The Strain

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The Strain Page 11

by Jacqueline Druga

  “Tonight,” Lars said. “I cannot take a chance that they have it. None of us can. Could you imagine the nightmare if they go back in time, twenty-five years and spread an unknown bacterial infection in Vegas.”

  Joe whistled. “I didn’t think of that.”

  “I did.”

  “We can stay at the airfield,” George said. “It’s removed.”

  “Which brings us to our other dilemma,” Danny said. “We have them all going. Which means Ryder is in Charge of Bowman. Doyle and Jess are in the New Town quarantined. I have to cover mechanics and the go between. Who is running Security?’

  “Danny,” Joe said. “It’s one day.”

  “Yep. But... we have three hundred missing foreign soldiers out there. Twenty-four hours is long enough. My tracking is up but we need Security.”

  “John Matoose?” Joe asked.

  George shook his head. “He is in Bowman. With me gone he’s on call for flying between provinces.”

  “Put Johnny on that,” Joe said.

  Danny shook his head. “With Ellen shut in working the new ward and Dean gone, we need all the doctors we have. He’s medical. So he’s out on flight and security.”

  “Dan?” Joe suggested.

  “Ha, ha, ha, ha,” Danny laughed then turned serious. “No.”

  “What does Frank say?” Joe asked.

  “Frank says,” Danny did his best Frank impression. “I’m fucking unemployed. Not sure if he adds the ‘g’ to fucking or not, he’s not consistent with that.”

  “Oh, brother.”

  “Maybe now is the time to give him his job back?” Danny asked.

  Joe shook his head. “Not officially. He’s still doing it he just doesn’t realize it. Will he at least give his opinion on who should cover?”

  “For his consulting fee of ten Danny Dollars.”

  “Christ,” Joe griped. “Fine. Pay him. Get a hold of him now. Especially with that quarantine, we need a head of Security … now.”


  “Chaka,” Frank stated proudly as he met with Joe in his office.


  “Yeah, Chaka, you know… Chaka, the big grown up Marcus looking guy from the future.”

  “I know who Chaka is,” Joe said. “You think he can fill in as head of Security?”

  “Yes. Do you know if Danny put my consultant fee on my card, yet?”

  “I’m sure he did.”

  “Good. I want to go to Bowman. Get something cool to wear to Vegas. Ben has some Hawaiian shirts …”

  “Frank. Later. Right now, I’m paying you to consult. So consult.”

  “I did. Chaka. He’s the man. Or whatever you want to call him. Hubra. Yeah, that’s it. He’s filled in for me without training and I went over things with him yesterday. He’s good. He’ll carry the extra pair of translators so he can communicate. I mean, I’d pick Jimmy. But he’s going with us. Which is cool.”

  “Yeah, it is. So Chaka is good.”

  “Oh, yeah. He can handle the perimeters, he’s a good soldier and he can check the Killer Baby region without a problem.”

  “What about Hank.”

  Frank cleared his throat. “He can’t do Killer Baby region.”

  “Obviously not,” Joe said. “He was cloned from the pre-LEP Frank.”

  Again, Frank cleared his throat. “How come everyone knew that but me?”

  “How did you not know that? Anyhow, my question about Hank wasn’t about the Killer Baby region, it’s about him.”

  “What about him?”

  “Can he help Chaka out?”


  “No? I thought you were training him.”

  “I was. I mean … I am. But we have to be careful with him. Dean is using him right now.”

  “Oh, that’s right,” Joe said. “His antibodies. Well, can we use him a little? It’s only twenty-four hours.”

  “Not right now.”


  “He’s really not in any shape to do anything.”

  “He’s not in any shape?”

  “Nope.” Frank shook his head. “Not at all. Fuckin Dean.”

  “Is Dean working on him now?”

  “As best as he can. He’s taken a lot out of Hank.”

  “Poor Hank.”

  “Yeah, it’s tearing him to pieces.”

  “I bet.” Joe sighed out. “Oh, well. If you figure a way that we can use him, we can really use him.”

