Relics and Runes Anthology

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Relics and Runes Anthology Page 92

by Heather Marie Adkins

  “The smiling man,” Andrea says.

  “You saw him?”

  Andrea smiles and waves to the shadow as it takes flight.


  Abigal meets everyone on the bridge.

  Wesley and Andrea are mixed in with the others.

  “Will the guilty come forward?”

  Abbey and Mark step forward. As does three other people.

  “Okay. You realize what you’ve done is wrong?” Everyone nods. “But it couldn’t be helped. Anyone missing?”

  Everyone shakes their head.

  “I want you all to know that we have this last week and then the cycle will be broken.”

  “At least it ends with a bang,” Darma says.

  That gets everyone laughing.

  “Okay, that’s all.” Abigal feels like a weight has been lifted. Taking over Gordon’s role isn’t so bad. Only after that last week, she will no longer have this role. She can’t remember living a normal life. She catches up to her daughter and Mark. She’s content knowing that she can try to have a normal life with her family.

  Wesley stands before the cave. He wonders what will happen to it after the curse is lifted. He heads for the lake. Finally able to appreciate it. He looks down into the water. “Why can I never see the smiling man that Andrea speaks of?”

  Laughter echoes from inside the cave.

  He turns on a dime. “You will not tempt Andrea before her eighteenth birthday. That is the agreement. If you try to break our deal, I will come for you.”

  “Let’s see, you’ll already be an adult when she turns eighteen. And you aren’t allowed in there anymore. If I were to take her before our agreement goes into effect, what can you do to stop me?”

  “Show yourself.”

  A shadow appears above him.

  “Are you going to honor our agreement?”

  “I wouldn’t dream of breaking an agreement with someone like you. Have I ever broken a deal that I made with your parents?”

  “Your reputation says differently.”

  “I value all agreements made with my two favorite families.”

  “Why do you want Andrea?”

  “Why should I tell you? You think if you knew that it could assist you in stopping me? No, boy, that isn’t going to work. But keep trying. I might crack one day. I look forward to when you are allowed back in the Vale. It’s going to be like old times. Or I could show you what has been going on in there and ignite those lost memories. What say you?”

  “I will defeat you.”

  The shadow laughs. It flies into the cave. Boom. The cave crumbles. Reduced to a pile of rubble.

  The end can come, if you believe it enough.

  The O’Kellys and Darsmins fought through the sounds of passion at night by ordering the moving trucks and packing them at night. The noise of furniture and boxes being moved around helped soften the lovemaking coming from the left side.

  Arianna and Melanie waste no time in getting into their cars as soon as the sun breaks the horizon.

  “You got the address?” Thomas asks Michael.

  “Yeah. It’s plugged into the GPS.”

  Melanie makes sure that Andrea is buckled up in the back seat.

  Abbey and Mark come over to Wesley as he puts a small box into the back seat of his parent’s car. “A lot of the people are leaving, but we are staying. There’s nothing to fear now. We’ve already got people coming in to get rid of that forest.”

  “No. Don’t do that. It can’t hurt you.”

  “Stay in touch.” Abbey hands him a piece of paper.

  “I will.”

  Abbey walks over to Andrea’s parent’s car. “Bye, Andrea.”

  “Come, Wesley,” Arianna says.

  Wesley gets into the car.


  Nine years later.

  Andrea’s thirteenth birthday. She has school friends, family, and Wesley over. This is her very official, heavily themed birthday. All the others before were simply her parents, Wesley’s parents, and Wesley with a cake and some presents. Since her birthday falls on the first day of spring and this is her entrance into adolescence and the tender in between of girl to woman, her parents want her to have a bountiful celebration. There are tons of spring inspired decorations paying respect to the goddess Persephone. There’s also a marble statue of the goddess in the dining room. Leaf garland is hung around every entranceway and railing, with spring flowered wreaths hung throughout the house. A feast fit for the gods lays on a grand table in the middle of the dining room. This is also a celebration for Wesley only having one year left in school. A chance for him to spend time with friends that he won’t be seeing after graduation. Wesley won’t admit it, but he’s afraid of graduating. Andrea is more afraid seeing that he will be an adult and will want to do adult things. She is still a kid in many people’s eyes. What can their friendship offer each other now?

  Andrea’s very close friend Emily from elementary school comes over to her with a white wrapped present. Since no one of her acquaintance knows of Coral Gardens, she doesn’t have to explain to anyone about her previous residence. The memories she has of that place are vague now but Wesley reminds her of things that happened. Emily was always more interested in telling about herself anyway, so it was rare that Andrea even got a word in. Emily became a substitute for Wesley when Wesley was off doing teenage boy things. His parents wanted him more involved in everything that didn’t involve Andrea.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything.”

  “Oh, nonsense.”

  Andrea takes the present over to the table with all the other presents.

  “You’re so lucky to have this beautiful house with the big yard. My parents want to have my thirteenth birthday at some grand ballroom in the city.”

  “I think they wanted the party here for many reasons. This house has a strange history.”

  “Oh, yes? Do tell.”

  “This is only what Wesley has told me, since my parents try not to speak of it.”

