Stolen Kisses

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by Jennifer Grayson

  It was the day of his trial and she had made her mind up that she would go and support Geoff in spite of the fact that he wouldn’t know she was there. More than anything she had to see him even if it was from a distance. She had initially decided not to attend court, but the desperation had gotten too much for her and she had weakened now that the time had arrived.

  The day was supposed to be a formality. Geoff had pleaded guilty, still protecting her. Jenny had taken some solace from that, feeling that he was still thinking about her. Perhaps he did still love her. He would be sentenced today and the mood her father was in it would be the maximum sentence that he could hand out – maybe even a prison term. He was determined to make an example of him, even though the character witnesses had spoken of his exemplary behavior in all things that he did.

  There was throng outside the courthouse when Jenny arrived and she found it difficult to struggle her way in. The case had captured the imagination of the press, which in turn had led to the townspeople becoming interested in the trial. Fortunately, a police officer recognized her and cleared a way for her to get into the public gallery.

  Jenny braced herself for when Geoff entered the court, but her resolve failed as she caught sight of him. Her legs went weak and she almost fell. He was looking gaunt, as if the pressure of the past few weeks were beginning to take its toll and tears filled her eyes as she looked at him. She longed to rush through the crowd of people, throw her arms round him and tell him everything was going to be all right. But she knew it wasn’t.

  The court fell silent as her father entered and took his seat on the bench. After a few preliminaries Geoff was ordered to stand and Jenny’s father began to speak, addressing the defendant.

  “Young man, are you ready to hear your sentence?”

  Geoff spoke quietly, ”Yes, sir.”

  “Fortunately, for you, the child you so heedlessly injured survived and will make a full recovery. But that does not diminish the severity of the crime you committed. We cannot have young hooligans like you speeding along our roads endangering other road users and pedestrians. Lessons have to be learned here. Certain members of our society have to learn that we will not, as a community, tolerate such behavior.” He paused for a few minutes, seemingly considering his options. Finally, he continued speaking. “I have a responsibility to ensure that you face the maximum penalty that I can give you.”

  Geoff’s shoulders slumped and he put his hand on the table in front of him for support. Jenny could take no more. She had to speak up.

  “No, you can’t do that,” she shouted from the gallery. “He is innocent.”

  The court usher pointed to her. “Be quiet, young woman and sit down,” he ordered.

  Her father looked up from his papers and recognized her, “Jenny . . ?”

  “He’s shielding me, Father. Geoff wasn’t driving that night. It was me.” Jenny could hold the tears back no longer. “He’s taking the blame because of me – because of who I am. The daughter of Judge Lester. He is protecting me and you.”

  “Jenny, you can’t mean that.” Her father said.

  “I can, Father. I’ll even take the court oath to prove that it’s true.”

  The noise from the court rose and once her father had restored order he had no alternative but to adjourn the case pending further investigation. Jenny could see that in the last few minutes she had broken her father’s heart. He was visibly shaken and for a while was confused. She knew that she had damaged his reputation and he would never get over the disgrace – neither would Geoff and neither would she. There was no hope of a future together now. She had destroyed everything.

  Chapter 6

  Jenny’s father didn’t return to the house that night. He had ordered her home telling her that he would deal with her later. He had hardly spoken to her or been able to face her after her outburst in court, but she didn’t regret what she had done. She couldn’t let Geoff suffer for her actions, even if he wanted nothing more to do with her in the future after what he had been through. She just hoped that it wouldn’t ruin his plans for his college education. He had set his heart on it and it would destroy him to have to give it up.

  Judge Lester had asked the housekeeper to stay on and ensure that Jenny was cared for and he had decided to stay in town. There were decisions to make – decisions that would determine the path that the rest of his life would take. Jenny wasn’t aware of this. She was sure that his absence was his way of punishing her and that she would never be able to gain his trust and love again. She didn’t even know what Geoff’s thoughts about her were. Was it the end of their life together?

  It was the next day, late afternoon that Jenny heard her father arrive home. She had been in her room still devastated from what had happened and warily descended the stairs to meet him. But her fears and devastation evaporated as he took her in his arms. She felt his tears on her cheek as he embraced her with the strength that she remembered as a child and the sense of protection she used to get from him was there again. The relief that he was no longer angry with her was overwhelming and she too shed tears as they hugged.

  He pulled away. “I’m so sorry,” he said, “I have been such a fool. I hadn’t realized what a poor father I had turned into. I didn’t mean to be a bad father. The blame for all this is mine.”

  “No, Daddy, it’s not true,” Jenny tried to reassure him.

