Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two)

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Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two) Page 6

by Cameo Renae

  “I can’t take this from you. You’ll be fighting tomorrow and will need it much more than I will. I don’t even know to use it or if I could,” I said, handing it back to him.

  “Believe me, Emma, you will definitely need it much more than I will. It’s yours now, and it will help you. I have two new blades now that were designed just for me. I can kill just as many demons or Darkling with any blade given to me. I’ll let you in on a little secret. The secret is… it’s not really in the blades. It’s all in the technique baby,” he snickered. He started flexing the huge muscles in his arms.

  The old Dominic was back. The one I was used to seeing.

  “Thanks Dominic,” I whispered, laughing quietly. I put the blade back in its sheath, then reached over and hugged his neck. He hugged me back.

  “Yeah, you better not hug me too long or too tight, cause my boy Kade might get the wrong impression. I don’t want him getting all jealous over us,” he chuckled. “We just have to be careful. His new mortal heart is very breakable,” he said with a wink and a grin.

  “Riiiiight…” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Yep, and you’re welcome. Oh, and one more thing before I go. It’s Dom…just call me Dom,” he said, gently tapping my shoulder.

  “Thanks for everything, Dom,” I said softly. He smiled. His white teeth glimmered in the darkness. He pushed off the couch and disappeared back into the kitchen. It was his shift to watch the monitors.

  I pulled the dagger back from its sheath and held it in my grasp. It was razor sharp and I dared not touch the blade. The handle was a marble white, and had a large golden symbol engraved into it. It looked a lot like one of the symbols that were imprinted on their necks. Maybe it was Michael the Archangel’s symbol? I really didn’t know too much about him. I’d heard his name a few times in church but never really knew his story. I didn’t even know what an Archangel was, or what they did. That would be something I’d have to Google later.

  I carefully re-sheathed the blade and placed it safely under my pillow.

  The night and my overactive mind stole precious sleep from me, and before I knew it, I was watching the clock turn 6:00am. Soon after, everyone began stirring.

  I should have asked Dom to put the sleeper on me, but I wasn’t thinking at the time. I sighed and decided to get up and see if anyone started brewing coffee. It would need to be super strong this morning.

  Kade stumbled out of his bedroom looking as just as tired as I felt. I wondered how we’d make it through the day, let alone survive Hell and whatever horrors it would throw at us. Thank God, Samuel and Danyel were joining us. We’d definitely have to rely on them for our safety.

  As the morning dragged on, everyone eventually made it to the table and ate breakfast.

  “So, what’s the plan?” I asked.

  “There is no actual plan,” Malachi answered. “We have two groups. The first group is just going to charge out of here, fight off whatever Fallen are out there, and then clear a path so the second group…you guys… can make your escape.”

  That sounded easy enough.

  “It’s a good thing the Darkling can’t be out during the day,” I mentioned.

  “Yes, but the Fallen are twice as strong and fast,” Alexander added.

  “Then I guess it’s even better that you guys are stronger and faster than they are,” I added. All of their faces began to brighten at my remark.

  “She’s right, you know,” Dom muttered. “Except she was actually only talking about me.”

  “Whatever, dude,” Alexander huffed. “We’ll see who gets more kills today. I’m on my game. I can feel it.”

  “You’re on, little man,” Dom nodded, narrowing his eyes at Alexander. With sly grin plastered to his face, he shoved his last piece of toast in his mouth.

  “Let’s just see if the two of you can survive today. There might be more Fallen than you can handle,” Malachi added. He had his dark sunglasses donned, and his usual smug face.

  “Malachi, don’t be sour. You can play too, if you want,” Alexander teased. Malachi just shook his head, and shot him an evil look.

  “Alright everyone! It’s time to get serious,” Danyel jumped in. “Today is the whole reason why you’ve been sent here. You are Guardians, whose mission is the safety and protection of Alaine and Emma. We all need to make sure that Emma gets out of here safely, and today that is our top priority. We will fight to keep her safe, even until death,” James answered, with confidence on his face.

