Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2

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Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2 Page 1

by Burns, Rachel

  Daddy's Sweetheart

  Part 2

  The Honeymoon

  By: Rachel Burns

  Text Copyright © 2013 by Rachel Burns

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, incidents and dialogues are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Other Books By Rachel Burns

  A Man To Guide Her

  Daddy's Sweetheart Part I

  Have A Heart Part I

  Have A Heart Part II

  Hot Cooking Spanker Wanted

  Island Men

  Man of the House

  Southern Discomfort

  Sugar Daddy

  Two World Collide

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 Hair Ribbons

  Chapter 2 My Favorite Colors

  Chapter 3 Play Date In The Garden

  Chapter 4 The Doll

  Chapter 5 Seeking Help

  Chapter 6 Passport Pictures

  Chapter 7 Concentrate

  Chapter 8 Overhearing The Servants

  Chapter 9 Teddy Bears

  Chapter 10 Daddy's Birthday

  Check Out Rachel Burns' Other Books

  Chapter 1 Hair Ribbons

  “Is everything in order, sir?” Nanny wasn't too surprised when her boss knocked at her door. She could see that something had been bothering him lately.

  She worried that he would change his mind about sending Amelia to school. The child just needed to have some friends. Of course, she would see to it, that her Amelia socialized with the right kind of girls.

  This was something Nanny excelled at. If Amelia had the right friends, who were being raised similarly, then she wouldn't be as quick to question her own life. She would see it as being normal.

  It certainly wasn't Amelia's fault that so many husbands nowadays placed impossible demands on there wives and worked them to the bone. A young lady of Amelia's standing needed to be nurtured.

  “The other night, when I came home late, it was because of a patient. One, who attends Amelia's school. Her daddy brought her in because she was having a terrible tummy ache. It turned out that she was having a miscarriage.”

  “I'm so sorry to hear that, sir.” Nanny didn't understand what he was trying to get at.

  “I just – it can never go that far.”

  “Would you like me to start Amelia on the pill, sir? I can tell her they are vitamins.”

  “No, that won't be necessary. I was sick as a child. I can't father children. But that doesn't matter. I have my Amelia.” He looked over his shoulder to his bedroom door. His precious sweetheart was sleeping in his bed. She meant the world to him. He longed to look into her mind. Was she playing with him or was this real?

  “I'm sorry to hear that, sir.”

  Brian shook his head. He hadn't been perfectly honest. The truth was that he had a low sperm count. He could father children, but it wasn't very probable. Brian longed to have children with his Amelia. He wished that they could have a big family.

  He wondered for a moment how Amelia would react, if he told her that he wanted to adopt? Would she think it was too weird? Would she draw a line at that point and walk away from him? He wouldn't do anything to risk losing her.

  “The girl's daddy insisted that I take care of her, instead of taking her to the hospital to specialists. I just want you to promise me that it never goes that far.” He made a motion with his head in Amelia's direction.

  “I understand completely, sir. I also have Amelia's best interest at heart. I ensure you, sir, that I will not allow her to be abused.”

  Brian nodded at her. He was turning to leave when he thought of something else he wanted to ask. “She hasn't said anything about her room, has she? About not being able to leave?” he clarified.

  “No, sir. She is still clinging to us. I don't think she has noticed yet. We are just giving her the security that she needs at the moment. Being rejected by her own father, like she was, must have been very hard on her and her feelings of self worth. We are doing everything just right with her. And might I add, you are a very good father. Amelia lights up when you come home.”

  “She does?” Brian couldn't hide his smile.

  “Oh yes, sir. She certainly doesn't smile at me like that when we work on her penmanship. That smile is just for you. You two make such a nice couple.” Nanny gave him a bright smile, showing him that she meant it. She could see that her boss also suffered from insecurities. He needed to hear that he was perfectly normal.

  The school would be good for him, too. He would meet other men, who were just like him. They would give him the reassurance he needed. He had no idea how many powerful men insisted that their wives behave according to their wishes.

  Nanny felt that these were old-fashioned men, who preferred a traditional family picture with the man as the head of the family, and where the woman concentrated on their marriage. Certainly there was nothing wrong with that.

  “Good night, Nanny.” Brian went back to his Amelia. He was careful not to wake her as he climbed back in under the covers close to her. He covered up her shoulder again and then laid his arm around her. This was working out better than planned.

  Nanny softly closed her bedroom door. She worried that Amelia would rebel against them one day. Something like that was never pretty when it happened. Usually the women put their foot down after the first child was born.

  That had been the reason that she had had to leave her last family. She missed the girl so much and it hadn't been hard for her to send Nanny away.

  Would her precious Amelia one day send her packing, too? Nanny looked back over her time with Amelia. She was so good and she rarely fought her.

  This could work out. Nanny wanted to have a family that she could grow old with. She wanted to see her charges' babies as they grew up, too. She had only gotten a glimpse of the twins before she had had to leave. She didn't think that she could survive something like that again.

