The Skeleton Key Guild (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 5)

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The Skeleton Key Guild (The Doorknob Society Saga Book 5) Page 31

by MJ Fletcher

“I should have killed you as soon you had entered the Paladin Academy.” Mr. Tower ran at me, twisting his hands and forming an energy spear.

  I spun, creating whips of my own and snapped them out, cracking them against his spear. “You’re right. You should have because now it’s payback time.” I brought the whip around flicking it and striking at him repeatedly. He backed up from the sustained attack, twirling his spear to fend me off.

  “This isn’t how it’s supposed to happen,” he snarled and spit at me.

  “No, I’m supposed to have my mother, father, and baby sister. My cousin should have her parents, and I shouldn’t have to bury my friends, you son of a bitch!” I spun on my heel and snapped out my whip, curling it around Tower’s waist and bringing the other around and snapping his spear in two.

  “How?” He shook his head as if confused, then quickly raised his hands focusing his energy and trying to form a new weapon.

  I reversed my whip and brought it around catching his throat. He gagged as it tightened around him.

  The Bridge shuddered as Jess stood before the portal. Lines of crimson energy flowed from each of her fingers as she worked to stop it from opening. The Bridge was failing under the weight of the power flowing across it. We didn’t have much time.

  “Can you close and lock it?” I called out.

  “Yes,” she shouted.

  “Good, since I have someone who belongs in there.” I smirked and Mr. Tower struggled in an attempt to break free.

  “This isn’t possible, I am First Kind,” he gurgled.

  “And I’m Chloe Masters of the Doorknob Society,” I said proudly and twisted my body, yanking both whips, pulling him off the ground and tossing him into the air. I unfurled the whips releasing him and letting him slam into the half formed portal. He struggled activating his powers, trying to dislodge himself.

  “I don’t think so.” Jess flicked her wrist and crimson chains formed around his arms, pulling him further into the portal.

  “No!” he screamed a guttural sound. “This won’t stop me, nothing will stop me. I will find a way to get out and destroy you!”

  Jess and I glanced at each other and a thought crossed between us. We didn’t speak or acknowledge it. We simply both turned and, using our Artifact-inspired abilities, reached out and took control of the portal and, with a turn of our hands... we began closing it.

  “What are you doing?” Mr. Tower’s voice changed from angry to fearful in seconds.

  “Ending this once and for all,” I said and Jess and I began walking away.

  “It can’t end this way.” Mr. Tower struggled to speak as the portal closed around him. Stuck half way through, he had nowhere to go.

  “It already has,” I said over my shoulder as the portal snapped shut and the bottom half of Mr. Tower fell to the floor of the Bridge. “I win.”

  Chapter Fifty-five

  Status: I’ve got some friends to save

  The Bridge wavered and began to collapse around us. The portal snapping closed was the final countdown. We raced toward the remaining portal, dodging the pieces of Bridge that collapsed under us.

  “Your dad?” I called out to Jess as she leaned down scooping something up from the floor of the Bridge.

  “He’s gone,” she responded her voice low.

  I nodded as we jumped into the portal leading back to the Badlands. I came up in a roll on the other side. Faith had been able to hold the Bridge together long enough, and as we crashed into the Badlands side a cracking sound echoed all around us as the Bridge and portal collapsed in on itself. Like a star blinking out of existence, it sucked in everything around it. We rushed away as fast as we could, passing the bodies of Gremlins and First Kind. We reached the entrance to the pathway, and I kicked the door open to find Nightshade standing on the other side fighting off a Gremlin with Erin crouched behind him.

  I flicked my hand and a bolt of energy tore a hole through the beast, dropping it. Nightshade turned and smiled at the sight of me. His arms slipped around me and he yanked me off the floor and kissed me in a way that let me know that he was never so glad to see him. And damn if I didn’t kiss him back letting him know I felt the same.

  “Would you two get a room already?” Jess laughed.

