King of The Hood 2

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King of The Hood 2 Page 17

by Kendra Sumter


  Popping my head back in his direction. My ass was ready to run, thinking his ass was someone who’s dealing with Turtle’s ass.

  “Do I know you?” I spat, with much attitude.

  He just stared at me like he’s trying to tell me something, I think. I can’t see his fuckin’ eyes.

  “No, you don’t know me. You’re going to want to though. Trust,” he spoke.

  “How the fuck you figure that shit?” I snapped.

  I don’t know who this bastard thinks he is. He got me fucked up.

  Unfazed by my outburst,

  “I don’t do all this talking in the open. Get the fuck in,” he barked.

  “Fuck you,” I hissed.

  He pulled off.

  “Thank fuck,” I whispered, going back to my phone.

  “Naww, see, you ain’t my speed.”

  “Awww! Shiitt!” I yelled, holding my chest.

  Looking to my right, he was sitting in his truck with the window down, eyeing me. I bit my damn tongue. He ignored my outburst.

  “Check it though. Since you are such a little disrespectful girl, I’ll just leave you to fight Turtle, Stone, Banks, Racks, Neesha, and Preshus, on yo fucking on. Your little dumb ass gonna be dead before the month is even out,” he spoke, easily, causing my eyes to widen.

  Without my permission, my feet moved to his truck. I don’t know who the fuck he is, nor do I care. The words that left his mouth got me ready to do anything to stay alive. The front passenger door without him getting out, I climbed in, closed the door. I got as comfortable as I could in the leather seat, with the air conditioner blowing in my face.

  He pulled off without a word. The only thing on is the radio. It’s OCD clean in here. Checking him out again outta the corner of my eye, trying not to look as if I am though. He’s an older man, maybe forty, forty-five, fifty even, nice hair, sandstone complexion, goatee, moustache, clean nails, pink lips that aren’t too big. He’s pretty tall, maybe six-three, six-four, and in shape. I can’t see his damn eyes, like I stated before, due to his dark ass shades.

  I don’t know what the hell I’ve done, but it feels like I just went from a bad situation, to a worse one. Pulling my phone out, I started going through it, not looking for nothin’ in particular. I just needed to occupy myself from these off centered thoughts my ass was having. I need a fucking blunt and a drink.

  Feeling the truck ease to a stop forced my eyes to look up. Taking notice, we were at a red light.


  My head whipped in his direction. The tone, the underlining threat, coupled with the strength of his voice, had my heart bout to beat out my chest. Slowly, oh, so slowly, he lifted the shades from his eyes. My eyes widened at what I’m seeing. It can’t be, I thought. Outta all the muthafuckas in South Carolina, I had to be accosted by one I prayed like hell didn’t exists.

  “Yeah, it is. You, my dear, will do everything I tell you to do, without any back talk. I’m trying to save you. It has an expiration date on it though. You have started a lot of shit, for no other reason than you are a hateful, spiteful, human being. The main thing you’ve done is caused someone dear to me to almost die. For that alone, I could snap your fucking neck. I won’t…. Yet. Thank God I’m not a monster. Sit back, snack on yo snacks, don’t talk. When we hit our destination, your work begins. Trust, you will work, or die,” he stated, with a deathly calm.

  Clamping my legs and thighs together, I faced the windshield. My heart felt like it was in my stomach. Suddenly, I’m full, and need to throw up. I’m having that damn moment of what if?

  What if I had actually listened to my damn bitchy ass sister?

  “Yo hard headed thinks you know it all, ass wouldn’t be on a slow fall to hell now,” my conscious answered.

  Nodding my head in agreement, as I rested my head against the window. My life has just spun completely out of control. I’m not even looking forward to the outcome, either way, I’m fucked up.


  ‘Over A Month Later’

  August sixth

  Regional Apartment Complex



  “Wha’chu dooinnngggg?’


  “Wha’chu studying?”


  “Anatomy? You nasty.”

  “Seaqual, what the hell do yah lil’ ass want? Why are you callin’ me like that?” I snapped.

  “It’s so roomy in here. You wayyy out there. I’m wayyy in here. I just felt like being close to you,” he sang out, causing me to giggle.

