Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2

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Daddy's Sweetheart Part 2 Page 4

by Burns, Rachel

  I sobbed into his chest once again not understanding the world I lived in.

  “This was a warning spanking. I want you to be on your best behavior today. Watch what you do and say or this little spanking will be peanuts to what will await you this evening. I guarantee you that you won't be able to sit for a week, if you don't behave. Do you understand?” he questioned me.

  I nodded with my head still buried in his chest.

  “Look at me and say it.” His voice was so cold and strict. It was in contrast to his body, which was warm and soft, even though it was hard with muscles.

  I swallowed and looked at him. “I understand, Daddy.”

  “What do you understand?” He held my chin, so I couldn't look away.

  Tears were running down my face. I was sniffling and shaking. “I understand that I have to be on my best behavior, so I won't embarrass you in front of your friend and his little girl.” I looked him in the eyes and hoped the spanking was over.

  I would be good. I couldn't really understand why he was so worried.

  The contrast had been too much for me. First he had made love to me, so gentle and careful. He had wanted me to enjoy him. But a second later he had spanked me without cause.

  My head was spinning. I felt like I had been left without hope.

  I didn't have any control over when I got spanked, not even when I was good.

  Chapter 3 Play Date In The Garden

  Brian held the chair out for his wife at lunchtime, watching her slowly sit, careful not to put too much pressure on her backside.

  It hadn't been a severe spanking. It had been more of an attention getter. He didn't want her to copy the girl's behavior, who would be visiting them. He was more shocked than he would admit at her behavior.

  Was her behavior normal in a relationship, like theirs. He didn't want that.

  Brian sat down and peeked over at Amelia again. He had a bad feeling about this. What if she told Travis that she was being held prisoner here? Would he help her?

  Could Brian convince him not to, with words, if he tried to take Amelia? Would he fight for her physically?

  He picked up his napkin and laid it on his lap. With the tiniest of nods for signaled that they were ready for their meal.

  Out of the corner of his eye he saw Amelia quickly pick up her napkin and copy him. She laid it on her lap and peeked up at him and smiled.

  Brian smiled back. She was trying so hard to be good. She had an innocence that needed protecting. There was a terrible world outside. But, here in this house and with him, she was safe. Life hadn't ben good to her up until now. It was his duty to see that that never happened to her again.

  She looked over her shoulder and thanked the maid that laid her plate down. She was such a sweet child. He would protect that.

  Brian had property all around the world. He would take her away before he would let her get away.

  He would fight for her, tooth and nail.

  Nanny came in and sat down at her spot. She had heard Amelia getting a spanking this morning. She looked at the girl sitting at her spot waiting to begin eating. Amelia looked unsure, as always. Nanny picked up her fork and knife and began. Amelia immediately copied her.

  Now that that was settled Nanny turned her attention to her boss.

  “Sir, I am so glad that you have enrolled our Amelia at school. She will be meeting other little girls, also from the best of families.”

  Brian had been watching Amelia poke at her food. He hadn't wanted to upset her. He just wanted to make a point. He hoped it would be effective.

  “The other little ladies are all well behaved. Just the type of children we want our Amelia playing with.”

  Brian finally looked over at Nanny.

  “My friend comes from a very respectable family. We went to Harvard together.” He didn't like her talking down his friends. She was crossing a line.

  Nanny smiled at him. “Naturally, sir. I, too, feel that it is important for our little girl to have friends as well as acquaintances.” It was clear that Nanny was putting the girl the the acquaintances column.

  Brian had to take a deep breath. Nanny was getting on his nerves, especially because he was worried that this would backfire too. He shouldn't have invited his friend over. What had he been thinking?

  He looked down at his plate. He knew why he had done it. He wanted to show Amelia off. Travis seemed to be a person, who he could safely brag to.

  Brian looked at Amelia, who was almost finished eating. She never complain about what they were having. She was so good for him. Could he really deserve her?

