Virgin Queen

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Virgin Queen Page 2

by Ruby Storm

  “I will go nowhere with you!” Tennae shrieked when she realized the predicament she was in. “I am to be married in seven days to another. I—”

  “You will be married to me. Now, prepare yourself.”

  “I refuse.”

  “So be it.” Hector snatched the towel, crushed it within his grasp, and tossed it away. Before the cool air goosebumped Tennae’s bare skin, she was hauled into his embrace.

  “Stop! You cannot do this.”

  “I can and I will.” Hector hoisted her naked, kicking body over one broad shoulder and nodded his head to one of his men. “Grab her clothes. We must leave before others are alerted.” He shouldered his way through the open doorway as Tennae beat her fists against his back.

  Virgin Watcher One lay on the hallway floor. She peered through the doorway, and stifled her frightened groan. Tennae’s chastity belt lay open on the floor.

  * * * * *

  Hector dumped Tennae’s struggling and barely clad body to the surface of his bed. Instantly, she scrambled to the farthest corner, wrapped her slender arms around her waist, and glared with hatred blazing in her eyes.

  He stared down, wondering if he’d made a mistake. She had fought him the entire time during the weeklong journey across two barren sectors until they’d reached his home, returning scathing remarks to every attempted try at conversation. This morning, the day of her supposed marriage, Tennae suddenly quieted and spent the hours looking over her shoulder with tears streaming over her high cheekbones.

  His jaw clenched with frustration. He was kind and caring on the journey home, slowing the pace so as not to exhaust her. She does not understand the tenderness I will bestow on her virgin body. Our union is needed to allow my Sector to survive. But I do not want just a union… Hector was not a brute. He hoped to discover love with the cowering woman before him.

  His gaze scanned her long limbs, her heaving breasts, and the gauzy material that collected about her rounded hips. His cock bobbed inside his pants. He was amazed at how quickly his body responded to her across the many miles home. The confined days of the group’s return had affected him deeply. Many a time he’d left the cluster of soldiers to find solace in the forest to rid himself of the heat Tennae unknowingly created with her simple graceful movements. His powerful shoulders jerked with a start when he realized she had asked him a question. “What?”

  “I demand to be returned to my home,” Tennae repeated.

  A sigh escaped Hector as he sat on the edge of the bed. He couldn’t help but notice when she tucked her shapely legs more firmly beneath her. “That will not happen, Tennae. Tomorrow you will be fitted with a wedding gown for our marriage the following day.”

  “I will never marry you!”

  “You will.”

  Tennae launched herself through the air before Hector had a chance to defend himself. Her small fists beat about his head with the anger that raged in her blood.

  Recovering from his shock, he easily captured her flailing hands and pressed her to the surface of the bed. One large hand circled both of her wrists, dragged them above her head, and his large torso pinned her struggling body beneath him. “Enough! I have been through much to bring you…”

  Suddenly, his booming voice trailed off as his gaze dropped to the white, supple breast he had bared during their struggle. An erect nipple beckoned his lips and without further thought, he lowered his mouth.

  “No!” Tennae begged, but her plea met unhearing ears.

  Hector’s tongue tentatively licked the pink tip.

  “Please…” Tennae squeezed her eyelids tightly when his warm tongue circled the hard dart. His bushy mustache tickled the sensitive skin of her breast before capturing her nipple once more to suck it deeply inside his mouth.

  “I have wanted to do this since I first set eyes on you,” he breathed against her skin. “I am not disappointed.”

  “I…I am promised to another.”

  “But you will be mine.”

  “Never! I will never come to you willingly.”

