

  Jarrod was resting upon some type of medical bed. Looking around the room he saw Ellie, Mac Bradley, and Harlu Az looking at him intently.

  “Welcome back to the land of the living!” said Bradley jovially.

  “I’m so glad you’re awake, Jarrod!” Ellie said as she leaned over and kissed him softly on the lips.

  “How do you feel, Jarrod Caulder?” asked Harlu Az.

  “Quite well!” answered Jarrod honestly. “Better than I have in months! Even my eyesight has improved.”

  “That is excellent news, my child!” said Harlu Az. “For our time on this world grows short.”

  “Huh? What do you mean?” asked Jarrod. He looked at Bradley then turned his gaze to Harlu Az. “What do you mean by ‘our time’, Harlu?”

  “Merely that I shall be leaving this world with you and your companions, Jarrod. Is it correct to address you only by one name? I noticed that you used but one of mine.” Harlu Az said.

  “Yes…yes…that’s fine. Please, just call me Jarrod,” said Jarrod. “Do you mean to say that you will be able to accompany us on our journey to the Z’Laan homeworld?”

  Harlu Az’s head bobbed slightly and his skin turned a pleasant bluish color. “Yes! Another reason I created this form was in hopes of accompanying you on your voyage. I replicated my programming and left the copy in the Central Core to assume my responsibilities on this world, thus freeing me to leave.”

  Jarrod Caulder came to the sudden realization that the Z’Laan Greys had performed another of their technological miracles in creating the program that was Harlu Az. They had copied the mental patterns of that ancient Z’Laan so well that the program was in fact an extension of that being. This Harlu Az had been trapped in the Central Core computer of this world for many millennia, alone, and…lonely.

  “Well, we’ll be glad to have you with us, Harlu,” said Jarrod with a smile. “How soon can we return to the Phoenix and get back into space?”

  Harlu Az looked at Mac Bradley and Ellie Rai then asked them, “Do you wish to tell him or shall I?”

  “Tell me what?” Jarrod asked. Bradley waved to Harlu Az as if to say, ‘Go ahead.’

  “We shall not be taking your vessel. It is far too slow,” answered Harlu Az.

  “Then how are we going to track down my father?”

  “We shall take one of the Z’Laan shuttles left on this world. Even now, my nanites are preparing it for space. They have already adapted the vessel for beings of your stature and transferred or replicated many of your tools, equipment, and supplies. The crew that shall be accompanying us have been aboard learning how to operate the vessel,” said Harlu Az.

  It took a moment for Jarrod to assimilate what he had just heard. Then he spoke, “So…we’re taking a Proge…sorry, Z’Laan ‘shuttle’ to the Z’Laan homeworld? But you didn’t give my father’s team one of your shuttles?”

  Harlu Az seemed momentarily confused by the question. Finally, he answered, “No, they…”

  Suddenly, Jarrod’s old friend Mac Bradley broke into laughter. Jarrod looked at him and wondered if the captain had suddenly lost his mind. “What’s so funny, Mac?”

  “This!” said Bradley pointing to the nanite-created replica of Harlu Az. “Our Z’Laan friend here. He’s such a straight arrow. He was about to tell you that he did NOT give your father’s team a Z’Laan shuttle…because they did not ask for one!”

  Harlu Az shifted color to a gentle purple. Embarrassment? Jarrod wondered.

  “It is true,” Harlu Az said, “I did not give them a shuttle. They did not ask! They only communicated with me via the keypad. They made no attempt to speak with or at me. I found their behavior quite…rude.” Jarrod, Ellie, and Bradley shared a look of bemusement with each other…and began to laugh.

  Bradley took that moment to interject, “The morning after you were put in the regeneration field, I told Harlu Az that we would be leaving as soon as you were back on your feet. You should have seen him…he was in a gray funk…literally. Then he expressed concern about the condition of the Phoenix, saying it was too slow. So, I asked him if he had a better idea. He turned bright blue and offered us a Z’Laan shuttle!”

  Jarrod could hardly believe what he was hearing. A high tech avatar of a member of a long dead race was offering them the use of a highly advanced spacecraft! “Thank you, Harlu. We appreciate your assistance. But what about the Phoenix?”

  “She’ll return to Camadin Station with a skeleton crew. They’ll be taking back our records of our time here as well as some…technical data and other ‘gifts’…provided by our new friend here,” answered Bradley, nodding towards Harlu Az.