  “Un huh, I think yah lil self is restless. You just spent a week in Disney World. School starts soon. We’ll be going school shopping Saturday. Did you work on your book?” I called out.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he called back, then quieted.

  Looking up from my books, I eyed the hallway as I sat on our sectional. We haven’t been here long, not quite a full month yet. I thought Preshus was pushy. What she does pales in comparison to Banks’ ass.

  We arrived at his townhouse after the Fourth of July cookout. He told me he wasn’t ready to be outta my presence. I agreed. I couldn’t lie to myself. He swung by the apartment, allowing me to grab an overnight bag for Seaqual and myself. For some reason, I didn’t want to stay at LSC that night. They had the fireworks going, drinking, music playing just partying, having a good time, pretty much the usual.

  I felt the eyes of the females as I went into my apartment, then again, as I walked out. I’m not a hundred percent with my arm being bandaged, so I let the shit fly. Having almost a hundred stitches, and a few staples holding my arm together, makes me to vulnerable. I really do believe I will kill Ocean if I laid eyes on her ass.

  After grabbing what we needed, I climbed back in the truck, after making sure the apartment door was locked. Pulling out the lot, Banks didn’t say anything, but I could feel his eyes switching between me and the road.

  “I’m okay, Banks,” I assured.

  He flinched at my sudden words.

  “Good to know. Did you enjoy yo ’self today?” He inquired.

  Nodding while giggling a little.

  “I sho’ nuff did. Stone surprised the hell outta me. I knew he had fallen under Preshus’ spell tho. I just didn’t know the affect would’ve been so immediate,” I informed him.

  He glanced from me to the road.

  “Yeah, that is some shit. Wha’chu mean by that tho?” He questioned.

  Shrugging, I looked out my window before turning slightly back to him.

  “Preshus has a power to her. People can’t help but to be drawn to her. I’m not takin’ bout her body. It’s just her aura, her confidence. She’s been called names, assaulted, and threatened. The wrongs of others were blamed on her. She didn’t allow it to break her, she just went harder. Stone was drawn to her at the bash. He thought he was slick wit his eyes, but he wasn’t,” I answered, truthfully, quieting him.

  Bopping my head to the music, while listening to Seaqual and Lil’ D snore lightly from the back.

  “So, what is it about you?” He asked me, almost too quietly.

  “Wha’chu mean? I’m just me,” I answered, a lil’ confused.

  “No, it’s mo’ than that. There’s something bout yo lil’ ass. I tried puttin’ yo ass in a box. The shit worked, ‘til yo crazy ass tried to take my sight, while reading my ass the riot act,” he explained.

  Giggling slightly as he side eyed me.

  “I just,”-I paused- “I just hate fuckin’ labels. Some women live fa’ that shit. I fuckin’ don’t. I never took pride in being a project chick. I wasn’t trying to be no generational, government user. I’ve always wanted better and seen better fa’ myself. My goals and shit got pushed to the back. Granted, I’d do it again fa’ Seaqual and Ocean. It’s just, why judge without conversation?” I expressed.

  “Much respect. Again, I apologize. Take that bitch, that’s something my ass don’t do. Now,
I done gave yo ass two,” he let me know.

  “Well, thank you. You’re not as much of an asshole as I thought. Yo ass got some redeeming qualities,” I let him know, causing him to chuckle.

  I like his laugh, it’s deep and rumbling. From there, we fell into an ongoing conversation. We got to his house about forty minutes later. Seaqual woke up, but Lil’ D didn’t. We got inside. I immediately took notice of the sparse furniture. I knew in that moment, we weren’t at his main house.

  He showed Seaqual and I upstairs to the spare bedrooms. He had three of them, excluding the master suite. There was also three bathrooms. Seaqual took a shower, while Banks washed Lil’ D up. Cussin’ and fussin’ the entire time. I asked him why he just didn’t put’em to bed. He smacked his teeth then,

  “The lil’ nigga is like his Uncle Drake. He can feel dirt on his ass. He’ll wake up in the middle of the night, talmbout, ‘Daddy, I need a shower.’ I ain’t tryin’ to choke his lil’ ass tonight.”

  The look on his face caused me to holler, before slapping my hand over my mouth.