  “Of course Wesley knows everything. He has always been known for being an insufferable know-it-all. It always gets him into trouble.”

  “How do you know that? You never hang out with him.”

  Emily goes sheepish.

  “The house is famous for being owned by a wealthy man named Stanley Milton. He was known for having some of the best wine on Long Island. But the vineyard is long gone. A somewhat secret garden is in the far back of the estate. The fountain there always catches people’s eyes. I’ve never seen it. I’m not allowed back there.”

  “Hey, what you say about going down to the fountain?”

  “Sure. We’ve got time before the party actually starts. But my parents will be furious if I do.”

  “So. You’re not a little girl anymore. You can handle it.”

  Andrea leads the way. Emily follows. They skip along the path leading to the secret garden. The gate is wide open.

  “That’s strange. It’s usually locked.”

  “Lucky us then.”

  They skip into the garden. Flowers grow wild. Andrea takes Emily’s hands and they dance around in circles. Until they reach the fountain. Its gleaming white stone shines like a beacon on the water. Its four tiers standing up to the test of time. The fountain had been built in the early 1900s by Stanley Milton himself.

  “I tried to come here many times. My parents built the hedge first. Then came the gates. I asked Wesley about it and he said that I should stay away from the fountain. He said it only leads to darkness.”

  “That is some fountain.”

  Andrea walks over to the fountain and looks down into the water. “It looks like a regular fountain to me.” She twirls her fingers around in the water. “It’s a marvel, isn’t it?”

  On the first tier are cherub-like creatures with expressions of joy and misery. On the second tier are woodland animals almost mimicking a conga line. On the third tier are gargoyle-like creatures with long wrapped around wings and turned heads. On
the fourth tier is a man dressed in a black doublet with black tight-fitting pants, a long black cloak that reaches past his boots, and a birdlike mask.

  “Shall we dance?” Andrea asks the statue man.

  “Stay away from him, Andrea.”

  Andrea breaks into a dance. She laughs as if the man is really here with her and he is a terrible dancer.


  She spins around and is suddenly not dancing alone. The statue man has his arm around her waist.

  “Andrea, stop.”

  She keeps dancing. All the way around the fountain.

  The light around them darkens.

  “Come with me, Andrea,” the statue man says.

  “Are you a prince?”

  “No. I am a king.”

  “Where is your kingdom?”

  “It is but a mere glance away.”

  “How shall we get there?”

  “Follow me.” He jumps onto the base of the fountain. He extends his hand.

  “Are we jumping into the water? Is your kingdom underwater?”

  “No. But it is one way to get there. Come away with me, Andrea and live out your fantasies.”

  “I should bring my friend Wesley.”

  “Andrea, listen to me.”

  “Get away from him, Andrea.”

  “I suppose I can have an adventure without him.”

  “You will never want to leave.” He drops down into the water. He brings her down with him.

  Wesley pushes Emily out of the way.

  “I tried to call to her.” Emily says.

  “Andrea!” She is gone. “Oh, no.”

  Andrea runs to catch up to the king. “Wait for me.” The garden around her fades.

  “You must hurry, Andrea.”

  Andrea steps down on mushy ground. A swamp surrounds her. “Why are we rushing? What is this?”

  “The road to my kingdom.” He stares down into her eyes.

  She is in a barren wasteland. The grass is brown. There’s a few odd polls that have strings hanging from them. She almost smacks into a poll. “Oh, my God.” They are not normal strings of cloth. The king is gone from sight. “Your Majesty?” She steps away from the poll. “Who would take pieces of flesh and put them on a poll?”

  “Andrea?” Wesley says.

  “Wesley?” She is lost in the sea of dead grass and emptiness. “Wesley, where are you?”

  A rustling spooks her. The grass in front of her, about ten feet away, is moving back and forth. She is unable to see anything inside the grass. The grass keeps shaking back and forth, and then it is on her. She can’t make out what it is exactly. It’s got a lot of hair. It’s got light brown eyes with a hint of yellow in them. It has sharp nails and its teeth are one big front one and one small bottom one. It snaps at her, claws at her. And then in the next second it is off her. She hears the clash of metal against the teeth. She sees a man fighting the beast. He has wounded it. Blood is coming out of its side. The man swings his sword fast and the beast’s head flies off.

  The man is right next to her. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m hurt.” She shows off her arms and legs full of scratches.

  “We will fix that.”

  He picks her up and whistles. A white stallion comes running over. He puts her on the back of the horse and then jumps on.

  “Who are you?”

  “Prince - -“

  “A prince?”

  He has light brown hair, blue-green eyes, and a sweet smile. He isn’t a man. He’s still in his boyhood. “You look like my friend Wesley. But you also remind me of a book that my mother used to read to me when I was a baby. His name was Cornelius and he was a fairy prince.” She notices that he has fairy ears. “You are a fairy.”

  He nods.

  “Where are your wings?”

  His wings pop out from his back.

  “You are my fantasy come true.”

  “Wow, never heard that before.”

  “I can have all the adventures I’ve dreamt of now.”

  “Don’t think that is a good idea. This land is too dangerous to have adventures.”