  He wished that she wanted this life too. Her life could be so good if she did. He would reward her – if only.

  Why was he the way that he was? He saw beautiful power women every day but none of them made his heart pound like Amelia in one of her pretty dresses.


  I was standing in Daddy's office in a simple summer dress. My hair was pulled back into a ponytail and held in place with a matching ribbon.

  I was leaning against the wall and looking out of the window. I could see the servants getting things ready for our grill party. I saw servants that I had never seen before.

  They even put up a volleyball net. Sports were also something that I wasn't that good at. Hand eye coordination wasn't my thing. Perhaps if I had had toys as a child where I could have practiced those things – .

  I didn't want to let my mind wonder in that direction. It wouldn't due to have me in tears before they even got here.

  But it was hard not to picture myself ducking in gym class as we played dodge ball. I had my arms wrapped over my head. I was always the first one out. Catching a ball is something you have to learn when you are young.

  “Are they even married?” Nanny asked Daddy. She was sitting in a chair directly across from him.

  I looked over at them.

  Daddy looked like he wanted to give Nanny a warning spanking too.

  Mine had been very effective. I had hardly said a word since.

  “No, they aren't. That is their business and not ours.” His tone clearly said that she should knock it off.

  Nanny sighed, loudly. She really didn't approve.

  As a rule Nanny was always right and she was predicting a disaster.

  I was really starting to worry about my behind, that is if he just spanked. If he whipped me than my back would suffer, too.

  The doorbell rang and Daddy jumped up with a smile. He beckoned me to come closer.

  I wasn't as quick as he would have liked me to be.

  They had been let in by the butler. He was the one who brought us our food on the days we stayed in bed. He had probably heard my screams, both in pain and in pleasure.

  I looked at Daddy's friend and his little girl. Daddy was shaking his friend's hand. They were both smiling at each other.

  “It's been a long time, Brian. It is so great seeing you again. I still have to think about the last time we saw each other. Remember that? You were pretty wasted,” his friend questioned him.

  “I remember.” He wanted his friend to stop talking like that. “Amelia, this is a good friend of mine. Travis, this is my little Amelia.”

  I held my hand out to him. “How do you do, sir?” Nanny had whispered in my ear to call him that before they had come.

  “Fine, thank you, Amelia.” His eyes danced with delight. “Your little girl has very good manners. Did you hear that, Brat? Come here and say hello like a good girl. Pretend if you have to.”

  She moved to his side, but she didn't say hello. She just folded her arms over her chest and huffed. Her daddy sighed and shrugged.

  Nanny was standing behind me so I couldn't see her face, but I would have loved to. I'd bet her paddle hand was twitching.

  Daddy took her behavior in stride, like he hadn't noticed it. If he hadn't said anything last night, then I would have believed that he didn't care.

  He sure would care if I would have done that.

“Let's go outside where the servants have set up for us. Amelia, show Cindy the way.”

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  The two men went on ahead and I stepped closer to Cindy. She was still pouting. I wasn't sure if she was just mad at her daddy or if she just didn't want to be here.

  She looked me up and down and then huffed again. “Daddy, how long did you want to stay here today. I'm bored.” She ran after her daddy.

  I hadn't done anything to her, but already she hated me. There must be something wrong with me. Some kind of nerd vibe that I was giving off.

  Nanny laid an arm around me and pulled me out to the others. I was so disappointed. She wouldn't be my friend.

  We caught up quickly. Nanny held me tight, feeling my pain. I wanted to pretend that I was sick so I could go to bed but Daddy, being a doctor, would quickly see through that farce.

  That would probably get me spanked the fastest.

  I could see Cindy pumping on her Daddy's arm. She wanted to go home now. She was begging him in a very annoying way.

  “You have to remain gracious. The worst thing you could do would be to stoop to her level. Your Daddy won't put up with something like that. That man is a fool letting her get away with that. That, my dear, Amelia, is why we discipline you. To get that way she must have been neglected for years. Do you understand the importance of a sound spanking now?” Nanny asked.