  “Harlu, how soon can we get underway?” Jarrod asked.

  “I wish to complete a thorough examination of your condition after we complete this conversation. Captain Bradley assures me that the crew accompanying us aboard the shuttle should complete their familiarization with the vessel within two more planetary rotations. If all goes according to our estimations, we shall leave shortly thereafter,” Harlu Az replied.

  Ellie Rai took command of the conversation and the situation. “Very well then! Captain Bradley, if you will excuse us…Harlu Az and I wish to examine our patient. Thank you, sir! We’ll contact you when we are done.” With that, she guided Bradley to the door and closed it after he had stepped through. “Okay, Jarrod…strip!”

  Jarrod blushed then peeled off the pajama-like tunic and pants. Naked, he lay back upon the bed and got comfortable. A panel along one wall opened and a tall, cylindrical device rolled out of its cubby and approached the bed. It was festooned with a number of mechanical arms, each ending with sinister looking devices some of which began to buzz and vibrate.

  “Uh, what in the hell is that?” asked Jarrod, more than a little concerned that the rumors of humans being kidnapped and examined by little grey aliens might have had some basis in fact.

  “It is a Z’Laan probe, commonly used to examine locally acquired specimens,” answered Harlu Az in a matter-of-fact tone of voice.

  “Uh, yeah. Really?” asked Jarrod.

  The device suddenly stopped moving and making noise, then winked out of existence. It was a hologram, Jarrod realized. Harlu Az then said, “No, not really. Captain Bradley assured me you would find such a device to be of a humorous nature.” Jarrod could see Ellie trying unsuccessfully to hide a grin.

  “Harlu, I believe my good friend, Mac Bradley, was playing a joke on both of us,” said Jarrod. “I see that I’ll need to teach you how to recognize human humor.”

  “Indeed, Jarrod, it was an odd request but I acquiesced because the captain seemed so sincere in offering the idea to me,” Harlu Az responded. “Very well, we can discuss humor later. For now, relax upon the table so that Ellie and I may examine you.”

  Thirty minutes later, Harlu Az completed the examination. “Your injuries have been healed, to include the radiation poi
soning. You are fit to resume your normal duties, Jarrod.”

  Ellie leaned over and kissed Jarrod on the lips then turned and kissed Harlu Az on the cheek. “Thank you, Harlu Az!”

  “You are welcome, Ellie,” he replied.

  “Excellent!” said Jarrod as he sat up on the bed. “Now, if someone could hand me some clothes, I want to get back to work.” Ellie looked at Harlu Az who stepped over to a table and picked up a grey, basketball-sized object which he then handed to Jarrod.

  “What is this?” Jarrod asked, rotating the object between his hands.

  “It is a Z’Laan nanite colony. It can be programmed to perform numerous functions; one such function is clothing. Another function is a form of wearable armor. Yet another is a life support unit capable of sustaining life in space for short periods of time.” Harlu Az held up his right hand and an image was suddenly projected into the air above his hand. “When you place the colony against your chest, it will activate. The nanites will move across the surface of your body and assume the shape, color, and function of whatever attire you wish, in this case your uniform.” The projected image showed a naked human male placing a nanite colony against his chest. The object began to change shape as the nanites swarmed across the form. In a matter of seconds, it covered the human from shoulders to wrists and toes. The shifting layers of nanites shimmered once more and assumed the colors and markings of a Terran Fleet shipboard uniform. The presentation finished, Harlu Az shut off his projection.

  “The nanite colony will eventually form a link or bond with its wearer,” Harlu Az continued. “Over time, the wearer is able to control the colony even when it is not being worn but is within several paces of the wearer. The exterior of this form I now wear is composed of a nanite colony that has been designed to act much as my skin once did. Another nanite colony forms the uniform I am wearing. The nanites are self-cleaning and self-repairing.”

  Jarrod looked first at Ellie and then Harlu Az, shrugged, then stood up. He placed the nanite colony against his chest and, just as in the presentation, the colony activated. The nanites marched across Jarrod’s torso then down his arms and legs. He felt a moment’s disorientation as the nanites slid under his feet then lifted him about half an inch into the air as they formed the soles of his new boots. They stopped at the base of his throat and at his wrists leaving his neck, head, and hands bare.


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