  After I got myself together, he let me know I could use his bathroom. Which I did. Undressing, then slipping on the plastic, long glove, he purchased for me after leaving MediCare, I got in the shower. Which felt amazing. I almost cried as the powerful water pounded down on my tired, aching body. I finished after washing my body twice. Stepping out, I looked into the linen closet and grabbed a fluffy towel, patted myself dry, while thinking his mama raised his ass right. A straight plus in my book. I can’t stand nasty niggas. I did my nightly regimen. Afterwards, I slipped my night shirt on.

  Stepping out the bathroom, my eyes landed on Banks, as he sat on the edge of the bed without a shirt on. Licking my suddenly dry lips. I didn’t know he had all that under his clothes. I’ve always thought Banks was unnaturally sexy. Now, it’s something different.

  “Come here, Neesha,” his deep timber floated though the quiet room.

  Without provocation, I moved to him, placing myself between his thighs. He raised his hands, placing them on my waist. Tilting his head back, his expressive eyes clashed with my nervous ones.

  “Is this okay?” He questioned.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Yo ass is sexy as fuck. I woul’na never thought yo ass was shy. Do I make you nervous or something? Yo ass shakin,” he observed.

  Taking a deep breath, then releasing it. I wasn’t nervous. It’s just that in this moment, I’m kinda out of my comfort zone. My clit is thumping, while my heart and mind is telling me don’t do the shit. This ain’t the time. With those thoughts, I,

  “It’s not that. Let me be completely honest with you. You are a very powerful man. Who could have anyone you want? Do I think I’m not good enough fa’ you? Hell no. I know that not only am I good enough, I’m also a gem. I also know what I want and expect, ain’t what you’re used to. Pussy get thrown at yah ass worse than a buy two get one free sale, at the hair store.

  I would love to get to know you, for you, before fuckin’. I’ve never been able to do no casual shit. Yes, I’ve only had one man, one relationship. That one relationship set the bar for anything else I may ever have. I’ve conversed, even dated a couple of guys. I just never felt a connection to those guys. I do feel a connection to you. This may dampen what you may have been thinking, I just believe in being up front,” I expressed, in one breath, without breaking eye contact wit’em.

  His response was to pull me closer, pressing his lips to my tummy, then nuzzling it. My hands went to his hair. I didn’t expect this reaction.

  “Yo honesty is rare. I ain’t never been one fa’ games. I speak what the fuck I got to say, no sugarcoating. I ain’t even gon’ lie, when I first saw yo ass, I wanted to fuck. Bringing yo ass here, cuz I wanted to fuck. I know yo ass ain’t like that. Even wit that knowledge tho, it ain’t stopped my dick from thickening at the sight of yo ass. Now, because yo ass demands it, I’mma give it to you. We can do the get to know date shit. No time like the present to grow the fuck up, right?” He stated, looking up at me.

  His turn around was quick and threw me a little. I agreed to his notion. He showered, telling me to get comfortable in his bed. At my hesitation, coupled with my raised eyebrow, he promised not to be on the sneak shit.

  Trusting him, I climbed in with my night shirt on. I got comfortable, while waiting on him. He took too long so, I took my ass to sleep. The next morning, he filled me in on some shit that happened with Kimmy. After cooking breakfast, I called Preshus. After she cussed me out fa’ wakin’ her up, she told me what went down. Not just with Kimmy, but with her and Stone too. I was flabbergasted with what she revealed. I was surprised Stone was still alive, after that fuck shit he pulled.

  We got off the phone at the same time Banks was hanging up from talking to Racks. He was wearing a dumb ass smirk on his face. I didn’t even comment. His ass was smiling, not knowing his boy may be taking his last breath fucking with Preshus. We spent the day together with the kids. We talked some more, actually establishing a relationship of sorts. I made sure to harp on the sex. I let his ass know I wouldn’t tolerate his ass fuckin’ somebody else. Using the stupid line, ‘I got needs and you ain’t fuckin. What you expect me to do?’ Won’t fly with my ass.

  I told’em we could be friends and live our lives as we see fit. He gave me the whole song and dance bout how I’m the woman he’s been looking for, and how I remind him so much of his mother. Saying I have her strong personality. I let it ride, accepting it. Things been going good. I went back to work, got my stitches out, went back to school. We’ve been on dates; dinner, movies, the parks, museums, he even took me to this jazz club, which I enjoyed immensely.