  Nanny folded her hands and prayed that Amelia would be the child, that she would get to keep. Maybe this would work out, because he was infertile. Amelia would stay a little girl that way.


  I looked out of my window. I was sitting in my comfy window seat, that Daddy had had made for me, because I had told him that I liked to read.

  I was behind the curtain and no one would have noticed me if they stepped into my room. Well, Daddy and Nanny would have known to look for me here, but otherwise I was hidden out of plain sight.

  I had my knees drawn up to my chest. I had a terrible stomachache and I couldn't concentrate on the book that I was reading.

  I had confessed that I wasn't feeling well at breakfast. Daddy had given Nanny a worried look. My Daddy is a pediatrician, a children's doctor.

  He loves children so much that he wanted to have one all for himself. That is how I came to live with him and Nanny.

  My own father kicked me out after I had finished high school.

  Daddy took me in as his wife, but he kept me as his daughter. I had only been eighteen for five months now but my role in this house was very clear.

  I wasn't allowed to call my husband by his real name, which was Brian. He had threatened to punish me terribly if I ever did. I believed him, and didn't need to test him on that point.

  Daddy had a very dark side to him. I believed that he was capable of anything.

  But I loved him. He was the only person who had ever cared about me. I needed that, so I latched onto him and obeyed him. When I did my life was good. He showered me with attention. When he was at home with me,
I had his complete and absolute attention. He enjoyed spending his time with me. He never had a look on his face, like he was longing to be someplace else, or be doing something else.

  I just had to act like a little girl and he was thrilled.

  He dressed me in pretty clothes, always a dress. I got to wear ribbons in my hair. He would bring them home for me, like other husbands brought home flowers. He would wind the satin ribbon around his finger and come into the house and ask me which hand, while grinning.

  I would choose a hand and he showed me. If I wasn't right, he would move his head in a silly way and say, 'try again'. He would show me his hand and I got to unravel the pretty ribbon from his finger. It made beautiful loops as I pulled it away from his finger. He would then tie it into my hair while I smiled, like any other girl my age would if she would have been given a Mercedes.

  “Nanny, I want you to watch her today. Maybe a relaxing day reading will get her on track again.” Daddy's word was final.

  Nanny didn't argue, even though she had wanted me to do some new penmanship exercises, that Daddy had given her.

  I was dyslexic.

  Daddy brought home any book he could find about the subject. A doctor could find lots. At least fifty books on the subject had entered the house in the past two weeks.

  He even had an expert come to the house and test me under his and Nanny's watchful eye. You would have thought I was being tested for a life threatening disease, the way they acted.

  I had tested as being hopelessly dyslexic. The most extreme case the expert had ever had.

  I cried all day until Nanny threatened to lay me over her knee.

  Daddy felt sorry for me, and that was the day he started bringing ribbons home.

  “Of course, sir,” she answered him, but she didn't look too pleased.

  “She is probably just getting her period,” he said matter of factually. Doctors talked normally about things that embarrass other people. Well, at least Daddy did. The human body was no mystery to him, especially not mine.

  In that way we had a real marriage.

  Sex was very important to him. We slept with each other at least twice a day. On weekends a lot more. I guess we were still newlyweds in that respect. I had just experienced so much here, that I felt like we had been married for years and years.

  Not a good sign. This would be my first period while being married. I had to wonder about that, how would he react? Like I said his daily sex was very important to him.

  I looked over at Nanny who looked like she was wondering about the same thing. She started in discussing the book she was reading with him.

  They loved to discuss my difficulties.

  Different forms of therapy were discussed. At the moment they were discussing how I might write under hypnoses.

  I wondered about that, too. It was really a good question. I would love to see if I could possibly do better.

  “Amelia,” Daddy called out to me. “What are you thinking about?”

  “If I did really well, do you think we could frame it?”

  Nanny had been sipping coffee at that moment and almost choked on it, trying to stifle a laugh. Daddy was just laughing. “Of course, sweetheart. Whatever you want.”

  He had left a happy man. He wasn't worried about my stomachache.

  I was. I even knew what was wrong with me. I hadn't been to the bathroom for a couple of days now. I had been to the bathroom to go pee pee, as Daddy called it, but not the other thing. That was my problem.

  Nanny was in her room, doing whatever she does in there. She had left all the doors open in case I needed her. I decided it was time to ask for help. I just had to swallow my pride.

  I got up from my window seat and my stomach rumbled loudly again. I walked out of my room and through my closet, which was larger than my bedroom back home had been. I walked on through my bathroom and stopped at the door, which adjoined to Nanny's room. She was sitting at her desk and reading one of the dyslexia books. There was a big pile of them next to her on her desk.

  I timidly knocked on the door frame. She turned and looked at me oddly. She had the look about her like I had interrupted her at the climax of the story.