  “Until death,” everyone cheered in unison.

  My heart instantly swelled and broke at the same time. I looked at each one of their faces, and realized that I’d come to love each and every one of them, even if I’d only known them for a short time. They were fearless. They were beautiful. And they were looking out for my safety. These Guardians already had, and still were, willing to risk everything for me.

  Even if they were just obeying orders and doing their job, each one had a special place in my heart. But there was one who had a piece of it: My Guardian. The one who gave up his immortality to become human so he could travel with me into the depths of Hell.

  I glanced over to Kade, and he had a smile his handsome face. His eyes were still their beautiful hazel, but they now had dark circles around them; the first flaw I’d witnessed since I’d met him. I smiled back at him, glad that he would be taking this journey with me.

  “The sun will be at its highest point in four hours. That’s when we’ll make our move,” Samuel announced. “Let’s get ready.”

  Everyone agreed with shouts and fist bumps, and left the table in high spirits. That was something I would never understand. How they could be so excited before heading into battle?

  “Emma, could I speak to you for a moment?” Alaine asked, peeking from Caleb’s room. I nodded and walked toward her. She widened the opening as I entered, and closed it quietly behind us. “I just wanted you to know that I don’t agree with you leaving, but I know that in your heart you have already made your decision. Before you go, I want you to have something from me,” she said, carefully removing a necklace from around her neck and placing it on mine.

  It was a teardrop shaped pendant on the end of a petite, golden chain. I grasped it in my fingers and as soon as I touched it, it felt warm. It was beautiful. The stone was reddish with tiny specks of yellow and green through it. It was simple, yet elegant.

  “What kind of stone is this?” I asked.

  “It’s a Bloodstone,” she answered. “And, not just any Bloodstone, this is one of the original Bloodstones.”

  I looked up to her, puzzled. “I’ve never heard of a Bloodstone.”

  She smiled and took the pendant in her fingers.

  “The Bloodstones are part of a legend, or at least those who tell of it, think that it is. The legend states that while Christ hung upon the cross, the blood which flowed from his wounds dripped down onto the earth below, covering the surrounding stones. One of his followers gathered the precious stones, saturated with the crimson blood of his Lord, and carefully hid them away.

  “Soon after, things started to happen. The man suddenly fell into an abundance of wealth, and while others around him contracted disease and sickness, he and his family remained healthy and well. He also knew when someone wanted to hurt or steal from him, because the Bloodstone would glow bright red, alerting him of their closeness. He believed that the stones held strong magical powers.

  “Rumors began to spread about the magic of the Bloodstones, and many outsiders tried steal them, so he hid them away, and told no one of their whereabouts. Not even his wife or his children. The man took the secret to his deathbed. But it’s been told, that right before he died, he was visited by an Angel. And it was to that Angel, that he whispered the secret hiding place of the Bloodstones.”

  “Wow. So how did you get it?” I whispered.

  “As you probably know, I was also adopted. Right after birth I was taken from your grandmother, and secretly whisked away to
a family who was chosen to raise me. They loved me as much as any parent could love a child, and gave me a happy, fulfilled life. Eventually, they both passed from illness.

  “But it was the day before my eighteenth birthday that I received this gift. When I returned home from school that afternoon, I found a small box placed atop my pillow. I questioned my parents, but they said they knew nothing about it. My mother had been home all day, and she said there were no visitors. But, someone had gone into my room and placed it there.”

  “When I opened the box this necklace was inside. Later, I found a small handwritten letter neatly folded and tucked into the bottom of the box. I read the letter a million times, memorizing every single word. It was from my father. My birth father.”

  She paused for a brief moment, and stared blankly at the amulet, still rubbing it between her fingers.

  I didn’t move and remained silent.

  “The note read...

