Reigning Hearts

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Reigning Hearts Page 5

by Candace Osmond

  “Ash, nothing, and I mean nothing, is more important to me than you and that child you carry. If something is wrong, you need to trust that I can handle it. For the both of us. I can help you.”

  The unexpected relief that entered Ashlynn’s chest pressed down hard and she let herself collapse in her husband’s arms. All the stress and worry over her chaotic secret seemed so small all of a sudden. A bubble formed in her throat and she released it with a single tear as she rubbed her face against his crisp shirt.

  Cian quietly cooed in her ear as he held the back of her head and gently smoothed her hair. “It’s okay, it’ll always be okay. I’m here.”

  Ashlynn pulled away and looked into the face of the man she loved. The one who would always be there to calm her nerves and sooth her worried heart. He was so strong, so solid. His beauty came from the ability to be an honest, good man. Ashlynn’s chest filled with warmth at the thought of how he was hers. Always. To have and to hold. To love and be loved in return.

  She smiled, tears glossing over her eyes as she admired his. “I love you.”

  He grinned widely. “I would hope so. Otherwise today was a bit of a waste.”

  She laughed and let herself relax back into his embrace. “Today was the best day of my life. Past and present.”

  Cian kissed her forehead. “Mine, too.” He held her arms and pushed her away for a moment, seriousness in his direct gaze. “Okay, so how do we do this?”

  She wiped at the wetness under her eyes. “What?”

  “This crystal ball. Let’s get this done so we can head back and seal the deal.”

  Ashlynn managed a trembly smile as she lifted the orb and held it between them in the confines of the bathroom stall. “I just have to hold it and focus my excess energy into it.”

  Cian seemed hesitant as he chewed at the side of his cheek. “Okay, I’ll stand here and watch in case something happens.”

  She grasped the magical object in both hands and closed her eyes. The air around them tightened as Ashlynn pooled all of her magic together in her chest, pulling it from every inch of her body. It built up inside her, warming and then searing until she allowed it to pour from her hands and funnel into the ball. The glass sphere began to glow with swirls of green and red. As it filled with her excess power, she immediately felt lighter. More in control.

  Her shoulders slumped and a warm gasp escaped her throat as she opened her eyes. “There. That should do it.”

  Cian’s face was alight with wonder as he stared at her. “You never cease to amaze me.”

  Ashlynn felt her cheeks turn crimson and she kissed his lips before tucking the ball back in her bag. She fanned her fingers out over the reticule and murmured a few words.

  “For safety,” she told him, and Cian nodded in understanding. “No one can get a hold of the orb. They could extract my magic from it.”

  He tipped his head and peered up at her with a cheeky gaze. “Your secret is safe with me, m’lady.” Cian offered his arm. “Shall we?”

  Ashlynn looped her arm through his and they walked back to their guests. To their awaiting family, all eager to share in their happy day. Eadlyn paced by the entrance, tapping her fingers on a wooden box she held in her grasp. Her eyes widened with relief when she spotted Cian and Ashlynn.

  “Where have you two been?” she asked in a rushed whisper. “People are waiting.”

  “Apologies, Eadlyn,” Ashlynn said. “I – was nervous. Cian was helping me to relax.”

  Her new mother-in-law warmed, and her face softened with a smile. “Dear, no need to be nervous. This is something our people have been expecting for years.” Her eyes glistened as she looked back and forth between then. “And I can see that it was worth the wait. Now, come. Let’s end the night with another union.”

  They followed Cian’s mother through the crowd where everyone awaited. Smiles and proud expressions greeted them as Ashlynn and Cian took to the front of the room. Ashlynn looked out over the people - their people - and accepted the next phase of their lives.


  Cian swept Ashlynn into his arms, and she couldn’t help but giggle. “This is ridiculous, Cian. Put me down.” After the final ritual, he had grabbed her hand and snuck her out under the cover of the celebration.