  I pulled back from Nightshade and reached out and grabbed Erin, pulling her into a hug. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine.” She smiled and hugged me tightly. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “We need to get out of here, the Bridge collapsed,” I said to Nightshade.

  “Tower?” he asked.

  “He won’t be a problem ever again.”

  “That’s my girl.” He smirked.

  “Girls,” Jess and I said with a laugh.

  Nightshade simply shook his head.

  “Where are the others?” I asked.

  “Slade and Edgar volunteered to stay behind and hold off the First Kind,” Jess said somberly.

  “I don’t God damn think so.” I activated my powers and ran full speed ahead, the others following right behind me.

  The sound of battle echoed all around us. We crashed through the final door leading to the top of the stairwell of the citadel. Gremlins and First Kind were everywhere and standing in the center of the oncoming blitz were Slade and Edgar back to back, fighting tirelessly. Slade swung his hammer, bashing two Gremlins at a time. Edgar moved his hands like an orchestra conductor, using his griffin to attack. But the odds were overwhelming and a First Kind broke through right beside Edgar.

  “No!” Jess screamed and dove past me. Crimson energy ripped from her hand and blasted the First Kind member to pieces as she kept running forward.

  I followed behind her. We used our enhanced abilities to cut a swath through the enemy and reach our friends.

  “Miss us?” Jess called out.

  Edgar turned with a smile. “We thought we lost you when we heard the big boom.”

  “Haven’t you learned by now how hard I am to kill?” I snapped my whip, sending a group of Gremlins scrambling away. “Now let’s get the hell out of here.”

  “Best plan you’ve come up with all day.” Edgar chuckled.

  “You’d think they would give up now that their boss is dead,” Jess said as she swung her sword at another First Kind who thought better of it and ran in the opposite direction.

  “It might take a while for the word to spread,” Nightshade said as he stepped up beside me. Erin huddled by his side.

  “From the power levels coming from you two,” —Slade pointed from me to Jess— “I’d guess we have four Artifacts between us.” He flipped his Artifact in his hand and Edgar still had the Mapmakers Legend.

  “Your’re right about that,” I said.

  “Then let’s make them pay for the fight.” He smiled wiping away the sweat and blood from his forehead.

  “Now that’s a plan I like.” Nightshade smiled and nodded in agreement.

  I raised my hand and azure light glowed brightly around it. “Let’s go kick some ass.”

  I took the lead, though we moved as one. Slade and Nightshade flanked me, with Erin and Edgar in the middle, and Jess bringing up the rear. We activated the floating stairs and fought our way down to the bottom floor of the citadel. The Gremlins quickly gave up the fight once they realized how outmatched they were. The remaining First Kind tried to match us, but was so outclassed we quickly pushed them back and made our way outside.

  The top of the Citadel buckled and creaked and, where the Bridge had been, had become a swirling vortex of energy as the surrounding area collapsed on itself.

  “That’s not a good sign,” Edgar commented on the growing anomaly.

  “What’s up?” I asked as I snapped my whip at the retreating First Kind.

  “Once the collapse point reaches critical mass, it’ll explode.” He mused as he unfolded the Mapmakers Legend and began making calculations.

  “How much time do we have?”

  “Two minutes.”

��Get us coordinates out of here,” I urged.

  “What about everyone else?” Nightshade asked.

  “Slade sounded the retreat. Tell them Mr. Tower is dead and we need to evacuate the dimension now,” I called out to him and Slade pulled a small device from his pocket and began tapping the message into it.

  “I got us a path out of here,” Edgar said.

  I reached out taking Erin’s hand and Nightshade slipped his arm around my waist, making me smile. “Let’s go home.”

  Chapter Fifty-six

  Status: My crazy life!

  A cold breeze blew across the porch of my home in Cape May. The sound of the waves crashing on the beach could be heard in the distance and I pulled my legs up on the porch swing and into my chest.

