Holiday Heat

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Holiday Heat Page 3

by Janelle Denison

  Matthew smiled at her, oblivious to her sudden discomfort. “I hope you don’t mind, but before you and I head up to our room, I have a few last minute Christmas gifts I need to buy, and I was hoping you could help me pick out a few things for my sister, Tracy.”

  “Me?” she exclaimed incredulously. “I don’t even know your sister.”

  That didn’t seem to be an issue for him as he led her over to the women’s section of the boutique. “Let’s see. She’s twenty two, the baby of the family, and a senior at Yale who’s home for the Christmas holiday. She’s about your size, maybe an inch or two shorter, her taste runs to the more modern than traditional, and she loves the color purple.”

  Faith rolled her eyes at him. “I still don’t know her well enough to judge what she’d like.” And no way did she want to be responsible for any kind of gift he bought at these outrageous, over-inflated prices.

  “Okay, then how about your opinion, from a woman’s point of view?” he suggested, and selected a designer purse from a nearby shelf and showed it to her. “What do you think of this?”

  The four hundred dollar price tag flashed in front of Faith’s eyes, and her heart nearly stopped in her chest. She was certain Matthew didn’t want to know what she thought of a purse that cost more than her monthly car payment. Luckily the approach of a woman—a saleslady Faith assumed—saved her from responding.

  “Hey, Dr. Carlton,” the beautiful, sophisticated blonde said in a friendly, bemused greeting. “How have you been?”

  Matthew put the purse back on the display and smiled fondly at the other woman. “I’ve been great, Ash.” He kissed the woman’s cheek affectionately, then made introductions. “Ashley, this is Faith Roberts. Faith, Ashley St. Claire. The St. Claire’s are long time friends of the family.”

  Oh, yes, she was most definitely way out of her league, Faith thought. “It’s nice to meet you.” She shook Ashley’s hand, and instantly felt enveloped in a gracious and friendly warmth that dispelled a bit of her insecurities.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.” Ashley smiled from Faith back to Matthew, her eyes sparkling inquisitively. “I haven’t seen you in a while. What brings you by?”

  “Last minute Christmas gifts,” he said, waving a hand over the display of women’s accessories and keeping his explanation for their presence as discreet as possible, which Faith appreciated. “I didn’t want to fight the crowds down on Michigan Ave., and I remembered how much my mother and Tracy love the stuff here.”

  Matthew glanced back at Faith and gently squeezed her hand. “Would you excuse us for a moment?” he asked her. “I have some business I need to discuss with Ashley.”

  “Sure. Go ahead. I’ll be right over here looking at the collectibles.” And keeping her hands to herself, because she wasn’t about to test the “you break, you buy” policy.

  With her fingers clasped behind her back, Faith pretended interest in a collection of crystals and prisms while watching Matthew and Ashley out of the corner of her eye. His dark head was bent close to hers, their voices too low for her to decipher. Ashley looked her way a few times, nodded at something he said, and made some kind of reply of her own. When Matthew gestured toward the women’s section of the boutique, Faith decided to let them have their conversation… privately, without her trying to figure out what they were talking about.

  As she continued to gaze at the crystals, she found herself drawn to a three dimensional prism. The multitude of cuts were striking, enabling the overhead lights to catch on the many facets, which sent shards of rich, brilliant colors against the wall and ceiling.

  Mesmerized, and despite her vow to keep her hands to herself, she reached out and touched the prism, her breath catching as those same colors spun around her in a dizzying display of vibrant reds, purples, greens and blues.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

  She jumped at the sound of Matthew’s low, seductive voice right behind her. She’d been so enthralled with the crystals, she hadn’t heard him approach. “Yes, it’s absolutely exquisite.”

  She turned around, glad to have him back and all to herself again. “Ready to finish finding something for your sister?”

  He nodded. “I certainly am.”

  “How about a scarf,” she said, opting for a more practical gift. She picked up a lavender hued wrap, the cashmere weave infinitely soft against her fingertips. “She’ll get a few months wear out of it when she goes back to school for the winter season.”