  He raised an eyebrow at her as he carried her to the bedroom, kicking the door closed behind him. “I’ll put you down when I get us where we’re going. It’s tradition, Ashlynn.”

  She glanced down at her belly. “Even when there’s a third party involved?”

  He chuckled and laid her gently on the bed, caressing her stomach with love in his eyes as he met her gaze. “Oh, the baby only means I have to be gentle lying you down.” He crawled over her, careful not to put a great deal of weight on her as he smoothed his knuckles over her cheek. His pupils dilated, and Ashlynn ‘s center warmed instinctively, knowing that expression and feeling her own arousal heighten in response.

  His kiss, as he lowered his head, was sweet but taunting, drawing out the desire from deep within her so that Ashlynn’s longing churned in her body. She slowly moaned, and Cian drew his lips over her shoulder, down across her stomach, and then lower. She waited, holding her breath, as he pushed her dress up over her hips, shifting with him, and whimpered as his breath blew across her inner thighs. He tugged her panties down, his lips sliding over her flesh, and she squirmed, anticipation getting the best of her.

  Cian drew his fingers ever so lightly over her warm flesh, and Ashlynn shivered as she watched him retreated to discard the formalwear he’d worn at the celebration. She licked her lips as his erection pushed against his underwear. She moved, rising up to remove it, and he waited, poised for her, until she had dragged the material over his hips, exposing him.

  He inhaled sharply through clenched teeth. “You drive a man wild, just with those sounds you make. But your hands are something else.” He bent and kissed her, nuzzled her neck, and Ashlynn wrapped her legs around him, drawing him in.

  “I need you,” she whispered, her voice trembling along with her body, the need simply overwhelming.

  He smiled at her. “I’m trying to be romantic, Ash. It’s our wedding night.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t wait for romantic. Just take me.”

  A low growl rumbled up from deep inside Cian, and Ashlynn knew she’d said exactly the right thing. With no more preamble, he delved in, thrusting deeply into her core with one long movement. The sensation sent her reeling, the way he filled her so perfectly that she couldn’t imagine anything better.

  Gasping as he moved with a sensual rhythm, Ashlynn gripped Cian’s shoulders tightly, clinging to him and silently begging for more. Her desperation transferred into him, and she could feel his arousal growing, his cock thickening inside her even as his entire aura glowed with it. She moved with him, meeting his thrusts, and she could feel her body nearing its peak, his right on the cusp with her.

  “I love you, Cian,” she breathed.

  His body stuttered, and he grunted out, “I love you, too, Ash.”

  It pushed her over the edge, and she screamed with blissful release. Cian followed, a battle cry erupting from him as he spilled into her. The room spun and glittered in the crisp moonlight that poured in through the large window. Ashlynn scratched and clawed, trying to maintain her bearings. And when she came down from the high of her climax, everything was right with the world. She was here, with her husband, their marriage consummated, and they were going to have a child together.

  It was everything she could have asked for, and it was with that thought that she drifted off, still in Cian’s embrace. For tonight, she wouldn’t think of all the darkness that awaited them.

  Chapter Seven

  Cian kept his face straight as he listened to the leaders from each clan mumble objections to their council over his proposal.

  He knew his plan for a new clan of Travellers had come as a surprise to many, which made him sympathetic, but he also knew there had been rumors fo
r months now and there was nothing in their laws that prohibited the formation of a new clan. They just needed council approval to form it.

  Their real complaint, as far as he could see it, was the fact that he and Ashlynn would lead the new clan and their own clans. After the ceremony, their powers were amplified, the combination of two ancient lines of magic. To add a third line to the mix, even a new line, was unprecedented and, understandably, controversial.

  He wondered what they’d think if they knew the extent of the power that flowed through Ashlynn’s veins now.

  As if reading his mind, Ashlynn leaned close and whispered, “I don’t think they like our joined powers. Should we reveal my new magicks?”

  Cian shook his head slightly. “Your new abilities could be the tipping point either way. They could see it as a sign the Traveller clan is fated or they could refuse to approve based on fear of our combined power.” He let out a quiet sigh. “They’re not wrong to be worried. Too much power in the hands of anyone brings unbalance.”

