Remy and Rose': A Hood Love Story

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Remy and Rose': A Hood Love Story Page 6

by Mz. Lady P

  "Let me spit some real shit to you. As long as we're together, don't ever apologize for doing what you feel. You had every right to beat Ana's ass. I'm glad you did because she was testing you. As far as that other thing, I apologize for walking away from you. I could have handled the situation better than what I did. On some real shit though, that shit was feeling good as fuck. I was about two minutes from flipping your lil ass over and giving you the dick.”

  "Damn! I should have held you down tighter. Can I ask you something, Remy, without you getting mad at me?"

  "You can ask me anything?"

  "Do you think we're moving too fast?"

  "Nope. Are you having second thoughts?"

  "Of course not. I would marry you right now if I could. I just feel like with everything going on with you and your mom, I don't want you to wake up one day and regret choosing me as your wife. I know that there are plenty of women out there--" Remy put his hand up and cut me off in midsentence.

  "Let me stop you right there before you even let that shit slide off your tongue. I'm not interested in other women. I want you Rose'. Stop selling yourself short like you don't deserve me. I hate when you do that shit. I'm here with you and Heaven. Stop worrying about other women that are non-existent. Now let me ask you something. Are you serious about marrying me right now?" I had to sit up and look her square in her eyes, to see any hint of hesitation or doubt before she answered.

  "I'm dead ass serious I want to marry you right now."

  She straddled me and kissed me long and hard. I ran my fingers through her hair as I slipped my tongue in her mouth.

  "It's settled then. Call your family and tell them to pack. We're going to Vegas in the morning. Everything's on me. Let me call my pilot and tell him to gas up my plane." I kissed Rose’ one last time and I started making the necessary preparations.

  "Oh my God! I'm getting married!"

  I looked back and Rose' was jumping up and down in the bed. All I could do was smile because I loved it when I put a smile on her face.


  "Ya'll know damn well I don't get on nobody airplanes. My blood pressure all the way up with this shit here. Peanut, let me hit that blunt baby. I need to calm my nerves."

  We all laughed as Peanut handed her the blunt and she inhaled deep like the OG she was.

  "I see you Madear. Take it slow though, that’s some Kush," I told her.

  "Nigga please. Back in my day, now that was some real weed. I don't know what this cat-piss is ya'll smoking. Wake me up when we get there. I'm headed straight to the casino." This old lady was just too damn much for me.

  Peanut and Neicee had been to the bathroom several times. We all knew what they were doing. They were officially a part of the mile high club. Boo had come with his lady friend, Honey, which was one of the strippers that worked for me. I don't know what she put on his ass but she had the little nigga’s nose wide open. Dino and Heaven were knocked out. She loved her grandfather. I looked over at Rose' and she was staring out of the window in deep thought.

  "Are you okay baby?"

  "I'm good. I'm just ready to be your wife. I want you to make love to me all night long." She leaned over and kissed me and I needed to adjust my hard on. I was going to get blue balls fucking around with her. I couldn't get to Las Vegas fast enough. About three hours later the plane landed and we all went to our rooms to get ready and rest up for our pre-wedding dinner. We were all staying at the Bellagio.

  "This room is beautiful baby. I can't wait until tomorrow night. I'll be Mrs. Remy Ramirez. That sounds so nice.

  "Will I be Mrs. Remy Ramirez too?” Heaven said in her cute little voice. We both laughed.

  "No baby, there will only be one Mrs. Remy Ramirez." Rose' bent down and kissed her on the cheek.

  "Can Remy be my Daddy number two?"

  "Of course he can," Rose' said. I wasn't sure about that number two shit. I was going to be her father and I had plans on making her legally mine. I didn't want her around the nigga Ace period. Plus, his days were numbered.

  Chapter 11- Neicee

  The entire time since we've been here at the hotel, Peanut has been constantly on the phone. It's really starting to irritate the shit out of me because I know it's the bitch Kim. I should have followed my first mind and got me a room by myself. I'm not beat for this shit with him.