  “It is, Jenny. When your mother died I became so self absorbed, so self pitying that I neglected you. Neglected the only thing I had left.” He slumped heavily into a chair. “If only I had taken a step back at the time and realized that I still had you. That I still had a big responsibility and that you must have been missing your mother as much as I. You must hate me, but I am going to make it up to you”

  “It’s okay, Daddy, I don’t hate you, I love you and always will,” Jenny suddenly felt so grown up as she held her father’s face in her hands and looked into his eyes, “we will get through this.”

  “I know and I have already started making things right. I have resigned from the bench and . . .”

  “Oh, no. You can’t.”

  “I already have,” he said, “I was going to retire at the end of this year, anyhow. I have just brought it forward by a few months. You see, I need the time to catch up with my daughter. I need to spend more time with you. Besides I still have the law practice, although it will be more an advisory role for me now. We have other, younger lawyers who can spend their days in court. I am sure that you will be sick of the sight of me after having me around for most of the day”

  “That will never happen,” Jenny said, “we have a lot to make up for.”

  For the first time since her mother had died Jenny now saw her father as he really was. Not as a tyrant, but as a lonely man, pathetically eager for the same love and understanding that she always wanted. She knew everything would be all right now.

  “The first thing I am going to do as a retired judge,” he said, suddenly smiling, “is help the less well off in our society with their education. Like the teenagers that live on the housing estate. Did you know that most of them don’t get a college education because their parents can’t afford it? I am going to make sure that changes.”

  “Oh,” Jenny said, “can you afford to do that?”

  “I won’t be doing it alone. There are many successful businessmen in this town and together we have a collective responsibility to help the underprivileged. In fact, we have found our first student who will benefit from this financial sponsorship. He is coming to see me later to discuss the details.”

  Just then the chimes of the front door sounded. “That might be him now. I’ll like you to meet him and give me your opinion.”

  “I don’t have enough knowledge to give a fair opinion.” Jenny said as her father headed for the door.

  “We’ll see.” He said as he left the room.

  Jenny sat alone for what seemed an eternity, feeling a little guilty that she begrudged the fact that a stranger was a
bout to enter, taking up valuable time that she wanted her with her father.

  Her father finally re-entered the room. “Jenny, I would like you to meet a fine young man who is going to receive our first scholarship to study law.”

  Jenny’s heart leapt when she saw Geoff standing at the door. He was dressed so smart and looked so well.

  “I have learned a lot from this young man of yours. He is fine and honorable and far more decent than I could ever wish to be. Come in, son”

  Jenny rushed over to Geoff. “Geoff, I’m so sorry for what I’ve done.”

  He put his arms round her and held her close, “it’s all over, Jenny.”

  Jenny’s father put his hand on Geoff’s shoulder. “I hope you will not judge me too harshly, Geoff. When I think of how you two tried to protect me. I hope you can forgive me?

  “There is nothing to forgive, sir,” Geoff assured him.

  “You two must have a lot to talk about. I’ll go and talk to cook and get her to prepare dinner. Hope you can join us, Geoff?”

  “I would like that, sir,” Geoff said.

  “My name is Bill. I would prefer that than you keep calling me sir. After all, I hope one day to be your father-in-law,” he smiled.

  “That is our dream, sir, I mean Bill.”

  “Good. We’ll have a chat about your college courses after dinner and the problems that have arisen from all this. There are still a few legal matters to sort out. I am afraid both of you are going to have to face some sort of punishment, but I am sure that two upstanding citizens like you will be looked on favorably. At least you won’t have a bigoted judge like me dealing with the case.”

  Jenny fell into Geoff’s arms when her father had left the room. She was so happy again.

  “Well, what do you think, honey. I will be studying law and a have been offered a job if and when I graduate. You’re the judge’s daughter, but one day you’ll be a lawyer’s wife.”

  “Oh, Geoff, I am so happy I can’t stop crying.”

  “No time for tears, Jenny. Just time for this.” He pulled her close and they kissed, passionately, and all their worries dissolved.

  Jenny was so happy and relieved. There would be no need for her to sneak around behind her father’s back anymore and although the road ahead would not be smooth, Jenny wasn’t afraid to face any punishment knowing she had the love and trust again of the only two men that mattered to her. Her father and Geoff.

  Other Books by Jennifer Grayson

  Cowboy Angel

  Hannah was on her way to her Aunt's house when she had a car accident in a snowstorm. Will Masterson saved her, and nursed her back to health. During the weeks of snow and getting better the couple found love. But there was a problem.

  Available in the U.S at

  And in the U.K. at

  Charlie's Angel

  Charlie was a man who thought he would never settle down. That was until he found Cindy. She was a woman, recently widowed who was trying to run a farm single handed. When he went to visit his friends on holiday, Charlie and Cindy found love where neither thought it would ever be.

  Available in the U.S at

  And in the U.K. at




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