  “Then how do we convince them? We promised we’d succeed.” Her eyes were bright with anxious excitement.

  He reached below the table and took her hand. “They just need the right push.” He took a deep, steadying breath, and pushed to his feet, clearing his throat to get their attention. The mumbles quietened.

  “The last time our people accepted the formation of a new clan it was to welcome the Romani,” Cian pitched his voice so he would be heard in every corner of the big room. “Throughout history, the Romani have been nomadic and unpredictable, which is why it took so long for us to find acceptance.” He scanned the room, making eye contact with each clan representative. “Since then, we have proven ourselves, proven our magic and our dedication to our way of life, and clan Boswells has risen in respect and accomplishments. All we’re asking is that you consider the plea of those of us who choose to honor the old ways.” Cian reached for Ashlynn’s hand as she rose like a Queen to her feet beside him. “The Travellers want to live a simpler life. They want to enjoy the magic that flows in our veins without the complexities of modern living. They want peace and who are we to deny that simple request?”

  He turned slightly to give Ashlynn the floor, knowing she wanted nothing more than to reveal the existence of her new, miraculous, powers. They’d discussed both possibilities, that she’d reveal all or that they’d hold back a bit longer, and, right now, either path was on equal footing. Either plan had benefits and detriments. He trusted her to make the right choice for their future.

  Ashlynn regarded the room. “I understand your reticence. Your history,” she scanned the room as he had and reiterated, “our history, is filled with unions between the major clans that have resulted in the growth of magick bestowed upon those of us who shoulder the burden of leadership. That magick that we access isn’t available to most of our people, which shifts the balance of power in a frightening way.” She spread her fingers wide and gestured to encompass the room. “Yet, our people trust us every day to rule with fairness and generosity, even when presented with individuals who seek to hoard power and rule through fear.”

  She paused now and Cian watched as her words sunk in. Every eye in the room was focused on her, he noticed, and his chest filled with unspeakable pride.

  “Right now, we face a new threat. Our people are uneasy, wanting more from their magicks than our laws permit. While we cannot, will not, give into their demands, we can grant these peaceful people equal protection under our laws and, together, we can work towards returning peace to our society.” Ashlynn was silent for a moment as her gaze moved to Faith who gave a single nod and offered a soft smile.

  Cian held his breath.

  “I offer my heart, my mind, and my soul up to those who would know me.” She opened her arms as if offering her body, too, and closed her eyes as sweet magic flowed out of her.

  Murmurs instantly erupted as each clan appraised her first with concern, then curiosity. This spell wasn’t something that happened every day. Faith had said it hadn’t been performed for close to a thousand years.

  When she’s suggested it, they’d had a great many questions, including if Ashlynn would be able to keep her pregnancy and Masilda’s powers secret if they decided to do so. After all, revealing either secret would put them at greater risk from Serena. While they’d considered revealing the magic, neither of them was willing to put their child at risk.

  So, they’d worked together, using magics as old as time to devise a barrier within Ashlynn’s mind, body, and soul to keep their child undetected. Even now, Cian couldn’t sense his own child. It was unnerving for him. He couldn’t imagine what it felt like for his wife.

  Her magic tickled his aura, inviting him to slip inside, so he did, even though he’d done so many times already. Inside, he found the familiar; kindness, love, compassion, intelligence, passion, honesty, and more. He read her determination, her confidence, her worry, her pride. He saw the whole person and fell even more in love with the woman that had slipped through time to find him.

  When Ashlynn opened her eyes and let her arms fall to her sides, Cian knew she’d won them the vote.


  Hands clapped Cian’s shoulders as he passed through a throng of Travellers, all with wide grins lighting up their faces. Cheers and calls of appreciation sounded out around him as he walked with Ashlynn toward the gathering ground where his people would make their new home.