  “See, you are good at this.” Grinning, he reached for the other coordinating accessories. “I’ll get her the hat and gloves and matching socks, too.”

  She couldn’t fault him for being so generous with his sister, a quality she found endearing and such a natural part of his giving personality. Something stirred within her at those admiring thoughts, a startling warmth that threatened to breach the barriers she’d erected around her heart nearly a year ago.

  Doing her best to dismiss the emotional tug demanding her attention, she continued their easy conversation. “Is Tracy your only sibling?”

  “No.” He moved on to a case displaying fine jewelry, peered at the selection, then gestured Ashley back over to them. “I have an older brother, James, who is married to an incredible woman. They have three great kids, all boys, and a fourth one on the way, due this Spring, which they’re hoping is a girl.”

  The love for his family was tangible, and made her miss her own parents and sister even more. “Do you all get together for Christmas?”

  “Absolutely. Christmas Eve my parents have a huge party for close friends, and then Christmas morning is a private gathering for just our family. We open presents and have brunch and hang out for the day.” An indulgent grin curved his lips. “I usually end up on the floor with my nephews playing with them and whatever new toys Santa has brought them.”

  “That sounds nice,” she said, unable to keep the wistful note from her voice. A part of her actually envied his big family, the nephews he obviously adored, and their traditional Christmas ritual. And just how involved he was in it all.

  When Ashley arrived at the display case, Matthew pointed out a piece of jewelry for her to show him. She withdrew the dainty, pearl drop choker with a trio of diamonds off-setting smaller pearls along the delicate silver chain and placed it in his big hand.

  “Let me see how this looks on you,” Matthew said, and Faith held up her hair and let him clasp the choker around her neck, thinking his sister or mother were very lucky, indeed. The necklace was beautiful, and as she looked into the small hand mirror Ashley offered, for a moment she felt like a princess wearing such an exquisite piece of jewelry.

  Matthew fumbled with the clasp as he removed the choker, his fingers brushing erotically against the nape of her neck, causing her to shiver. “I’ll take the necklace, and the matching earrings, too,” he said to Ashley.

  Grasping Faith’s hand in his, he continued checking out other items in the jewelry case, but nothing else seemed to catch his eye. “So, how are you spending your Christmas?” he asked. “With family?”

  “No,” she said quietly. “They’re all out of town.” She explained where her sister now lived, and how her parents had decided to take a vacation for the holidays.

  He looked taken aback. “You’re all alone for Christmas?”

  The concern in his eyes tugged on her heart and emotions, more than was wise, and she forced a casual shrug. “I won’t be all alone. I’ll be spending the day with Charlie.”

  “Charlie?” His brows pulled into an adorable, possessive frown that almost made her laugh. “Who’s Charlie?”

  Was that jealousy she heard in his deep voice, she wondered, more than a little surprised that he’d feel that way with her, considering his own untamable reputation. “Charlie is my cat.”

  “Oh.” He visibly relaxed. “Good thing I like cats.”

  They spent another half hour in the boutique, with Matthew doing what looked to be more Christmas shopping
while Faith gathered a few feminine essentials to get her through the night: hairbrush, toothbrush and paste, travel size hair products, and a small compact of make-up. Matthew insisted on paying for her items, and instead of issuing a protest in front of Ashley, she let him use his American Express card to purchase everything.

  He asked that the items be delivered to his suite, and once they were out of Ashley’s range of hearing, Matthew dipped his head toward Faith’s and murmured huskily in her ear, “Are you ready to head up to the room so I can have my wicked way with you?”

  She thought he’d never ask, and excitement stirred through her. “Lead the way.”

  Chapter Four

  Matthew teased her in the elevator on the ride up to the twenty second floor, despite the fact that guests came and went along the way. Standing in the back of the small cubicle, he slipped his hand inside her coat and caressed her bottom and ran his fingers down between her thighs. He nuzzled her neck and whispered in her ear all the wonderful, decadent things he wanted to do her, with her, making Faith hot and anxious and impatient to be alone with him.