  It's sad to say that I have fallen in love with Peanut. He fucks with me hard, but I don't think the love is as strong on his end. All we do is argue and fuck. I'm so tired of that shit I don't know what to do. I knew the type of nigga I was fucking with when we first hooked up one night after the club. As much as I hate to admit it, I fucked him on the first night and that could possibly be the reason why he treats me the way that he does. As long as we're fucking we're fine. As soon as we're done, it’s back to arguing and the disrespect. I watched as Peanut came out of the bathroom fully clothed.

  "Where are you going?"

  "I'm about to hit the casino. I'll see you at the dinner."

  "Did it ever occur to you that I might want to go to casino?"

  "You can go to the casino if you want to Neicee. Your ass ain't going with me though. Stop trying to make this shit out to be more than what it is."

  His words hurt me to the core. Despite knowing what it is between us, his words were harsh and they hurt my feelings.

  "Well damn, tell me how you really feel," I said as I got up and started putting on my clothes. I wanted to be done with his ass, but this morning I found out I was nine weeks pregnant. I wanted to tell him but after this, I'm too scared of his reaction. I went inside the bathroom and slammed the door behind me, sat on the toilet and cried for what seemed like eternity. I finally gathered myself and got ready for the dinner.

  It was about two hours later when I was dressed in my all-white Akira off the shoulder mid-length dress. I decided on a pair of Michael Kors wedge heels to wear with it. As I rode the elevator down to meet up with the rest of the family, the only thing on my mind was whether or not I was keeping this baby. As soon as I stepped off of the elevator, my decision was standing in front of me. I wasn't keeping this baby.

  Right there in front of everyone to see, Peanut was tonguing down the bitch Kim. I blinked the tears away. I couldn't believe he had brought this bitch to Vegas with us. That's some scandalous ass shit. I would usually go ape shit about something like this but there was no need to make myself out to be an even bigger fool than I already was. The biggest insult came when he looked me in my eyes and placed his hand on the small of her back, and they proceeded into the banquet hall of the hotel.

  I felt so fucking stupid. All eyes were on me as I took my place at the table beside Rose'. I held my head down, too afraid to make eye contact with anyone. I've always been shit talking Neicee. Big bad ass Neicee. For the first time I was showing my weakness for a nigga. I hated that my broken heart was on public display for everyone to see.

  "I will make that bitch leave if you want me to. Peanut is dead ass wrong. This is for family only," Rose' whispered in my ear. She grabbed my hand under the table and held it tight as she could.

  "Damn nephew. I see you like your big Unc. You got both your women at the table. That's some player player shit right there. Remember how I used to be back in the day Momma?" Dino said as he bit off a piece of chicken.

  "All the fuck I remember is your ass sitting up in the intensive care unit stabbed the fuck up. You played them games with Rose's mother all the time until she almost killed your stupid ass. Peanut sitting up here with Kim and Neicee at the table is not cute at all. It's actually embarrassing because I taught him better than that. As a woman, I don't see how women sit up and deal with this shit.

  You ain't got to be a fool for no motherfucking body. Walk away from silly shit like this. If you ain't enough, give that nigga his walking papers. It's too much dick out here to be stuck on stupid."

  I couldn't even be mad at Madear because everything she said was true. I was done with Peanut and I soo
n as we made it back to the Chi, I was going to the chop shop. Let Kim’s baldheaded ass give him a baby.

  The words that Madear had spoken gave me some confidence to hold my head high. I had to sit and think about it. Peanut was expecting me to act a donkey and when I didn't, it fucked him up in the head. Now he keeps stealing glances at me and I'm ignoring his ass.

  The rest of the dinner went off without a hitch. We partied all night and celebrated Remy and Rose's new life together. I was so happy for them. If I ever I fell in love I would want my husband to be just like Remy. He loves Rose'. He looks at her with so much love in his eyes. I'm so happy I talked both of them into taking that extra step towards being with one another.