  It has felt like we’ve been together for three months, instead of three weeks. Everything was going smoothly, until a few days ago.

  “Neesha, wha’chu thinking bout? Is it okay fa’ me to visit Lena next door?”

  Seaqual’s voice broke my concentration. Blinking, while running his question through my head.

  “Are her parents home? At least one of them? I ain’t talking bout her older sister,” I asked.

  “Yes, ma’am. I just talked to her. You can walk wit me,” he answered, staring me in the eyes.

  He didn’t break eye contact. Seaqual can’t lie. Well, he can’t lie to me.

  “I trust you, Seaqual. Don’t forget the rules. Make me an auntie, we fighting,” I let his ass know.

  He blanched, then grimaced.

  “You so dramatic, Neesha. I ain’t doing that. I’ll be back by seven. That’s good?” He questioned, eyeing me.

  “Yes, that’s fine. You want pizza fa’ dinner? I don’t feel like cooking.”

  “Marcos,” he exclaimed, hopeful.

  “Yes,” I giggled.

  “Okay. Love you. Don’t study too hard, it’ll make yo big forehead hurt,” he called out, walking towards the door.

  “I got yo big forehead. I’mma kick yo ass. Love you too. Behave,” I fussed.

  He threw me a head nod. Taking a quick inventory of what he has with him. He has his Under Armor book bag, which means he has his iPad, PS4 games, and his sketch pad, along with his pencils.

  Hearing the door close, I sighed, focusing back on my books.

  ‘Pick up the phone.’ ‘Pick up the phone.’

  Sighing, while picking my phone up off the cushion beside me. All my furniture is new. The only thing that was moved here was our belongings from our bedrooms. I knew Preshus wasn’t just gonna sit back and not do nothing. I didn’t even get mad, there was no need.

  “Yes?” I answered, placing it on speaker.

  “Wha’cha ass doing?” Banks’ voice boomed through the speaker.


  “Why yo ass being short wit me? I ain’t do shit to yo mean ass,” he snapped.

  Smackin’ my teeth.

  “Calm yo ass down, Banks. I done told yo ass I ain’t Lil’ D,” I clapped back.

  “Un huh, yo ass actin’ his age
tho. So, what’s yo fuckin’ problem? Yo ass know I’ve been busy and shit. Yo ass said you understood this shit. Don’t go flipping on my ass. Now, what the fuck is up wit yo ass?” He snapped.

  “Don’t try that bullshit. I understand what the fuck yo ass does. I don’t have no fuckin’ problem wit it. My fuckin’ problem is wit lying muthafuckas,” I barked, staring at my phone like he could see my face.


  Looking from my phone to the damn door.

  “Yo difficult ass could’ve said yo ass was here,” I spat, moving to the door.

  Looking through the peep hole to make sure it’s his ass. Opening the door. His crazy ass still holding his phone to his ear. Moving away from the door, back to my couch. I hung up the phone.

  “Damn, yo ass rude. Hangin’ up in my face and shit,” he fussed.

  Eyeing his ass as he moved cross the room to me.

  “Now, what was that smart shit yo lil ass was saying?” He barked, in my face.

  “I said, I hate a lying muthafucka,” I reiterated.

  “Who the fuck lying?” He questioned, with his eyebrow raised.

  “Yo ass, Banks. I asked yo ass was you dealing wit Bethany’s dizzy ass. You said no. I asked yo ass while in Disney World wit yo son, mama, brother, his girl, and my brother, yo ass said no. Do you think I was asking yo ass that shit just because?” I paused, to let my words register, while picking my phone up.

  “I remember all that shit. I told yo ass no, I meant that shit. The fuck I gotta lie fa? I’mma man bout mine,” he spat, pissed.

  “I hate that fuckin’ line. I wish I knew the sorry muthafucka who came up wit that shit. I swear, I’ll knock his ass out. That fuckin’ line needs to be retired. Yo ass ain’t a man bout shit. Word to the wise, yelling that shit don’t make yo words a bit mo’ believable. I really dislike dumb muthafuckas. Well, muthafuckas who tries to treat yo ass like you’re the dumb ass. I told yo ass I ain’t the fucking one,” I went in, grabbing my phone off the cushion.

  He was standing staring at my ass, like he’s just seeing me for the first time.


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