  “I’ll see if he can pull himself together, but I doubt it.”

  Joe chuckled. “For a tough guy from the future, he’s not all that tough, is he?”

  “No he’s pretty soft.”

  “Okay, get Chaka ready before you go into quarantine. Maybe he and I can meet to talk “

  “I’ll set that up. We done?”

  “Yes, we’re done.”

  “Excellent. I’m headed to Bowman for some vacation clothes.” Frank walked to the door, opened it, paused and turned back. “Hey, Dad?”

  “Yeah?” Joe looked up.

  “I’m glad you’re back. And in more ways than one.”

  “Thanks, Frank. Me, too.” Joe nodded. “And Frank?”

  Frank paused in leaving again. “Yeah?”

  “If I don’t get to talk to you beforehand. Be careful. And … have fun in Vegas, will ya?”

  “Thanks. I will. I’ll bring you back a souvenir.”

  “You do that.”

  Frank walked out and the door to his office closed.

  Joe leaned back in his chair with a smile on his face. It was a good, short, productive meeting with Frank. A straight forward conversation without any ‘Frank antics’. It was what Joe needed, and it finally left him with a positive feelings about his relationship with Frank and about the time trip. Joe was certain, it was going to go very well.


  Hal lifted his eyes to the rearview mirror, slightly huffed a sigh and shook his head.

  “Captain?” Elliott asked.

  “Nothing,” Hal replied.

  A few moments later he repeated his action, only this time George glanced up from the back seat and the papers he was reviewing. “Everything okay, Hal? Am I bothering you?”

  “No, not you.”

  “Me?” Elliott asked. “Captain, I apologize if—”

  “No, Elliott,” Hal snapped. “Not you either. Not everything is about you.”

  “Oh my God,” Elliott laughed.


  “Who?” asked Elliot?

  “Me?” George asked.

  “Him. No. the asshole tailgating us.”

  Elliott turned around. “Is that Frank?”

  “Yes. And he’s riding my ass. Why is he even coming to Bowman anyhow?”

  Elliott shrugged.

  “Ignore him,” George said. “He’s doing that to you on purpose. And by the way, thank you for sharing this.”

  “I figured it’s fiction now,” Hal said.

  “Is that … Danny Hoi’s book from the future?” Elliott asked.

  “It is, and I think we changed quite a bit.”

  “We did. We had to,” George replied. “I’m making some notes. Since we’re all going to be quarantined tonight before the flight this could be a great discussion.”

  “I agree and … son of a bitch.” Hal grabbed his phone.

  “Captain, maybe you shouldn’t drive and talk on the phone.”

  “Really, Elliott?” Hal dialed. “It’s on speaker. So there.”

  The other end rang.

  “Hey,” Frank answered.

  “Frank, listen, why—”

  “This is Frank. I can’t talk right now. I’m driving. Which is something no one should do. Not talk. But talk on the phone while driving. Leave a message at the beep. Thanks.”


  Hal opened his mouth.

  “Where’s the beep?” Elliott asked.

  “This is strange,” Hal said. “Why isn’t there a beep?”

sp; “Ha!” Frank said. “Got you. You thought you were talking to a machine.”

  “No, Frank, I thought I was talking to a moron,” Hal said. “Get off my ass.”

  “I’m not on your ass, Hal.”

  “Yes, Frank you are.”

  “I’m in the truck behind you.”

  “I know this.”

  “Oh. Oh. You don’t mean physically on your ass.”

  “No, Frank, I don’t.”

  “That would be bad. And weird. We’re brothers.”


  “I thought I was being pretty good, wasn’t fucking picking on you at all.”



  “You’re driving too close.”

  “Oh. Okay. I am sorry. I wasn’t paying attention. I was posting on Hoi Book.”

  Hal grumbled. “Why are you following us?”

  “I’m headed to Bowman to get vacation clothes. Ben has some. I’m going to Vegas you know.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “I want to get to the shop, then see El before we get quarantined.”