  The sound of someone knocking on my hotel room door jarred me out of my sleep. I knew it was Peanut because he walked out and left his card. I just let his ass knock all night. I hoped he knocked until his knuckles started bleeding. He can go and stay with the bitch Kim. In my heart I love that nigga, but I know he's not ready for what I'm ready for. Walking away from whatever the fuck it is we have going on is what's best for me. So if I have to go to sleep every night with tears wetting up my pillow, I will. I know my worth and I definitely deserve better.

  Chapter 12- Rose'

  "Come on now, Rose'. You have to stop crying while I'm doing your makeup," Honey said, as she reapplied my mascara for the third time.

  "I'm sorry. My nerves are all over the place." I swear I have been crying off and on all morning. I'm scared and happy at the same time.

  "Here, drink this. It will calm your nerves a little bit," Neicee said as she handed me a glass of champagne.

  "Don't be over there putting all that make up on her. She don't need to be walking down the aisle looking like a two dollar hoe," Madear said as she dressed Heaven in her pretty white dress, with the tights and ruffle socks to match. My grandma has no filter. She says whatever comes to mind and has no shame once she says it.

  "You look so pretty Mommy.''

  "Thank you, sweetie. You look pretty as well."

  "Which one of ya'll is knocked up. I dreamed about fish last night."

  "Not me Madear. I haven't even had sex so it's definitely not me," I said and I looked over at Honey and Neicee.

  "It's not me either. Boo makes sure I take my pills faithfully."

  We all looked over at Neicee at the same time. She was quiet as a church mouse, so we knew her ass was the one pregnant.

  "My Peanut about to have him a little Peanut." Madear was smiling from ear to ear.

  "I'm not having the baby, Madear. I can't go through all of that alone. I'm not even telling Peanut. I'm sure he wouldn't care anyway.

  "I know you're upset with Peanut and you have every right to be. That baby in your stomach doesn't deserve to die because his or her parents can't get it together. Furthermore, you knew Peanut wasn't shit when you laid down with him unprotected. Might I add, it's a sin to kill a baby. On judgment day, you don't want to be standing at the pearly gates and you can't get in because you didn't follow God's plan.

  A baby is a precious gift, Neicee. Just think about it before you make a decision. That's Peanut’s baby too. He deserves to know."

  I could tell Madear was upset. She left the bridal suite after she said her peace. She hated abortions. It was her who talked my mother and father into letting me keep Heaven.

  "Why Madear always got to be right about everything?" Neicee said as she sat down and put her head in her hands.

  "Don't get an abortion, Neicee. Peanut is a lot if things but he isn't a deadbeat. He'll be there for you and the baby."

  "I know Rose'. That stunt he pulled last night has me all in my feelings. I'm really hurt ya'll." There was a knock at the door and Remy peeped his head in.

  "No Remy, you can't see me before the wedding. It's bad luck." Honey and Neicee stood in front of me, so that he couldn't see me in my dress.

  "I just wanted to tell you I love you and I can't wait to marry you."

  "I love you too, and you already know what I can't wait for."

  "Okay, bye Remy. That's enough before she starts crying again," Honey said as she pushed Remy out of the door. We all laughed and sipped champagne before it was time to walk down the aisle.


  Here we are together

  In a place in space

  Surrounded with Love.

  Here to say yes I Do

  I Love You

  And I want to be the only one

  Cause You, You are

  You are just the one

  I want to spend the rest

  Of my life with

  You are just the one

  To bring out the

  Very best in ME.

  You make me so happy

  Happy Forever (OHHHH) we must be In Love!!!!

  The sound of Pure Soul singing “We Must be in Love” echoed throughout the beautiful banquet hall as my father walked me down the aisle. Heaven looked so cute as she carried my long train. Everything was so beautiful in all white and red. There were red roses everywhere. The entire room looked as if it had been draped in diamonds.

  I was surprised to see so many guests in attendance, especially since this was a last minute thing. Remy was handsome as ever in his all-white tux with just a touch of red. His dreads were freshly twisted and braided in two fishtails down his back. Boo and Peanut looked handsome as well standing next to Remy. Honey and Neicee were beautiful. They had big pretty flowers in their hair like the singer Billie Holiday. Their make-up was flawless and their long flowing dresses fit their body like a glove. I was so glad they were here to share my special day with me.