  “Then why is your body responding to the touch of my tongue?” Before she could reply, he dragged the material away from her other breast and watched in amazement when the deep gasps of air she inhaled expanded the mound within his clutches. “So beautiful…” He dipped his head once more and guided a nipple to his lips. The tiniest moan sounded from the back of her throat as he continued to kiss the puckered skin. Ah…she will come more willingly than she thinks…

  As his hand left her warm breast, he continued to suckle her nipple. Hector’s heart thudded within his chest when his thick fingers danced over the gentle curve of her hip, halted momentarily, and then moved to the inside of one firm thigh. “There will come a time when you beg me to pierce your body here.” As he said it, his palm cupped her pubic mound. It took all the constraint he could muster not to push the thin material aside and do just that.

  “Let me go…”

  Hector massaged the gauzy outline of her pussy lips, lifted his head, and stared into her troubled violet eyes. “Only if you consent to a kiss before I go.” The pressure of his hand increased. He would not leave her until she accepted his proposal, although he was willing to wager if would be difficult for him to depart no matter her decision.

  Tennae stared up unblinkingly as her body stilled. Finally, she nodded. “If it will get the stench of you gone from this room…”

  He took advantage of the moist lips before she changed her mind. Hector’s tongue forced her mouth open, and he was inside the sweet cavern a second later. Slow, sensuous glides across the interior of her mouth paralleled the motion of his stroking hand. Hector’s brain swam with the need to explore further. He continued his sweet assault, waiting breathlessly for her clenching thighs to give way to the slight undulation of her slim hips, hoping Tennae’s inner wanton would triumph over her wish for him to be gone.

  Gently, he released the hold on her wrists and moved his lips to suckle first one, and then the opposite erect nipple that tantalized his mouth just beneath his gaze. Slowly, his hand moved down the outer length of her leg to her knee, only to begin a tentative path up her inner thigh.

  Tennae’s world opened to moist, coaxing lips and questioning fingers that promised to extinguish the growing flames licking at her core. Inside her frazzled mind it no longer mattered that she was his prisoner as he coaxed her woman’s soul to abandonment. Her nipples now burned beneath his seeking lips. Unanswered passion ignited a flame in her belly, and she thought of nothing but the need to halt the sweet pain devouring her body.

  Unyielding thighs relaxed.

  A masculine hand slid more firmly between velvety thighs.

  A feminine moan whispered past Hector’s ear.

  He parted her pussy lips, ignoring the thin gauze that kept him from touching her completely. The calloused tip of Hector’s finger traveled a caressing path upward through the hot slit to circle her bud. He smiled against her mouth when Tennae’s clit swelled beneath his light touch. He continued to stroke until the fabric soaked with the feminine juice of her burgeoning arousal. To his happy surprise, her body swayed to the rhythm he created. No, it wouldn’t be long before she begged for his cock inside her.

  Without warning, he pushed himself from the bed, leaving her body splayed sensuously across the surface. “Thank you for the kiss. I will go now to allow you to wash the trail’s dust from your lovely skin.” He turned without another word and left her suite.

  The click of the lock sounded in the quiet room. Tennae leapt from the bed and wrapped her arms around her quaking limbs. The skin on her face flushed a deep red as she gasped for air to stop her spinning world. She was a virgin betrothed to a young man named Karn, but her body screamed for release from the soft touches of another.

  * * * * *

  Hector stood outside Tennae’s locked room and whisked the dampened strands of clean hair from his forehead. He was more than ready to begin another assault against Tennae’s senses. Quietly, he
inserted the key and pushed open the door.

  She lay in a hip tub with her slender leg extended upwards as she scrubbed the satiny length. Glorious black hair was piled into ringlets atop her head; only her shoulders and the rise of her cleavage could be seen over the rim. When the door slammed loudly, she squealed and sunk lower into the water. Her frightened eyes scanned the area for something to cover her nakedness. Hector sauntered to the tub. She sank further into the water until the warm, sudsy liquid caressed her rounded chin.

  “Who are…” her eyes widened in surprise when she realized the dirt-free man in the room was the same who had swept her away from everything she knew. “It’s you! Get out!”

  Hector perched on the edge with a smile creasing his clean-shaven face. “Did you not recognize me?”

