A Love We Deserve (True Love Book 2)

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A Love We Deserve (True Love Book 2) Page 24

by Betsy Anne

  Thankfully, my mom came to town to stay with us for just such an emergency. She got the boys ready, and over to Jason and Katie’s so they could ride with them. I text Katie that I’m not feeling well, and would see them later. Then it happens. Contractions start coming fast and furious.

  “Mom, I think this is it. They’re about four minutes apart. They came on so quickly!”

  I’ve had three babies, but each labor was different from the one before. Each baby has his own idea about how he wants to make a grand entrance to the world. We decided not to find out the sex; we wanted it to be a surprise, just like the pregnancy. Katie threw me an adorable baby shower, gender neutral, with a Bears theme. Who knew you could find so much NFL baby stuff? Not me, but now I have a lot of it.

  “Should I call Brian?”

  My mom looks panicked. She’s never been the best in crisis situations, and I don’t know why I thought she’d be a help to me. I guess a girl just needs her mom in times like this, crazy or not.

  “Not yet, let’s get to the hospital first. This is a big game today. Maybe the labor will slow down,” I say.

  Who am I kidding? This baby is coming fast, that I know. While my mom is walking around in circles, I shoot Katie a quick text: In labor, four minutes apart. Headed to hospital.

  She responds fast: OMG! Want me to get Brian? The game hasn’t started yet!

  I have to be honest, but I don’t need her to panic either: No! This is too big a game for him. I’ll keep you posted.

  My mom drives like a maniac, and we get to the maternity center in record time. I’m getting concerned because I feel a lot of pressure, and the urge to push is beginning. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to ruin Brian’s game, but this is his first child! My mom checks me in, and they whisk me into triage. The doctor on call confirms it; the baby is close.

  “Mom, call Katie and tell her to get Brian down here!”

  I think I waited too long. This baby will be here before he arrives, even if he leaves now. Shit! I fucked up. I need my husband here, and he wanted to be here. We talked about this, and he said that no matter where he was or what he was doing, he wanted to be here. Screw football, it’s just a game. I start crying because I know he’s gong to be upset. My mom thinks it’s the pain.

  “Give her the damn drugs, now!” She says in her thickest Georgia drawl. They can barely understand her. I laugh at the looks on their faces. “See? She’s belligerent! Give her the drugs!”

  She’s right; I need the damned drugs.

  “It may be too late for anything, let’s check OK?”

  The doctor loses half an arm inspecting my innards, when he says the most blessed phrase in the world.

  “It’s too late for the epidural, but we can get her something to ease the pain. It’ll have time to kick in.”

  Ten, considerably more comfortable, minutes later, I hear the doctor say the baby is ready. My mom grabs my hand.

  “I’m here, honey, you just give me that sweet grandbaby!”

  She cracks me up. I start to push, and the nurses and doctor are speaking, but I’m not really listening. I’m trying to focus on my mother’s overwhelming perfume and not the fact that my husband is missing this. I keep my eyes squeezed tight. I push again, and get praised by the nurses for a “good one.” No, the “good one” is the last one. I lose my mom’s grip, and another hand replaces hers. I know that hand.

  My eyes pop open and he’s standing there beside me. He’s sweaty and is in sweats and under-jersey shirt. I hear Katie rush in a moment later.

  “I’ve never driven that fast in my life! I’ll be out here!”

  She rushes into the hallway, and my sweet husband kisses my forehead.

  “Let’s meet our baby, sweetheart.”

  * * *

  We have a beautiful baby girl. We name her Mary Louise after our mothers. Two big pushes after Brian got there, she arrived. I’ve barely held her since her first attempt at nursing. Between Brian, Katie and my mother, she’s not even been in the bassinet. Brian hands her off to my mom, and he sits down on the bed next to me. It’s been a couple of hours, and it’s finally quieted down.

  “How could you not tell me you thought you were in labor? If I had missed this, Melanie, it would have crushed me. I know you did what you thought was best for me, but please, let me decide too. What if something had happened to you? Football is just a game; you are my life.”

  He brings my hand to his mouth, and kisses it softly.

  “Thank you, my love. She’s beautiful, just like her mother. My sweet Georgia peach.”

  About the Author

  Betsy Anne is a happily married, hopeless romantic with three wonderful kids. Her first novel Mine, Not Hers was completed in April 2014 and published digitally and in paperback on Amazon.com. Betsy Anne holds a BS degree in Sociology from The University of North Carolina - Charlotte. She and her New Jersey born husband Henry love hanging out with their children and families, their secondary children (two cats and a dog), and spending time at their beach house in South Carolina. She is currently writing her third novel.




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