Relics and Runes Anthology

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Relics and Runes Anthology Page 95

by Heather Marie Adkins

  Andrea leaves the staircase. Wesley stays behind her. The fairy dust is almost all collected. He darts into the crowd and grabs Marie. At least he thought it was Marie. It’s a fairy child.

  “Oh, it’s you. You’re back.”

  “Shh… don’t say a word.”

  “Wesley,” Marie says.

  “Now, don’t say anything, little one.”

  “I won’t.”

  Wesley runs off with Marie. He joins Andrea by one of the crystal walls. “How much do you trust little kids?”


  “Oh, there’s my friends,” Marie says. “Over here!”

  The fairy children take flight.

  “See,” Wesley says.

  The fairy children fly over them. The alarm goes off. A giant crystal in the center of the kingdom glowing purple. Making a thunderous sound.

  Guards swoop down.

  “Great,” Wesley says. “My parents are going to be so pissed.” Wesley goes into fight stance.


  Andrea knows that voice. “Cornelius.”

  “Ooh, the fairy prince.” Marie is as giddy as Andrea.

  Wesley gives up. He sits down and then lays back on the glittered ground.

  Pushing his way through the guards is the light in Andrea’s eye. Prince Cornelius is wearing his royal attire. Dark blue shirt with a red doublet. He wears both colors to represent his parents and show respect for their two favorite gems: ruby and sapphire.

  Andrea runs to Cornelius. They hug and he swings her around.

  “Andrea, you should have given me word that you were returning.” He looks at Wesley. “And you brought him.”

  “It’s been five years and I’ve missed you. I’m sorry but I have been busy with school.”

  Wesley walks up to him.

  Marie recognizes something interesting. “Wesley, are you related to the fairy prince? You look alike.”

  “Keep quiet, Marie.” Wesley clumsily bows before the prince. “Be benevolent for once and let us leave.”

  “You want to take Andrea away?”

  “She is coming home with me. Don’t make me fight you for her.”

  The fairy king and queen make their way over. “Cornelius,” they both say.

  “If she goes with you, will you keep her there?”

  “No, Cornelius,” Andrea says.

  “Will you?”

  “I’ll destroy the fountain if I have to.”

  Cornelius hands Andrea to Wesley.

  “Cornelius? Don’t listen to him. I’m staying with you.”

  “Andrea. You aren’t safe here. He’s coming. That’s why I returned to the kingdom. He has followed me.”

  Wesley steps up. “He knows she’s here?”

  “He always knows. He has been waiting. You made that deal with him.”

  Cornelius takes out his sword and cuts into the air. A perfect circle. Marie looks into the circle. The garden waits on the other side.

  “Go on, Marie,” Wesley says.

  A little girl fairy hands Marie a leather pouch. Marie holds on tight to it and jumps through the circle.

  “You’re next, Andrea,” Wesley says.

  She walks up to Cornelius and kisses him. He looks over her shoulder at Wesley. Andrea jumps through the circle. Wesley steps up to it.

  “If you leave, you can never return,” the queen says.

  “I’ve already been informed. I had to come for her.”

  Wesley notices that Cornelius is gone.

  The king walks up to Wesley. “Are you sure it’s worth leaving for?”

  “I really won’t be allowed back? Even if I set things right?”

  “You weren’t supposed to come back as you did,” the queen says.

  “We aren’t that powerful to defy the Vale. You better hurry up. The portal is closing.”

  Wesley looks at the circle. It is getting smaller. “I accept your decision.” He jumps through. The circle breaks apart.


  Three years later.

  Noah and Andrea are shopping in Manhattan. “Why are you so down?”

  “I still feel bad not saying goodbye to Wesley. He’s been gone for two years. When is he coming home?”

  “Rumor has it that he isn’t coming home.”

  “What are we shopping for?”

  “My girlfriend. I was thinking a ring.”

  Andrea looks at all the stores, anxious to buy something for herself. “An engagement ring?”

  “She will see it as she sees it. Let me buy you a ring as well.”

  They walk into Cartier.

  “I don’t want a ring.”

  “It’s my birthday gift to you.”

  Noah talks with the saleswoman. Flirts with her. Andrea looks over the rings.

  “Can I help you?” a salesman asks.

  “Have you got sapphires? It must be pure. No diamonds around it.”

  “I don’t think we do.”

  “I’ve got a ring for you.” Noah presents it to Andrea. She opens the box. “Isn’t it beautiful?”

  “But he said there wasn’t any sapphires.”

  “I got one for my girlfriend as well. Let’s get something to eat.

  Noah and Andrea walk around undecided where to eat. “I sometimes wish you and I were a couple.”

  Andrea blushes. “You’re too old for me.”

  “I am the same age as Wesley. You don’t think Wesley is too old for you.”

  “As a friend, no. As a romantic partner, yes.”

  “Hah, lies.” He stops them at the Hard Rock Café. “Let’s go and eat here.”

  They go downstairs to get to the dining room.

  “Why don’t you give your girlfriend a trip around the world? A ring is just so cliché.”