  “You do not resemble the goat herder of this afternoon.” Her gaze took in his fine clothes and wavy, dampened hair resting against his collar. The absence of whiskers on his face gave way to a strong angular jaw and sparkling sapphire eyes. Her angered mind was forced to acknowledge that he was one of the finest specimens of a man she had ever seen. “Please leave so I may complete my bath.”

  His fingers skimmed across the bubbles, scooped up a slight bit of foam, and deposited a small bit on the end of her nose. “That is why I am here. I came to help you finish.”

  She gasped at his audacity. “I am quite able to wash myself.”

  “But this is my home and I insist.” He reached for the sponge she had dropped, applied soap until it bubbled in his hand, and forced her arm out of the water.

  Tennae tugged, but his grip was firm. Her eyes glittered with instant tears. “Do not do this to me. I will never submit to you. Let me return to my home and my fiancé.” She was terrified, but not of the man. It was the lustful shivers crawling down her spine that she feared most.

  Hector dragged the sponge slowly across the inside of her wrist. “There will come a time as I said earlier, that you will welcome me into your arms. You will become my wife and learn to love me.”

  “Why me?” she whispered. “Why are you doing this?”

  He lifted her hand and pressed his lips to her palm. “There are very few women here. Three other Sectors are already extinct because their females died. If mine does not find brides, the same will happen here. Have you never heard of these things?”

  “Our men handle matters such as the one you talk about.”

  He shook his head. “They try to keep the truths of the world from you. Tennae, in order to see the next century, we were forced to look outside our boundaries. Not all Sectors will survive over the next hundred years. Ours is one of the few that does not carry the diseases brought on by the Great Shake. We were situated far enough from the nuclear dust that floated through the atmosphere. Our water source is clean, and we have been able to produce food from the earth once more. Everything I know about Sector Seven tells me your people will extinguish themselves. Be thankful. Being with me guarantees you a long life.”

  She stared silently, her naked body beneath the water forgotten. There was so much her elders hadn’t told her about the world and its past—no forethought as far as the future.

  Hector sponged each individual finger as he continued. “My countrymen know that the women of Sector Seven remain virgins until they are wed. That virginity is protected by the ancient use of chastity belts. I have selected you because of many weeks of surveillance.”

  “You have spied on me?”

  He contemplated the indignation in her voice—especially when she lay helplessly naked in her bath. How outraged will she be when I am through playing her body? “Only because we needed to assure that a virgin was captured. Too many of your women who are wives carry diseases brought on by coupling with their husbands.”

  “Our husbands are clean! Why do you say this?”

  “Your men have secrets that their women know nothing about. They are spineless men who will kill their kind with their sexual ways. You husbands busy themselves with the diseased castoffs in the Cave.”

  “You lie!”

  “I tell the truth. There is much for you to learn about the world you live in. Residing here with me will keep you safe and your body free from the plagues that will eventually wipe out Sector Seven.”

  Doubt clouded her brain. Did his words have any truth to them? She remembered how suddenly, people she knew, people close to her, would abruptly take ill and die at an early age. If the sick were women, the men took them away, never to be seen again.

  She was shaken from her thoughts when his hand dipped beneath the surface. Tennae clamped her thighs together, frightened again at his intentions—and how her body so eagerly responded. “What…what are you doing?”

  “I’m going to wash you.”

  Careful to keep her breasts hidden, her fingers plucked at his solid lower arm as it also disappeared beneath the water. “Stop that!” The pressure of the sponge now spread apart her pussy lips, circling a certain area that sent heat shooting through her lower body—the same kind of heat that Karn’s embraces brought on. When his finger replaced the sponge, Tennae gasped aloud.

  “You are a woman waiting for a man.” He adjusted his hand and pinched her clit between the tips of his fingers. “This swollen bud here? It is the core of your female body that eventually will rule your brain when you are in my arms.”

  A hot flush suffused her body as he continued to fondle her. Tennae now couldn’t stop her knees from falling open nor her grasp on his arm to loosen. “This…this is wrong. I am not supposed to have…” her head lolled back onto the edge of tub.