  “Yes, Amelia.” She had remained sitting.

  I didn't want to shout out my problem. “May I come in?”

  “Yes, of course, child.” She said that to me a lot. She was just like Daddy that way. Nanny truly believed that I was a child, she wasn't pretending.

  I slowly walked up to her and stopped at a bit of a distance. I folded my hands in front of me and hung my head, but I could still see Nanny. She had raised an eyebrow at me.

  “I think, I know what is wrong with me.”

  “Really?” She stood up and came right to me. She laid her hands on my shoulders and tried to look me in the eyes.

  “Nanny, I haven't been able to – Not for a couple of days already. I think I just have to – If I could just – ” I looked into her eyes then, to see if she already understood what I wanted.

  She didn't, so I continued. “I haven't been able to go to the bathroom for a couple of days.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “I mean, I have been able to go the regular way, but not the other way.” I was very embarrassed.

  She sighed relieved. “That's not a problem. I can fix that really quick. You are a very good girl for coming to tell Nanny that. I will help you.” She smiled very lovingly at me. She was already turning me back into my bathroom. “Nanny is going to give you an enema. Do you know what that is?”

  I shook my head.

  “It is the thing that is going to make you feel all better.” She smiled kindly at me.

  I nodded, that sounded good.

  “Don't be shocked. This is how it is done. First we need to get you out of your dress and underwear.” She was fishing around in my cupboard. She pulled out something that looked like an IV bag.

  I removed my underwear and my dress after Nanny had opened it in the back for me.

  Nanny washed me almost every day, so I was used to her seeing me naked. Both her and Daddy thought this was something I couldn't do myself.

  Nanny got everything ready and I stood there half naked waiting, hoping that she really could help me.

  The real problem was that I just wasn't moving around enough. Things couldn't be set in motion like they should. I was only allowed in my room and bathroom and Daddy's room and bathroom. At mealtime we went down to lunch through Nanny's room, but afterwards it was right back up here.

  They kept me locked in. They were worried that I would run away.

  They were right to be worried.

  I had had a couple of chances to leave, but I didn't. I had been too scared, but one of these days I would be able to muster the courage to do so.

  There was also the problem that I loved my Daddy. I wasn't sure if it was real and true love, or if it was that Stockholm Syndrome thing, but I wanted to be with him, and I worried about him.

  When he punished me I hated him, and myself, too, because I had been too chicken to run away, but otherwise I loved to spend time with him.

  I watched what Nanny was doing. She pulled my chair out, the one I always sat at while she did my hair, also something no one believed that I could do on my own. When she spanked me she had me put the chair in the middle of the room. Today it was turned around facing into the room.

  She sat down on it. “Amelia, come over my lap. Nanny is going to put all of this into your behind.” She lifted up the plastic bag full of liquid. “Then we are going to let it stay in for a bit. After that you will be able to go and your stomachache will be gone.”

  She was good at saying very embarrassing things as if they weren't, too.

  Going over her knees had always meant intense pain for me. I hovered next to her with my hands still folded over my stomach. The moment of actually going from standing to getting over her knees, was something I hadn't mastered yet.

  “Maybe if you kneel down first,” she said t
his very kindly.

  I knelt down next to her and made my way over her knees. This way was really a lot easier.

  I also took comfort in the fact, that I didn't have my paddle in my hand. She always made me go get it before she spanked me with it. Once I was over her knees I had to reach back and give it to her after she asked for it. Afterwards, I had to wait for her to give it back to me so I could put it away. It embarrassed me deeply, that I got spankings from both Daddy and Nanny.

  My bottom was high in the air over her lap and I was supporting my own weight with my hands and tippy toes.

  I thought about what I must look like over her knees this way. I had a white blouse on with lace around the sleeves and of course white knee high socks and I always wore black princess shoes with all of my outfits.

  All of my outfits were something any five year old girl would die for.

  “Now Nanny really needs you to relax or I won't be able to get the nozzle in.” As she spoke she was already inserting it. I supposed I was relaxed as someone like me could be, over her Nanny's lap where she usually was spanked with a heavy wooden paddle.

  “Now this may be a little uncomfortable.”

  I rolled my eyes as she continued.

  “But five minutes of a bit of pain needs to be endured. Then everything will come out like it should.”

  My eyes widened at the words 'a bit of pain'. What would someone who, was sadistic, like Nanny, consider a bit of pain? She let the liquid flow into my bowels as I hung over her lap face down with lots of blood rushing to my face. It wasn't so much painful, as it was uncomfortable, more unusual than uncomfortable.

  After ten minutes of dangling over her lap she said I could get up and try.

  It had been very effective. Nanny insisted on a nap afterwards.

  Nanny woke me for lunch. I was feeling fine then. Nanny was happy to have helped.

  She wanted me to play school with her after lunch. I did and we worked on my penmanship and other tricks that Nanny had been dying to show me. I didn't notice any improvement.


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