  “You do that, Frank. Just please … don’t drive so close. I don’t want you to hit me.”

  “Got it.”

  “And Frank, no more texting and driving.”

  “I’m not texting, I’m posting on Hoi Book.”

  “Well, don’t do that and drive. Okay. I don’t want you to hit me.” Hal hung up.

  “We’re moving. You really think your brother is going to hit us?” Elliott asked.

  Hal peered in the rearview mirror. “Yes, he’s going to hit us.”

  “Your brother does a lot of thing. He’s a good driver,” Elliott said. “I assure you, he won’t rear end us.”


  Dean moved at his usual pace around the lab … quickly. He had a lot to get ready before he went into quarantine. One of which was the test serum he was working on using the cells from Hank’s spleen. He wasn’t telling Roy exactly how he concocted it, but he wanted to give it a test run during the twenty-four hours he would be gone.

  Personally he wanted to see how it panned out, examine the patients himself, but he wasn’t permitted.

  No one was.

  Ellen would be running the tests right in the ward because no one was going in or out.

  He wasn’t happy about that, but understood.

  “Dean you have a minute?” Joe asked.

  Dean paused and looked over his shoulder. “Oh, yeah, Joe, sure, what’s up?”

  Joe walked into the lab. “If I don’t get to talk to you, I wanted to wish you good luck with the time trip.”

  “Thanks, Joe. And I promise we won’t mess with time.”

  “It’s not really you, I worry about. Although you will be seeing your father, and that is a tricky one.”

  “It’ll be nice to talk to him.”

  “I bet.”

  “And you know, have him pick on me.” Dean smiled.

  “That he will do. How are our patients?”

  “From what I hear … hanging in there,” Dean said. “I’m not allowed on the floor. It’s been decided no one goes in or out.”

  “Do you agree with that?” Joe asked.

  “As much as I hate it. As much as I hate not being hands on or seeing El. Yeah, I do.”

  Joe nodded. “Good. Because Andrea just went in.”

  “What? She’s not sick is she?”

  “No. No.” Joe shook his head. “She is going to help Ellen. Let them do the patient care while you and Roy and Lars working on beating this thing.”

  “We’re trying. In fact, I want to run this to Roy.” He held up a small bottle.

  “Another experimental treatment.”

  “Yeah, just something I mixed up. There’s not enough right now for everyone.”

  “Made from Hank?” Joe asked.

  Dean nearly choked. “Excuse me?’

  “Hank’s antibodies. Frank told me.”

  “And you’re not mad?”

  “No. No. I understand. I know it sounds cruel, but take what you need from him.”

  “Thanks, Joe,” Dean said brightly. “It’s nice to have your blessing.”

  “Just …” Joe waved his finger. “Don’t be the death of him.”

  “Don’t be …” Dean nodded. “What exactly did Frank tell you?”

  “That you have been wearing him down. Picking him apart.”

  “I’ve been doing that.”

  “That’s what Frank said. Where is Hank now? Resting?”

  “Um, yeah. I think he took the noon tram to Jordon.”

  “Well, he needs to rejuvenate I guess,” Joe said. “I really did want to talk to him.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay. I just had some questions about the mind thing.”

  “The Hoi-Eraser? Oh, I know all about it. He taught me and … I even taught Frank. It’s really simple. What did you need to know?”

  “I’d like to get a good look at it.”

  “Oh, sure.” Dean walked across the lab and opened a drawer. “I have it right …” He started opening drawers left and right.

  “Something wrong?”

  “Yeah, it was just here when I was teaching …” Dean groaned.

  “I take it you know where it is.”

  “One word,” Dean said. “Frank.”


  “I am,” Frank said, standing on the road between Beginnings and Bowman with Hal, Elliott and George.

  “No,” Frank,” Hal snapped. “Sorry doesn’t cut it.”

  “You just said I wasn’t sorry. I said I am. I wouldn’t say it if I wasn’t.”

  “I can’t believe you rear ended me!” Hal blasted.