  I nodded.

  “That girl is just embarrassing herself and she doesn't even know it,” Nanny said in disgust.

  They all sat down at the table. Cindy sat on her daddy's lap.

  Daddy jumped up as I approached and pulled a chair out for me.

  “Thank you, Daddy.” I gave him a bright smile. Nanny hovered nearby on a bench. She got her sewing her out and pretended to be completely enthralled with it. I knew better.

  “Your little girl is a little lady. Did you see that, Brat? You could learn a lot from her.” He smiled lovingly at his brat, who looked liked she was going to rip a button off of his shirt.

  “So Brian, what are you doing for your birthday this year. Are you going to have a party here and show off your cute little wife?”

  “No, not this year. Amelia and I are going to be on our honeymoon.” He smiled at me and reached out for my hand. I smiled back.

  “I want a honeymoon, too.” Cindy was acting like a terrible two year old.

  He shh-ed her. “Where are you two going?”

  “Europe. I've got a bit of business that needs to be seen to.”

  “She is going to let you work on your honeymoon? Very generous of her. My little brat would throw a fit, wouldn't you?”

  I would have been offended if Daddy talked to me like that.

  She was giving me the impression the she was somehow slow. That would be especially low of him. Doing this to a normal woman was cruel, but to a handicapped one was despicable.

  “Cindy, would you like me to show you the garden?” I asked her as nicely and as clearly as I could. I could feel Nanny's eyes on my back.

  Cindy gave me another once over. “I'd rather stay on my Daddy's lap, but you can run off and play if you want.” Her tone was so condescending.

  Okay, she wasn't mentally handicapped, she just hated me.

  Our daddies talked about this and that. I could tell Daddy wanted to get rid of us.

  I had tried. I just didn't know what to do. Cindy wasn't interested in getting to know another little girl.

  Daddy motioned Nanny over after a bit. “Take the girls inside. Too much sun isn't good for Amelia. She can show Cindy her room.”

  “I don't want to go in. I want to stay here with you,” she pleaded, actually making a turkey lip.

  Nanny was right she was embarrassing herself.

  I rose from the table. My Daddy had been clear enough. I waited as she begged to get out of it.

  “Now, no back talk. Off you go.” Her daddy set her on her feet and gave her a mild swat on the behind.

  “Hey,” she said, hitting him back.

  Nanny stepped forward and grabbed both of us by our hands. “Come along, girls.” She pulled us along.

  I could hear Cindy's daddy laughing at us. “Maybe a nanny would be a good idea. Yours is perfectly behaved.”

  I couldn't hear the rest, because we were in the house by then. Nanny let go of my hand, but not of Cindy's. I was afraid that she would pull her into my bathroom and give her a sound spanking, but according to Nanny it wouldn't work anyway, because I was pretty sure that Nanny didn't love Cindy.

  Nanny claimed that a spanking could only be truly effective if there was love there.

  I followed them up to Nanny's room. Cindy was complaining away. Nanny opened the door to my bedroom. She let go of Cindy then.

  “How dare you? Who do you think you are?” Cindy was all the sudden capable of adult sounding sentences.

  “I could ask you the same thing. You have been nothing but rude since you entered the door.” Nanny wasn't about to start taking back talk not even from a guest.

  “My man likes me the way I am.” She stood up straighter. She was a lot taller than Nanny was. Nanny and I were about the same height, but I didn't have her bulk.

  “Is that what you think? He has complemented Amelia's behavior every time she has opened her mouth to say something. Amelia's daddy hasn't spoken to you at all. He is obviously practicing the motto: if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.”

  Cindy looked offended. “I don't have to put up with this.” She wanted to storm past Nanny and go back to her daddy but Nanny blocked the way.

  “Amelia, show her your room. Your daddies will be asking.” Nanny gave me a meaningful look.