  Two days had passed since the battle in the Badlands. We were still sorting out our losses and some of the First Kind was making a bit of noise, but with the death of Mr. Tower they were few and far between. We’d won, though I still had a hard time believing it.

  The jangle of metal snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked to see Rosalita marching up the steps to the house wearing a big smile. I hopped off the swing and rushed forward, hugging her.

  “I’m glad to see you’re in one piece.” She smiled and we both sat down on the swing together.

  “You too.”

  “I just left the Council meeting. They appointed your grandmother leader.”

  “That must have been interesting.”

  “You could say that. Slade spoke out against his father who was then removed and replaced by Levi Miller. Only Dante and Jeremiah remain from the old Council and that’s only because they helped you to defeat the First Kind. Emory was appointed to lead the HVO or whats left of them, and everyone was asking for you.” She winked at me and I smiled.

  “I’ve had enough of the Council and problems for a while, I need a rest.”

  “Is that what you’re calling him?”


  “From what I’ve heard Nightshade is practically living here with you.”

  “You’ve heard right.” I smiled.

  “I take it to mean things are working with you two.”

  “We argue all the time, but there isn’t anyone else I’d rather be with.”

  “And your sister?”

  “Still getting used to everything. I have her set up in one of the rooms and Gran and I are going to look after her. She’s old enough to attend the Paladin Academy, so we’re signing her up. It’s going to take time, but I think she’ll be okay.”

  “What about you, will you be okay?”

  “I’m fine,” I replied as I wrung my hands together.

  “You’re a terrible liar.”

  A portal opened only a few feet away and Jess stepped out. She was wearing all black, the only section of skin besides her face and neck showing was her forearms. The shirt stopped at the elbows and small thin scars crossed her arms and on the inside of both were perfect Skeleton Key tattoos. She was an Artifact now just like me, and it could burn both of us out the more we used our powers.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been trying to reach you since the battle ended.” I held out my hand and she grabbed it, smiling.

  “I had to find someone.” She waved back at the portal and out stepped Gavin Brimstone.

  I jumped up and threw my arms around his neck hugging him. “I thought you were dead.” Tears brimmed my eyes and he held me tightly.

  “I made it,” he answered quietly.

  “I’m sorry about Henna.”

  “So am I.” He nodded mournfully and I noticed he was leaning on a cane. The battle had left him with emotional and physical wounds.

  “Why don’t we give these two a moment to chat.” Rosalita was up and took Gavin’s hand leading him into the house as Jess leaned against the wall smiling.

  “You okay?” I asked Jess as they disappeared into the house. I heard Nightshade call out enthusiastically to Gavin upon seeing him and smiled.

  “You mean besides the fact that if I use my powers too much that I will burn up and die?” She chuckled.

  “We’re in a crap situation.”

  “Correction, I am.” Jess smiled and pulled something from her pocket and tossed it to me. I reacted and snatched it from the air. I turned my hand over and was startled to see my family ring, the very ring that had contained the Artifact until Mr. Tower released it on me.

  “But this was lost on the Bridge?”

  “I spotted it when we were high-tailing it out of there. I thought you might need it. Gavin thinks he knows how to work it. He said he should be able to use it to remove the Artifact from you.” Jess was smiling from ear to ear, and I couldn’t help but join her.

  “You saved me,” I said, “again.”

  “Couldn’t let anything happen to you.” She nodded and scratched at the tattoos on her arms.

  “What about yours?” I hated the idea that the Artifact she had taken in my place was slowly killing her.

  “Gavin has some leads on a device like the one the Grimm’s used to have. I just need to find it.” She smiled weakly and we both knew it was a long shot that such a powerful device was hanging around waiting to be found. But hey, we were good at long shots.

  “We’ll all look. We’ll find it.”

  “Thanks, Cuz.”

  “Hey guys,” Val took the steps two at a time, her hands filled with a tray of coffee mugs. Edgar was right behind her, his head buried in a Map. “Slade called, he’s going to be here soon. So we stopped at Cape Beanery and picked up some supplies.” She held up the tray of coffees she had in her hand like a trophy.