  “You’re right. Maybe a cruise. Maybe I should fall in love with you instead.” They are greeted by a hostess. “Two.”

  They are seated. He stares lovingly at her. “You want me to tell Wesley to call you?”

  “Tell him to write me.”

  “Now who is cliché? Writing love letters?”

  She laughs.

  “I know I could never hope for a chance with you.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” She doesn’t know, but he does. “Wesley.”

  “Maybe I’ll write an erotic story one day featuring you and me in the back of a car.”

  “Make it the back of the castle. Like in the bathing pools. That’ll be erotic.”

  She blows a kiss to him.

  Andrea is completely engrossed in the book she’s reading, when her mother comes in and hands her an envelope. “Who is this from?” She sees the name and address. “Wesley.”

  “I heard from Arianna that he is coming home.”

  Andrea tears open the envelope and reads the letter.

  Dearest Andrea,

  I received your letter and it warmed my heart. I am glad that you are thinking about me and missing me. I know that our friendship has been shaky lately. And I won’t mention the bad times. I heard that you are seeing a therapist. And it seems to be working well for you. I miss you. Europe is lonely without you. Perhaps when I have to return, I shall take you with me. I am set to return home in three weeks. On your birthday. The moment I touch down, I am heading straight to your home. I have much to say to you in person.

  Love, Wesley.

  She holds the letter up to her chest. Right over her heart.

  Andrea waits patiently by the front door. Melanie and Michael eagerly await their old friends and their son.

  A white Mercedes pulls up. The first one out of the car is Wesley. He is dressed in a white suit with a baby blue collared shirt underneath. His hair is styled more sophisticated and he has grown some facial hair.

  Andrea comes outside and barely recognizes him. “Wesley?”


  They run to each other and hug. She plays with his facial hair. “What is this?”

“Trying to look more distinguished.”

  Arianna and Thomas hug Andrea’s parents.

  Wesley notices the ring on Andrea’s left ring finger. “What is this?”

  “A gift from Noah.”

  “You engaged to him?”

  “No. Maybe. It’s a birthday gift.”

  “How can I match this gift?” Shakes her left hand.

  Their parents go inside.

  Wesley takes Andrea over to one of the gardens full of wildflowers. Honeybees fly all around them and in between the flowers. She grabs a flower and brushes it across his face.

  “Are you flirting with me?”


  He grabs the flower and leans in. “Maybe you’re still too young for me to kiss you.”

  “I’m twenty-one today.”

  “Since it’s your birthday, perhaps I can overlook it.” He leans in closer.

  “It wouldn’t be my first kiss.”

  He pulls away. “Oh, yes, you’ve been kissed before.”

  “I can’t remember his name. But he was dreamy.”

  Wesley sits back and shakes his head.

  “You can kiss me. Unless you have another present for me. If not, then let a kiss be my present.”

  He leans in again. She closes her eyes. He moves in for it. He turns at the last second and kisses the side of her face. “Happy Birthday.”

  She opens her eyes. “Thanks.”

  The dining room table is full of family and friends. The way Wesley’s parents sit at the sides of Andrea’s parents, she can’t help but wonder what is going on. It should be her on her father’s side and Wesley should be on her mother’s side. That’s the way it always was. Now Andrea is sitting at the opposite of her father. And Wesley is in the middle. Servants come out with food.

  “It’s your favorite,” Melanie says.

  Andrea sniffs the air. The servant with the platter serves Andrea first. “Just the breast.”

  The servant puts down two large pieces of roasted chicken breast onto her plate. Next another servant comes with a bowl of mixed vegetables. He puts down a small spoonful. Another servant comes with a basket of biscuits. He opens the biscuit and puts a dab of butter on it. Folds it back up and puts it down on her plate.

  “Why am I being treated like a princess?”

  Noah coughs on his food.

  “It’s your twenty-first birthday. It’s a time of great celebration,” Melanie says.


  Wesley hits the side of his champagne glass with a spoon. He stands. “I want to propose a toast to my very dear friend Andrea. We’ve been friends since we were babies and I mean to do whatever it takes to keep our friendship for forever and a day.”

  “That sounds like a proper proposal,” Abbey says.

  Wesley gives Abbey a dirty look. “I do have a gift for Andrea.”

  Andrea suddenly becomes happy. Noah smiles.

  “I am going back to Europe for the summer. After that I will be done with my father’s tasks and I will be free to settle down permanently in America. My gift to you, Andrea, is that I am taking you to Europe for the summer. So you’ll have three months to explore all that you want and I promise not to be a pest.”

  Andrea gets up and hugs him. She kisses him on the cheek. There are ooh’s coming from Noah, Abbey, and her husband Mark.

  “That’s very generous of you,” Michael says.

  “Well done, son,” Thomas says.

  Wesley raises his glass. Everyone else does the same. “Happy Birthday to our Andrea.”

  “Happy Birthday,” Everyone says.

  Andrea looks out at the back yard. Wesley comes out to her. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Three months away with you. You really want to get the gossip columns talking.”

  “I’ll actually be busy so I won’t be around you all the time.”