  As soon as they were in their suite with the double doors shut and locked behind them, Matthew pinned her against the nearest wall and kissed her senseless. A long, deep kiss that made her breasts swell at the sensation of his hot, silky tongue sliding oh-so-erotically into her mouth.

  He pushed her coat off her shoulders, and shrugged out of his own, letting both fall to the marbled floor. Then he was back, his hands tangling in her hair and his muscled body pressing insistently against hers. She felt the hard length of his erection right at the crux of her thighs, the heat of him burning into her. With a small moan she pushed closer, seeking more pressure, more friction, and felt herself grow wet with wanting, with the desperate need to have all that hot male flesh filling her completely full. His large palms slid down her back and roughly grasped her bottom, separating her legs wider, lifting her into his pelvis, and moved rhythmically against her.

  The encounter was deliciously aggressive, unmistakably carnal in its intent, and unlike anything she’d ever experienced before. It had been so long since she’d been with a man sexually, too long since she’d been the sole focus of a man’s lust, and the force of Matthew’s desire thrilled her. She wanted to rip off their clothes and let him take her right there, up against the wall, but he seemed to have his own agenda.

  His mouth continued it’s hungry assault, and his fingers dipped between her legs, caressing and rubbing her aching, swollen sex through the fabric of her slacks. Her heart raced, her mind spun, and her lower body tingled and pulsed. Her thighs clenched his tight as the tension built, and then there was no stopping the climax that rippled through her or the deep, raw moan that escaped her throat. The pleasure that shook her was amazingly wild and intense—especially for a fully-clothed orgasm, which had never, ever happened to her before.

  Matthew ended the kiss and looked at her, his features reflecting the same shock she felt.

  “Oh, Lord…” She ducked her head against his chest and laughed, both amazed and embarrassed at her uncontrollable response. “Ummm, it’s been a long time.”

  Tucking his fingers beneath her chin, he lifted her gaze back to his. His smile was crooked, his expression searching. “How long?”

  Her face felt warm, flushed. Like her entire body. “A little over a year.” And even at that, foreplay with Martin had never been so exciting, so combustible.

  “Was it a serious relationship?”

  She hadn’t expected him to be so interested in her past, but his direct gaze demanded an answer, and also awakened too many insecurities she didn’t want intruding on their time together. “Nine months worth of serious.” And she didn’t want to discuss the how’s and why’s of her hurtful break-up with Martin with a man who didn’t seem to know the meaning of the phrase permanent commitment.

  Which brought her around to the reason why they were there, in a very plush and extravagant suite for the night. She slid a hand between their bodies and curled her fingers around his solid erection, barely able to hold all of him in her palm. Lifting on her toes, she nipped gently on his bottom lip. “How about I return the favor?”

  He groaned as she stroked and squeezed him. “As great as that sounds and feels, I want to wait until we’re both naked.”

  “Unlike me,” she said humorously.

  “I loved the way you let go and came apart like that. It was so damn sexy.” The hot look simmering in his eyes backed up his words. “Your lack of inhibition is a good thing, especially tonight, with me.” He ran a finger down the slope of her nose, then grabbed her hand. “Come on, I’ve got a surprise waiting for you, and I want you to enjoy it before it gets cold.”

  Infinitely curious about what he’d planned, she followed him through the spacious living room, past the kitchenette that dispelled her guess that he’d ordered up a warm meal for them, to the outrageously huge master bedroom with a four-poster, king sized bed. He opened a set of double doors that connected to an enormous bathroom with a huge sunken tub dominating the room, filled with fragrant, steaming water, a froth of bubbles, and gardenia petals floating on top. Sitting on the rim was an ice bucket with chilled champagne and two glasses.

  Pampered, indeed. Inhaling the rich floral scent filling the air, she glanced at Matthew in astonishment. “How in the world did you arrange to have this done when we got here?”