  My dearest Alaine,

  I am so sorry that I have never had the pleasure of meeting my beautiful daughter in person. Please know this: I have always kept a watchful eye over you. Now that you will be turning eighteen, I wanted to present you with this gift. It is a small token of my love, on the day before your transformation.

  Do not be afraid of your gift, and as much possible, keep it secret. Human minds will never be able to comprehend it, and human hearts will be envious. One day, I will send someone to explain, but until then, remain steadfast to your own heart and discernments. They will, at most times, steer you in the right direction.

  The adornment is a Bloodstone of Christ, one of the rarest and most sacred of all amulets known to both men and Angels. This stone will give its wearer protection, power, and health. Wear it always my daughter, for there are many evils that abound in your world.

  There is a small mark on the back of your neck, which is the mark of your descent. Keep it hidden, especially from those who ask. Knowledge of this mark could lead to death.

  My wish is that fate will one day bring us together, for it has been a weighted burden upon my heart. There are many troubling and perplexing circumstances which have kept the distance between us, but always know this… I love you, and have always loved you, my beautiful Alaine.

  Keep safe,

  Your Father”

  She stopped and then suddenly snapped from her trance.

  “So, you’ve never met your real father?” I questioned.

  “No,” she said sadly.

  “Do you know his name?”

  “No,” she repeated.

  “I can’t take this from you,” I said, unhooking the chain from my neck.

  “Yes, you can, Emma. I am giving this to you as a gift, from a mother to her only daughter. This is for your seventeenth birthday gift. I am no longer in need of it, but you will need it, especially where you are going,” she said. She refastened the amulet to my neck, and then took me in her arms and hugged me tightly. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back.

  “Thank you so much,” I whispered.

  I opened my eyes and saw Caleb’s eyes wide open, staring at me. As soon as he noticed me, he quickly snapped his eyes shut again. I couldn’t help but giggle. Alaine stepped back and looked at me, befuddled. Giggling at a moment like this wasn’t right.

  “I’m sorry. I just…I just thought of something funny.”

  I didn’t want to rat on Caleb. He probably didn’t want Alaine to know he was up anyway.

  “Well, you better go get ready,” she said.

  “What should I wear?” I asked. I mean, really, what was I supposed to wear for a trip into Hell? I was assuming it would have to be something on the cooler side. A fire suit would probably be a great choice, but I knew we didn’t have any of those just lying around in an underground bunker.

  “Oh yes! I do have something for you to wear. I knew this would be the perfect place to keep it, in case we ever ended up here,” she smiled, walking over to the closet. She pushed a bunch of clothes on hangers to one side, and pulled out an outfit draped in white plastic and handed it to me. “This was mine, given to me after my transformation. It was another gift from my mysterious father, but I’ve only used it once. I do have a feeling it should fit you perfectly.”

  I gave her a confused look, and she laughed, hugged me again, turned me around, and pushed me out the door. I walked into the last bedroom, since Samuel was out in the kitchen, closed the door, and then carefully peeled the plastic off of the outfit.

  I gasped.

  This had to be a joke. She couldn’t have been serious! This wasn’t an outfit! This was a superhero suit that looked like it belonged to cat woman! There was no way I’d be able to fit my body into that small, black leather material. But the longer I stared at it, the more I wanted to try it on…mostly just to humor myself. It was actually kind of cool looking. I ran my fingers down the soft leather, and suddenly felt tingles shoot up through my hand. Yikes! Maybe it was magic.

  I quickly peeled out of my clothes and slipped into it.

  OMG! It was a perfect fit. Too perfect. Actually, like whoever made it had measured every part of my body, hugging every curve. It fit like a glove.

  I stepped into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. At first, I was embarrassed because I’d never worn anything that fit this tight in my life, but the longer I wore it, the more it felt like it was a part of me. Like I was wearing another layer of skin. I brushed my fingers across the material down my arm. The inside was super soft, but the outside felt hard to the touch, like rock hard. I knocked on it and it was solid, like steel. What the heck was this material? It couldn’t have been manmade.