  The vote had passed, not with the unanimity they’d hoped for but with a good margin. Only a few clans had held back, still uncertain about starting a new clan in the midst of their current troubles. Cian and Ashlynn had made a point of thanking each clan for their consideration and had expressed their understanding to those who’d voted against them. It wasn’t personal, he knew. Each clan leader wanted nothing more than to keep their people safe and to preserve their way of life. They were allowed to have doubts, gods knew he had his own.

  “You did it,” Ashlynn murmured, tucking into his side and looking up at him with that look that always caught at his heart.

  “We did it,” he corrected. “Without you, this wouldn’t be possible.” Cian shook his head and leaned down to press his lips to her forehead. “Without you, my world would be darkness.”

  He felt her sigh and pulled her away from the crowd to find a seat near the fire that was already blazing. “What’s wrong?”

  Ashlynn swallowed. “Without me, Serena wouldn’t have the spell and she wouldn’t be staging a war on our people.”

  Cian opened his mouth to dismiss her worries then closed it again. He could see the strain around her eyes and his heart went out to her. No matter what he said, she’d changed everything the moment she’d stepped through time. That burden weighed heavily on her even.

  “Look at me.” He tilted her chin up so her endless green eyes looked straight in his. “The darkness in Serena has been there for a long time, it didn’t appear when you arrived. Can you imagine the world she would have shaped if she’d gotten her hands on the power of our people?” He laid his lips on hers softly then pulled back and whispered, “I can’t imagine life without you. If that’s selfish then I’ll be selfish, but Ashlynn,” he squeezed her hand, “you’ve made our entire world a better place. There will always be shadows. Your light is necessary to chase them away.”

  He felt her body soften at his words and pulled her onto his lap without a single thought to their audience. The heat from the fire warmed his skin while the connection between them warmed his soul. Cian ran his hand absently up and down her spine as he watched the fire and held his wife.

  “You know,” she whispered, her head pressed against his chest, “I’m going to start showing pretty soon.” Ashlynn tilted her head up. “What do we do then?”

  Cian drew her eyebrows down and frowned. “Well, I suppose we’ll have no choice but to put you in a convent and hide your shame away from prying eyes.” He said it so seriously it took her a moment to realize he was joking.

>   Ashlynn smacked her hand lightly on his chest and a smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “Saucy brat,” she muttered, using his term of affection for her. “I know you’re joking but you’re not far off. I’m going to need to hide once this little one gets much bigger. Serena has spies everywhere.” She glanced around at the faces of the people they trusted most and nerves rippled through her. “What if she’s turned someone here?”

  Cian followed her gaze and felt a pit of dread in his stomach. If he couldn’t trust these people, who could he trust? His answer came when he caught Faith’s gaze.

  Precious few.

  He shifted Ashlynn to his face pressed close to her ear. “You’re right. We need to be extra careful. We don’t know everyone here and we can’t put it past Serena to have a spy. Let’s keep our circle of trust small and find excuses to get out of the limelight until we find a way to stop her.”

  Ashlynn’s breath caught in her throat. Cian felt her tense and hated that she had to feel that way but, for the protection of their child, he knew she’d do anything.

  “What if…” she whispered then broke off.

  Cian knew what she was trying to say and searched his heart for an answer that could reassure her. He closed his eyes when he couldn’t find one.

  “If we don’t find a way to stop her,” he murmured the hated words. “Then we’ll search to the ends of the earth for a place to keep us together and safe.”

  They sat quietly and watched the flames for a while, just enjoying being together. When Ashlynn lifted her head and made a soft humming sound in her throat, he followed her gaze.

  Faith stood leaned against a tree speaking with Troy. Her hand laid gently on his arm and she was looking up at him with eyes wide with sorrow and compassion. Cian saw only innocent friendship, but he suspected Ashlynn saw more and seized the opportunity to distract her from their strife.

  “What’s that brain of yours up to now?” he murmured.

  Ashlynn shifted and tipped her chin toward the two friends. “She likes him.”


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