  The fairy prince brings Andrea to a road that sparkles. “This is the main road that leads to the fairy kingdom. My kingdom. Well it will be someday, when my parents are gone.”

  “What is your name?”

  “My name is Cornelius. Coincidence I guess.”

  “I love you.”

  “Hey, let’s not get that carried away.”

  Two horses pass them.

  “Oh, damn.”

  The horses come around. Two men stare down at the prince and Andrea. Their armor is gold and their skin is tan.

  “Your Highness, we have been searching for you. What are you doing with this human?”

  “She is hurt. I saved her from a Tunn. We need to heal her.”

  “Why didn’t you use the healing potion you always carry and then send her on her way?”

  Cornelius shows his arm. His veins are black. “I got poisoned by a Dengag. I took the healing potion and it didn’t work.”

  “Very well. We will take her to the village outside the kingdom. No humans allowed inside the fairy kingdom.”

  “Why not?”

  “Your parents have ordered that no outsiders are allowed. The goblin king has sent his spies out to infiltrate us and neighboring kingdoms. We can’t be too careful.”

  “I am going to remain by her side until she is healed.”

  “And then you’re going home.”

  Cornelius keeps Andrea on his horse while he flies beside her.

  “Do you ever get tired of flying?”

  “Sometimes. I get more tired from running. I’m not very athletic.”

  “That’s because you are spoiled,” the guard says.

  They come to the village just before the fairy kingdom. Three homes make up the village. One is a blacksmith, another is a leatherworker, and last is an apothecary.

  “Hylda?” the guard says.

  A little woman of four feet comes out of the front door of the apothecary. Her few strands of black and white hair get caught in a tree. “Ugh.” She sees Cornelius and bows. “What can I do for the crown prince?”

  “This human needs your help. She’s been wounded by a Tunn.”

  “We must not delay. And I see that you are hurt as well.”

  “The human first.” Cornelius carries Andrea inside the woman’s home. The guards stand outside the front door.

  “You don’t recognize me, Andrea?” the woman asks.

  The home is cozy with a single bedroom. This woman lives very primitive. There’s a single wooden chair in the main room. There is a stove. That’s all Andrea can see. She notices a large mole on Hylda’s forehead. She has human sized ears. “No. I don’t recognize you.”

  “I know I’d recognize you if I knew you.”

  Andrea smiles at Cornelius.

  “Cornelius is just being coy. He remembers you.”


  “Maybe it’s better that I don’t speak of it.” She goes through her broken down chest. She brings out a glass jar. Inside is a black substance that is both solid and liquid. She undoes the lid and puts one finger inside. “You’ll have to take off your clothes. Your Highness, go next door and ask for skins. Tell them that she is around thirteen and slim build.”

  Cornelius leaves.

  Hylda helps Andrea take off her top. She hands her a towel to keep her breasts hidden. She puts the black goop along the wounds.

  “I feel nothing.”

  “That means it’s working. If it wasn’t, it’d be burning. Sometimes wounds are beyond my healing.”

  “You two know me?”

  Cornelius comes back in with skins. He turns away when he sees Andrea’s bare back and how exposed she really is.

  “Wait outside.”

  Cornelius ducks out.

  Hylda cleans up her hands and then helps Andrea get the leather shirt on. Then puts on the vest. “I’m afra
id the leatherworker never uses anything but brown or black skins. I think you got a little bit of both.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “Andrea, you shouldn’t be here. We have to get you home.” Hylda looks through her chest. She tosses out under garments. “Ah-ha.” She shows Andrea a tiny white crystal. “This’ll unlock a special door down by the waterfall. It’s the waterfall where your fountain is.”

  “I don’t have a waterfall by the fountain. At least I don’t think I do.”

  “This place is already messing with your mind. You’ve been here long enough.”

  “But I want adventure. I want to be around Cornelius more.”

  “Child, you have to believe me when I say it isn’t safe for you here. The Vale knows how much you want to be here and you don’t know how much it wants you here.”

  “We want the same thing.”

  Cornelius comes back in. He is relieved to see that Andrea’s wounds have been taken care of.

  “Let me fix you, fairy.” She grabs a bottle from the shelf behind her. A green blob moves around inside the bottle. “That crystal is a one-way ticket. Once you use it, it cannot be used again. Cornelius will see you safely to the waterfall.” She opens Cornelius’s vein with her fingernail and brings the bottle to it. The green blob moves out of the bottle and plasters itself over the opened vein. It moves up and down like it is breathing. Sucks hard on his skin.

  Cornelius and Andrea arrive at the waterfall Hylda spoke of. “I guess this is goodbye.”

  “Have we met before? Hylda said so.”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe.”

  “I hope to see you again, Cornelius.”

  “You know where to find me.”

  Seeing that she has no idea how to activate the crystal, he does it for her. He places the crystal inside the waterfall and a doorway opens.

  “Goodbye, Prince Cornelius.”

  Before she goes through, he pulls her around. He leans and kisses her. He holds her hand as she goes through the doorway. Before the doorway closes, Cornelius catches a glimpse of Wesley and Wesley is looking at him. The doorway closes.


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