  I nodded. My Daddy had said I had to do something, so I had to do it. I opened the door to my bathroom. “This is my bathroom,” I said very timidly.

  Cindy folded her arms over her chest. Her body language said, let's get this over with.

  “My closet,” I said as I walked through it.

  This had her attention, but she moved on not wanting to admit it.

  “My bedroom.” I stepped to the side.

  “Why it's tiny. What was supposed to be so great about this that he had you show me?” Cindy was mean and spiteful.

  I was kind of proud of my room. It was so much bigger than what I had had at my father's. There I had just had a small room in the basement with no heat.

  “What kind of music do you have?” She was looking on my bookshelves.

  “I'm not allowed to listen to music,” I admitted.

  “But you are allowed to read I take it. What is the point?” She turned on me and stared me down.

  “The point of what?” I asked.

  “The point of pretending to be a little girl if you don't get what you want?”

  My mouth fell open and I looked at Nanny.

  “That's what I thought. I'm putting ideas in her head, Nanny. Aren't I? What's behind that door?”

  “That's the door to Daddy's bedroom.”

  She tried to open it but it was locked at the moment. “It's locked.” She thought for a second before the light bulb went on in her head.

  “You can't get out of here, can you? He's blocking the way here and she is blocking you in on the other side. You're locked in here. No wonder you are so well behaved. Today is probably a big day for you. You got to go outside and everything. I'm right, aren't I? He wanted you out of the sun because you aren't used to it. So sad.” She clucked her tongue at me.

  I looked at Nanny, who looked like she was getting a major headache.

  “What's this?” She pointed to my study corner.

  “This is where I study with Nanny.”

  “How old are you?” Her words cut like a knife.

  “I'm eighteen and you?”

  “I'm twenty-three.” She said that like she was a lot better than me, because of her advanced years. “So you sit in here at your desk and learn about – ” She fished around on my shelves and pulled out a
game about the parts of speech and their places in a sentence. “This crap,” she laughed.

  Our daddies came in, joining us.

  Cindy went right back to her daddy. “Her nanny scolded me.”

  “I can imagine that.” He set her aside and walked up to Nanny. “Nanny Prim, is it?”

  She nodded with her head held high.

  “If Cindy were in your charge, how would you handle this situation?”

  “First, I wouldn't let it get this far. I would have given her a sound spanking in the hallway the first time she insulted Amelia.” Nanny looked at him waiting for his next question.

  He smiled and his eyebrow went up. He had taken the news of her insulting me as if he had expected no less. “What would a sound spanking look like? You know, when professionally done?”

  Cindy tried to twist away from him. She didn't seem to like the direction of this conversation.

  “Every nanny has her own technic.” Nanny turned and left the room.

  “Do you believe that Cindy could profit from an experienced nanny?” he asked her.

  “Yes, I do.” Nanny came back.

  “Travis, stop it. This isn't funny anymore. Let me go.” Her daddy was holding on to her tight.

  “No, not quite yet. I have some more questions.”

  Cindy tried to get her arm free from his hold. “You want to ask them questions? They are keeping her here against her will. She's all locked in.”

  I hung my head. I could feel Daddy's eyes on me. I hoped he didn't think that I had told her anything.

  “We were at the door listening to you babble on. Amelia was too polite to stop you, but I'm not. Amelia,” he called to me.

  I looked up to see what he wanted. “You have lessons with your Nanny everyday?”

  I nodded not sure if I was capable of speech at the moment. I figured that I was in trouble. I hadn't done anything, but with the way she acted someone had to be punished. I was the obvious choice.

  Cindy's daddy pulled her over to my desk. “Sit down Brat. Amelia.” He motioned for me to come forward.

  I looked at my Daddy who nodded but came to stand next to me.

  “Amelia dear, I have a small problem. Cindy seems to think that she is smarter than you are,” he explained to me.


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