  “You’ll have that.” Frank lifted his phone and took a picture of the back of Hal’s truck. “Man, that’s bad. Mine doesn’t have a scratch.” His fingers moved on the phone. “No one’s injured right?” Frank asked. “George?”

  “I’m fine.”


  “I’m good.”

  “Cause I know it wasn’t long ago you were shot in the head,” Frank said, then finished moving his fingers. “There.”

  “What … what are you doing?” Hal asked.

  “Posting on Hoi Book.”


  Hal looked at Elliott.

  “Sorry,” Elliott said. “I follow Frank on Hoi Book.”

  “Give me that.” Hal snatched Elliott’s phone. “Frank! What the hell?” Hal read the post. “Was in a traffic accident. Fuckin Hal stopped in the middle of the road, back up and hit me.” Hal huffed. “That is not what happened. You know …” A series a steady beeps interrupted him. “What is this?”

  Elliott leaned over and looked. “I believe that’s people commenting.”

  Hal looked down again. “Twenty comments already. Hope you’re not hurt.” His eyes widened. “Dan from Security posted … fucking Hal?”

  Frank laughed.

  “It’s not funny.” Hal handed Elliott the phone.

  Frank swiped the smile from his face. “No, it’s not. But since everyone is ok and we can still drive. We need to get going.” He stepped back. “Oh, and guys, no telling my father.”

  Hal looked cross at Elliott who laughed, he then shook his head. “Frank, you just posted on Hoi Book.”


  “How do you propose we keep this from Dad?”

  “By not telling him.”

  “But you posted it.”

  “And your point.”

  “He’ll find out.”

  “Not if we don’t tell him. Besides you like keeping things from dad. You want him not to know bad things right now.”

  “What are you talking about, Frank?” Hal asked.

  “Last night.”


  Elliott cleared his throat. “What happened last night?”

  “Yes,” George said, “I’d like to know what happened.”

n’t tell you. It’s a secret,” Frank said.

  “Frank?” George asked. “What is it?”

  “I can’t tell.”

  “You want to.”

  “I know.”

  “Frank, what’s the secret?” George asked.

  “I can’t tell.”

  “Fine.” Georg gave him a swat to his arm. “I won’t ask what it is. But can you tell me what Hal doesn’t want Joe to know.”

  “Oh, yeah, that I killed Hank.”

  “What!” Hal blasted.

  “What?” repeated Elliott.

  “You … you killed Hank?” George asked. “Hank. Your clone.”

  “Yeah. Not on purpose,” Frank said. “It was an accident. Hal knows.”

  “Captain?” Elliott questioned.

  “No!” Hal argued. “I did not know you killed Hank.”

  “Yes, you did.” Frank said. “Last night. Killer Baby Region body. The one the Killer Babies killed.”

  “That was Hank?” Hal asked.


  “You failed to tell me that. You said you didn’t know who it was.”


  “Fuck is right,” Hal said. “You killed your clone.”

  “Technically,” Elliott said. “The Killer Babies did it.”

  “He sent him there!” Hal yelled, then noticed Frank getting in his truck. “Where are you going?”

  “Give me a second.” Frank got in his truck, started it and pulled up the road.

  “What is he doing?” Hal asked.

  “That’s what I want to ask you,” Elliott said. “Why are you covering this up?”

  “I … he …” Hal grunted. “He totally turned this story around.”

  “Joe will be more angry,” George said. “That you kept this from him.”

  Hal did a double take when Frank returned. “Why did you move your truck up a few feet?”

  “To make this work,” Frank said.

  “Frank, quit playing with your phone,” Hal told him.

  “It’s not my phone.” Frank held up what looked like a phone. “Say Cheese.” He pointed it at Hal, pressed the button … flash. Then quickly did the same to Elliott and George before racing back to his truck, while the three of them stood frozen and stunned.

  He hurriedly pulled away.

  Hal blinked and looked around. “What just happened?”

  “I don’t know,” George replied. “How did we get on the side of the road? And it looks like the trucks been hit.”


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