  Val rushed forward and slipped her free arm around Jess’ waist hugging her. Jess looked over at me with pleading eyes to save her. She wasn’t great with people touching her these days, but even she couldn’t resist Val.

  “I’m so glad you’re all okay,” Val said and stepped back.

  She crossed the distance and I was the next one in for a hug. She squeezed me tight and I found myself hugging her just as tightly. I was glad she had remained safe through all of our battles.

  “Next time no leaving me behind,” she said firmly, looking back and forth between me and Jess.

  “Of course not,” I said with a smile.

  “I’m serious. I might not be Old Kind, but I can handle myself in a fight.”

  “We know you can Val,” Jess said.

  “I’m just glad we’re all together again,” I added.

  “Maybe we can do a movie marathon like the old days?” Jess asked and winked at me.

  “Jess, when did you get to the Beanery?” Edgar didn’t look up from his Map as he asked the question and we all began laughing. Val slapped his shoulder and he finally glanced up and looked around, surprised at his surroundings. “How did we get here? A portal, a wormhole?”

  “We walked, silly.” Val slipped her arm through his and angled him toward the door, which Jess pulled open. The two of them walked in and Jess stepped through after them. Looking over her shoulder, she nodded for me to follow.

  “You coming?”

  “In a minute,” I replied and she let the screen door close behind them.

  “Chloe Masters.” Slade walked along the sidewalk of Mission Way and up onto the porch. “Where is everyone?”

  “Inside, we’re going to do a movie marathon, like the old days.” I smiled and he chuckled.

  We stood looking out over the street and the peaceful night that surrounded us.

  “This is where we met,” Slade said.

  “You’re right.” I smiled thinking of the first night back in Cape May when I had learned I was Old Kind. Slade had saved me on this very porch. “It feels like a lifetime ago.”

  “It was a lifetime. A lot has changed since then.”

  “We’ve lost too many people,” I said my mind drifting to my dad and mom and the others who’d paid the ultimate price.

  “In the end it all turned out for the best. We won... thanks t
o you.” Slade flashed that bright smile of his and for the first time in a long time I felt like he was happy with himself once again.

  “Thanks to all of us.”

  “We didn’t do too badly, did we?” he asked.

  “No we didn’t.” I placed my hands on the porch railing and leaned over.

  “I’m heading in, are you coming?” Slade asked.

  “In a moment.” I nodded and he disappeared into the house.

  I stood at the top of the porch stairs and breathed in the night air. It was finally over. No more First Kind hunting me or my family. I could figure out what the hell I was going to do with the rest of my life. Maybe I’d finish my training with Uncle Archie in London and become a tracker for DS. But no matter what I decided, all I cared about was that I had my friends and family around me and that was the most important thing of all.

  “You hiding out here?” Nightshade’s arm slipped around my waist, pulling me against him.

  I hadn’t even heard him open the door. I rested my head on his chest. “Not hiding just thinking.” I looked up at his handsome face and wondered how the hell I got so lucky to finally be with the man I love.

  “Thinking about what, Masters?”

  “What I’m going to do with the rest of my life.”

  “Rosalita said something about the Council having a job for you and me.” Nightshade arched his eyebrow and leaned down, his forehead touching mine.

  “Did she now?”

  “Yeah, something about wanting us to team up and look into something for them.”

  “Sounds interesting,” I whispered.

  “Doesn’t it?” He smiled, angled his head, and kissed me, swooping me off the porch, my feet dangling while he bear-hugged me in his strong arms.

  I loved the feel of him against me and felt the urge to send everyone home and have him all to myself. He placed me back on the ground, finishing the kiss, and grinned.

  “Happy with yourself?” I punched his shoulder over the cocky look on his face.

  “Always.” He laughed and slipped his hand over mine, our fingers intertwining. “Want to talk with Rosalita about this mission?”

  “Later, let’s just have a good time tonight.”


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