  I quickly tied my hair up into a tight ponytail, and for a split second, I thought I was looking at Alaine. A younger Alaine, but there was a strong resemblance. I was in awe at how much I actually looked like her. I turned around, and held up my hair, trying to see the mark on the back of my neck, when there was a knock on my door.


  My heart skipped a beat. It was Kade.

  “Come in,” I said, and then remembered I was in this ridiculous outfit.

  Crap! It was too late to change.

  The door opened and he stepped in. As soon as he saw me his eyes widened.

  “Whoa. You look…”

  “I know. Ridiculous. Alaine gave this to me, but I was just going to take it off,” I said embarrassed, heading towards the bathroom.

  “No. Don’t take it off!” he urged, walking over to me.

  “Why?” I asked, in a coy voice.

  “Well, I’m not going to stop you if you really want to take it off,” he said, his eyes sliding downward.

  “Hey,” I said, feeling even more embarrassed.

  “Sorry,” he grinned. “First of all, you do NOT look ridiculous in that outfit, and before you interrupted me, I was actually going to say that you look…very beautiful.”

  I felt my face flush with heat. “Thank you.”

  “I’m just speaking the truth, Emma.”

  “And…why shouldn’t I take it off?” I questioned, curious.

  “Because it’s a Vestimentum Angelorum,” he stated with a wide, cocky smile. He knew I had no clue what he’d just said.

  “A what?”

  “A garment of the Angels,” he laughed. “This is a rare suit. There were only a few ever made. This suit becomes part of the wearer, acting as an armor and camouflage. When it senses danger, it adjusts to its surroundings, blending in, and in some instances, even making the wearer invisible. But its powers differ from each user.

  “Angel’s wings are stitched in between the materials, making it nearly impenetrable. It will also adjust to your body’s heat. If you become too hot, it will cool you down. Too cold, and it will warm you up. It’s the best protection you could have right now,” he said. His eyes faltered, dropping to the ground. “You’ll need it, because I won’t be able to protect you as I should.”

  He was standing a few feet away from

  “Kade,” I whispered, shaking my head. He looked so handsome, and so vulnerable standing there. His hazel eyes were swimming with a sadness that was continually breaking my heart. Dark, disheveled hair framed his flawless, porcelain face, and his black shirt and blue jeans hugged his lean, muscular body. He was perfect, just like the sculpture back at the house.

  I sucked in a deep breath. There was no way of telling him how much he meant to me. I’d never opened my heart to any boy. Never shared a kiss, and never shared my heart, or any of my hidden secrets with anyone.

  I reached out and touched his arm. He took my hand and stepped closer. Heat rushed through my entire body, reminding me of the first day I met him. Our eyes met and steeled on each other, and he quickly closed the void between us. In an instant, our worlds collided.

  He leaned in and the heat of his closeness made me anxious. I closed my eyes, letting my other senses take over. The warmth of his lips pressed against my forehead, the tickle of his breath across my cheek, and his soft kisses trailing down the nape of my neck.

  My heart and pulse began to race, and a surge of heat and electricity coursed through my veins. This felt like a dream. A dream I never wanted to wake from.

  His fingers carefully traced the lines of my face, and then slowly raised my chin so that my eyes met his. I became dizzy with his closeness and his sweet scent.

  He kissed my cheek, and softly whispered into my ear. “Emma.”


  “I want you to know, before we leave this place…that…that I love you.”

  “Kade.” I was breathless when his lips found mine, and for the first time, desire and passion burned within me. His lips were sweet and gentle. I opened my mouth slightly, and let his tongue enter, eagerly and passionately searching mine. My body melted into his embrace.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck to keep myself from falling, but it was too late. I had already fallen, head-over-heels for him. He was intoxicating.

  His mouth was as hungry for mine, as mine was for his. My fingers wrapped in his hair and pulled him closer. He held me tight in the warmth of his embrace. I’d never felt more safe. Never.


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