  “I have my ways.” He gave her a slow, sweet kiss that curled her toes, then let her go. “Why don’t you take a bath and relax before I order up dinner?”

  Before she could suggest otherwise, he stepped out of the bathroom and closed the doors behind him to give her the privacy she didn’t want. She was disappointed that he hadn’t stayed with her so they could enjoy the bath together, but she wasn’t about to pass up the chance to indulge in such a decadent treat on her own.

  She stripped off her clothes and secured her hair into a twist so it didn’t get wet. Stepping into the silken, heated water, she sat down and sank all the way up to her shoulders, enveloping her senses in the heady scent of gardenias. With a content sigh, she did as he’d ordered. She let her lashes drift shut and relaxed both her mind and her body.

  Matthew opened the door to the bellman, who’d arrived to deliver his numerous purchases from the hotel’s boutique, along with a plastic garment bag. He had the hotel employee set the packages on the floor in the living room, then tipped him generously for his time, service, and just because it was the giving season. The man thanked him profusely, then was gone.

  Most of what he’d bought were Christmas gifts for his sister and mother, but there had been a few things that he’d deemed as necessities for Faith. Other than the clothes she had on when they’d arrived, she didn’t have anything else to wear, and while she’d been shopping for her toiletries he’d picked out a dress and undergarments for her to wear tonight.

  Judging by how conscious she’d been of the price tags on the items in the boutique, he knew she wasn’t going to be happy that he’d spent so much money on her, but figured it was his prerogative to do so. And what a nice, refreshing change it was to have a woman not want to relieve him of his money. Which made him want to spend it all the more on Faith.

  He carried the garment bag and a few of the smaller packages into the bedroom, thinking back to their discussion in the boutique, about her spending the holidays alone. He couldn’t imagine being without his family on Christmas, and hoped if all went well, Faith would spend the day with him and his parents, siblings, and nephews.

  And then there was their brief but revealing conversation about her past relationship, one that had been serious for her and had lasted nearly a year. One that had obviously made her wary of him and his intentions. But before he could ask what had happened, she’d quickly changed the subject. Though he wouldn’t let her avoid the topic for long, because he had a feeling whatever happened in that last relationship was a big part of the reason why she’d been so resistant to him f
rom the beginning.

  And why had she finally changed her mind, he wondered as he laid out the dress he’d bought for her on the bed, along with sexy undergarments he hadn’t been able to resist. Sure, she’d told him that it was a simple matter of giving into their attraction and indulging in one night of hot, unforgettable sex. But Matthew didn’t buy her convenient excuse and had to believe that there was something deeper behind her motivations. Something more emotional he’d be able to use to his advantage before their time together was over.

  There was so much he wanted to know about Faith, so much he wanted to learn. So many different facets to her personality, much like that prism she’d been admiring earlier. And every brilliant layer that she revealed about herself only made him want her that much more… insecurities, vulnerabilities, and all. And when he finally had her beneath him, making love to her face to face, he’d make damn sure she knew that one night wouldn’t be nearly enough to slake his need or desire for her. That what he felt for her went beyond sex and involved his heart and emotions.

  But first, she was expecting to be seduced, and that tub was more than big enough for two.

  He stripped out of his clothes, and wrapped a towel around his hips that he’d taken from the spare bathroom. He was still hard with wanting her, and he grinned wryly as his erection made itself known.

  He knocked lightly on the bathroom door as a warning, then entered. Faith was immersed in the water and bubbles, and her lashes drifted open when she heard him come in. Her gaze lazily took in his bare chest, slow and appraising, and an appreciative smile curved her lips.

  “Mind if I join you?” he asked, unable to keep the rasp of arousal from his voice. Unable to deny how beautiful she was, inside and out, and how much he ached to have her in his life.

  “I was hoping you would,” she murmured, and shifted beneath the water, causing tiny waves and gardenia petals to lap over the upper swells of her breasts, teasing him with thoughts of her naked body beneath the bubbles. “I could use some help scrubbing my back.”


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