  She stares out to where the garden sits with the fountain. “Want to take a walk?”

  “Where to?”

  “Around the yard.”


  Andrea and Wesley enter the garden with the fountain. Wesley becomes unsettled. “I am better now, Wesley.”

  “Oh, good.” He gets a nervous itch.

  “I can look into the water now.” She sits down on the base and looks down.


  “No. It’s fine. Really. Come.”

  Wesley hesitates. She waves him to come. He sits down next to her. He won’t look at the water.

  “It was all in my mind. All that happened at Coral Gardens when I was little, it makes sense that I would be tainted by crazy thoughts.”

  She streams her finger along the surface of the water. He gets up. Keeps his back to the fountain. She hums. He turns around. Her eyes are closed. He stalks closer.

  “Is that part of your therapy? The humming?”

  “Yes. Dr. Gorgon says it’s very beneficial for someone like me.”

  “Strange name.”

  “He’s actually only a few years older than me.”

  “And he’s a psychiatrist?”

  She opens her eyes. “He is still learning. I am one of his tests.”

  “Let’s go back.”

  She doesn’t protest. She takes him by the arm. “It’s really safe.”

  “When the thing is in pieces then I’ll be willing to believe that.”


  Andrea says goodbye to her parents. Noah is waiting in the car for Wesley and Andrea.

  “Take lots of pictures,” Melanie says.

  “This will be good for you. When you return, we will have a wonderful surprise for you,” Michael says.

  Wesley holds the car door open for Andrea. She gets in. He gets in next. She waves as Noah pulls away.

  “Ready for the next chapter of your life?” Noah asks.


  “You should write a book. Write about your life.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  “Be sure to include that erotic chapter about me and you.”

  “What?” Wesley is both shocked and angry.

  Noah laughs. “There’s going to be many erotic moments I gather.”

  “You will find it hard to please anyone with your fingers broken.”

  “I don’t need my fingers.”

  On the highway, Andrea watches the cars zooming past them. They get into heavy traffic. She looks to the driver next to them. He is thumping his fist on the steering wheel. His head is going back and forth. He turns to her. She smiles. He mouths something to her. She shakes her head. He mouths it again. She understands.

  “Are you sure it’s safe?” she asks Wesley.

  “It’s just a plane. You’ve been on a plane before.”

  “Should I be leaving?” She looks for the driver but he is gone.

  “This traffic better let up or you’re not making your flight.”

  “Can’t you find a shortcut?”

  Noah plays with the GPS.

  They have the airport in sight. A barricade up ahead forces Noah to stop. A police officer steps over to the car. Noah puts down the window. “What’s the problem, officer?”

  “Airport is closed. All flights cancelled.”

  “What happened?”

  “Cannot disclose any information at this time. Be assured that we are handling the situation. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

  “You got to be kidding me,” Wesley says.

  Andrea smiles, glad that they can’t leave.

  “Where to?” Noah asks.

  “To the nearest bar,” Wesley says.

  “I hear that.”

  Noah pulls into a parking lot with a bar and chain of retail stores. “It’s my treat.” They take a seat at a table in the back. “They serve good wings here.”

  “Is it a Hooters?”

  “How would you know?”

  “I have friends, Andrea.”

  A pretty waitress comes over. “I’ll have a bottle of Corona.”

p; “And for your friends?”

  “Oh, them. What do you want guys?”

  “Nice of you to remember us. I will have a rum and Coke.”

  “I have never had anything but champagne, but I’ll have a rum and Coke as well.”

  The waitress walks away.

  The rest of the customers is a mix of old and young and plenty of people are eating the bar food. It’s not all chicken wings. There are some juicy looking burgers. Philly cheese steak.

  “What do you guys want to eat?”

  “Andrea and I will share a cheeseburger with sweet potato fries.”


  “You see, I was right. It’s not safe.”

  “Andrea, I don’t wanna hear about it. Save it for your psychiatrist.”

  Andrea gets up to leave.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Sorry, Noah.”

  “Wait. I’m sorry. Sit back down, please.”

  “You know, Wesley, writing a book sounds like a good idea. I’ve been keeping a journal because Dr. Gorgon suggested it. I can write a book from that. I’ll just change the names.”

  The waitress comes back with the drinks. “I’ll read it,” Noah says. He looks at the waitress and licks his lips. “I’ll have the large basket of wings with extra hot sauce. My friends will share a cheeseburger with sweet potato fries.”

  “Got it.”

  Noah watches the waitress walk away. Wesley throws a napkin at him.

  As much as Andrea may have wanted to travel before being given a warning not to, she is content to have her best friend with her and his best friend making him smile. She can never make him smile like that. She looks down at her cell phone. She has already told her parents of the change of plans. She has yet to tell her psychiatrist. She texts him.

  Change of plans. I am staying in New York. But I have news. I have decided to write a book. I am going to use my journal for a reference. Does that sound like a good idea?

  Absolutely. I support you 100%. Now, about Wesley. I think you should distance yourself from him. I feel that he is stopping you from being the person you want to be.

  Dr. Gorgon, I promise that Wesley will not interfere in my growth.


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