  "You look beautiful baby girl. Are you ready to get married?" My dad whispered in my ear as we walked down the aisle.

  "I'm ready as I'll ever be. Thanks for everything, Daddy. I love you." I kissed him on the cheek and we continued down the aisle. The closer I got to Remy the more I wanted to cry. They were happy tears though. As soon as I made it to Remy, he grabbed my face and kissed me. The whole room started clapping and whistling.

  "That usually happens after you say ‘I Do’," the Pastor said getting our attention. For the next ten minutes, the Pastor prayed for our union and we exchanged our vows which were off the top of both of our heads because we forgot to write them. I cried so hard when he placed a ring on Heaven's finger as well, promising to always be a good father to her. We sealed the deal with a kiss and I was officially Mrs. Remy Ramirez. Our reception was off the chain. I didn't know what to do when I saw August Alsina singing to me. Remy knows I love me some August.

  Remy and his crew were getting fucked up. My Daddy was drunk as hell messing with all the young girls. Even Madear and Heaven were turning up on the dance floor. I didn't care how drunken Remy’s ass got; I was getting me some dick tonight by any means necessary.


  I stood inside the bathroom of our suite looking at myself in the mirror. I was dressed in an all-white lace La Perla thong and bra set. Remy picked it out for me to wear. I put a thin coat of M.A.C. on my lips and did a once over before I exited the bathroom. There were candles lit all over the room, as old school slow jams played on the radio. Remy was lying in bed ass hole naked, smoking on a blunt with his dick standing straight up in the air. That shit had me wet as hell. I couldn't believe this was about to happen.

  "You look sexy as fuck Mrs. Ramirez. Now take that shit off. I want you butt ass naked." I slowly took my clothes off and seductively walked towards the bed. I crawled in between his legs and took his dick into my mouth. Slowly and methodically I made love to his dick. I was sucking as if my life depended on it.

  "Ohhhh shit! Suck that dick baby, just like that."

  It's crazy how I was pleasuring him and was so turned on, to the point I was moaning as well.

  "Come here and sit on my face."

  We were now in the sixty-nine position. The feeling of Remy's tongue darting in and out of my pussy had me going crazy. I couldn't even focus on pleasuring
him because Remy was sucking the soul out of my pussy.

  "Pleaaasee! Stop. I can't take it anymore." I was trying my best to get off of Remy's face.

  "I thought you said you wanted me to make love to you," he managed to say with my pussy still stuffed in his mouth.

  "I do," I said out breath.

  "Well, ride my face right now."

  He slapped me on my ass cheeks hard as hell and that made me started rocking. I felt myself exploding all over his face. Without hesitation, Remy lifted me up and laid me back on the bed. He climbed on top of me and gently parted my legs. I felt him pressing his dick into my opening and began shaking like a leaf, because I knew this shit was about to hurt. I haven't had sex in over four years. I cringed as he slowly pushed the head in.

  "Relax and let me get up in there. You want this dick right?" He was now thrusting in and out of me slowly. I nodded my head yes and without warning he pushed his entire dick inside of me. I felt like I was being ripped in two.

  "Ahhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed out in pain as he started fucking the shit out me. I was trying to grab anything that was in my reach. I had to bite his shoulders to keep from screaming out further. Eventually the pleasure sat in, and I was able to throw this pussy right back at him. We were now in the doggy style position and he was working my ass over, but I kept up with him.

  "That's right; throw that ass back to daddy. That's what the fuck I'm talking about." He slapped me on both of my ass cheeks again.

  "Come on and ride daddy’s dick.”

  He laid down flat on the bed and I climbed on top of him. I slid down on him and began to rock back and forth. Not long after, I turned around and began to ride him in the reverse cowgirl position.

  "Ride that shit just like that. I want you to cum all over this dick."

  The way he was talking to me was driving me crazy. I sped up the pace and not long after, I came on his dick so hard it was completely covered in all my white cream. The feeling of him jerking and shaking beneath me let me know that he had cum as well. We both lay back in bed out of breath and sweating bullets.


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