  Hector reached out and caressed a breast, tweaking the nipple between his fingers. “This is not wrong. I am preparing you for our wedding night. And just as I suspected, your body is ripe and ready to be loved wholly by a man. You will have many lessons before you find slumber tonight. Have you ever had an orgasm?” His fingers continued to roll her clit.

  Tennae’s body moved on its own. The all-consuming fire was back. It wound its way through her blood, encased her lungs making it difficult to breathe, and cramped her stomach muscles. She refused to answer him, and then his touch was gone.

  Her eyes snapped open. She lay in the water with her breasts thrusting through the few bubbles left, and her knees up and resting against the sides of the tub. Hector stood over her with glittering eyes as he stared at her pussy just beneath the surface of the water. He reached out a hand to see if Tennae would take it. “The choice is yours. Whether we prepare you now or wait until tomorrow, it will happen. You cannot bring a halt to my decision to make you my wife, and I will not have my wedding night ruined because of virginal attitudes.” He waited.

  Tennae fought the teachings of her youth, struggled against the feelings of love she held for Karn, but lost the battle to the intense throbbing between her legs. There was more—there was this thing called an orgasm and no matter what, she couldn’t stop the urgings of her body as she reached out her palm.

  * * * * *

  Hector lifted Tennae from the water and cradled her body as he turned to the bed. Laying her gently on her back, he straightened and removed his heavy vest of leather. For the first time, Tennae noticed the fine layer of hair that furred his chest beneath an open white shirt. Her gaze dropped to the huge bulge at his crotch. It was much larger than Karn’s. Extreme guilt forced her eyes to close in remorse as she thought of her fiancé but the twinge quickly disappeared when Hector ran a towel across her flat belly. Instantly, the heat was back, and she was utterly helpless against its intense power.

  He gently toweled her skin until the bright sheen of water disappeared. He gazed into her limpid eyes. “Spread your legs.”

  She obeyed him. Tennae’s eyelids fluttered shut when the friction of the towel against her clit created an ache for something more.

  “You did not answer my question. Have you ever had an orgasm?”

  Mutely, she shook her head.

  “Then, my lovely, you shall experience
it before we go any further.”

  Cool air pressed against her when the towel disappeared and was quickly replaced by the warmth of his hand. Her pussy lips were spread wide, and he used the fingers of the other to rub her clit. “You are made for love, Tennae. Do you want to watch what I do to you?”

  She dragged her lids open and lifted her head. His large, sun darkened hand worked the area between her legs. Her hips immediately surged upwards with a will of their own to increase the pressure. His finger at the threshold of her vagina sent a shock of weakness through her body, and her head fell back onto the pillow.

  “Has anything ever penetrated you here?”

  Her head rolled back and forth. “No…”she whispered breathlessly, “it was not allowed. I…I was to remain a virgin.”

  “I am going to put my finger in you simply to moisten it.”

  She bucked when he inserted the tip. Instantly, a sensation so powerful shook her body and sent waves running through her groin. The heat from her womb rose to infiltrate her tender breasts, swelling her nipples into even harder darts than before.

  Taut pussy lips clamp over the end of his finger. As much as he wanted to slide it deeply into her sheath, he only dampened the end, and then returned to her clit. His finger rolled the pulsing bud with ease now, sending her body into an undulating motion.

  The orgasm slammed through her body. Tennae moaned as her body jerked continually against the hand that cupped her crotch tightly. Hector ground his palm against her body to keep the orgasm going and his large hand filled with the juice of her explosion. He smiled when her knees came up to hug her chest as she searched to find even more of the pleasure that consumed her. He continued to massage her clit.

  Finally, her knees fell sideways to the bed. Her breasts swelled with each deep breath she took. Tennae squeezed them, working her hardened nipples and thrust her hips forward again. “More…I need something else and I do not know what it is. Please, what do I need?”


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